Discussion: Confounding Variables | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Confounding Variables | 2025 Custom Writing

Internal validity in a research study is the extent to which changes in the dependent variable can confidently be attributed to the influence of the independent variable rather than to possible confounding variables. In other words, was it really the independent variable that had an effect on the dependent variable or did something else cause the effect?For example, presume that an instructor wants to try a new reading efficiency strategy to improve reading comprehension of college students in an online course. The instructor divides the class into two equal groups. One group (the experimental group) reads a passage using the new reading strategy taught by the instructor. The other group (the control group) reads the same passage but is not exposed to the new strategy. Next, both groups of students complete a reading comprehension test. The assumption is that if the group exposed to the new reading strategy scored higher than the other group, the new reading strategy is effective.What else could explain the difference in scores? Is it possible that the students enrolled in the group that learned the new strategy already had high reading comprehension skills? What if this group already knew more about the information in the reading passage? Could the instructor have inadvertently biased the study because he taught the new reading strategy, and he selected the reading passages that both groups read?Possible situations, or reasons, that could interfere with obtaining accurate results are called confounds, and could be a threat to the internal validity of a study. It is important to keep in mind though, that the presence of a possible confounding variable in a study does not necessarily mean it is responsible for obtained results. Rather, the independent variable (e.g., the reading intervention) may have actually had an effect on the dependent variable (the test results).In this Discussion, you will examine possible confounding variable(s) in research studies from your course textbook and apply methodology for addressing and/or eliminating the possible confound(s).To prepare:Read Chapter 12 in your course text.   Stangor, C. (2015). Research methods for the behavioral sciences (5th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.Chapter 12, “Experimental Control and Internal Validity”Chapter 13, “External Validity”Read the “Thinking Critically About Research” scenarios (a—i) in Chapter 12, pages 256–258.Choose the scenario that most interests you. Note: Before selecting a scenario, view the Discussion 4 Forum to see if any colleagues have already posted. If so, select a letter that has not yet been chosen. All nine (a–i) letters should addressed before a student repeats a letter.For your chosen scenario, determine the possible confounding variable(s) (there may be more than one), and consider how they might be eliminated using research designs presented in the readings (e.g., 2×2 factorial design).  (choose any scenario besides D, I and H)Note: You can assume that random assignment took care of any potential differences in the groups; therefore, group differences are not a potential confound.With these thoughts in mind:By Day 3Indicate the letter of the scenario you selected in the “Subject” field of your post. You should be addressing a scenario different from those posted, unless your colleagues have already addressed all nine scenarios. Identify and explain the possible confounding variable(s) (e.g., demand characteristics, placebo effect) in your chosen scenario.Drawing from the Learning Resources this week, explain a specific research design (e.g., 2×2 factorial design, repeated measures design) the researcher(s) could use to control for confounding variables.Note: Be sure to support the responses within your Discussion post, and in your colleague reply, with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources.


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3 reflective learning | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

3 reflective learning | 2025 Custom Writing

This week we continued adding to our understanding of psychology by learning about the connection between the biology of the brain and our five senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin) and its connection to the human experience of thinking and behavior.  While the research in this area may go beyond our prior common conceptions of psychology, this area of psychology has fueled research in multiple areas of psychology, including but not limited to cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology.  The chapter readings this week covered a great span of material and our integrated themes discussion, intended to help you critically assess and navigate the concepts/ideas to the larger themes. This assignment will help you process what you learned as you read the assigned readings.Ideally, you have adopted and implemented the concept introduced in the first week of reflective reading, which will make this assignment a breeze. In this assignment, I want you to reflect on your reading of the assigned chapters (Chapter 2 and the first part of Chapter 4 on Sensation, pages 139-157) and share what crossed your mind as you read the various information presented to you.  Address three or more of the following questions:Are there any concepts that jumped out at you?Did you have any ah-ha moments?What connections did you make as you were reading?Did you engage in the study break activities provided to you within the chapter and did you find that you had difficulty completing them and/or did you find them helpful?Did you develop questions as you were reading that were answered?  Were any of them left unanswered?After reading the assigned reading this week, has it piqued your curiosity to learn more and if so, what questions do you have moving forward?Use the questions I listed as a guide (use them to guide your reflection – your thinking about your thinking).  If you are wondering, yes… this is metacognition (which you learned about last week) in practice.  Please share your reflection in a minimum of one full page, not to exceed two pages.***Please note, this is not intended to be an exhaustive paper, rather a reflective paper of what you learned (similar to an informal journal entry or an informal conversation) and so I expect at least one full page. The purpose of this exercise will help me learn what interests you, where you may need clarification, as well as give you an opportunity to write out your thoughts and deepen your level of learning.  Let your thoughts flow and then just reread it to be sure that it is readable (your thoughts are clear and make sense to the reader – in this case me).


