2023 Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change

Nursing 2023 Nursing Capstone

Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change 2023 Assignment

Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change proposal were to be implemented. Review your strategic plan and determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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2023 Qualitative Research Article Critique For this assignment you will choose a qualitative research article I recommend you find something that is

Nursing 2023 questions

Qualitative Research Article Critique For this assignment you will choose a qualitative research article I recommend you find something that is 2023 Assignment


Qualitative Research Article Critique

For this assignment you will choose a qualitative research article, I  recommend you find something that is interesting to you. The article  should be published within the last five years, if you find a good  article older than five years I can review it and you may potentially  use the article. Please follow the rubric to critique the article.  Please look at the longer description on the rubric. Your critique of  qualitative research will be different than a quantitative research  critique, you will be looking for different things. You will be  identifying key elements of qualitative research as well as appraising  the trustworthiness of the study. Your critique should be 3-5 pages in  length. Please use APA format. Please cite your resources, I will be  using your citation to look up your articles so you will not need to  submit a copy of the article to me. 


Qualitative Research Article Critique

   Qualitative Research Article Critique
   Criteria Ratings        Pts              This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Critiques method,phenomenon of interest and purpose What  qualitative method is used? What is the justification of using the  qualitative method? What is the phenomenon of interest, is it clearly  identified?  What is the purpose of the study and it’s significance to nursing?

    1.0 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Critiques, sampling, data collection, and data analysis Is the method  to collect data compatible with the purpose of the research? Is it  adequate? Is the study completed according to the methods described? Is the sample appropriate? Is the participants and setting described  adequately? Is the data collection focused on the human experience?  Are data collection strategies described? Is data sufficient, was data saturation achieved and described? What strategies were used to analysis the data, was the researcher true  to the data? Is there a logical connection between the data and the  analysis?

    1.0 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Critiques research ethical considerations IRB approval?  Were participants fully informed, was informed consent obtained? Were  participants autonomy and confidentiality protected? Were there any  other ethical issues to be considered?

    0.5 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Critiques study findings, conclusions and trustworthiness Are findings  described in context? Are you able to apprehend the essence of the  experience from the study? Are findings true to data? Was there existing  literature on the topic? If so is the study placed in context to  current literature? Is the significance of the study to nursing  addressed? Are there recommendations for future studies?  Address credibility, auditability, and transferability

    2.0 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Format, grammar, and quality • Organizes paper such that reader can follow student’s argument. • Uses articles (evidence) to support your critique.  • Research articles published within the last five years. • Appropriate APA format.

    0.5 pts
     Total Points:                            5.0               



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2023 APA format 350 word 3 paragraphs Please read all instructions and use the references MAKE SURE THAT YOU WATCH

Nursing 2023 Discussion: An Epidemic In The Community

APA format 350 word 3 paragraphs Please read all instructions and use the references MAKE SURE THAT YOU WATCH 2023 Assignment

APA format. 350 word (3 paragraphs) Please read all instructions and use the references.MAKE SURE THAT YOU WATCH THE YOUTUBE LINKS  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Consider the following scenario: This is Debbie’s first year working as a nurse at the local health department in a rural county. Most of her days are spent in the clinic seeing clients who often do not have health insurance.

Over the past month, Debbie has noticed that several young Hispanic men have come to the health department, each diagnosed with tuberculosis. Debbie is concerned about what the outbreak of tuberculosis among the migrant workers could mean for the community. Through a community health profile, Debbie identifies the group of migrant farm workers as being at highest risk for contracting tuberculosis.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

1.As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?

2.Considering economic and social considerations within the community, what are the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions that Debbie might use in managing this outbreak?

3.Can similar interventions be applied to your community and its TB prevalence?

4.What considerations need to be addressed within your community that are different form Debbie’s community?


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2016). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Chapter 10, “Environmental Health” (pp. 217–241)
Chapter 12, “Epidemiology” (pp. 256–285)
Chapter 13, “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control” (pp. 286–318)
Chapter 14, “Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks” (pp. 319–341)
Chapter 18, “Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis” (pp. 396–421)

  Zuñiga, J. A., Muñoz, S. E., Johnson, M. Z., & Garcia, A. (2014). Tuberculosis Treatment for Mexican Americans Living on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 46(4), 253-262.

CDC Wonder. (2016). Retrieved from http://wonder.cdc.gov/


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 2 posts Re Topic 1 DQ 2 There are three elements the public health nurse PHN must consider

Nursing 2023 question

2 posts Re Topic 1 DQ 2 There are three elements the public health nurse PHN must consider 2023 Assignment

2 postsRe: Topic 1 DQ 2

     There are three elements the public health nurse (PHN) must consider when performing a community assessment.These elements include the population, location and social system (Green, 2018).When considering the focus of the assessment in the nursing process the PHN sets borders in order to assess the members within the community and the environment, determining variables and examining groups of people in different data sets.Outlining and identifying features of the population being assessed is the initial step the PHN completes when performing a focused assessment on a population (Green, 2018).Characteristics of the population’s demographic composition are the key elements for evaluating the needs within the defined group.

