2023 Details The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing

Nursing 2023 PICOT Statement And Literature Search

Details The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing 2023 Assignment

The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest.

Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.

Start with the patient and identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.

Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT statement in your selected practice problem area of interest, which is applicable to your proposed capstone project.

The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on your selected practice problem of interest. This literature search should include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your practice problem.

Select six peer-reviewed research articles which will be utilized through the next 5 weeks as reference sources. Be sure that some of the articles use qualitative research and that some use quantitative research. Create a reference list in which the six articles are listed. Beneath each reference include the article’s abstract. The completed assignment should have a title page and a reference list with abstracts.

Suggestions for locating qualitative and quantitative research articles from credible sources:

  1. Use a library database such as CINAHL Complete for your search.
  2. Using the advanced search page check the box beside “Research Article” in the “Limit Your Results” section.
  3. When setting up the search you can type your topic in the top box, then add quantitative or qualitative as a search term in one of the lower boxes. Research articles often are described as qualitative or quantitative.

To narrow/broaden your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used, review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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2023 Resource Ch 1 and Ch 2 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Post

Nursing 2023 Week One Discussion Board (for Nyanya)

Resource Ch 1 and Ch 2 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Post 2023 Assignment


Resource: Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Post a 260- to 350-word response to the following questions 



  • Federal Policy Guidance (Can be Found on web)

Pick a proposed rule from the Federal Policy Guidance page on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website. 

  • Are there any cultural sensitivities that need to be considered because of the notice, rule, or proposed rule?
  • Should all cultures be given equal consideration in health care policies?
  • What aspects of culture should be given consideration in the health care industry?

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 1 AG Process and Regulations of Fast Track New pharmacological agents go a long way in

Nursing 2023 Replies

1 AG Process and Regulations of Fast Track New pharmacological agents go a long way in 2023 Assignment


                                                    Process and Regulations of Fast Track

    New pharmacological agents go a long way in clinical trials and approvals from the Food and Drug Administration before entering a wide market and becoming available to needy patients in the United States. At the same time, for promising drugs that can significantly improve the results of existing therapy or fill a missing niche, this process can be accelerated using the Fast Track protocol (Woo & Robinson, 2015). The latter provides for the filing of a special application by a pharmacological company at the FDA office, which the latter examine within 60 days. If the medicine acquires Fast Track status, manufacturers receive a number of concessions, such as the right to more frequent correspondence and meetings with representatives of this state regulatory body and the possibility of cooperation in conducting a clinical trial. If convincing positive results are obtained, it is possible to obtain FDA approval after a single phase 2 clinical trial (Papadimitriou & Butler, 2017). In addition, the verification process of such a pharmacological agent is significantly reduced from 10 to 6 months.

                                                                    Medical Conditions

    In order to be able to obtain faster approval via the Fast Track protocol, the drug agent must meet a number of requirements. Specific medical conditions are not indicated, but it is prescribed that the effect of the drug should be aimed at treating a life-threatening or dangerous disease, such as heart failure (Papadimitriou & Butler, 2017). A prerequisite is either to improve the outcome of existing treatment, such as a reduction in mortality or disability, or a significant reduction in the toxicity of therapy (Woo & Robinson, 2015). In addition, medical conditions that do not have developed a pharmacological treatment, such as some rare and orphan diseases, are also eligible for faster approval from the FDA via the Fast Track protocol. Therefore, due to this possibility, patients will more quickly gain access to the most modern therapy and increase the chances of a more favorable outcome of treatment.                                                   


Papadimitriou, L., & Butler, J. (2017). “Fast Track” Development and Approval Process for Heart Failure Therapeutics. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 102(2), 184-186.

Woo, T. M., & Robinson, M. V. (2015). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers. FA Davis.


The FDA made it possible for critically needed medications to be introduced to the US market promptly using the “Fast Track” procedure.  “Fast Track” is a process designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of drugs to treat serious conditions and fill an unmet medical need (Vaggelas & Seimetz, 2019).  With fast track, FDA is required by the statute to decide within 60 days of receipt of the request whether the conditions for fast track designation have been met (Vaggelas & Seimetz, 2019).  To be eligible for the fast track program, an applicant must submit a request with supporting documentation for fast track designation for the product and its proposed use (Darrow, Avorn, & Kesselheim, 2018).

