see attachment for description 250 words minimum | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

see attachment for description 250 words minimum | 2025 Custom Writing

See attachment ->Vignette Reading prompt>My test results that I chose as diagnose (the 0 doesn’t mean my answers were incorrect) We had to choose our own diagnose for the Vignette reading prompt. There was no right or wrong answer.>Discussion prompt*****250 words minimum*******original writing**No plagiarizing**Due tomorrow Sunday 04/03/2022**Please don’t accept if you’r unable to complete on time.


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sex work questions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

sex work questions | 2025 Custom Writing

Part one: Identify different historical definitions of, and causal explanations for sex workPart two: Apply a combination of social learning and anomie theories to sex workPart three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which various forms of sex work occurPart four: Explain the risks of violent exploitation associated with the various contexts of sex workword count: 250 minimum


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Bibliography | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Bibliography | 2025 Custom Writing

Based on: ” How emotions effect decision-making” Create an annotated bibliography of 5 sources that you will use for a future project. 3 of the 5 sources must be from a peer reviewed journal.See an example attached


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assignment needs to be completed | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

assignment needs to be completed | 2025 Custom Writing

Create a fictional product not yet on the market and design an advertisement (i.e., print, radio, television, or some other type of media ad) that uses classical conditioning strategies. Search the Internet for ideas to guide you as you design an advertisement.a description of your fictional product and your advertisement. Describe the process by which classical conditioning creates favorable attitudes sufficient to encourage consumers to buy the product.


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read scenario and complete | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

read scenario and complete | 2025 Custom Writing

As her New Year’s resolution, Julie decided it was finally time she got in shape. Years ago, she ran regularly, but more recently, work and family have dominated her time. Julie still thought running was her best option; she lived in Florida with its year-round good weather, and the only financial investment was a good pair of running shoes and the right clothes. Having finally made this decision, Julie was very excited. She bought new shoes, running shorts, and performance tops, making her commitment to running even stronger. She designed a realistic running regimen she was certain she could follow. Day 1 came and, dressed in her new gear, Julie started down her street; the plan was to run to the nearby park about one mile away. She did not want to push it on the first day; after all, it had been years since she had run. When she had run a little less than a block, she was gasping for air, forcing her to stop. Her lungs were on fire, she was dizzy and nauseous. What Julie failed to consider was her pack-a-day cigarette smoking habit that seemed to throw a wrench in her plan.Conflicted, Julie knew something had to change. She fancied herself a runner who liked smoking cigarettes; unfortunately, running and smoking were incompatible. Would her desire for cigarettes convince her that getting in shape was not all that important? Or, would her desire to get in shape convince her that smoking was counterproductive to her goals?___________________________________________________________________________a description of the theory of attitude change that best explains Julie’s dilemma. Per the theory, explain whether Julie would be more likely to change her attitude or her behavior. Please explain why.


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100 word discussion question, provide references need done asap | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

100 word discussion question, provide references need done asap | 2025 Custom Writing

One situation that comes to mind would be when my aunt was dating again after ending a long-term relationship. This new boyfriend Jorge at first glance did not appear to take anything seriously. Every time I saw him, he was always making jokes, being playful, and was rarely serious. I don’t have anything against being playful or making jokes, but I could not tell how serious he was with my aunt. He kept up this behavior with everyone though which concerned me. I was hoping that he would act differently toward her, but that wasn’t the case for some time. In my eyes, I just thought he was more of a man child that couldn’t take life seriously and treated everything like a game. Which led to me thinking that this relationship might not last very long. Fast forward to four years later he asks for my aunt’s hand in marriage and now has two daughters. Watching them on their wedding day and becoming a father threw me for a loop. It was the first time that I saw him in a more serious light, but also playful with his children. It was a bit mind-boggling for a while to be honest, but it shifted the way I saw him.In this situation, the primary effect would be his constant joking, playful mood, and whenever asked a serious question responding with jokes did not give me high hopes for their relationship. My aunt is a more serious individual and loves this man. I could not read Jorge very well which only added more to the uncertainty of how I viewed him. The fact that Jorge’s behavior did not change much only added more to the fact that my initial impression served to be accurate which added to the belief perseverance of him not taking himself seriously in this relationship (Aronson et al., 2019).__________________________________________________________________________-Describe the strategy you might use to persuade the resistant juror (i.e., the class colleague you are responding to) to set aside her or his preconceptions and consider what you have to say.


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99 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

99 | 2025 Custom Writing

Describe the visible artifacts and invisible characteristics of this company with the following cultural attributes in mind: innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, and stability.   For each characteristic, rate how high or low it appears to be expressed within the organizational culture, and provide a rationale as to why you rated it as you did.


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Memory in Forensic Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Memory in Forensic Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

In this classmate response option, you will get to explore more specifically the research how tricky memory can be which is related to the psychology of law.  I would like for us to first overview of concept of false memories and some of the classic research on the concept: Video to watch. Words in APA Format.DISCUSSION RESPONSEFor the assignment you are first required to watch the following video (2 part video) on Ronald Cotton.  Ronald Cotton was exonerated in 1995, after spending over 10 years in prison for crimes he did not commit. His convictions were based largely on flawed eyewitness identification procedures used by police at the time. If you would like to read more about the sexual assault case before watching the video a link.Below are the links to the videos:Testimony part 1: part 2: reading the text material related to memory construction and watching the video about Ronald Cotton please address these questions:1. Discuss at least three errors that occurred in the investigation of Ronald Cotton investigation, related to eyewitness testimony and the topic of memory, which lead to his conviction? How did reinforcement play a role in her memory construction?2. Based on the video, what are some of the ways that investigators could reduce error related to memory and improve the reliability of eyewitness testimony?3. Please discuss either what you found most interesting about the story of Ronald Cotton or one study overviewed in the text related to memory construction (misinformation and imagination effects/Children’s eyewitness recall) that you found interesting?If you are interested in the topic of false memories, I wanted to share this podcast:The Night That Lasted A Lifetime (  This week on Hidden Brain, we go back four decades to uncover the harm that arises when flawed ideas from psychology are used to determine that a teenager should spend the rest of his life behind bars.


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Skills and Qualities Required of Educational Psychologists | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Skills and Qualities Required of Educational Psychologists | 2025 Custom Writing

What skills and personal qualities do educational psychologists need in order to be effective in their work?  Your should include a research-based response for both discussion of the skills AND the personal qualities.Here is a link to a detailed description of the work of a school psychologist: (Links to an external site.)(this cannot be used as your research for the response, but it can be used to help you search for research articles based on the qualities, tasks, and abilities for success in this career).250 Words in APA FormatMust have at least one citation with accompanying reference following APA format


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Dis 8 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Dis 8 | 2025 Custom Writing

Part one: Identify different historical definitions of, and causal explanations for sex workPart two: Apply a combination of social learning and anomie theories to sex workPart three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which various forms of sex work occurPart four: Explain the risks of violent exploitation associated with the various contexts of sex workThe posts will be graded according to the following criteria:Relevance: the ideas expressed indicate that the student has read and comprehended the assigned material.Clarity, coherence: the ideas are stated clearly and coherently.Critical thinking: there is evidence that the student has adequately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the assigned material.Poses a question for discussion: the posting articulates a question for discussion that pertains to the assigned material.Spelling, grammar: the posting must meet university-level standards of spelling and grammar.


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