Your Assignment is a PowerPoint presentation USE ATTACHED POWERPOINT TEMPLATE that summarizes your Population Based Nursing Care Plan 2023 Assignment
Your Assignment is a PowerPoint presentation (USE ATTACHED POWERPOINT TEMPLATE)that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. Include a minimum of 7 slides (15 maximum) and the information as presented in the weekly Practicum Discussions.
Attached are discussions with the information which needs to be included. This is the accumulated information from last 4 weeks. May need to add information as needed
Remember target population in geriatric and the primary problem is high blood pressure.
I also attached rubric
Overall Purpose for Practicum: Develop a potential project to improve the health of a specific population of interest or a population at risk.
This practicum is designed to help you develop as a scholar practitioner and health leader to promote positive social change in your own community. In this practicum experience you will focus on primary prevention of a health problem in your community (see text for definition.) You already possess the knowledge and skills to help those who are acutely ill. This experience will help learn how to prevent a health problem in a specific population at risk at the community and system level of care (see text for definition). Consequently, because you are well aware of how to care for individuals you will now develop leadership and advocacy skills to improve the health of the community. Collaborating with other professionals and community members in your community will be the key to a successful practicum and project. Collaborate with each other in the discussions, with your instructor, with health care professionals (nurses and other disciplines), with local and state departments of health, and most importantly with the population you hope to help. As an advocate, you will promote positive social change through collaboration with families, communities, and professionals in the health care system. You will develop a culturally relevant proposal that could improve health outcomes for a specific population at risk in your community.
Answer the following questions as you develop your evidence-based, culturally appropriate intervention for your community:
What health issue, problem, or disparity in health outcomes is of concern to you as a scholar practitioner in your community? What gaps in knowledge and care do you see as possible causes for the health issue? What does the health data tell you about the health issue? What does the literature tell you about the health issue? How can you learn about the health issue and about possible solutions from the viewpoint of families, community as a whole, and health professionals in your community? What evidence is there to support your proposal? What is one avenue you could advocate for improved health outcomes and know when a change has taken place?
Suggestions for the Project
Each week’s activities are geared to help you move along with your proposal. Use this time well and utilize some aspect of discussion and assignments in this course (e.g. windshield survey) to support your proposal as well.
Following is things to keep in mind for each wk/make sure to incorporate into powerpont
Week 1: Identification of a Population in Your Community
As a community of practice your task for this week is to collaborate with professionals across the health care system and with your community of practice in the discussion in order to find a gap in care or social determinant that often results in poor health care outcomes. You will begin to take the lead in advocating for and collaborating with others to improve the health care outcomes for populations at risk.
Week 2: Practicum: Epidemiology: Define Your Population and Selected Problem
This week, you will further refine your population and problem and compare your suspicions about this problem to local, state, and national data on the topic. Your practicum project should come into clear focus as you continue to analyze related health data, and you should consider how you, as the nurse, might help them avoid development of the problem in the first place (primary prevention measures).
Week 3: Practicum: Population Cultural Considerations and Genetic Predispositions
This week, you will identify any genetic predisposition your chosen population has to a particular disease and develop primary practice interventions that reflect the cultural considerations of the population. Then, you will develop culturally appropriate, measureable interventions to help your population members maintain an optimal state of health, avoiding the problem that you identified them being at risk for developing.
Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measureable Goals
Dr. Marcia Stanhope (2016) explained that evidence-based public health practice refers to those decisions made by using the best available evidence, data and information systems and program frameworks; engaging community stakeholders in the decision-making process; evaluating the results; and then disseminating that information to those who can use the informatio