The medical conditions that warrant “Fast Track” drugs are serious or life-threatening conditions and those conditions that result in unmet medical needs (Darrow et al., 2018).  Determining whether a condition is serious is a matter of judgment, but generally is based on whether the drug will have an impact on such factors as survival, day-to-day functioning, or the likelihood that the condition, if left untreated, will progress from a less severe condition to a more serious one.  Stroke, epilepsy, brain disorders, depression, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, heart failure, diabetes, and cancer are examples of serious conditions.  Filling an unmet medical need is defined as providing a therapy where none exists or providing a therapy which may be potentially better than available therapy (Darrow et al., 2018).


Darrow, J. J., Avorn, J., & Kesselheim, A. S. (2018). The FDA breakthrough-drug designation-four years of experience. N Engl J Med, 378(15), 1444-1453.

Vaggelas, A., & Seimetz, D. (2019). Expediting drug development: FDA’s new regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 53(3), 364-373. doi: 10.1177/2168479018779373

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.














This is a benchmark assessment.

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by CCNE and AACN using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, their specific care discipline, and their local communities.

The learning activity and corresponding assignment in this topic requires students to perform a heritage assessment with families selected by the student from their local community.


Click on http://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/663/679611/box_6_1.pdf in order to access the “Heritage Assessment Tool.”

Interview three families from different cultures. One family should be from your own culture. Compare the differences in health traditions between these cultures.

Assess the three families using the “Heritage Assessment Tool.” In 1,000-1,500 words discuss the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment to evaluate the needs of families and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Include the following:

  1. Perform a heritage assessment on three families. One of these families should be from your own culture.
  2. Complete the “Heritage Assessment Tool” and submit to: RNBSNclientcare@gcu.edu – one assessment for each of the three families interviewed. You are not required to include the tool in your LoudCloud submission.
  3. Identify common health traditions based on cultural heritage. Evaluate and discuss how the families subscribe to these traditions and practices. Address health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration as they relate to your assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


                                                                USE THIS RUBRIC


Benchmark Assignment – Heritage Assessment

Less than Satisfactory
80.0 %Content
20.0 % Discuss the Usefulness of Applying a Heritage Assessment in Evaluating the Needs of the Whole Person.
Discussion of the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of the whole person is not offered.
Discussion of the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of the whole person is offered, but incomplete, lacking relevant information, or does not meet criteria for word count.
Discussion of the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of the whole person meets requirements of the assignment.
Discussion of the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of the whole person is offered in detail.
Discussion of the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of the whole person is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.
20.0 % Family Interviews
Interview of three families from different cultures not offered.
Interview of three families from different cultures is offered, but incomplete, lacking relevant information regarding the comparison of the differences in health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration among the cultures.
Interview of three families from different cultures that provides comparison of the differences in health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration among the cultures meets requirements of the assignment.
Interview of three families from different cultures that provides comparison of the differences in health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration among the cultures is offered in detail.
Interview of three families from different cultures that provides comparison of the differences in health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration among the cultures is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.
20.0 % Identifying Common Health Traditions
Identification of common health traditions based on your cultural heritage is not offered.
Identification of common health traditions based on your cultural heritage is offered, but is incomplete, lacking relevant information.
Identification of common health traditions based on your cultural heritage meets requirements of the assignment.
Identification of common health traditions based on your cultural heritage is offered in detail.
Identification of common health traditions based on your cultural heritage is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.
20.0 % Evaluate How Families Subscribe to These Traditions and Practices
Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is not offered.
Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered, but is incomplete, lacking relevant information.
Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices meets requirements of the assignment.
Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered in detail.
Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.
15.0 %Organizatioan and Effectiveness
5.0 % Thesis Development and Purpose
Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.
Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.
Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.
Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.
Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
15.0 %Organizatioan and Effectiveness
5.0 % Paragraph Development and Transitions
Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed.
Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident.
Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other.
A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose.
There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
15.0 %Organizatioan and Effectiveness
5.0 % Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
5.0 %Format
2.0 % Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)
Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.
Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent.
Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.
Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style.
All format elements are correct.
3.0 % Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment)
No reference page is included. No citations are used.
Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used.
Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.
Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usually correct.
In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
100 % Total Weightage














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2023 E visits from the Patient and Provider Perspective Read the Case Study in Guided Exercise 10H Patient Requests

Nursing 2023 Help Paper should be 2 pages Due by 4/10/2018 at 12 central time

E visits from the Patient and Provider Perspective Read the Case Study in Guided Exercise 10H Patient Requests 2023 Assignment

E-visits from the Patient and Provider Perspective

Read the Case Study in “Guided Exercise 10H: Patient Requests an E-Visit” on page 432 in your textbook. Then, use the instructions for “Guided Exercise 10H” (beginning with Step 2 on page 433) and “Critical Thinking Exercise 10J” (beginning on page 436) to complete these exercises in the MyHealthProfessionsLab located in Blackboard. You do not have to complete step 10 in either exercise because you are not actually submitting the work in the lab. After completing these exercises, respond to the following questions.

