2023 This is a healthcare administration class Please no plagiarism no professor checks all papers through many websites APA

Nursing 2023 Its Last Minute Can U Help

This is a healthcare administration class Please no plagiarism no professor checks all papers through many websites APA 2023 Assignment


This is a healthcare administration class.

Please no plagiarism no professor checks all papers through many websites

APA format and it has to be two pages one page per scenario can u help me



In this unit, you will discuss two (2) healthcare issues facing healthcare administrators. In a 2-

page summary, you will identify the bioethical and political issues and discuss how you would 

effectively and ethically handle the situations. You must address both of the following 


Scenario 1: You are the healthcare administrator of a nursing home. You are informed by your 

Admissions Director that a new memory-impaired resident has been admitted into your long-

term care unit. The staff is concerned about the involvement of family with your resident. Family 

members from out-of-town arrived and expressed concern about your resident’s do not 

resuscitate (DNR) orders which were authorized by the Power of Attorney of another family 

member. A quarrel erupts in the nursing home with family members voicing their opinions

loudly. You arrive on the scene and are immediately told by the visiting family member, “Do you 

know who I am? I am a supervisor for the Department of Health and Human Services and will

not hesitate to have your facility surveyed for noncompliance.” What do you do?

Scenario 2: You are the administrator of a for-profit healthcare clinic. The receptionist notifies 

you that a 15-year-old has arrived needing prenatal care and does not want her parents to know 

about her pregnancy. She is covered by her parent’s insurance and does not have enough 

money to privately pay for the visit. What do you do?

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2023 Purpose This week s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome CO CO 9 Examine future trends in community health

Nursing 2023 Future Directions

Purpose This week s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome CO CO 9 Examine future trends in community health 2023 Assignment



This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO 9: Examine future trends in community health nursing, including the impact of information systems and evidence-based practice. (PO 8)


Review this week’s lesson and assigned reading on the nurses’ role in population health, and reflect on what you have learned in this course. Address the following questions.

  • What future concerns are likely to impact public health?
  • How do you see global health concerns impacting your community?
  • Identify one way that you can implement population health in your community or workplace.

Please share specific examples.

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2023 Diagnosis and Management of Hematologic and Metabolic Disorders Case Study 2 Jimmy is a 3 year old picky eater

Nursing 2023 WK 8 DISCUSSION

Diagnosis and Management of Hematologic and Metabolic Disorders Case Study 2 Jimmy is a 3 year old picky eater 2023 Assignment


Diagnosis and Management of Hematologic and Metabolic Disorders




Case Study 2:


 Jimmy is a 3-year-old “picky” eater according to his mother. He refuses to eat anything but waffles for breakfast and macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets for lunch and dinner. He will eat apples and bananas but refuses all vegetables except corn. After a normal physical examination, you obtained blood testing that revealed the hemoglobin is 11.4 mg/dl and his hematocrit is 30% (both obtained by venipuncture). The CBC revealed microcytic hypochromic RBCs.




To prepare:


•Review “Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders” and “Hematologic Disorders” in the Burns et al. text


•Review and  Analyze the patient information.


•Consider a differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Think about the most likely diagnosis for the patient.


•Think about a treatment and management plan for the patient. Be sure to consider appropriate dosages for any recommended pharmacologic and/or non-pharmacologic treatments.


•Consider strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.






  1.An explanation of the differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected.


2. Explain which is the most likely diagnosis for the patient and why.


3. Include an explanation of unique characteristics of the disorder you identified as the primary diagnosis.


4. Then, explain a treatment and management plan for the patient, including appropriate dosages for any recommended treatments.


5. Finally, explain strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.






•Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier




◦Chapter 25, “Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders” (pp. 529–556




◦Chapter 26, “Hematologic Disorders” (pp. 557–584)


•Hyperbilirubinemia: current guidelines and emerging therapies by Schwartz,H.P., Haberman, B.E., & Ruddy, R.M. in  Pediatric Emergency Care, 27(9), 884-889.




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2023 Go to the internet and find a credible resource of an organization that aids people

Nursing 2023 Nursing Interventions to Aid the Grieving Process

Go to the internet and find a credible resource of an organization that aids people 2023 Assignment


Go to the internet and find a credible resource of an organization that aids people with grieving and loss. In one page:

  • Describe the organization by name and the measures the organization uses to help people in grieving.
  • Explain why you picked this organization over others you may have viewed. How would you recommend and teach about this organization to an older person who has no computer knowledge or who has visual, hearing, and or cognitive deficits?
  • Your paper should be formatted with correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Please provide the web site information (name and copy the URL) at the bottom of your page.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors symptoms of

Nursing 2023 Discussion Week 1 : Biological Basis And Ethical/Legal Considerations Of Psychotherapy/NRNP 6645: Psychotherapy With Multiple Modalities

Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors symptoms of 2023 Assignment


Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors, symptoms of anxiety, and changes in mental state. Changes influenced by psychopharmacology can be explained by the biological basis of treatments. But how does psychotherapy achieve these changes? Does psychotherapy share common neuronal pathways with psychopharmacology?

