2023 200 words for each respond 1 According to the Centers for Disease Control

Nursing 2023 Responding

200 words for each respond 1 According to the Centers for Disease Control 2023 Assignment

200 words for each respond



According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018), a community health assessment is a localized study of a specific group whether it is local, statewide, tribal, or territorial. This research helps organizations and the government identify specific health needs and issues through the gathering of data. Community health assessments are needed to help improve the overall health of the population. It provides agencies with facts and numbers that would create a better and clearer understanding of the areas they want to serve.


            There are many tools available to help facilitate this endeavor. The majority of the models use similar processes. Their goal is to determine the community’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, and assets. Some of the benefits of choosing one model toolkit versus another depends on the number of steps and the depth of the research that the organization or group wants to perform. In addition, it seems that not all the toolkits are designed to assess the same type of data, and their focus appears to be different as well. Some are specific to hospitals, while others are more engaged on public health. Using a specific model to assess the community will ensure that the data collected would be used and analyzed to help improve, engage, and prioritize issues that affect the public. 

Agencies and Time Line

            When doing a community health assessment, agencies need to be involved in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the surroundings and the people that live in the community. Agencies such as schools, healthcare organizations, private and governmental institutions, local workforce agencies, and churches are some of the key assets when conducting a community health assessment. All of their voices, input, and expertise are valuable resources. They could serve as tools that community health nurses may use to implement changes in their areas and help make a difference in the population. According to Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHAUS, 2015), hospitals should expect to spend approximately six to 18 months planning and conducting their community health assessment. This number will vary according to the size of the hospital, the size of the community, and the number of organizations involved in the process. In addition, the availability of financial resources will have an influence on the duration of the process (CHAUS, 2015).

The Role of the Public Health Nurse

            The role of the public health nurse in implementing the community health assessment model is essential in this process. The nurse can serve as a guide to educate, advocate, assess and evaluate individuals in the community. They have in-depth knowledge about the different determinants of health that affect the community as well as thorough understanding of the many aspects that influence the needs of the population. They also play a vital role in collaborating with agencies to help collect data and implement measures to achieve improvements in the health and social conditions of the most vulnerable populations.


Catholic Health Association of the United States. (2015). Assessing and addressing community

health needs. Retrieved from https://www.chausa.org/docs/default-source/community-benefit/2015-cbassesmentguide.pdf?sfvrsn=2

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, July 24). Community health assessment and

health improvement plans. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/cha/plan.html#three


Prior to this week, I was unaware of what a community assessment consisted of. I learned that most of these assessment tools consist of phases an steps to follow. This phases and steps include organizing a plan, engaging in the community, and developing a goal to achieve. You must then do the community health assessment, prioritize the information you have assessed, and develop the plan to achieve your goal. Once all of this has been established, you can implement this into the community and evaluate the process. On the CDC website, I chose the model Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). A brief description from the CDC website included was a framework for a community improvement planning and putting a strong emphasis on the engagement and collaboration in the community on a local level (CDC-Assessment, 2015). This specific community assessment plan to help improve community health. Through this plan, it allows communities to apply critical thinking to prioritize issues in public health and to help identify the resources needed to address the issues. This ultimately improves efficiency and effectiveness throughout the community and improves the overall outcome of the community. There are six phases to go through with this community assessment model. Stage 1 of this model includes how to get organized develop a partnership. Stage 2 is visioning which allows us to share community vision and goals to accomplish. Phase 3 includes the four assessments, we are able to analyze and collect data during this phase. Stage 4 helps you identify the issues within the community so you can base your plan upon the issues. Stage 5 helps you determine a plan and goals to reach while stage 6 is when you put your plan into action within the community  (MAPP, n.d). I feel that the community health nurse has a lot of research to do based on this community assessment. I think it would be best to team up with leaders through out the local community such as the health department and maybe even emergency services since they have so many statistics on our population for our community. I think a reasonable time frame would include four to eight months for a community assessment.

CDC – Assessment – Community Health Assessment – STLT Gateway. (2015, November 9). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/cha/assessment.html.

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.naccho.org/programs/public-health-infrastructure/performance-improvement/community-health-assessment/mapp.

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2023 Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical

Nursing 2023 Nursing Informatics

Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical 2023 Assignment

Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, discuss each of the following criteria:

Role description and education level required for the role.

Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.

Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges.

Express insights gained from the interview.

Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies influence delivery of direct patient care.

Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. 

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

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2023 The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making By understanding research health

Nursing 2023 statistic

The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making By understanding research health 2023 Assignment

The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making. By understanding research, health care providers can identify risk factors, trends, outcomes for treatment, health care costs and best practices. To be effective in evaluating and interpreting research, the reader must first understand how to interpret the findings. You will practice article analysis in Topics 2, 3, and 5.

For this assignment:

Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 1” template.

Refer to the “Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial,” in conjunction with the “Article Analysis Example 1,” for an example of an article analysis.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


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2023 74 year old male with a history of hypertension and smoking is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden

Nursing 2023 Neurology System

74 year old male with a history of hypertension and smoking is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden 2023 Assignment


 74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking, is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden onset of difficulty speaking, with drooling from the left side of his mouth, and weakness in his left hand. His wife asks him if he is all right and the patient denies any difficulty. His symptoms progress over the next 10 minutes until he cannot lift his arm and has trouble standing. The patient continues to deny any problems. The wife sits the man in a chair and calls 911. The EMS squad arrives within 5 minutes. Upon arrival in the ED, patient‘s blood pressure was 178/94, pulse 78 and regular, PaO2 97% on room air. Neuro exam – Cranial nerves- Mild left facial droop. Motor- Right arm and leg extremity with 5/5 strength. Left arm cannot resist gravity, left leg with mild drift. Sensation intact. Neglect- Mild neglect to left side of body. Language- Expressive and receptive language intact.

Mild to moderate dysarthria. Able to protect airway.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health. 

(1- to 2-page case study analysis)

  explain the following:

· Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

· Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

· How these processes interact to affect the patient.

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2023 You are now a public safety manager You and your team have been working on a new catastrophe your

Nursing 2023 proposed project

You are now a public safety manager You and your team have been working on a new catastrophe your 2023 Assignment


You are now a public safety manager.  You and your team have been working on a new catastrophe (your topic), and you have been tasked with presenting your proposed project for approval and funding to the County Board of Commissioners, Sheriff, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Emergency Operations Director, or State Commissioner for approval and funding in this scenario. 

Briefly, and in your own words, explain to the class what you are proposing, its intended propose, and how the organization and community will benefit from this proposed plan. This is a brief summary whereas you need to sell this plan to your audience in two paragraphs or less. 

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2023 Please answer the following Discussion Question Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and

Nursing 2023 Whistle-Blowing In Nursing

Please answer the following Discussion Question Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and 2023 Assignment


Please answer the following Discussion Question.  Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit.  Also, please ensure to have read the assigned chapters for the current week. 

Case Study, Chapter 16, Whistle-Blowing in Nursing

A student nurse asks a faculty member to explain whistle-blowing. The student nurse wants to know the work conditions that would have to be met before whistle-blowing occurs, as well as situations in which whistle-blowing is clearly indicated. The faculty member reviews key concepts with all members of the class.

1. Being a whistle-blower takes great courage and self-conviction because it requires the whistle-blower to avoid groupthink. Analyze how groupthink affects the process of whistle-blowing.

2. Discuss the pros and cons of whistle-blowing.

3. What are the key guidelines for blowing the whistle?

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2023 Chapter 41 A patient is admitted with renal calculi a What symptoms will the

Nursing 2023 Renal calculi

Chapter 41 A patient is admitted with renal calculi a What symptoms will the 2023 Assignment


Chapter 41

A patient is admitted with renal calculi.

a.            What symptoms will the patient manifest if he is experiencing renal colic?

b.            How will the nurse best manage the renal colic?

c.             The nurse is straining the urine for presence of stones that the patient may have passed. What is the importance of this nursing action?

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2023 instructions Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland Using the classroom resources or South University

Nursing 2023 3012W2P

instructions Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland Using the classroom resources or South University 2023 Assignment



Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland

Using the classroom resources or South University Online Library, research the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, address each of the following criteria.

