2023 Course Project Transcultural Assessment Milestone 1 Individual s Profile graded 100 points Updated 9 2018 Purpose The purpose of the

Nursing 2023 Transcultural

Course Project Transcultural Assessment Milestone 1 Individual s Profile graded 100 points Updated 9 2018 Purpose The purpose of the 2023 Assignment

Course Project, Transcultural Assessment Milestone 1: Individual’s Profile (graded, 100 points)

Updated 9/2018


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by performing a transcultural nursing assessment.

The purpose of Milestone 1 is to identify an adult who is not a relative who is willing to participate in the transcultural assessment and to secure the instructor’s approval for the assessment. Note: The actual assessment does not occur until Milestone 3. It is not a purpose for this assignment.

Course Outcomes

CO1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO1)

CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO3)

CO4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO7)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 1 is worth 100 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR394 Milestone 1 by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 3.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.

2. Review the guidelines for Milestones 1, 2, and 3, paying particular attention to Milestone 1 for this assignment. The guidelines for all of the Milestones are located in Modules on the left-hand navigation menu. Also, read the Course Project Overview page in Introduction & Resources for more details and helpful tips.

3. Identify a potential individual who has been living in a culture other than the one of origin for at least 2 years. This individual must be born outside the United States. The individual can be a patient, friend, or colleague, such as a physician, or acquaintance, but cannot be a relative. The individual must be living in your community and must be currently receiving or have previously received healthcare services in your community. The individual’s race, ethnicity, language, religion, and culturally based beliefs about healthcare and illness should be quite different from yours. The individual must speak your language. An interpreter is not permitted for the actual assessment, which occurs in Milestone 3 (Week 6). 
Note: This is the same individual for whom you will develop verbal assessment questions in Milestone 2 and whom you will ask those questions in Milestone 3 and then reflect on your learning about the Course Project and the assessment.

4. Individuals can come from a variety of settings. Recent immigrants, migrant workers, exchange students, international students, long-term care residents, refugees, coworkers, physicians, patients, employees at local ethnic businesses, religious venues, community centers, and individuals who have recently moved to your community are some suggestions. The individual does not need to be a healthcare worker but must have received healthcare services in the country of origin as well as since arriving in the United States. Work with your instructor prior to submitting Milestone 1. Approval must be provided by your instructor before submitting Milestone 1 (this assignment).

5. Speak with the individual, and obtain permission to conduct an assessment later in the course. Clearly explain that statements made in the assessment will be recorded (written) and submitted to the instructor only. It is not intended for public distribution. Anonymity will be maintained by using first and last initials only. Do not use names in any of your documents.

6. Download the NR394_Individual_Profile_Template (Links to an external site.). Although you are not performing the official assessment until Milestone 3, it will be necessary to obtain some general information about your individual to complete Milestone 1. This information may come from the individual or Internet sources.

7. Fill in information about the potential individual using the template. You are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling and eliminate typos.

8. Submit the completed template by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

Example: KC was born in Hwidiem, Ghana, a small village in Africa, where he did not graduate from high school. He is 72 years old. He immigrated to the United States at age 28 and has lived in Grove City near Columbus, Ohio since then. Hwidiem is considered the provincial capital (fill in information about the community or city as you can find). He was married but divorced after a traumatic brain injury. Since then, he has had many part-time jobs and studies his Bible faithfully. Grove City is a town in Ohio (fill in information about the city or community). Currently, he receives healthcare for his hypertension control. I met him 3 years ago at a senior citizens’ center where I volunteer.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.

Note: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.


NR394 Milestone_1 – May 2019

NR394 Milestone_1 – May 2019




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of individual and culture/community of origin

Provides first and last initials of individual; states profession and/or career choice of individual; describes specifically the country/community/city of birth and culture of origin of individual.

25.0 pts

Provides both the first and last initial of individual, age, profession or career choice; country of birth and thoroughly describes culture/community/city of origin.

22.0 pts

Provides first and last initial of individual age; gives general descriptions of profession or career choice; clearly describes culture/community/city of origin.

20.0 pts

Provides first and last initials of individual. Mentions specific culture/community/city but details are incomplete; fails to mention profession or career choice.

9.0 pts

Mentions individual by name instead of initials, which breaks confidentiality. Vaguely describes culture/community/city of origin and profession or career choice.

0.0 pts

Does not provide initials of individual; fails to mention profession or career choice; does not describe specific culture of origin.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime in current community, and community

States the number of years individual has resided in your community. Provides a description of the individual’s current community.

20.0 pts

Indicates the number of years individual has resided in your community. Provides a detailed description of that community.

18.0 pts

Indicates the number of years individual has resided in the community. Provides a general description of that community.

16.0 pts

Indicates the number of years the individual has resided in this community. Provides a brief description of that community.

8.0 pts

Includes the number of years individual has resided in the community. Provides a vague description of that community.

0.0 pts

Does not include number of years individual has resided in the United States. Does not provide a description of that community

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelationship with individual

Describes how nurse is acquainted with individual.

10.0 pts

Thoroughly identifies the relationship of nurse to the individual, with details of how long each has known the other and the circumstances under which they met.

