Psychology Assignment Custom Writng


Discussion Posts Need to Be:Substantive and thoughtful; that is, discussion posts must refer to a topic from the week’s readings.  All discussion posts must be supported by current journal article(s) found in Online Library Database system.  Discussion posts should draw from the information found in this week’s course materials, from personal experience, and from credible sources (peer-reviewed journal articles and sites provided by your professor).All information gained, read, or acquired from any source that is not your personal information must be cited throughout the document otherwise it is plagiarism.  All information must be cited in the body of the document AND full-reference text at the end of the document using APA style & format criteria.APA style & format criteria:Peer-reviewed journal articles from Online Library Database SystemCurrent: January 2015 – Current month 2020PDF availableTimes New Roman font12-point fontBlack inkSingle spaced work for DISC and RESP assignments only (to save space)In-text citations appear throughout workFull-text references appear at bottom of workThe discussion post should be three (3) well-developed paragraphs in length (about 7-9 fully developed sentences each; adhere to APA style & format including in-text and full-text reference citations).Credible sources relevant to this course are (this is only a PARTIAL list):Santa Fe College Library Database system ( (Links to an external site.))American Psychological Association ( (Links to an external site.))Society for Personality and Social Psychology ( (Links to an external site.))American Psychiatric Association ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.))National Institutes of Health ( (Links to an external site.))Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( (Links to an external site.))World Health Organization: WHO ( (Links to an external site.))Examples of topics to write about(Choose only one topic from the examples below OR choose a topic of your interest that pertains to this week’s material):EnemiesMany people in Western cultures report not having an enemy. If someone doesn’t like someone else, they simply don’t hang around each other. However, in some situations and cultures there is less mobility, so enemy relationships can develop with repeated exposure to those people you don’t get along with. What situations might increase the likelihood of developing an enemy and how having an enemy might lead to violence or aggression?  One example of a situation where enemies might form is the workplace, where you typically don’t get to choose your colleagues.CyberbullyingDiscuss the impact of cyberbullying today. What experiences with cyberbullying have you encountered or heard about?  What are some factors that make cyberbullying more damaging than face-to-face bullying?  Discuss how cyberbullying can be reduced.Sexual JealousyDiscuss sexual jealousy. If a man is aggressive in a fit of jealousy, why do people excuse his behavior? Why do people get more lenient sentences for “crimes of passion” than for crimes which were premeditated? Is it excusable if a man becomes aggressive for jealous reasons because he cannot help himself? How does intention play a role in the U.S. judicial system, and does this excuse some types of violence?  ***This can be adapted for sex or gender, however you perceive it.RevengeDiscuss our tendency for revenge when we have been victims of aggression. How can this be an evolutionary adaptation? Maybe revenge lets others know that if they harm us, they will likely encounter harm themselves. What will it take to just turn the other cheek and not react?


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Discussion: Spurious Correlations and Extraneous Variables | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Spurious Correlations and Extraneous Variables | 2025 Custom Writing

DISCUSSIONCorrelational research describes relations among variables but cannot indicate that one variable causes something to occur to another variable. Rather, a statistically significant correlation coefficient simply indicates there is a relation among a predictor variable and an outcome variable.In correlational research, if there is a statistically significant correlation coefficient between two variables, you want to know that the relation truly exists. This goal is challenging to achieve because other variables that you are not studying may complicate the study and the interpretation of the results.You may find a spurious relation in which one common causal variable, sometimes referred to as a third variable, is responsible for the observed relation between the predictor variable and the outcome variable. Imagine seeing a news story reporting the findings of a study claiming that children under the age of 17 who viewed R-rated movies showed a greater likelihood of developing a smoking habit. A third variable that could explain both the predictor and outcome variables is permissive parenting. Permissive parents may allow children to view R-rated movies when they are under the age of 17. In addition, permissive parents may not attend to their children’s whereabouts enough to be aware of their smoking habit, or they may not discipline the children for smoking. Therefore, in effect, you cannot conclude that the movie viewing caused the smoking habit. The permissive parenting may have led to the children’s movie viewing habit and their smoking habit.You may also identify extraneous variables that might influence the outcome variable but, unlike the spurious correlation described above, these variables do not relate to or influence the predictor variable. For example, consider a reported correlation that the number of books in a person’s home (predictor variable) is related to their college GPA (outcome). An extraneous variable could be, for example, a person’s IQ (intelligence quotient) score. The higher IQ might be related to higher college GPA but not necessarily related to the number of books found in a person’s home. There are additional examples of spurious relations and extraneous variables on pages 174–176 of your course text.In this Discussion, you focus primarily on spurious relations and extraneous variables. After reviewing examples in the course text, you will find your own examples in the media and explain how they might affect the relations between the variables under consideration.To prepare:Review popular online newspapers and/or online magazines to look for articles on research studies. Look for examples of statements and claims that might reflect a spurious correlation or an extraneous variable.Note: This is not a library assignment, nor should you look for articles that already have reported a spurious relation or extraneous variable. You need to make this connection yourself. For instance, you might see a headline in a news magazine that states something like “Fast-Paced Children’s Television Programming Linked to ADHD.” Look for examples like this.Identify one popular media example of a correlation that could be argued to be a spurious correlation or that illustrates a correlation that may have an extraneous variable.With these thoughts in mind:By Day 3Briefly explain the example and the claim that has been made.Identify the predictor variable and the outcome variable.Identify the correlation. Is it a positive or negative correlation? How did you determine this to be the case?Identify your proposed spurious (third) variable or extraneous variable.Explain the connection you made among the spurious/extraneous variable and the outcome and predictor variables.Post the URLs for the media example at the end of your posting.Note: Be sure to support the responses within your Discussion post, and in your colleague reply, with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources.


