Writing Assignment Paper ( 2 pages) Interesting Subject. APA FORMAT. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Writing Assignment Paper ( 2 pages) Interesting Subject. APA FORMAT. | 2025 Custom Writing

psychology of Social Behavior course is an introduction to the social psychology perspective which involves the scientific study of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals as they influence and are influenced by other people, groups, and the social environment. In this writing intensive course, students will study social psychology topics utilizing the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition writing style.Each writing assignment paper is expected to address one major concept of study within the subfield of social psychology as chosen by you, the student.  You may write about any topic that involves self, others, or self and others.  Consider types of behavior, interactions, persuasion, bias, love, prejudice, stereotyping, conformity and so forth for potential topics.A top-quality paper will demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to college-level students. The paper must follow APA Publication Manual (7th ed., first printing) guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors.Minimum Writing Assignment Requirements:APA Publication Manual – Style & Format, 7th edition using the Professional version format minus affiliations and author’s noteTimes New Roman, 12-point fontBlack inkDouble-spaced (0 before and 0 after spacing)ALL INFORMATION EXPRESSED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT REQUIRES PARAPHRASING and IN-TEXT CITATIONS; NO quotations allowed.  This means EACH sentence expressing information gained, learned, or reviewed must have an in-text citation (singular or multi depending on where the information was derived).Structure of PaperTitle Page (professional version minus affiliations)Body of Text Section composed from:Three (3) scholarly/ peer-reviewed journal articles (minimum)solely from SFC Library Database system (https://sfcollege.libguides.com/az.php (Links to an external site.))within January 2015 – Present month 2020have full pdf documentLevels of Heading (minimally Level 1 and Level2)Conclusion (Level 1 Heading) wrapping up paperReferences Page with Hanging Indent full-text references in APA formatContentThis paper must provide an overview of a main concept relevant to the field of social psychology, identify the population targeted toward this topic, features of this topic, and how this concept is seen/ used in society today (implications and consequences).You may present this material through an information perspective, cultural perspective, compare/contrast, timeline review, and/or using current events (as an example) supported by peer-reviewed journal articles.  APA writing is not personal, it is factual and scientifically supported information presented in written form, i.e. this assignment.


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Wk 3, HCS 370: DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 370: DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive responseAPA format175 – 265 wordsCite 2 referencesRespond to the following:How do groups and team impact health care organizations? Provide some examples.What has been your experience working with teams in the workplace? What important lessons have you learned?


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Please Read | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Please Read | 2025 Custom Writing

A) Write the first two paragraphs to a literature review on the topic of texting and driving.  Your opening paragraph should have:Paragraph #11) An opening sentence, in your own words, as to why texting and driving is an important topic2) Cited evidence for sources supporting your opening sentence3)  A transition sentence, tying your topic to the next paragraphParagraph #21)  A definition of texting and driving2)  Cited evidence from sources that use your definition of texting and driving


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Interproj | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Interproj | 2025 Custom Writing

Here are the instructions that you were given during Week 1 for the Final Project. Before submitting your Final Project at the end of Week 11, review the instructions to make sure you have included all the required elements in the assignment you submit:Select one of the following cases. Then, select a specific subject for the focus of your paper that can be discussed in a 10- to 12-page research paper. Imagine that you are assisting an attorney in the case who has requested that you research the specific focus area, and provide a concise report to inform the court about the topic.Required cases and possible focus subjects:Jodi Arias, convicted of killing her boyfriend·  Battered woman’s syndromeFinal Project Requirements·  Submit all the required weekly Assignments throughout the course that are related to your Final Project. Completion of each project Assignment component contributes toward a successful final project grade.·  Base your paper on the research you gather and not on your opinion. You may use both popular and scholarly references. (Resources explaining proper use of scholarly and non-scholarly resources are available in the Learning Resources section.)·  Use APA format, in text and in the reference list.·  Ensure that you have minimal writing errors.·  Final paper length: 11 pages total, not including the title page, abstract, and bibliography.·  Final paper structure:o  Brief biographical summary (2–3 paragraphs)o  Introduction to the issue to be discussedo  Summary of the current scholarly research about the issueo  Conclusion (1–3 paragraphs)Week 7proj comments – this looks good, however, be sure to include research describing what BWS is, and research regarding BWS and subsequent murder cases. The paper has to be 10-12 pages not including the Title, Abstract or Reference pages, so you will need more material than just facts about the case. This is where psych research intersects with the law :)Week 6 proj comments – this is a very good annotated bibliography. However, remember your research must be directly applicable to your subtopic on the Jodi Arias case and contribute to the court regarding her case. The last article you cited here has no relevance as it is related to homicides in the UK. Also, regarding your first article, as you know this was not a murder-suicide, it was straight murder.


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failed stars | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

failed stars | 2025 Custom Writing

Pick a brown dwarf and compare it to our Jovain planets.  Write a description of the brown dwarf in a five to seven sentence paragraph.  Then compare it to our Jovian planets in three to five sentence paragraph. Use four references (three web and one library).