9.0 pts

Clearly identifies the relationship of nurse to individual but fails to describe the length of the relationship and circumstances under which they met.

8.0 pts

Generally identifies relationship of nurse to individual, but does not provide details of the length of the relationship or the circumstances under which each met.

4.0 pts

Vaguely identifies relationship of nurse to individual, but does not provide details of the length of the relationship or the circumstances under which each met.

0.0 pts

Does not identify relationship of nurse to individual.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains reasons individual was selected, and individual’s interaction with previous and current community’s healthcare system.

Explains details of why individual was selected that speak to individual’s culture and experiences with previous and current healthcare systems.

40.0 pts

Explains at least four reasons why the individual was selected that speak to the individual’s culture of origin and experiences with the previous and current healthcare system.

31.0 pts

Explains three reasons why the individual was selected that mention the individual’s culture and experiences with previous and current the healthcare systems.

28.0 pts

Explains two reasons why the individual was selected but does not include those that speak to the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with previous and current healthcare systems.

13.0 pts

Explains only one reason why the individual was selected but does not include those that speak to the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with the previous or current healthcare systems.

0.0 pts

Does not explain reasons individual was selected, or gives reasons that do not include the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with the previous or current healthcare systems.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

Mechanics and formatting with minimal errors of the following: correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences

5.0 pts

Excellent mechanics and formatting used with minimal errors of the following: – correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences

4.0 pts

Good mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column.

3.0 pts

Fair mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column.

2.0 pts

Poor mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column

0.0 pts

Very poor mechanics and formatting such that paper is difficult to read.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTemplate Use

0.0 pts

0 points deducted

Correct template used.

0.0 pts

10 points (10%) deduction Incorrect template used or NO template used results in a loss of 10 points (10%).

0.0 pts

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2023 I am a nurse working in the emergency room Minimum of 250 words

Nursing 2023 NUR-550-D1R1

I am a nurse working in the emergency room Minimum of 250 words 2023 Assignment

I am a nurse working in the emergency room

Minimum of 250 words with peer review

In your own words, define translational research and how it connects to your role, either individually or in collective practice. Describe how you might use it in your current or anticipated future setting. Why is it important.

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2023 When patient safety is compromised it is critical to get to the root of the issue in

Nursing 2023 2 Steps Day 3 And Day 4

When patient safety is compromised it is critical to get to the root of the issue in 2023 Assignment


When patient safety is compromised, it is critical to get to the root of the issue in order to determine how to ensure patient safety and avoid risks in the future. Nurses can use analytical techniques to determine root causes related to various types of errors. Medication error is a typical error that can be subject to process improvement in general, and root cause analysis in particular. This process came out of NASA after the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster and has been adopted by the health care industry. This week, you analyze a case related to medication error, and you examine how root cause analysis is applied to prevent future error and formulate process improvement plans.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze the composition of a root cause analysis team      in relation to effective practice
  • Critique the effectiveness of the performance      improvement charts in identifying contributing factors
  • Apply findings from a root cause analysis to prevent      future errors
  • Apply a quality improvement process to an improvement      plan


Learning Resources 

Required Readings

Spath, P. (2013). Introduction to healthcare quality management (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

· Chapter 4, “Evaluating Performance” (pp. 73–110)

· Chapter 5, “Continuous Improvement” (pp. 111–130)

· Chapter 6, “Performance Improvement Tools” (pp. 131–162)

Note: Although these chapters are previously assigned readings, please review them in preparation for this week’s material.

Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

· Chapter 17, “Leading Change” (pp. 305–320)

· Chapter 23, “Conflict: The Cutting Edge of Change” (pp. 431–447)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016a). Root cause analysis at Downtown Medical [Interactive file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016b). RCA dramatization 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Case scenario involving medication error including pharmacy, physician, and nurse—interdepartmental collaboration.
Interactive media—students select options that generate chart based on choices
(Voiceover reads the document aloud—include a downloadable pdf).


Discussion: Root Cause Analysis

Review the case scenario included in this week’s media resources, and examine the process flow chart, cause/effect diagram, and Pareto chart related to the case scenario. 

In the scenario, the nurse manager and the director of pharmacy blame each other for the error. The facilitator (quality assurance person) asks everyone to avoid blaming and focus on applying the tools to analyze the data and get to the root cause of the error. While all of these tools contribute, for this Discussion, select one tool to analyze.

By Day 3

Post each of the following:

  • Analyze the composition of the RCA team. Explain what      knowledge they can contribute to the RCA.
  • Describe the collaboration in the case study that led      to effective problem solving. Identify the evidence you observe in the      scenario that demonstrates effective collaboration and the avoidance of      blaming.
  • Explain the team’s process in testing for and      eliminating root causes that were not contributing.
  • Select one of the performance improvement charts      presented in the scenario and critique its effectiveness by explaining how      it contributes to identifying the root cause and determining a solution to      prevent repeat medication errors.
  • Identify the contributing factors, and discuss how to      prevent this kind of error from occurring in the future.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist)

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations.  


