Identify one member of the Vargas family whose dominant story could use some rewriting. Read the workshop notes on Reauthoring Conversations. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Identify one member of the Vargas family whose dominant story could use some rewriting. Read the workshop notes on Reauthoring Conversations. | 2025 Custom Writing

Identify one member of the Vargas family whose dominant story could use some rewriting. Read the workshop notes on Reauthoring Conversations. 1: In 250-300 words, write a counseling note for the client’s file. In this note, describe any exceptions to the problem that you have identified and develop scaffolding questions to ask the client in your next session, one in their landscape of action and one in their landscape of identity.Part 2: Put yourself in the client’s shoes and, as the client, write a reauthoring version of their story that is 500-750 words in length. It should incorporate the exceptions and responses to the scaffolding questions from Part 1. Use narrative language when applying this reauthoring technique.Please use new assignment templets for APA 7th edition. In previous editions of the APA Style manual, the running head was a required piece of formatting in the page header. In the 7th edition of the manual, the running head is “required only for manuscripts being submitted for publication. For journal articles, do not include date in references. Please review APA reference examples for journal articles.


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discussion 511/10/20 | 2025

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discussion 511/10/20 | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 5: Prejudice – Interpersonal AttractionThis week, you examine prejudice, a hostile or negative attitude toward a distinguishable group of people based solely on their membership in that group. People are prejudiced against many aspects of identity: nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation (e.g., liberals, conservatives, feminists), social membership (e.g., fraternity and sorority members), appearance (e.g., redheads, short people), and even professions and hobbies. Prejudice is clearly ubiquitous and it affects all of us—majority group members as well as minority group members.You also examine the converse—what makes people like each other initially and how relationships, romantic and friendship, progress. You explore the meaning of love, how new technologies shape attraction and social connections, what brings satisfaction in close relationships, and research about romantic breakups.Learning ObjectivesStudents will:Explain the impact of stereotyping, prejudice, and discriminationApply theory to explain sources of, motives for, and components of prejudiceIdentify and apply concepts, principles, and processes related to stereotyping, prejudice, and discriminationCompare rules and expectations related to elements of relationships including cultural elementsApply concepts and theories of attachment and attraction in friendship and romantic relationshipsApply concepts and theories of attachment and attraction in friendship and romantic relationships in different culturesIdentify and apply concepts, principles, and processes related to relationships and attractionExplain how new technology has shaped attraction and social connectionsLearning ResourcesRequired ReadingsAronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Sommers, S. R. (2019). Social psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Chapter 10, “Attraction and Relationships: From Initial Impressions to Long-Term Intimacy”Chapter 13, “Prejudice: Causes, Consequences, and Cures”Choose two or more of the following articles for review, of which you then write about one:Arends-Tóth, J., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2009). Cultural differences in family, marital, and gender-role values among immigrants and majority members in the Netherlands. International Journal of Psychology, 44(3), 161–169.Farrer, J., Tsuchiya, H., & Bagrowicz, B. (2008). Emotional expression in tsukiau dating relationships in Japan. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25(1), 169– 188.Hiew, D. N., Kim Halford, W., van de Vijver, F. J. R., & Liu, S. (2015). Relationship standards and satisfaction in Chinese, Western, and Intercultural ChineseWestern couples in Australia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(5), 684– 701.Madathil, J., & Benshoff, J. (2008). Importance of marital characteristics and marital satisfaction: A comparison of Asian Indians in arranged marriages and Americans in marriages of choice. Family Journal, 16(3), 222–230.Remennick, L. (2005). Cross-cultural dating patterns on an Israeli campus: Why are Russian immigrant women more popular than men? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 22(4), 435–454.Yarhouse, M., & Nowacki, S. (2007). The many meanings of marriage: Divergent perspectives seeking common ground. Family Journal, 15(1), 36–45.Required MediaDavidson, J. (Director), & Davidson, F. (Producer). (2005). Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the growth of love [Video file]. Palo Alto, CA: Davidson Films. Retrieved from video demonstrates attachment and the importance of close relationships. A baby monkey uses a cloth mother as a safe haven and a secure base, rather than the nutrition-providing wire monkey.Scroll down past “Segments” until you get to “Clips.” The required 20-second video clip is titled Harlow’s Monkey clip. The entire video is approximately 37 minutes.Optional ResourcesDocument: Week 5 Study Guide (PDF)Devine, P. G., Forscher, P. S., Austin, A. J., & Cox, W. L. (2012). Long-term reduction in implicit race bias: A prejudice habit-breaking intervention. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(6), 1267–1278. Retrieved from, M., Bobier, D., & Baron, R. (2000). Right before our eyes: The failure to recognize non-prototypical forms of prejudice. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 3(4), 403–418.Miller, S. L., Zielaskowski, K., & Plant, E. A. (2012). The basis of shooter biases beyond cultural stereotypes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(10), 1358–1366.Langfitt, F. (2015, March 26). Modern love in China: Shaking your smartphone to find your soul mate [Audio file]. Retrieved from, J., & Dazols, L. (2015, May). This is what LGBT life is like around the world [Video file]. Retrieved from Stereotyping, Prejudice, and DiscriminationStereotypes are beliefs about the typical characteristics of members of a group. Prejudice is the evaluation of a group or of an individual based on membership in a group. Prejudice commonly is based on race or ethnicity, but also may be based on socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, weight or physical appearance, sexual orientation, age, disability, and/or other such characteristics. Discrimination is the behavioral component of prejudice, typically demonstrated by negative behavior toward a person based on prejudicial attitudes. Together, these three concepts in social psychology result in highly destructive beliefs, behaviors, and interactions about, toward, and with others. If discrimination is to be reduced in society, it is essential to understand where prejudice comes from, how it is sustained, and how it can be reduced.To prepare:Review Chapter 13 in your course text, Social Psychology, focusing on how people learn prejudice, common motives for prejudice, and the various theories of prejudice.Select a twentieth- or twenty-first-century example of prejudice against a group in which you are not a member. For your example, think about the stereotype that leads to the prejudice and the resulting negative behaviors (discrimination). In other words, how does the prejudice depicted in your example impact individuals and society? How can the prejudice be reduced?By Day 3Post a brief explanation of one twentieth- or twenty-first-century example of prejudice against a specific group and identify associated stereotypes and discriminatory behaviors. You should not be a member of the group and you should not actively oppose the group in your Discussion. Explain an effect of this prejudice on individuals or society. Use specific examples. Then, apply elements of theory from your readings to explain a cause of this specific prejudice and to recommend a means of reducing this specific prejudice, either at the individual or societal level.Notes:Name the group you are discussing in the subject line of your post.Support the responses within your Discussion post, and in your colleague reply, with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources.You are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleague’s postings. After clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, select “Create Thread” to create your initial post.By Day 5Respond to at least one of your colleague’s Discussion assignment postings in one of the following ways:Ask a probing question, and provide insight into how you would answer your probing question and why.Ask a probing question, and provide the foundation, or rationale, for the question.Expand on your colleague’s posting by offering a new perspective or insight.Agree with a colleague and offer additional (new) supporting information for consideration.Disagree with a colleague by respectfully discussing and supporting a different perspective.Submission and Grading InformationGrading CriteriaTo access your rubric:Week 5 Discussion RubricPost by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5To participate in this Discussion:Week 5 Discussion


