Nature Versus Nurture: Epigenetics and the Microbiome | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Nature Versus Nurture: Epigenetics and the Microbiome | 2025 Custom Writing

read about gene-by-environment effects (also called gene x environment or G X E) in the Champagne and Mashoodh (2009) article. The particular example you will examine is epigenetic programming due to variations in maternal care. Specifically, in rodent models, it was found that maternal behavior such as carefully licking and grooming the pups was tied to a decreased stress response and lower levels of exploration fear in the pups. Mothers that displayed low levels of pup licking and grooming had adult offspring with a heightened stress response. This study provided evidence that epigenetic changes can underlie the long-term impact of early life experiences.For this Discussion, consider the personal and social implications of gene x environment interactions. Also consider other gene x environment interactions future research will be most likely to discover based on your introduction to this new topic.Explain how epigenetics provides a new perspective on the nature versus nurture debate. Also, reference the Champagne and Mashoodh (2009) article, and provide an explanation of how the rat-nurturing example can further explain human parental behavior. In addition, explain the broader social implications of this type of research. Finally, share your prediction of and rationale for what other gene x environment interactions future research may discover.


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Psicologia in Spanish modulos | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psicologia in Spanish modulos | 2025 Custom Writing

Hola ya e terminado 2 modulos. Necesito que me hagan los modulos restantes (3,4,5,6) son Respuestas CORTAS pero bien ARGUMENTADAS y NO es necesario References. Por materia dan varias preguntas para que elijas la MAS FACIL (solo elije 1 por materia).Es facil pero necesito que se haga bien.voy a mandar por privado el username, el password y el website


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Clinical Supervision | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Clinical Supervision | 2025 Custom Writing

Need it in within 24 hours.Case studyJustin has been supervising Brian for 3 months. He knows that if Brian does not succeed, the program director will not view him in a favorable light and Brian will be unlikely to progress in his career. Justin has not been a clinical supervisor for very long but he believes Brian has not done a good job. Justin feels that Brian has boundary issues, he tries to “save” clients and solve their problems immediately, and he hasn’t taken feedback willingly. There is no clear criteria for whether or not Brian “passes” clinical supervision and Justin does not want to hurt his feelings so he tells his program director that Brian did well and is ready to work with clients.Justin is SupervisorBrian is Supervisee/menteeUsing the six elements of the process of evaluation,  the element are as follows : (“Evaluation Contract” “Methods for Evaluation” “Evaluative Instruments” “Formative Feedback” “Self-Assessment” “Summative Evaluations”)1. explain what supervisors have to do and in what order to evaluate their mentees. (2 pages)2. Additionally, write Brian’s evaluation from Justin’s perspective (refer to above case study and use Brian and Justin as the premise for this assignment).  (1 page)3. Describe how Brian is doing in the following areas: readiness for practicum, readiness for internship and readiness for entry to practice, based on Found et al.’s (2009) study on competency benchmarks. (1 page)4. Brian has been completing at work and summarize his progress.  (1 page)


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Correlational Analysis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Correlational Analysis | 2025 Custom Writing

orrelational AnalysisBefore beginning this assignment, please watch the following videos on correlation:Correlation – The Basic Idea Explained (Links to an external site.)Correlation Basics (Links to an external site.)Study Description: A school educator is interested in determining the potential relationship between grade point average (GPA) and IQ scores among ninth graders. The educator takes a random sample of 30 ninth graders aged 14 years old and administers the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). The WISC-IV includes a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ; however, for this assignment we will just call it IQ).Output file: SeeWeek 5 SPSS Output.pdf file (Links to an external site.).Answer the following Questions:Hypotheses – Formulate null and alternative hypotheses. What do you think is the relationship between IQ scores and GPA?Variables – Describe the scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for each of the variables.Correlation – Write an overview of the results of the correlation (at least two paragraphs), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting. Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented. Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:Is there a significant correlation between IQ scores and GPA? If so, what does a significant correlation mean?Using the correlation table and scatterplot, explain whether the relationship is positive, negative, or no correlation.Describe the strength of the relationship (e.g. very strong, moderate, weak, etc.).What do the results tell us about your hypotheses?What conclusions can we draw from these results? What conclusions can we NOT make using these results?Write a total of 400-700 words in response to these questions.


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ORgl mod 4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

ORgl mod 4 | 2025 Custom Writing

Read Hill, Linda. 2007. Becoming the Boss. HBR. (see attached)Describe your experience as a new boss, new manager – or new employee. (Was it similar/dissimilar to Hill’s article?) Connect Hill’s observations to Kegan & Lahey’s three-phase theory.Your initial post should be 200 – 250 words.