Practice Experience: Stakeholder Analysis

The next step in the process is to begin identifying the challenges and impediments to implementing a quality improvement plan. In the analysis consider the individuals affected by the change as well as the cost of implementing the quality improvement plan.

By Day 4

Post a description of some of the proposed action steps for implementing improved practice, and explain where potential challenges might compromise your proposed improvement project. Describe what resources are needed for your solution, and explain whether or not those resources are cost-effective. Continue to collaborate with the selected individuals in your practice environment as needed in the development of the Practice Experience Project, and share this information with your group.

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2023 I selected this topic I am interested in Central line bloodstream infections CLABIS by using educational initiative could decrease the

Nursing 2023 week2600

I selected this topic I am interested in Central line bloodstream infections CLABIS by using educational initiative could decrease the 2023 Assignment

 I selected this topic 

(I am interested in Central line bloodstream infections (CLABIS).by using educational initiative could decrease the rate of catheter-associated bloodstream infection. mandatory education program offered to  ICU nurses and physicians. it was developed by a multidisciplinary task force to highlight correct practices for the prevention of catheter-associated bloodstream infection. 

 Discuss the theoretical framework or model that you intend to use for your capstone project. How does your chosen framework relate  to your phenomenon of interest and research? 


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm P.T.
  • Number: A Minimum of two to Peer Posts, at least one on a different day than the main post
  • Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Research Proposal Draft By the due date assigned write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of

Nursing 2023 Week 7 Midweek Assignment

Research Proposal Draft By the due date assigned write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of 2023 Assignment


Research Proposal Draft

By the due date assigned, write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.


  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Intimate Partner Violence A 30 y o woman presents to the Emergency Department with

Nursing 2023 Catherine Owens

Intimate Partner Violence A 30 y o woman presents to the Emergency Department with 2023 Assignment

 Intimate Partner Violence: A 30 y/o woman presents to the Emergency Department with a complaint of sexual assault by a co-worker in her office. She has no facial or body trauma, bruising or lacerations. She is withdrawn, crying and relates feeling very guilty about coming into the clinic but is afraid of getting pregnant. They had begun dating a week ago, but she never believed this man would become so aggressive. 

Care for this patient does not conclude at the end of this ED visit.

What follow up care should be provided?

Who is best suited to provide care to this patient?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Empirical Research Identification The purpose of this assignment is to understand the usefulness of

Nursing 2023 DNP

Empirical Research Identification The purpose of this assignment is to understand the usefulness of 2023 Assignment

                                 Empirical Research Identification

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the usefulness of evidence and the support it provides when answering a PICOT question.

General Requirements:

• Doctoral learners are required to use Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

• You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Part 1: Empirical Article Selection

Locate three empirical articles related to your PICOT question that meet all the criteria found on the “Empirical Research Checklist” resource.

PICOT QUESTION: What is the impact of medication administration errors in pediatric patients?

Part 2: Research Article Chart 

Using the articles acquired in Part 1, provide a summary review of each component using the “Research Article Chart” template. ATTACHED

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Discussion 1 Hi class Topics to review during our first week of the course How

Nursing 2023 Advance Primary Care III

Discussion 1 Hi class Topics to review during our first week of the course How 2023 Assignment


Discussion 1
Hi class,

Topics to review during our first week of the course:

· How Healthcare reform is impacting primary care https://www.ajmc.com/contributor/sophiabernazzani/2016/03/howhealthcarereformisimpactingprimarycare 

• Healthcare reform 101: What the health is going on in 2018? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTWhwWLzHQ  

• Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5266427/pdf/ornur3612.pdf 

Frequently when the shortage of primary care providers is mentioned with regard to healthcare reform, insurance companies and other institutions forget to factor in the impact nurse practitioners can have on increasing access. 

How do you think we can improve this understanding of the nurse practitioner role?

Please submit your initial response 09/07/19 by 11:59 PM.

Thank you

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 No plagiarism will be checked with turnitin APA style font 12 double spaced with headers Will need Title

Nursing 2023 MN581 Written Assignment: Mutidisciplinary Collaboration

No plagiarism will be checked with turnitin APA style font 12 double spaced with headers Will need Title 2023 Assignment

No plagiarism will be checked with turnitin.

APA style, font 12, double spaced with headers

Will need Title page, content 3 full double spaced  pages in length, plus Reference page. Total of 5 pages. 


Assignment: Collaboration paper

This Assignment is specific to a particular pediatric primary care practice and is mostly based upon student observation and experience.

For full points the following must be addressed adequately in your paper:

  • *From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an example of multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • *From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an example of how multidisciplinary and family collaboration affects patient outcomes.
  • *Discuss how you have been able to promote communication and collaboration among health care professionals, patients, and family/caregivers.
  • *Discuss a particular case where collaboration among health care professionals and family members affected patient/family satisfaction.  (use sample case of a 9 year old female with signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety due to parental divorce) 
  • *In your clinical practicum, what are some barriers that you have observed to collaboration among health care professionals, patients, and families?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Write a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes including type 1

Nursing 2023 Discussion: Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Write a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes including type 1 2023 Assignment

 Write a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.