2023 APA Format 600 words 3 Reference not older than 5 years 1 Do

Nursing 2023 Week 3 lecture and discussion questions

APA Format 600 words 3 Reference not older than 5 years 1 Do 2023 Assignment

APA Format

600 words

3 Reference not older than 5 years

1. Do you feel it is better to allow individuals the freedom to choose any type of  (or no) health insurance coverage available to them or to increase government involvement in a person’s/family’s healthcare via mandates, such as the ACA and/or the government as a single insurer for all residents.  Why?

 2. Discuss the mission of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). 

3.If you could reform the malpractice or tort laws, what types of changes would you make? When do you feel it is appropriate for someone to claim damages from medical procedures or treatment? Do you feel there should be a cap on the payments, and if so, how would you decide what that cap would be? What are all the different costs involved in medical malpractice suites? Is it easier to talk about tort reform than to actually try to define it?

4.  The rights of people once they have been incarcerated can be a controversial topic of      discussion. Discuss the healthcare rights of the incarcerated population. What do you feel should or should not be provided to those who are imprisoned? Are there certain tests or procedures that they feel should be performed routinely? Why or why not? What is the nurse’s role, based on the section on page 248?

As stated in the course syllabus this assignment must be presented based on the instructions given;  in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font, attached to the forum tab in the discussion board.    A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years  (excluding the class textbook) are required. You must post at least two replies to any or your peers sustained with the proper references.  A minimum of 600 words are required (excluding first and last page).

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2023 Respond to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned to a different case than you Explain how you

Nursing 2023 Post-Casey

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned to a different case than you Explain how you 2023 Assignment

 Respond to at least two of your  colleagues who were assigned to a different case than you. Explain how  you might apply knowledge gained from your colleagues’ case studies to  you own practice in clinical settings. 

NOTE: Positive Comment

                                       Main Post

      Case #13 the 8-year-old girl who was naughty  


This  case study will examine an 8-year-old girl who initially presents to  the pediatrician’s office with complaints of a fever and sore throat.  After further examination, the client is diagnosed with attention  deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder  (ODD). According to Ghosh, Ray, & Basu (2017), characteristics of  ODD include persistent anger or irritable mood, argumentativeness,  defiance, and vindictiveness for at least 6 months. ADHD is  characterized by a pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and  impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning or development  (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 

3 Additional Assessment Questions for the Client:

1.  I would ask the client and her mother how often her daughter displays  symptoms that are congruent with ODD and? According to the authors  Ghosh, Ray, & Basu (2017), the occurrence of ODD symptoms must be  disproportionate to the child’s developmental stage and age. 

2. I  would ask the client if she had trouble learning in class when she was  younger. The onset of ADHD symptoms usually occurs before a child  reaches age 12, and in some children, these symptoms are noticeable at  age 3 (Sibley, Rohde, & Swanson, 2017). 

3. A  final question that I would ask the client is if she interrupts her  classmates when they are speaking. Children suffering from ADHD feel the  need to be constantly active and struggle with controlling impulsive  behaviors (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).  

Feedback From the Client’s Loved Ones

The  first person in this client’s life that I would like to further  interview is the client’s mother. According to Stahl (2019), the  client’s mother is 26 years old and is a single parent of two children,  ages 8 and 6. I would want to ask the client’s mother more about her  daughter’s academic performance in earlier grades. Identifying the  precise onset of the client’s ADHD symptoms will assist the provider in  creating the most appropriate treatment for the client (Stahl, 2014). I  would also like to interview the client’s teacher in order to gain  another perspective on the client’s behavior in the classroom. The  client’s teacher did use an ADHD rating scale, but scales of that nature  are very broad and do not elaborate on the child’s specific classroom  behaviors. A third person that I would interview is the client’s  6-year-old sister. According to Stahl (2019), the client began  displaying signs of anger and resentfulness when her sister was born. I  would ask the client’s sister if she felt safe at home and if she and  her sister fought often, in order to determine if the home environment  is safe for both children. 