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Writing discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Writing discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

For this discussion, respond to the following:Offer a situation in which you were offered very clear feedback OR offer a situation in which you were offered fuzzy feedback. Explore the value of being clear without being cruel.You initial post should be at least 250


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Discussion 1: abnormal Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion 1: abnormal Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

To successfully complete this discussion,Based on your required resources, define abnormal psychology.Interpret why you believe it is important for clinicians to consider the three perspectives of abnormality.Discuss the origins of mental illness and how theories throughout time have affected the metamorphosis of abnormal psychology.Identify at least two of the theoretical foundations associated with abnormal psychology.Discuss your understanding for the use of the DSM-5, and how it too has changed the process for diagnosis.Based on the controversial viewpoints of Szasz (1960) and Ausubel (1961), as well as the other required resource information, evaluate your own beliefs about mental illness. Is it real? Is it common or uncommon? Is creativity supported by behaviors resembling mental illness? Support your viewpoints using citations.Elaborate on why culture should be considered, associated with behaviors, and what might be considered normal versus abnormal.REQUIRED ARTICLE  AND VIDEO:IS “ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY” REALLY ALL THAT ABNORMAL? mental illness changed human history – for the better: David Whitley at TEDxManhattanBeach USE RESOURCES PROVIDED! PLUS TEXTBOOK AND ANOTHER ARTICLE THAT ARE ATTACHED!


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wk 5 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

wk 5 | 2025 Custom Writing

Examining Early and Middle Childhood DevelopmentAssignment ContextThe focus of this assignment is early and middle childhood. The case studies in the Studies media piece all feature children aged 6. Why age 6? Age 6 is a transitional time in which you can explore early childhood development and how it impacts middle childhood development.Assignment InstructionsIntroductionComplete the following:Identify the title of the      case study you selected.Provide an introduction that      addresses the general context of development and the specific context of      the child in the case study you selected.Provide an overview, from an      ecological perspective, of the predominant factors of family, society, and      culture that could impact this child’s development, including relevant      examples from the case profile and supporting research evidence linked to      those factors.Describe the general      expectations for healthy development across developmental domains      (cognitive, social and emotional, and physical) that should be evident as      children transition from early to middle childhood. Link this description      to child psychology developmental theories.Case AnalysisComplete the following:Describe the primary      developmental concern. Provide validation by including relevant examples from      the case profile and links to supporting research evidence.Use child psychology      theories (from Unit 1) and current scholarly peer-reviewed research to      evaluate at least two of the most prevalent developmental needs of the      child in the selected case study (primary concern and secondary concerns).      Provide validation and support for your work by including relevant      examples from the case profile and supporting research evidence.ConclusionComplete the following:Summarize the developmental      and contextual issues that are important in understanding this case. Using      relevant examples from the case profile, provide suggestions for      appropriate actions or interventions in home or school contexts.Link those actions or      interventions to evidence from current scholarly research literature.Assignment RequirementsYour paper should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the      psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics      expected of graduate-level composition and expression.References: Include a minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed resources.      The course text can be used, but it is not considered one of the      peer-reviewed articles.APA style and formatting: Format the references and in-text      citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Use      the MEAL Plan document (linked in the resources) to organize the content      and include APA headings and subheadings.Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding      title and reference pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.Please refer to the Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.


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Psy 255 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psy 255 | 2025 Custom Writing

100-150 words + 1 sourceDiscuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using twins to analyze genetic heritability. Why might it be useful for future twin studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins?


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Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substansive respone. Further discussion. End response with question.APA format175*265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:Rayvin Scott8:49 PMHi everyone,Lifestyles, Socio economic status, and community resources play a huge role in the public health system. Going back to the purpose of public health which is to educate and keep the community in a healthy balance state it is important to realize that living the lifestyles a persons social economic status and the lack of community resources can negatively impact the goal of a positive public health system. For example being born and raised in south-central Los Angeles, I have seen how low income and underserved communities receive healthcare. There is a lack of education with in the public healthcare system and there’s not a lot of access to free resources. The lack of education and resources and interest serves communities result in a higher rate of deadly diseases. Socio economic status plays a major role as well because if you are well-off and more established you can afford better healthcare and to live in more lavish areas which results in a better public health experience. A better system needs to be in place that is not bias or predicated on status of any kind.


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