1. What is meant by patient-centered medical care? Define this term and give examples.

2. Why would a patient choose an E-visit instead of an in-office visit?

3. Howarevirtualofficevisitsconducted?

4. HowisEHRusedtoprovidepatient-careinanE-visit?Basedonyourexperienceintheseexercises,wouldyou

prefer an E-visit? Why, or why not?

5. Do virtual office visits have the same privacy standards as in-office visits? Based on these exercises and what you

have read about E-visits in Chapter 10, would you have any hesitation to utilize a virtual office visit?

Your response must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least your textbook as a source, but other sources may be used if needed. Any information from a source must be cited and referenced in APA style, and your paper should be formatted in accordance to APA guidelines.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization

Nursing 2023 Nursing statistics

There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization 2023 Assignment

There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization or for health care information. Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals towards research, treatment options, or patient education.

Using the data on the “National Cancer Institute Data” Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the Race/Ethnicity groups. Refer to your textbook and the Topic Materials, as needed, for assistance in with creating Excel formulas.

Provide the following descriptive statistics:

  1. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode
  2. Measures of Variation: Variance, Standard Deviation, and Range (a formula is not needed for Range).
  3. Once the data is calculated, provide a 150-250 word analysis of the descriptive statistics on the spreadsheet. This should include differences and health outcomes between groups.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Discussion 2 Question This week you should be locating sources for your Signature Assignment project

Nursing 2023 Discussion 2 Question: This Week, You Should Be Locating Sources For Your Signature Assignment Project. What Problems Are You Having Locating Sources For Your Project? Is The Wording Of An Article Hard To Comprehend? What Sites Have You Found Helpful? P

Discussion 2 Question This week you should be locating sources for your Signature Assignment project 2023 Assignment


Discussion 2 Question:

This week, you should be locating sources for your Signature Assignment project. What problems are you having locating sources for your project? Is the wording of an article hard to comprehend? What sites have you found helpful? Please locate at least two scholarly sources for your project and describe the information you found in these sources that you intend to use for your presentation.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least two scholarly sources other than the textbook.

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2023 Essay Quality Initiatives and Improvement in Healthcare Objective Identify and assess the

Nursing 2023 Quality Initiatives

Essay Quality Initiatives and Improvement in Healthcare Objective Identify and assess the 2023 Assignment


Essay: Quality Initiatives and Improvement in Healthcare


 Identify and assess the essential elements of quality control and quality improvement initiatives in the healthcare fields.


Quality is critical in the healthcare fields because of the significant risk to humans from errors. Not only must the highest degree of quality be managed and maintained, but quality must also continuously be monitored and improved. Regulatory agencies and nongovernmental organizations provide standards and best practices relating to quality and healthcare consumers provide additional information that impact quality management. Basic quality management methods such as Continuous Quality Improvement are often used in healthcare. Data can be collected and analyzed to support quality initiatives and identify areas where quality improvement is needed. 


The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 750 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (APAstyle.org). A minimum of three sources must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.

Activity Details

Step 1: Read the following questions and use what you have learned about this lesson’s objective to summarize your responses.

  • -How can a healthcare facility use each of the concepts of Continuous Quality Improvement in managing quality? Provide an example that illustrates each concept.
  • -What role do state governments play in regulating healthcare delivery? 
  • -What role does The Joint Commission play in quality management?
  • -In what ways do consumers impact quality management in healthcare? In your answer, include the role of the “healthcare report card.”

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2023 Discussion 8 Identify a state health policy and the tools used to

Nursing 2023 week 14 research

Discussion 8 Identify a state health policy and the tools used to 2023 Assignment


Discussion # 8

Identify a state health policy and the tools used to implement the policy. How do you think the political climate has affected the choice of policy tools and the behavioral assumptions by policymakers?  How have professional nursing organizations been involved in this policy issue? If they have not, what recommendations would you make for them to participate?  Develop a few talking points to inform other health care professionals regarding this issue.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 To Prepare Review the Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources Select an existing healthcare program or policy

Nursing 2023 NURS 6050 Policy And Advocacy For Improving Population Health

To Prepare Review the Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources Select an existing healthcare program or policy 2023 Assignment


To Prepare:

  • Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
  • Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
  • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.