Physical Exams and Diagnostic Tests

The  physical assessment of the client is essential for developing an  appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. Visual assessment of the  client’s behaviors during the physical assessment will be extremely  useful to the provider. The provider would also want to obtain and  review the client’s report cards along with any behavior reports, and  attendance records from the client’s school (Adesman, 2011). The  healthcare provider should also review the client’s pediatric health  records to see if her symptoms are congruent with a learning disability,  auditory processing disorder, signs of language delay, spacial  orientation confusion, and complete a more thorough family history  involving learning disabilities (Adesman, 2011). A complete blood count  should be down to rule out physical illness as a causetive factor for  the client’s ODD symptoms. The client is currently suffering from a  fever and sore throat, which could be an indicator of PANDAS (pediatric  autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal  infections). Since  the client does have a current sore throat, a rapid strep test should  be ordered. If the client does test positive for strep, it could explain  the client’s symptomologies impulsivity, temper tantrums, and aggressiveness.  

Differential Diagnoses

Autism Spectrum Disorder: there  are deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging from an abnormal  social approach and failure to communicate in a standard back-and-forth  conversation (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). There is also a  reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect, along with a failure  of the patient to initiate or respond during social interactions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The client’s history does not show any indication of impaired communication. 

Conduct Disorder:  characterized by behavior that violates either the rights of others or  major societal norms, the symptoms must be present for at least 3 months  with one symptom having been present in the past 6 months. The symptoms  of conduct disorder must cause significant impairment in social,  academic or occupational functioning (American Psychiatric Association,  2013). Per the client’s medical record, her symptoms fit the time frame  for conduct disorder, however, her behavior is not this severe in  nature. 

ADHD with Co-occurring ODD: The authors Ghosh, Ray, & Basu (2017), describe the characteristics  of ODD as persistent anger or irritable mood, argumentativeness,  defiance, and vindictiveness for at least 6 months. ADHD is  characterized by a pattern of inattention, hyperactivity,  and impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning or development  (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The client’s behavior is  congruent with ADHD with co-occurring ODD.

Pharmacological Agents for ADHD/ODD Therapy: 

Risperdal  is the first pharmacological agent that I would choose for this client.  This medication is not listed on the suggested medication list of the  case study, however, the medication list does list “other” as a possible  choice. According to Stahl (2014), Risperidone  is also used to treat behavior problems such as aggression,  self-injury, and sudden mood changes in teenagers and children 5 to 16  years of age. Risperidone  is in a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics. It works  by changing the activity of certain natural substances in the brain. The  second medication that was chosen for this client is Vyvanse.  Vyvanse increases norepinephrine and dopamine actions by blocking their  reuptake and creating an environment that allows their release (Stahl,  2013). Vyvanse also causes an enhancement of dopamine and  norepinephrine in specific areas of the brain that may improve  attention, concentration, executive dysfunction, and wakefulness (Stahl,  2013). According to Stahl (2014), it is thought that the increased  dopamine action caused by Vyvanse, may help with hyperactivity. I would  initially start this client on Vyvanse due to its efficacy in treating  symptoms of ADHD. If the child’s academic performance and classroom  behavior improve, perhaps ODD symptoms will improve. 



According  to Stahl (2019), the closest child psychotherapist is an hour away,  therefore the client did not receive therapy. I would refer the client  and her mother to case management in order to connect the client with  resources that are closer to her home. I would also ask the client’s  school what type of resources are available in terms of psychotherapy.

Lessons Learned: 

Through  this case study I have learned that co-occurring childhood disorders  can be difficult to treat. Pediatric clients can respond differently to  medication dosages than adults, so careful dose titration is essential.  Pediatric clients also rely on their parents or caregivers to provide  them with their prescribed medications and transportation to medical  appointments. It is essential that the healthcare provider conveys how  important treatment regime compliance is to both the client and their  caregiver.

Adesman, A. R. (2011). The Diagnosis and Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in 

          Pediatric Patients. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 3(2), 66-77. 