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300 Words | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

300 Words | 2025 Custom Writing

Interpersonal violence is still one of the most pressing concerns within the criminal justice system. Direct violence perpetrated by offenders, and those offenders who threaten violence on others, place a heavy burden on the public safety and public health systems.In this discussion, you will examine a range of criminal behaviors, with an emphasis on understanding the contributing factors relating to these crimes and the direct and indirect implications these crimes have on victims and the community.Using the provided list, find one current example for one of the interpersonal crimes listed below.  Within your example describe whether the victim either died because of the crime, committed suicide, or survived.Intimate Partner ViolenceSexual OffendingPhysical World StalkingCyberstalking.In replying to classmates, share your opinion on the potential direct and indirect implications this crime had on victim, offender, families involved, and the community.


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Wk 4, HCS 457: DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 4, HCS 457: DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive responseAPA formatCite 2 referencesWrite a 175- to 265-word response to the following question:What influences does public health have on the U.S. health care system? Provide both positive and negative examples.


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SUBS research replies 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

SUBS research replies 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Please see attached files  due tomorrow 11/12 by 1 pm eastern standard time


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2. Classes Psychology Research & Old Testament literature | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

2. Classes Psychology Research & Old Testament literature | 2025 Custom Writing

Need person specialize in the two courses listed to complete my classes for this semester. I will be paying 175 for both classes.


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career development assessment tests or inventories | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

career development assessment tests or inventories | 2025 Custom Writing

See rubric in the syllabusStudents will choose one of the following career development assessment tests or inventories as a topic for the research paper: (1) Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, (2) Strong Interest Inventory, or (3) the Self Directed Search, (4) Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire or (5) Kuder Career Search.  The paper will explore the purpose (s) of the instrument, its target population (s), appropriate and inappropriate use of the instrument, requirements for instrument delivery to a client, scoring technique, test bias if any, strengths and weaknesses of the instrument and other relevant issues a counselor needs to know in order to intelligently utilize the instrument. This paper should be 4-5 pages in length, with a cover sheet listing the selected instrument formal name, and publishing company. Note in the rubric, a minimum of three academic references (no informal websites). In addition, the cover page should include the submission of paper date, student name, class information, and instructor name.  Use APA format, following the APA 7th edition format for the title page, page numbering, use of heading, margins, non-sexist language, citations, references, and so on. As always, the use of correct grammar is required.RUBRIC ATTACHMENT BELOW …


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Impact of stress on employee health in the workplace | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Impact of stress on employee health in the workplace | 2025 Custom Writing

what is the impact of stress on employee health in the work place


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capstone presentation | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

capstone presentation | 2025 Custom Writing

Your chosen professional role and why you chose this particular professionThe knowledge, skills, and characteristics one would need be successful in your chosen professionoutlining the main research questions and methods used in your chosen profession. Include your research question and proposed method to study it.outlining one of your articles that you chose for your critique. On the first slide, include the title and shorten the article abstract in your own wordshighlight the main aspects of your critique of that articleoutlining how your chosen professional role can contribute to positive social changewith your references (the ones you cited within the document)


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reflexes | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

reflexes | 2025 Custom Writing

Reflexes are extremely important to the physical development of a child.  Reflexive movement helps children learn motor patterns for voluntary movement later in life.  When a reflex does not integrate within the anticipated time frame a range of developmental problems can occur.  Please pick one of the  reflexes discussed in this module (do not duplicate reflexes. I choose  Palmar Grasp Reflex   Put the name of your chosen reflex in the discussion line for your submission).  For the reflex you have chose, discuss how normal motor development could be impacted by this primitive reflex being sustained and  not integrating appropriately.  What are examples of reasons or conditions that would cause this reflex not to integrate?  What is the treatment for a sustained primitive reflex?400 words


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