  • Two focused health assessment histories
    • One assessment related to the tympanic membrane and the other focused on the thyroid gland.
    • The assessments can be hypothetical patients or patients you have had in the past (remember HIPAA if you are describing a previous patient).
  • A description of the normal and abnormal findings of the tympanic membrane.
  • Information on how to examine the thyroid gland using both the anterior and posterior methods.
  • A concise note in the subjective, objective, assessment (be sure to include the NANDA diagnosis as well as the medical diagnosis), and plan (SOAP) format with each patient’s encountered findings.
  • Information about laboratory/diagnostic tests used for screening clients with tympanic membrane or thyroid gland issues.
    • Include the expected normal results for each test.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

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2023 4 6 page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice An argumentative or

Nursing 2023 # 7 Drafting and Revising an Argumentative Essay

4 6 page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice An argumentative or 2023 Assignment

  • 4-6-page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice.
    An argumentative (or persuasive) essay is used to try and change people’s viewpoints or to convince them to accept a new behavior or action. People seldom agree on what is right, so a well-developed and supported argumentative essay can help uncover truth. This type of essay can help you think critically about your own ideas, evaluate different sides, and judge the evidence.
    In professional environments, you may be asked to help gain employee buy-in for changes to a dress code, benefits or compensation, procedures, and so on. You will need to be able to present these changes in a way that will make it easier for everyone to accept them.
    Developing a draft is your chance to see how well you have organized your thoughts. After you write your draft, take a moment to look critically at what you have written. Does your essay say what you wanted it to say? Will a reader understand what you are saying? Do you have a strong thesis statement? Is your argument solid? Have you provided supporting evidence? These are just some of the questions to consider as you work on this assessment. The assessment you submit should be the final version of your essay.
    Note: The assessments in this course build on each other and must be taken in sequence. Assessment 6 is paired with Assessment 7. You must complete Assessment 6 and receive feedback from faculty before you complete Assessment 7.
    Demonstration of Proficiency
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competency through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
    • Competency 2: Apply information and use literacy skills to produce evidence-based written work. 
      • Integrate relevant supporting references from scholarly sources.
    • Competency 3: Apply prewriting, planning, drafting, and revision skills. 
      • Apply accepted conventions of editing and revision.
    • Competency 4: Apply accepted style conventions and written expression skills. 
      • Use accepted methods for arguing an issue.
      • Write content clearly and logically with correct use of APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    • Overview
      In Assessment 6, you developed an outline as part of the prewriting process to help you organize and prepare to write your argumentative essay. In this assessment, you will use that outline, along with the feedback you received from your faculty, to draft and revise the complete essay.
      Write a 4–6-page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice. Your essay should include the following:
    • Develop a draft of your argumentative essay. Be sure you: 
      • Clearly identify your topic. 
        • Think about who your reader is and what you hope to accomplish.
    • Provide academic research, statistics, and other evidence to support your argument.
    • Identify 3–4 main points you want to make that support your argument.
    • Write a clear introductory paragraph, thesis statement, and conclusion.
    • Use relevant evidence to support your statements.
    • Re-read your essay before you submit: 
      • Are there any grammatical or mechanical errors?
      • Are there any typos?
      • Is your writing style clear and concise?
      • Do you have a clear thesis statement and introduction?
      • Is your APA formatting correct?
    • Edit and revise your essay.
    • Explain the steps you followed in your editing and revision process. Do not submit your assessment without this explanation!
    • Additional Requirements
    • Style and Format: Use current APA style for references. Include a title page and references page.
    • Length: Compose 4–6 pages in addition to the title page and references page.
    • Resources: Cite a minimum of three resources.
    • Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

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2023 Assignment Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement If you talk about a possible poor health outcome

Nursing 2023 Global Health Issues

Assignment Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement If you talk about a possible poor health outcome 2023 Assignment


Assignment: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?

You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.

Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.

In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.

To Prepare:

  • Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.
  • Select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.
  • Reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.
  • Review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)

Part 1: Global Health Comparison Matrix

Focusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following:

  • Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue you selected from the WHO global health agenda. Compare these policies to the additional country you selected for study.
  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy.
  • Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the global health issue you selected. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Using the WHO’s Organization’s global health agenda as well as the results of your own research, analyze how each country’s government addresses cost, quality, and access to the global health issue selected.
  • Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the health of the global population. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.
  • Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 2: A Plan for Social Change

Reflect on the global health policy comparison and analysis you conducted in Part 1 of the Assignment and the impact that global health issues may have on the world, the U.S., your community, as well as your practice as a nurse leader.

In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.

  • Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
  • Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
  • Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples.

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