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

(5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Ghosh, A., Ray, A., & Basu, A. (2017). Oppositional defiant disorder: current insight. Psychology 

research and behavior management, 10, 353-367. https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S120582

Sibley, M. H., Rohde, L. A., & Swanson, J. M. (2017). Late-Onset ADHD Reconsidered with 

           Comprehensive Repeated Assessments between Ages 10 and 25. American journal of psychiatry

175(2), 140-149. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17030298

Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (fourth ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Stahl, S. M. (2014). The prescriber’s guide (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Stahl Online. (2019). Volume 1 case #5: The sleepy woman with anxiety. (PDF file). 

Retrievedfrom http://stahlonline.cambridge.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/viewPdf?p


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2023 Case Study 1 Gastrointestinal Disorders T H a 57 year old stockbroker has come to the gastroenterologist for

Nursing 2023 Medical Surgical Ll Gastrointestinal Disorders Case Study

Case Study 1 Gastrointestinal Disorders T H a 57 year old stockbroker has come to the gastroenterologist for 2023 Assignment

Case Study #1

Gastrointestinal Disorders

T.H., a 57-year-old stockbroker, has come to the gastroenterologist for treatment of recurrent mild to severe cramping in his abdomen and blood-streaked stool. You are the registered nurse doing his initial workup. Your findings include a mildly obese man who demonstrates moderate guarding of his abdomen with both direct and rebound tenderness, especially in the left lower quadrant (LLQ). His vital signs are 168/98, 110, 24, 100.4° F (38° C); he is slightly diaphoretic. T.H. reports that he has periodic constipation. He has had previous episodes of abdominal cramping, but this time the pain is getting worse. Past medical history reveals that T.H. has a “sedentary job with lots of emotional moments,” he has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years, and he had “two or three mixed drinks in the evening” until 2 months ago. He states, “I haven’t had anything to drink in 2 months.” He denies having regular exercise: “just no time.” His diet consists mostly of “white bread, meat, potatoes, and ice cream with fruit and nuts over it.” He denies having a history of cardiac or pulmonary problems and has no personal history of cancer, although his father and older brother died of colon cancer. He takes no medications and denies the use of any other drugs or herbal products.


. 1. Identify four general health risk problems that T.H. exhibits.

 2. Identify a key factor in his family history that might have profound implications for his health and present state of mind.


3.The physician ordered a KUB (x-ray study of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder), complete blood count (CBC), and complete metabolic profile. Based on x-ray and laboratory findings, physical examination findings, and history, the physician diagnoses T.H. as having acute diverticulitis and discusses an outpatient treatment plan with him.What is diverticulitis? What are the consequences of untreated diverticulitis?


4.While the patient is experiencing the severe crampy pain of acute diverticulitis, what interventions would you perform to help him feel more comfortable?


5. What is the rationale for ordering bed rest?


T.H. is being sent home with prescriptions for metronidazole (Flagyl) 500mg PO q6h, ciprofloxacin (Cipro) 500mg PO q12h, and dicyclomine (Bentyl) 20mg  4 tomes per day for 5 days.

6.For each medication, state the drug class and the purpose for T.H.

 7.Given his history, what questions must you ask T.H. before he takes the initial dose of metronidazole? State your rationale


8.What is a disulfiram reaction?


9. What are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction

Answer All questions in APA format with a separate reference page.

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2023 1 Describe the relationship between data and information Read and answer

Nursing 2023 Kim Woods

1 Describe the relationship between data and information Read and answer 2023 Assignment


1.     Describe the relationship between data and information.

  • Read and answer the discussion questions, using complete sentences, correct spelling, correct punctuation and correct grammar.
  • APA format. Your answer should be a minimum of 250 words with a minimum of one cited reference to support the discussion.