     PHN need to consider how the environment impacts the health for the population being assessed.The geopolitical place should be factored into a population assessment.The geopolitical place comprises the boundaries of the community, availability of public or private transportation, the characteristics of the geographic area, the climate, housing and native plants and animals (Green, 2018).How each of these elements potentially affects health can all be considered in the assessment.Geopolitical borders include ZIP codes, neighborhoods and school and health districts while man-made borders include streets, bridges and structures.These borders are utilized in epidemiologic studies to establish the demographics and health services/resources.Geographical informational systems are useful to establish patterns of health, inequalities in health within a setting that may be a result of the geographical influences (Green, 2018).By considering the geopolitical influences on a population, the PHN can plan interventions to be implemented.

     In contrast to the geographical and geopolitical location, a phenomenological place is the considers the history, cultures, spiritual beliefs, values and economics of a population (Green, 2018).The phenomenological characteristics of a population are what creates the sense of belonging for members in the community.Individuals may be part of different phenomenological places based on their individual religious, political and cultural beliefs.The PHN should consider the relationships, similar beliefs and goals when performing the assessment in order to establish the health status and needs of the community.

     Following the assessment, the nurse then can determine the needs and risks within the population, set goals, plan interventions to be implemented and then evaluate the outcome.For example, an elementary school nurses assesses the students and finds a large amount to be overweight.After a comprehensive assessment, the nursing diagnosis impaired nutrition: more than bodily requirements is selected.The nurse can than set the realistic goal with the students that they will be able to select 3 healthy foods when presented with different options.Interventions would include education about healthy diet and exercise and the importance of health promotion and healthy lifestyle to prevent disease, taught at the students knowledge level.After the educational sessions are implemented, the nurse can then evaluate and reassess the need for further interventions.

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2023 The purpose of this assignment is To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation

Nursing 2023 Week 6 Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process

The purpose of this assignment is To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation 2023 Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is:

  • To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue.
  • The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through this process. Your change process is to be set up as a pilot project.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Read a selection of your colleagues responses and respond on two different

Nursing 2023 Post- Camille

Read a selection of your colleagues responses and respond on two different 2023 Assignment

 Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond on two different days who selected a different type of diabetes than you did. Provide recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and management. 

                                                Main Post


Type 1 diabetes which is sometimes called juvenile or insulin-independent is when the pancreas produces little to no insulin. It can be seen as an autoimmune disease because the immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas (Diabetes UK The Global Diabetes Community, 2019). Since these patients are not producing enough insulin, they are insulin-dependent for the rest of their lives, and most patients wear an insulin pump (Mayo Clinic, 2018).  Type 1 is normally diagnosed during pediatric years or people younger than the age of 30 (Diabetes UK The Global Diabetes Community, 2019).

Type 2 diabetes which is also called  adult-onset or non–insulin-dependent diabetes, is different from type 1 because in type 2 the body loses the ability to respond to insulin (Thompson & Romito, 2018). This causes the body to become insulin resistant because the body is not using insulin in the right way (Thompson & Romito, 2018). The pancreas soon becomes overworked and makes less insulin leading to insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with insulin and medications, it can also be prevented if caught early and by lifestyle modifications such as in food, diet, and behaviors. Type 1 diabetes is not preventable (Diabetes UK The Global Diabetes Community, 2019).

Gestational diabetes (GDM) occurs during pregnancy. A hormone made by the placenta in the womb keeps the body from using insulin the way it should (Cedars-Sinai, 2019). Glucose builds up in the body and is not absorbed by cells leading to this disorder. GDM normally goes away after the birth of a baby. Women who are overweight are more prone to developing this disorder, and  their children are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Cedars-Sinai, 2019). Making sure to get blood work done routinely, sticking to proper diet, exercise, medications, and insulin injections can control and prevent developing GDM (Cedars-Sinai, 2019).

I selected Aspart (Novolog) insulin pen as the drug of choice for GDM. To prepare this drug I would show the pregnant patient how to administer this drug. First, I would instruct the patient to check their blood sugar pre-meals. If the blood sugar is above 150, right before their meal then the patient should follow the range dose of insulin to give that is prescribed to the patient. If the patient plans of eating all of their food then the patient will be told to give the required dose 15 minutes before or after the meal (University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics [UIHC], 2019). If the patient only eats half then wait till after the meal to administer insulin.

The patient will be told that in pregnancy the best place to administer insulin is in the abdomen because this is where insulin gets absorbed the fastest in the bloodstream (UIHC, 2019). It should be injected at least 2 inches away from the belly button. To use the pen I would instruct the patient to remove the cap of pen and clean with alcohol, apply needle, prime the pen by selecting 2 units making sure to see drops so you know its working right. After this, select the appropriate dose needed for the patient, point the pen towards the abdomen site and push down to inject (UIHC, 2019). The dietary considerations would consist of a balance of legumes, sweet potatoes, salmon, eggs, fruits, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, fish liver oil. Berries, whole wheat products, and lean cooked meats (Cedars-Sinai, 2019). The patient would be told to stay away from processed, sugary, and fried foods.