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4 reflecting learning journal | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

4 reflecting learning journal | 2025 Custom Writing

Last week we focused on the biology of psychology and its connection to the human experience of thinking and behavior.  This week we turn to Perception and Memory.  Perception is the second part of chapter 4  (pages 159-181), where we will now learn how we construct our experiences in our minds (connecting what we bring in with our senses to what happens in the mind).  We will learn about research support theories that explain much of what we encounter in our daily lives, which will aid in understand ourselves and others.  I encourage you to read through the figures and work through the labs to demonstrate each of these incredible concepts.In chapter 7, we introduce the fascinating study of memory, which is a cognitive function that happens at the unconscious level as well as the conscious level.  Memory yet another area of psychology that pervades our lives on a series of levels, and a variety of contexts.  Fun fact, my early research was in memory as this is an area I have always found interesting as it intersects in our lived in many many ways.  This assignment will help you process what you learned as you read the assigned readings. As with last week, and you will see this common theme, the concepts introduced in these two chapter readings do not stand in isolation but rather integrate into the many facets of life.Once again, adopting and implementing the concept of reflective reading, I want you to reflect on your reading of the assigned chapters for this week (chapter 4, pages 159-181 and chapter 7) and share what crossed your mind as you read the various information presented to you.  Address the following questions as you reflect:Are there any concepts that jumped out at you?Did you have any ah-ha moments?  What connections did you make as you were reading?Did you engage in the study break activities provided to you within the chapter and did you find that you had difficulty completing them and/or did you find them helpful?Did you develop questions as you were reading that were answered?  Were any of them left unanswered?After reading the assigned reading this week, has it piqued your curiosity to learn more and if so, what questions do you have moving forward?Use the questions I listed as a guide (use them to guide your reflection – your thinking about your thinking, aka metacognition).  Please share your reflection in a minimum of one full page, not to exceed two pages.***Please note, this is not intended to be an exhaustive paper, rather a reflective paper of what you learned (similar to an informal journal entry or an informal conversation).  The purpose of this exercise will help me learn what interests you, where you may need clarification, as well as give you an opportunity to write out your thoughts and deepen your level of learning.  In order to achieve this purpose, please provide at least one full page response.  Let your thoughts flow and then just reread it to be sure that it is readable (your thoughts are clear and make sense to the reader – in this case me).


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Final Project: Intervention or Support Plan-6411-wk10 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Final Project: Intervention or Support Plan-6411-wk10 | 2025 Custom Writing

Introduction to Final Project—Intervention or Support Plan (Due Week 10)Throughout this course, you will view media of combat veterans discussing their experiences with the military, their combat experiences, and their reactions to trauma, crisis, and stress throughout their military careers.For the Final Project, select one of the combat veterans you see in the media provided in your resources. Develop an individual or family treatment or support plan with recommendations that you might use if you were counseling, supporting, or otherwise assisting this individual with traumatic reactions and supporting his or her family.Your paper length should be 8–10 pages. In your paper, you should do the following:Describe the social work role in which you are working and explain how you might come across the individual you selected in the context of your own work.Identify one trauma or combat reaction the veteran is experiencing or has experienced.Explain the symptoms and stressors commonly experienced by military personnel associated with this traumatic reaction.Describe how you might support this individual’s family; explain ways in which they may be affected by the trauma reaction (include stressors upon spouses, significant others, and children).Describe the intervention or the type of support that you would implement, and explain why you consider this intervention or support appropriate or effective.Explain the details to the intervention or support plan.Describe any potential challenges you might experience implementing this intervention or support plan or engaging the combat veteran or family related to this intervention or plan.Describe how you might address those challenges.Describe recommendations you might make for the combat veteran or the family.Justify your intervention or support plan using the current literature.Select at least five journal articles, citing evidence-based information for your plan.For submission details, refer to Day 7 of Week 10 in the Weekly Dashboard.


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Week 6 Discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Week 6 Discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required Bemecker (2014), Kosovski and Smith (2011), and Mullins (2014) articles.There is often a wide discrepancy between content presented in the mainstream media and that which is presented in the scientific literature. In this discussion, you will choose one contemporary psychological issue that is prevalent today (depression, body image, bullying, media influences, self-esteem, etc.). Research your selected topic using one  popular publication (Psychology Today, Newsweek, New York Times, etc.), self-help television show (Dr. Phil, Hoarders, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, etc.), or book (The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Managing Your Moods, Learn How to Boost Your Self Esteem, etc.). Then, using the Ashford University Library, locate a peer-reviewed journal article on the same topic. In your initial post, briefly identify your topic and provide enough detail for an adequate understanding. Compare and contrast the information presented by detailing commonalities and differences that exist in the two sources. Assess the contributions of the peer-reviewed source to the topic and identify any missing element in the popular source. Evaluate how adequately the popular source  addresses the major components of the selected contemporary topic in psychology for a general population, as well as contemporary applications of popular / self-help resources in psychology (do they help or harm).


