Psy 255 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psy 255 | 2025 Custom Writing

100-150 words + 1 sourceDiscuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using twins to analyze genetic heritability. Why might it be useful for future twin studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins?


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Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substansive respone. Further discussion. End response with question.APA format175*265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:Rayvin Scott8:49 PMHi everyone,Lifestyles, Socio economic status, and community resources play a huge role in the public health system. Going back to the purpose of public health which is to educate and keep the community in a healthy balance state it is important to realize that living the lifestyles a persons social economic status and the lack of community resources can negatively impact the goal of a positive public health system. For example being born and raised in south-central Los Angeles, I have seen how low income and underserved communities receive healthcare. There is a lack of education with in the public healthcare system and there’s not a lot of access to free resources. The lack of education and resources and interest serves communities result in a higher rate of deadly diseases. Socio economic status plays a major role as well because if you are well-off and more established you can afford better healthcare and to live in more lavish areas which results in a better public health experience. A better system needs to be in place that is not bias or predicated on status of any kind.


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Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: DR 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response, Please further discussion. End response with a question.APA format175-265 wordsCite 1 referenceRespond to the following:Carla Tyler7:26 PMPublic health is affected by so many things that we often times do no realize or pay extra attention to. One factor socioeconomic status is one of the major factors that impact public health. It is determined by an individuals income, education, and occupation(Adler et al., 2002). Education is probably the most important factor of socioeconomic status because it provides individuals with more knowledge needed to improve public health. Income is also important in public health because it is used to determine what that patient is able to afford and if they need assistance with paying for services. In my community I see a lot of assistance with Public Health services. Different forms of discounts, free services, or recommendations to less expensive places to get assistance. When referring to public health and education it is important to mention that without the proper knowledge, not only will it affect one individual but an entire community. In my community when there is one, could be deadly, outbreak everything is shut down to keep everyone else safe. We recently had this happen when there was a brain-eating amoeba that killed one, until they found out where it was coming from(Johnson, 2020). We could not use the water and everyone was on edge because we did not know where it started.Johnson, L. (2020).  CNN., N., & Newman, K. (2002, March/April). Socioeconomic Disparities In Health: Pathways And Policies. Health Affairs , 21(2), .


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Wk 3, HCS 457: PERIE Model | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: PERIE Model | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentReview the PERIE model and processExplain how the model served as a guide to understand the cause of cardiovascular diseaseCite 2 creditable references175-265 wordsAPA format


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Wk 3, HCS 457: PERIE Model Handout | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: PERIE Model Handout | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentReview the PERIE model and processComplete each of the following steps for your public health issue (cardiovascular disease)Summarize your findings pertaining to cardiovascular diseaseExplain epidemiology and its relationship to public health.Describe the issue or disease.Identify the underlying nature and cause of the issue or disease.Analyze the uses and effects of demographic data, surveillance data, and vital statistics in public and community health.Identify the demographics and effect of the issue or disease on the community.Determine if the effects cross from community to state or national levels.Analyze possible solutions for the issue or disease selected.Identify possible solutions.Explain how successful the solutions were.Determine additional suggestions for treatment or resolution.Include how the model served as a guide to understand the cause.Cite 4 referencesCitations and references must follow APA formatThis assignment is a handout, not an essay. Short, brief, and to the point if possible. Content must fit on 1- 2 pages. (Landscape or Portrait) (No word limit)


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Forensic Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Forensic Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

This assignment builds on the independent research you conducted for the Unit 1 Discussion Board. By this point, you should have a strong familiarity with a range of contemporary issues in forensic psychology. In this activity, you will practice the important skill of writing a legislative summary to a member of the legislature, who has requested information on pressing challenges facing the state.Your executive summary will be 3 pages and must include a problem statement, an overview of your selected issue in your state, and a summary of existing research (within the last 3 years) on the topic.The specific steps are as follows:Select any 1 of the following contemporary issues:Interrogations and ConfessionsPolygraphsInvoluntary Civil CommitmentCompetency RestorationImplicit Bias and Criminal JusticeSex Offender Registration and Community NotificationSolitary ConfinementTrauma and MemoryEyewitness TestimonyIn 1 paragraph, write a problem statement.In 2 paragraphs, supply an overview of the contemporary issue in your state.In 4 paragraphs, create an overview of existing research (within the last 3 years) associated with your selected contemporary issue.Use no less than 6 scholarly resources.


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Power point | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Power point | 2025 Custom Writing

Power point on any of the following topics..  due Saturday 8:00pm EST


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Wk 3, HCS 457: DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive responseAPA format175 – 265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:Explain what impact lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and community resources have on public and community health. Provide an example.How have you seen this at work in your own community?


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Cultural. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural. | 2025 Custom Writing

I Have an assignment. APA FORMAT!! Guidelines attached. Must follow guidelines 3 sources attached. Thank you! population is homeless


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Writing a Discussion Section | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Writing a Discussion Section | 2025 Custom Writing

write a discussion section to this assignment attached-Work will be checked to be free of plagiarism and will be canceled if it did not follow instructions


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