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The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram | 2025 Custom Writing

Describe in detail the Hertzsprung Russell (HR) diagram. Include the information contained on the vertical and horizontal axles, as well as the location of a Red Super Giant, a high mass main sequence star, a Sun like star, and low mass main sequence star, and a white dwarf star.How do stars evolve on the HR diagram?   Chose and describe of an object along one of the following:The Hayashi trackThe Henyey trackThe Asymptotic Giant Branch


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Life Cycles of the Stars Thread | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Life Cycles of the Stars Thread | 2025 Custom Writing

Please provide a post  comparing of the life cycles of heavier stars versus lighter stars. Include the role of mass in determining the temperature, color, lifespan, and ultimate fate of the starPlease answer using correct spelling and grammar in four paragraphs of four to six sentences each.Be sure to provide substantive responses to at least two of your classmates. A substantive response will address some specific point of the discussion with added relevant scientific content.


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Wk 3, HCS 370: Use of Groups and Teams in an Organization | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 370: Use of Groups and Teams in an Organization | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentAt your current place of employment, you have worked to positively influence the company’s use of groups and teams. You and your colleagues have the opportunity to present your best practices and lessons learned at a national business leader’s conference.Write detailed notes in which you:Introduction (110 – 150 words)Explain the difference between groups and teams as they are used in an organization. (110 – 150 words)Explain how groups can be used effectively in an organization. (110 – 150 words)Explain how teams can be used effectively in an organization. (110 – 150 words)Identify the 5 phases of group development. (50-100 words for each phase, separate paragraphs)List strategies and practices (3 – 5) the company can implement to build and maintain team performance. (50 – 100 words for each strategy and practice, separate paragraphs)Explain how this helps engage employees through the phases of group development. (110 – 150 words)Conclusion (110 – 150 words)APA formatCite 4 references


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Case Study: Career Development | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Case Study: Career Development | 2025 Custom Writing

1 PAGE 1/2 RESPONSE:Belynda is a 32-year old single African American woman who lives alone in a loft apartment in the Atlanta area. She lives about two hours away from her family, consisting of two brothers and her mother, who enjoy the quiet life in a rural town in Georgia. Her father is deceased. Belynda graduated from high school and completed a certification program as a Child Care Worker. From 2001 to 2013, she was employed as Nurse Assistant at City Hospital. Before that (i.e., 1996-2001), she worked as a Child Care Assistant. From 1994 to 1996, she served as a volunteer student helper with a Head Start program. Although she has a driver’s license, she prefers to use the MARTA system. She is an active member of the Freewill Pentecostal church serving as Church Clerk and a member of the choir.Description of the presenting problem:On September 13, 2013, Belynda sustained a low back injury while working as a Nurse Assistant. She was earning $16.91/hour at the time of her work injury. O*Net classifies a Nurse Assistant at the medium exertion level, occasionally requiring a person to lift/carry 20 to 50 pounds, and 10 to 25 pounds frequently. Belynda was required on occasion, when no one else was there to assist her, to lift patients 75-100 pounds or more. Belynda received physical therapy services augmented with a home exercise program designed to minimize pain and maximize activity tolerance. Belynda was then referred for a functional capacity evaluation that indicated that she does not qualify for all the critical exertion demands of full-time work as a Nurse Assistant. She was released to work part-time (4 hours/day) with light-duty restrictions. However, she was terminated since her employer was unable to offer permanent, gainful alternate or modified work within Belynda’s physical capacity. Dr. Martinez, her treating physician, recommended that she should be able to return to work at the sedentary level, requiring 15-minute break/rest periods every two hours. Work restrictions include lifting up to ten pounds, occasional stooping, squatting, crouching, limited climbing, mild exposure to extreme temperature or humidity changes and dust/fumes, and moderate exposure to unprotected heights/uneven surfaces.A follow-up independent medical evaluation report by Dr. Tibbs indicated that Belynda is at maximum medical improvement, and she requires no further formal medical intervention. Her insurance adjuster then referred her for career services to assist her in finding comparable employment with little or no training requirements. Belynda participated in vocational exploration activities to identify potential jobs that were consistent with her residual functional capacity. Assessment tests included the O*Net Ability Profiler, the O*Net Work Values and Interest tests, and the Wide Range Achievement Test Version-3 (WRAT). The O*Net Ability Profiler showed average to above average skills in all areas tested, with the exception of verbal and spatial ability and finger dexterity. The WRAT showed post-high school level reading, high school level spelling, and math skills at the 7th-grade level.Because of Belynda’s work values, interests, aptitude levels, and the current labor market, what types of jobs appear to be most readily available?In which jobs might Belynda’s transferable skills be a better match?How do you think the insurance adjuster’s training cost concerns impact the decision-making process?What action would you take next?Discuss the advantages of other career assessment tools you would have used with Belynda.How might your viewpoints regarding role socialization affect your work in the decision-making process with Belynda?


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Integrative Essay 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Integrative Essay 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

In this essay we’ll reflect a bit upon our Do First experiences in simulating the physical changes that accompany normal aging.  Think for a moment about some of the older people you’ve either known personally, or encountered while out and about. Did you ever find yourself losing patience with them? Or being annoyed by something they did or didn’t do to your liking? Have you, for example, ever been irritated by an elderly driver that was going too slow for you? Or been irritated by having to repeat yourself because they couldn’t hear you? Or maybe they had to walk slowly because they got winded easily?Think, then, about their experience. Think about the fact that, hopefully, you will one day be like them. What you experienced in this exercise was intended to give you a flavor of what that will be like. What, then, should you change? What would the older version of you ask of the younger, annoyed generations? Make sure to integrate Saint Leo’s core values here in whatever way seems most appropriate to you.


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