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assignment511102020 | 2025

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assignment511102020 | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment: Relationship AnalysisHow does attraction happen and how do relationships form? Attraction and relationships are complex in that they are influenced by numerous factors, including, but not limited to, age and gender of the partners, stage of the relationship, and culture.For this Assignment, you explore the elements of a relationship and the rules and expectations associated with them. You also examine what influences these elements and rules/expectations.To prepare:Review Chapter 10 of your course text, Social Psychology, focusing on attachments in childhood and adulthood. Also focus on the factors involved in attraction, romantic love, relationship satisfaction, and romantic breakups.Review at least two of the journal articles in this week’s Learning Resources to explore aspects of attraction and romantic relationships in different cultures. (You do not have to read all of the articles.) Think about how people in a different culture might view and behave in relationships. Notice the similarities and differences between that culture and your own.The Assignment (2–4 pages):In a 2- to 4-page paper, analyze a personal relationship you have or have had (or a relationship of someone you know well). This relationship may be a romantic relationship or a friendship. Address the following:Briefly identify the type of relationship you are using as your example and describe each person’s attachment style.Select at least four concepts or theories from your readings that describe in more depth the relationship and/or how this relationship developed, was maintained, or ended.  Analyze how these four concepts or theories relate to the relationship you have chosen to assess.Finally, select a culture presented in one of the articles listed and that neither person is already a part of, in real life. Consider how that cultural context could impact the relationship. Imagine that one or both of the people in the relationship are from this other culture and the relationship is in the development or maintenance stage. How would the relationship be different? Make connections to what you learned from your selected journal article by discussing some of the research findings.Would your four selected concepts or theories still apply in the same way in terms of relationship development or relationship maintenance? If not, what would differ? Would another concept or theory be more applicable, and why?By Day 7Submit your Assignment.Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources. Provide a reference list for resources you used for this Assignment.Submission and Grading InformationTo submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.Grading CriteriaTo access your rubric:Week 5 Assignment RubricCheck Your Assignment Draft for AuthenticityTo check your Assignment draft for authenticity:Submit your Week 5 Assignment draft and review the originality report.Submit Your Assignment by Day 7To submit your Assignment:Week 5 Assignment


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discussion6 11102020 | 2025

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discussion6 11102020 | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 6: Conformity and Group ProcessesMost people spend much of their lives in the company of others and/or in groups. Accordingly, a person’s individual behavior often is significantly impacted by the presence of others and their behavior. This phenomenon is the focus of Week 6. You will explore social psychology concepts related to conformity and obedience to authority. Why, for example, do people conform by adopting the latest fashion trends and why do others reject these trends? Why do some individuals obey the requests and rules of authority while others seem to think that the rules do not apply to them? This course ends with a focus on how people’s behaviors, opinions, and even emotions are often affected by being in a group or by having others nearby.Learning ObjectivesStudents will:Distinguish between conformity and obedienceExemplify and explain conformity and obedienceAnalyze the impact of group membership on individual behaviorIdentify and apply concepts, principles, and processes related to social influence and behavior of individuals in groupsLearning ResourcesRequired ReadingsAronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Sommers, S. R. (2019). Social psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Chapter 8, “Conformity and Obedience: Influencing Behavior”Chapter 9, “Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups”Optional ResourcesDocument: Week 6 Study Guide (PDF)Beersma, B., & Van Kleef, G. A. (2011). How the grapevine keeps you in line: Gossip increases contributions to the group. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(6), 642–649.Se Hyung, O. (2013). Do collectivists conform more than individualists? Cross-cultural differences in compliance and internalization. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 41(6), 981–994.Stallen, M., De Dreu, C. K. W., Shalvi, S., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, A. G. (2012). The herding hormone: Oxytocin stimulates in group conformity. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1288–1292.Serendip Studio. (2005). The prisoner’s dilemma [Online game]. Retrieved from Social InfluenceThis Discussion focuses on social influence and group processes. As you likely know from your own experience, the presence of others impacts an individual’s behavior, an individual’s behavior often impacts another’s, and individuals’ behaviors often impact that of an entire group.Conformity is the tendency to change one’s beliefs or behaviors to match those of others. There are many theoretical reasons suggested by social psychologists for why people conform. Obedience is believing that a legitimate authority has the right to make a request and then adhering to this request. Social psychology studies the concept of obedience to help analyze the reasons that people disobey legitimate authority, as well as why people obey perceived authority, even when the requests go against their personal beliefs. In addition, various group processes affect whether people conform or obey in a given situation.To prepare:Review Chapters 8 and Chapter 9 of your course text, Social Psychology, focusing on the factors that are associated with social influence on behavior.Think about examples in the news in which people did or did not demonstrate conformity or obedience.Note: One way to find examples of news events for these concepts is to go to a major search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.), click on the “news” tab, and type in appropriate search terms.By Day 3Post a brief description of a contemporary example from the news in which people did or did not demonstrate conformity or obedience. Use a theory discussed in Chapter 8 to explain how or why the behavior illustrates conformity or obedience. Use information from Chapter 9 to explain how being in a group might influence behaviors in your example. That is, in your example, how might group processes, characteristics, or functions explain behavior?Notes:Identify your example in the subject line of your post.Please do NOT select the Holocaust or Milgram’s studies as your example.Support the responses within your Discussion post, and in your colleague reply, with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources.You are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleague’s postings. After clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, select “Create Thread” to create your initial post.By Day 5Respond to at least one of your colleague’s Discussion assignment postings. Respond in one of the following ways:Ask a probing question, and provide insight into how you would answer your probing question and why.Ask a probing question, and provide the foundation, or rationale, for the question.Expand on your colleague’s posting by offering a new perspective or insight.Agree with a colleague and offer additional (new) supporting information for consideration.Disagree with a colleague by respectfully discussing and supporting a different perspective.Submission and Grading InformationGrading CriteriaTo access your rubric:Week 6 Discussion RubricPost by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5To participate in this Discussion:Week 6 Discussion