A short term effect that may not be talked about with GDM is the cost. On average women living with GDM spend up to two-thousand dollars more than women living without GDM (Xu et al., 2015). This is related to the cost of medications, frequent doctor visits, and symptoms of hyperglycemia that the patient experiences. This is why making sure to take insulin, following a proper diet, and exercise program can help decrease these cost and prevent developing type 2 diabetes in the long-term for patient and child. If the patient develops type 2 diabetes after pregnancy this can lead to obesity, stroke, and heart attack if not properly controlled  (Diabetes UK The Global Diabetes Community, 2019). It is clear that following and living a balanced diet regardless of the type of diabetes diagnosed with can help control, and prevent detrimental effects on the body and allow to live a satisfying life.



Cedars-Sinai. (2019). Gestational Diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/g/gestational-diabetes.html

Diabetes UK The Global Diabetes Community. (2019). Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2. Retrieved from https://www.diabetes.co.uk/difference-between-type1-and-type2-diabetes.html

Mayo Clinic. (2018). Type 1 Diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/type-1-diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20353011

Thompson, E., & Romito, K. (2018). Diabetes: Differences Between Type 1 and 2. Retrieved from https://www.mottchildren.org/health-library/uq1217abc

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. (2019). Insulin use during pregnancy. Retrieved from https://uihc.org/health-topics/insulin-use-during-pregnancy

Xu, T., Danielli, L., Yu, K., Ma, L., Silva Zolezzi, I., Detzel, P., & Fang, H. (2015). The short-term health and economic burden of gestational diabetes mellitus in China: a modelling study  []. BMJ Open, 7(12). Retrieved from https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/12/e018893

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2023 To Prepare Consider your goals for academic accomplishments while a student of the MSN program

Nursing 2023 Assignment: Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 2: Academic Resources And Strategies

To Prepare Consider your goals for academic accomplishments while a student of the MSN program 2023 Assignment



To Prepare:

  • Consider your goals for academic accomplishments while a student of the MSN program.
  • Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this week.

The Assignment:

  • Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program.
  • Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or in a specialty.
  • Clearly and thoroughly explain in detail how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.

 Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph. 

Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Week 1 Assignment, which was built off the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines and is a major

Nursing 2023 Polypharmacy

Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines and is a major 2023 Assignment

Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines, and is a major concern for providers as the use of multiple medicines is common in the older population with multimorbidity, and as one or more medicines may be used to treat each condition.

  • Discuss two (2) common risk factors for polypharmacy. Give rationale for each identified risk factor.
  • Discuss two interventions you can take as a Nurse Practitioner in your clinical practice to prevent polypharmacy and its complications.

At least three paragraphs and references no older than 5 years in APA.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Mr K is a 57 year old man who consulted his physician after noticing marked leg pains

Nursing 2023 Pathophysiology -discussion Board-

Mr K is a 57 year old man who consulted his physician after noticing marked leg pains 2023 Assignment


Mr. K. is a 57-year-old man who consulted his physician after noticing marked leg pains while playing golf. He had previously noticed increasing fatigue and discomfort in his legs associated with moderate exercise. When sitting for extended periods with legs dangling, his legs became red, and sometimes his feet felt numb. His history indicates he smokes cigarettes and is chronically overweight. His blood cholesterol and other lipid levels are abnormal, and his physician suspects peripheral atherosclerosis as the cause of his discomfort.

Discussion Questions

1-Discuss the development of atherosclerosis, including the predisposing factors in this case and the pathophysiological changes.

2-Discuss the complications that might develop in this patient.

3-Discuss the treatments for all aspects of the patient’s condition, including slowing the progress of atherosclerosis, maintaining circulation in the leg, and treating complications.

Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your responses with at least 2 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication.  All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers.  All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Write a 500 1 000 word paper reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing Part I

Nursing 2023 Reflection Paper final

Write a 500 1 000 word paper reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing Part I 2023 Assignment

Write a 500‐1,000‐word paper reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing.

Part I

Consider the journals you have written during this course and address the following:

  1. Reflect back on the items you selected each week that connected to your education.
  2. How has the knowledge you have gained from your program of study assisted you in your volunteer appointment? How do you see it assisting you in the future?

Part II

Consider all areas of student life such as general education requirements, major, minor, emphasis, chapel, extracurricular, community service, volunteer experiences, employment, faculty, administration, etc. and address the following:

  1. In your opinion what are one or two things that would have made your experience at Grand Canyon even better?
  2. Point out people and events in your Grand Canyon experience that had the most positive influence on you. Explain one or two of them.
  3. Then, explain how your Grand Canyon experience changed you personally, professionally, and spiritually.
  4. How do you see this whole experience impacting your future?
  5. In what specific ways are you better prepared for professional life?

Part III

Reflect on anything else related to your volunteer experience.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essays will be evaluated on content (what you say), but also based on organization, grammar, spelling, freedom from error, punctuation, and the like. The essay should demonstrate the student’s professional ability to communicate and share information. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.