Psychotherapy is used with individuals as well as in groups or families. The idea of discussing confidential information with a patient in front of an audience is probably quite foreign to you. However, in group and family therapy, this is precisely what the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner does. In your role, learning how to provide this type of therapy within the limits of confidentiality is essential.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

For this Discussion, you will consider whether psychotherapy also has a biological basis and analyze the ways in which legal and ethical considerations differ in the individual, family, and group therapy settings.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, reflecting on foundational concepts of psychotherapy, biological and social impacts on psychotherapy, and legal and ethical issues across the modalities (individual, family, and group).
  • Search the Walden Library databases for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles that inform and support your academic perspective on these topics.
By Day 3

Post an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group, individual, and family therapy. Support your rationale with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources. 

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Evidence based practice is essential to providing safe quality care to a diverse population

Nursing 2023 DQ3

Evidence based practice is essential to providing safe quality care to a diverse population 2023 Assignment

Evidence-based practice is essential to providing safe, quality care to a diverse population in the acute care setting as well as in the community. Understanding the health care system at the local level is essential to consider when planning the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) because it helps those implementing changes understand and execute the move in an area of greatest need. Franklin and Hopson (2007) write that implementing evidence-based practice change in the community setting is challenging. Interventions that work in research or acute care setting are often very challenging to implement locally in the community setting due to the struggle with “building partnerships between clinical practitioners and researchers” (Franklin & Hopson, 2007, p. 379). Maintaining the effectiveness and reliability of interventions once moved to the community setting is difficult thus careful attention to the specific needs of the local community health care system is imperative (Franklin & Hopson, 2007).

Information from my course mentor that I will consider for my project is to ensure that I am following the hospital’s shared governance model to allow other nurses on the unit to have a voice in the project change (T. Brock, personal communication, August 20, 2019). The hospital where I am implementing my project change is a Magnet culture and uses a shared governance model when considering implementation of evidence-based practice change. My practice change does not only affect me, so it is imperative to share accountability and partnership with my unit manager, peers, and unit-based council members when implementing a project change on the unit for effective outcomes (T. Brock, personal communication, August 20, 2019).


Franklin, C., & Hopson, L. M. (2007). Facilitating the use of evidence-based practice in 

community organizations. Journal of Social Work Education, (3), 377-404. Retrieved 

from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Chapter 39 Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders 1 Ellie Long

Nursing 2023 Chapter 39, Assessment And Management Of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders

Chapter 39 Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders 1 Ellie Long 2023 Assignment

 Chapter 39, Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders

1. Ellie Long, a 55-year-old patient, presents to the pain clinic with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome. The nurse at the clinic obtains a history and physical assessment of the patient. (Learning Objective 2)

  1. On what areas should the nurse concentrate when interviewing the patient during the history process?
  2. On what areas should the nurse concentrate when assessing the patient?
  3. What diagnostic tests are used with fibromyalgia syndrome?

2. Julie Walker, a 22-year-old patient, is newly diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). She presented with extreme fatigue; muscle and joint aching and swelling; a butterfly-shaped, flat, red rash across the bridge of the nose; patchy alopecia; a low-grade fever; and loss of appetite. Further workup revealed a positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) titer, anemia, leucopenia, and mild thrombocytopenia. She has an abnormal lipid profile, proteinuria, and hypertension. The liver and renal profiles are within normal range. The physician ordered over-the-counter ibuprofen as needed for joint discomfort, but not to exceed 1,200 mg/day; hydroxychloroquine sulfate (Plaquenil) before meals at the same time each day; and prednisone in tapering doses over the next month. The physician also started the patient on lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor for the hypertension and a statin for the elevated lipids. The clinic nurse is asked by the physician to provide patient and family education. (Learning Objective 5) 

  1. What teaching-plan topics should the nurse provide for the patient?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Of major concern to educators and psychologists alike is the relationship of childhood poverty and deprivation

Nursing 2023 child development

Of major concern to educators and psychologists alike is the relationship of childhood poverty and deprivation 2023 Assignment

Of major concern to educators and psychologists alike is the relationship of childhood poverty and deprivation on suppressed cognitive development, executive functioning, and attention. Further, recent research suggests that childhood poverty also can play an important role in negative health outcomes and attitudes towards aging that extend into adulthood. Discuss the research of this topic and suggest effective interventions for using childhood as a springboard for promoting healthy aging.

The embedded articleis also found in the SUO library reference:

Wise, P. (2016).  Child poverty and the promise of human capacity: Childhood as a foundation for healthy aging.  Academic Pediatrics (16), S37-S45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2016.01.014

Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic and should be original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

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2023 Directions Reflective writing will assist with improving your critical thinking and provide an opportunity to synthesize classroom knowledge

Nursing 2023 Intro To Nursing

Directions Reflective writing will assist with improving your critical thinking and provide an opportunity to synthesize classroom knowledge 2023 Assignment



Reflective writing will assist with improving your critical thinking and provide an opportunity to synthesize classroom knowledge. Reflection also assists with developing self-awareness, promoting professional growth and behaviors.

Reflection Discussion Question

Reflect on the content learned during the course. Include how this course helped you begin to form your professional identity as a nurse. Include how you will continue to form your professional identity.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 1 Choose one legislator on the state or federal level who is also

Nursing 2023 DQ

1 Choose one legislator on the state or federal level who is also 2023 Assignment

1)  Choose one legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse, and discuss the importance of their role as advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bill(s) have they sponsored or supported that has/have influenced health care? With reference.

2)  Discuss how the CMS reimbursement rules for never events required a shift in the patient care delivery model in inpatient facilities. With reference.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.