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Final Project-6212-wk10 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Final Project-6212-wk10 | 2025 Custom Writing

How could an agency do better, or what could be added to help a military client or his or her family? Throughout this course, you have examined many aspects of social work practice within a military setting. In addition, you have had the opportunity to explore multiple social service issues and agencies intended to address those issues.In the Final Project, you describe a social work issue affecting military clients and identify organizational resources necessary to form a successful response.The Assignment:Select a particular mental health or social service issue studied in this course. Imagine you have been engaged to increase the success of a local community organization’s response to the needs of military clients and families related to your selected mental health or social service issue.Write an 8- to 10-page paper in which you do the following:Define the problem. Provide prevalence, incidence, and relevance to the military population as background information.Describe evidence-based treatments (EBTs) identified for the problem or psychosocial or rehabilitation treatments. Provide information about the relevance of these approaches with a military population.Identify agency resources that would be needed to address the problem and treat the military members and their families.Identify training and education that would be needed for treatment providers. Provide a rationale for additional training and education.Identify Department of Defense, Veteran’s Administration, and community resources to assist treatment providers with referrals for additional services.Required ReadingsKlostermann, K., Mignone, T., Kelley, M. L., Musson, S., & Bohall, G. (2012). Intimate partner violence in the military: Treatment considerations. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17(1), 53–58. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2011.09.004Jones, A. D. (2012). Intimate partner violence in military couples: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17(2), 147–157. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2011.12.00Taft, C. T., Macdonald, A., Monson, C. M., Walling, S. M., Resick, P. A., & Murphy, C. M. (2013). “Strength at Home” group intervention for military populations engaging in intimate partner violence: Pilot findings. Journal of Family Violence, 28(3), 225–231. doi:10.1007/s10896-013-9496-yBarth, S. K., Kimerling, R. E., Pavao, J., McCutcheon, S. J., Batten, S. V., Dursa, E., … Schneiderman, A. I. (2016). Military sexual trauma among recent veterans: correlates of sexual assault and sexual harassment. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50(1), 77–86. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.06.012Stander, V. A., & Thomsen, C. J. (2016). Sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. military: A review of policy and research trends. Military Medicine,181(1S), 20–27. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-15-00336


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pyschology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

pyschology | 2025 Custom Writing

Main Post:  Would it be possible to carry out the Tearoom Trade Study in a way that meets modern ethical requirements? Is it permissible to breach ethical guidelines when studying certain research topics? Why or why not?Write an essay of 200-400 words addressing these questions.Give at least two examples to support your conclusion.2. Peer follow-up:  Respond to two of your classmates’ postings.In 75-100 words, or more, provide constructive, thoughtful feedback designed to build an engaging dialog.To achieve this, ask questions, share insights, or offer an article or other resource, that will contribute to a broader analysis of the topic at hand.


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Multicultural Counseling | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Multicultural Counseling | 2025 Custom Writing

THERE’S A TOTAL OF THREE ASSIGNMENTSDiscussion Assignment 1:Please answer the following questions with no more than 250 words.:What are some similarities and differences between Evidenced-Based practice and cultural competence? Don’t forget to cite and sourceDiscussion Assignment 2:Please answer the following questions with no more than 250 words, don’t forget to cite and source:How does one balance science, religion, and the wide range of beliefs in the world with one’s own beliefs and practices?How do spirituality and religion impact a person’s belief system? How might these relate to issues of mental health?How do things in the first questions impact you as you study to become a professional counselor? What are your thoughts about non-Western and non-traditional practices for treating mental health issues in diverse clients?Reflection Assignment 3:Please answer the following questions with no more than 2 double spaced, APA format pages not including the reference page, don’t forget to cite and source1.     What are your feelings about the likelihood of your working in the future with a client whose belief system and spiritual practices are foreign to you?  What would your reaction be if a client wanted you to pray with him/her in session?2.     How do you feel about talking with clients about religion, spirituality and non-traditional healing?  How do you think it might impact you if a client wanted to talk about seeking and following the advice of an indigenous healer for a diagnosis of lung cancer, rather than following through with the advice of a reputable  oncologist to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment?


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PSychoph | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSychoph | 2025 Custom Writing

The required info is attached to complete it.


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