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Methodology | 2025

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Methodology | 2025 Custom Writing

need the methodology portion of this already started research proposal completed. I have attached the already started paper and the outline of what the methodology section should look like, thank you


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Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

It is evident that the human face of personnel management is quickly changing into a computer screen (Johnson & Gueutal, 2011). Today, a growing number of people seeking employment, employees applying for training, and organizations promoting candidates post resumes, submit applications, and conduct interviews electronically. The use of technology for seeking and managing employment is leading to a fundamental change in how people interact with the human resource function in their organizations and how human resource activities are conducted (Johnson & Gueutal, 2011). How might professionals working in personnel psychology better prepare themselves to engage with technology and ensure that personnel processes remain valid, reliable, cost-effective, and fair?Post an explanation of how contemporary technology (e.g., social networking, credit checks, online applications, and virtual interviews) might influence personnel psychology. In your response, include three potential benefits and three potential misuses of contemporary technology in personnel psychology. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to support your post.


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he topic for this assignment is “What do you think is the worst part of aging and why? | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

he topic for this assignment is “What do you think is the worst part of aging and why? | 2025 Custom Writing

need an essay written with 300-600 words.


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capstone presentation | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

capstone presentation | 2025 Custom Writing

Your chosen professional role and why you chose this particular professionThe knowledge, skills, and characteristics one would need be successful in your chosen professionoutlining the main research questions and methods used in your chosen profession. Include your research question and proposed method to study it.outlining one of your articles that you chose for your critique. On the first slide, include the title and shorten the article abstract in your own wordshighlight the main aspects of your critique of that articleoutlining how your chosen professional role can contribute to positive social changewith your references (the ones you cited within the document)


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reflexes | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

reflexes | 2025 Custom Writing

Reflexes are extremely important to the physical development of a child.  Reflexive movement helps children learn motor patterns for voluntary movement later in life.  When a reflex does not integrate within the anticipated time frame a range of developmental problems can occur.  Please pick one of the  reflexes discussed in this module (do not duplicate reflexes. I choose  Palmar Grasp Reflex   Put the name of your chosen reflex in the discussion line for your submission).  For the reflex you have chose, discuss how normal motor development could be impacted by this primitive reflex being sustained and  not integrating appropriately.  What are examples of reasons or conditions that would cause this reflex not to integrate?  What is the treatment for a sustained primitive reflex?400 words


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