Power point | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Power point | 2025 Custom Writing

Power point on any of the following topics..  due Saturday 8:00pm EST


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Wk 3, HCS 457: DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 457: DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive responseAPA format175 – 265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:Explain what impact lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and community resources have on public and community health. Provide an example.How have you seen this at work in your own community?


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Cultural. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural. | 2025 Custom Writing

I Have an assignment. APA FORMAT!! Guidelines attached. Must follow guidelines 3 sources attached. Thank you! population is homeless


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Writing a Discussion Section | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Writing a Discussion Section | 2025 Custom Writing

write a discussion section to this assignment attached-Work will be checked to be free of plagiarism and will be canceled if it did not follow instructions


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First Amendment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

First Amendment | 2025 Custom Writing

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:Why do journalists try to argue that the First Amendment, which traditionally has been thought to protect the publication and distribution of information, provides them the right to refuse to reveal the identity of a confidential source?


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Discussion: Factors Impacting Performance Appraisals in Practice | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Factors Impacting Performance Appraisals in Practice | 2025 Custom Writing

COLLAPSEFactors Impacting Performance Appraisals in PracticeDespite the fact that performance management systems are based on a solid job analysis, employing the best design practices, and implementing fully developed procedures, there are still factors that impact the evaluations made (Weatherly, 2004). In practice, factors such as rater bias, inadequate training, and insufficient time are just a few that can impact evaluations (New Media Learning, 2011). It is important to avoid or reduce bias and other influencing factors in order to produce valid, timely, and accurate performance appraisals.Post explanations of two potential effects of rater motivation and intent on performance measure validity. Then, describe the potential impact of performance data misuse at the employee and organizational levels. Finally, explain how you might address the misuse you identified. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to support your post.


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Middle & Late Adulthood | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Middle & Late Adulthood | 2025 Custom Writing

Evaluating Gender-stereotyping: Watch a children’s cartoonorobtain a children’s storybook.Describe the cartoonorstorybook you have selected.In one paragraph, provide examples from the cartoonorstorybook and describe how males and females are represented:Are characters portrayed in gender-stereotyped roles?Are males and females equally represented in exciting plot activities?Are behaviors, attitudes, and characteristics of males and females characters strongly gender stereotyped?Overall, how would you evaluate the cartoon or storybook in terms of gender typing?What recommendations would you make to counter any influences observed?


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2 page-psych | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

2 page-psych | 2025 Custom Writing

Purpose:The purpose is to help you identify and apply social psychological concepts, especially those associated with attitude and behavior change (and determine which is the easier to change – hence the title), and techniques used to persuade behavior.Product:A paper at least 2 pages long, not including any reference section, typed and double spaced, with Times New Roman (12- point font) and 1 inch margins and proofread for spelling and grammatical errors. Provide in-text citations and reference any of your sources using APA format addressing the following: you are a professional change agent and that you have been hired to bring about change in one of the following areas:Get people to stop discriminating against a particular minority group (e.g., by hiring more people from this group or by changing their attitude toward it).Get people to adopt one or more conservation behaviors (e.g., recycling, wearing seatbelts, volunteerism, reducing gasoline consumption, etc.).Get people to vote for a particular candidate who is currently running far behind in the polls.Some other problem that interests you.


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Wk 3, HCS 370: DR 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 370: DR 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. Please further discussion. End response with question.APA format175 – 265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:Robert MacDonald2:53 PMHow groups and team impacting health care organizations is not unique to heath care at all, I have worked for serval hospitals large and small throughout the United States. All hospitals to my knowledge is based on a team and group environment. For an example, I am the Chairman of my committee “The Environment of Care”. My team or group of individuals come together every month for our meetings and discuss patient safety, Safety plan, Security plan, Hazardous materials plan, Fire safety plan, Bio-med plan, and Utilities plan. Prior to our meetings our group also meets up to conduct EOC rounds of different departments every month. We are working together to find deficiencies or safety issues that could cause harm to any individual. Other examples would be our Emergency Operations Committee, where we discuss our emergency operations plan for like the pandemic that we all are facing for the last eight months. This group practices scenario’s and completes two live drills every year. In my twenty years being in the healthcare industry the experience working with teams in the workplace was first difficult at first, because certain people had their own point of view but were very naïve to disasters. The most important lesson I have learned is be open and communicate properly to everyone as if they are equal in authority.


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Discussion: Confounding Variables | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Confounding Variables | 2025 Custom Writing

Internal validity in a research study is the extent to which changes in the dependent variable can confidently be attributed to the influence of the independent variable rather than to possible confounding variables. In other words, was it really the independent variable that had an effect on the dependent variable or did something else cause the effect?For example, presume that an instructor wants to try a new reading efficiency strategy to improve reading comprehension of college students in an online course. The instructor divides the class into two equal groups. One group (the experimental group) reads a passage using the new reading strategy taught by the instructor. The other group (the control group) reads the same passage but is not exposed to the new strategy. Next, both groups of students complete a reading comprehension test. The assumption is that if the group exposed to the new reading strategy scored higher than the other group, the new reading strategy is effective.What else could explain the difference in scores? Is it possible that the students enrolled in the group that learned the new strategy already had high reading comprehension skills? What if this group already knew more about the information in the reading passage? Could the instructor have inadvertently biased the study because he taught the new reading strategy, and he selected the reading passages that both groups read?Possible situations, or reasons, that could interfere with obtaining accurate results are called confounds, and could be a threat to the internal validity of a study. It is important to keep in mind though, that the presence of a possible confounding variable in a study does not necessarily mean it is responsible for obtained results. Rather, the independent variable (e.g., the reading intervention) may have actually had an effect on the dependent variable (the test results).In this Discussion, you will examine possible confounding variable(s) in research studies from your course textbook and apply methodology for addressing and/or eliminating the possible confound(s).To prepare:Read Chapter 12 in your course text.   Stangor, C. (2015). Research methods for the behavioral sciences (5th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.Chapter 12, “Experimental Control and Internal Validity”Chapter 13, “External Validity”Read the “Thinking Critically About Research” scenarios (a—i) in Chapter 12, pages 256–258.Choose the scenario that most interests you. Note: Before selecting a scenario, view the Discussion 4 Forum to see if any colleagues have already posted. If so, select a letter that has not yet been chosen. All nine (a–i) letters should addressed before a student repeats a letter.For your chosen scenario, determine the possible confounding variable(s) (there may be more than one), and consider how they might be eliminated using research designs presented in the readings (e.g., 2×2 factorial design).  (choose any scenario besides D, I and H)Note: You can assume that random assignment took care of any potential differences in the groups; therefore, group differences are not a potential confound.With these thoughts in mind:By Day 3Indicate the letter of the scenario you selected in the “Subject” field of your post. You should be addressing a scenario different from those posted, unless your colleagues have already addressed all nine scenarios. Identify and explain the possible confounding variable(s) (e.g., demand characteristics, placebo effect) in your chosen scenario.Drawing from the Learning Resources this week, explain a specific research design (e.g., 2×2 factorial design, repeated measures design) the researcher(s) could use to control for confounding variables.Note: Be sure to support the responses within your Discussion post, and in your colleague reply, with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources.


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