 Books Required Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 2013: A Fundamental Combined Approach, 1st Enhanced Edition Author: Misty E. Vermaat 

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2023 Ionic and Molecular Compounds 1 Name each of the following molecular compounds a CO2 b N2O c P2O5 d N2S3

Nursing 2023 Chemistry week 3 learning Activities

Ionic and Molecular Compounds 1 Name each of the following molecular compounds a CO2 b N2O c P2O5 d N2S3 2023 Assignment


Ionic and Molecular Compounds

1. Name each of the following molecular compounds

a. CO2

b. N2O

c. P2O5

d. N2S3

e. CF4

2. Write the formula of the following molecular compound

a. Carbon tetrachloride

b. Sulfur dioxide

c. Phosphorus pentafluoride

d. Dinitrogen tetroxide

e. Chlorine dioxide

3. Classify each of the following as ionic or molecular and give its name

a. Na2SO4

b. Fe(OH)3

c. CCl4

d. OF2

e. CaS

4. Identify the group in the periodic table of the element X in each of the following ionic compounds

a. XSO4

b. XF3

c. XCl

d. XO

e. X2CO3

5. Classify the bonds in each of the following compounds as ionic bond, polar covalent bond, or non polar covalent bond

a. MgS

b. H-Cl

c. Br-Br

d. H-O-H

e. NaCl

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2023 As a professional nurse you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care On occasion you will

Nursing 2023 Assignment: Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet,NURS 5051/NURS 6051: Transforming Nursing And Healthcare Through Technology

As a professional nurse you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care On occasion you will 2023 Assignment


As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise.

With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform colleagues, leadership, patients, and other stakeholders.

In this Assignment, you will study a recent nursing informatics-related healthcare policy, and you will share the relevant details via a fact sheet designed to inform and educate.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
  • Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
  • Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.

The Assignment: (1 page)

Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

  • Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
  • Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 This paper has to be in apa style and every question well explained

Nursing 2023 paper

This paper has to be in apa style and every question well explained 2023 Assignment

This paper has to be in apa style and every question well explained.

1-which of the following behaviors may be (1) ethical but illegal, (2) legal but unethical, (3) illegal and unethical, and (4) legal and ethical.

A. Working in a clinic that performs abortions

b. Respecting the wishes of a client suffering from ALS that he be permitted to die with dignity and not placed on “breathing machines”

c. Respecting the health surrogate’s wishes regarding termination of life support of her friend

d. Observing a coworker take out two tablets of oxycodone as ordered for pain management for his patient but keeping one for himself, administering only one tablet to the patient.

2-differentiate among the following: deontological theories, utilitarianism, and principlism.

3-what do you think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients about a poor prognosis, even though the information may cause severe distress.

4-What do they think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients against family wishes?

5. You see a colleague use another nurse’s password to access the medication administration system and take out a narcotic. What would you do?

6.Your colleague’s child fell and was brought to the emergency department. She comes back up to the unit and tells you that they cleaned and debrided the wound, and she needs to change the dressings twice a day using a wet to dry method. You see her go into the supply system and remove the dressings and saline using a patient’s identification number. What would you do?

7. You are caring for a patient who has a terminal disease. He asks you if he is dying. Would you tell him? If yes, how? If no, what might you say? .

8-You are administering hydromorphone to a patient. The patient asks you what you are administering. Would you tell the patient about the medication?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Herbal Supplements The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years Today

Nursing 2023 Discussion :APA 6th Edition Format As Required ( 2 Paragraphs Is Required 2 Cited Peer Review References Within 5 Years Of Publication (References Cannot Be Older Than 5 Years).

Herbal Supplements The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years Today 2023 Assignment


Herbal Supplements:

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. Because they are not subject to scrutiny by the FDA or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements is controversial.

Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives. These products contain only purified ingredients and, unlike herbal supplements, are closely regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts. Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways. Please address the followings:

1.     Discuss advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements, including adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, and specific laboratory issues that may arise from using these products.

2.     Discuss the position of the FDA and other governmental agencies on over the counter herbal supplements. Support your post with at least 2 evidenced-based guidelines published within the last 5 years.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 This case study documents an ongoing interaction between a wife and her husband who live in a spacious

Nursing 2023 Dorothea Orem Theory Case Study

This case study documents an ongoing interaction between a wife and her husband who live in a spacious 2023 Assignment

This case study documents an ongoing interaction between a wife and her husband who live in a spacious home in a gated community. Answer the questions posted below. 1 page. 

When Dan (now 80) and Jane (now 65) began dating more than 15 years ago, both were emotionally charged to begin their lives anew. Well-educated and financially secure, they had a lot in common. Dan was a protestant minister, and Jane’s deceased husband had been a protestant minister. Both had lost their spouses. Jane’s first husband had suffered a catastrophic cerebral aneurysm 2 years earlier. Dan had conducted the funeral service for Jane’s husband. Dan’s wife had died of terminal cancer a little over a year earlier. Dan’s first wife had been a school counselor; Jane was a school teacher. Both had children in college. They shared a love for travel. Dan was retired but continued part-time employment, and Jane planned to continue teaching to qualify for retirement. Both were in great health and had more than adequate health benefits. Within the year they were married. Summer vacations were spent snorkeling in Hawaii, mountain climbing in national parks, and boating with family. After 7 years, Dan experienced major health problems: a quadruple cardiac bypass surgery, followed by surgery for pancreatic cancer. Jane’s plans to continue working were dropped so she could assist Dan to recover and then continue to travel with him and enjoy their remaining time together. Dan did recover—only to begin to exhibit the early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. One of the early signs appeared the previous Christmas as they were hanging outdoor lights. To Jane’s dismay, she noted that Dan could not follow the sequential directions she gave him. As time passed, other signs appeared, such as some memory loss and confusion, frequent repeating of favorite phrases, sudden outbursts of anger, and decreased social involvement. Assessments resulted in the diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease. Dan was prescribed Aricept, and Jane began to prepare herself to face this new stage of their married life. She read literature about Alzheimer’s disease avidly and organized their home for physical and psychological safety. A kitchen blackboard displayed phone numbers and the daily schedule. Car keys were appropriately stowed. It was noted that she began to savor her time with Dan. Just sitting together with him on the sofa brought gentle expressions to her face. They continued to attend church services and functions but stopped their regular swims at their exercise facility when Dan left the dressing room naked one day. Within the year, Jane’s retired sister and brother-in-law relocated to a home a short walk from Jane’s. Their intent was to be on call to assist Jane in caring for Dan. Dan and Jane’s children did not live nearby so could only assist occasionally. As Dan’s symptoms intensified, a neighbor friend, Helen, began to relieve Jane for a few hours each week. At this time, Jane is still the primary dependent-care agent. She prides herself in mastering a dual shower; she showers Dan in his shower chair first, and then, while she showers, he sits on the nearby toilet seat drying himself. Her girlfriends suggested that this was material for an entertaining home video! Although Jane is cautious in her care for Dan, she often drives a short distance to her neighborhood tennis court for brief games with friends or spends time tending the lovely gardens she and Dan planted. During these times, she locks the house doors and leaves Dan seated in front of the television with a glass of juice. She watches the time and returns home midway through the hour to check on Dan. On one occasion when she forgot to lock the door while she was gardening, Dan made his way to the street, lost his balance, reclined face-first in the flower bed, and was discovered by a neighbor. Jane has given up evenings out and increased her favorite pastime of reading. Her days are filled with assisting Dan in all of his activities of daily living. And, often, her sleep is interrupted by Dan’s wandering throughout their home. At times, when the phone rings, Dan answers and tells callers Jane is not there. Jane, only in the next room, informs him “Dan, I am Jane.” Friends are saddened by Dan’s decline and concerned with the burdens and limitations Jane has assumed as a result of Dan’s dependency.

Critical thinking activities

1. Examine this case study through the dependency cycle model. The outer arrows show a progression through varying stages of dependency. The inner circle represents who can be involved in the dependency cycle. Where are Jane and Dan in this cycle?

2. Using the basic dependent-care system model, assess Dan and Jane. Identify the basic conditioning factors (BCFs) for each. What is the effect of Dan’s BCFs on his self-care agency? Is he able to meet his therapeutic self-care demands? Continue on to diagnose Dan’s self-care deficit and resulting dependent-care deficit. Now assess Jane’s self-care system.

3. Design a nursing system that addresses Jane’s self-care system as she increases her role as dependent-care agent for Dan.

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2023 Discussion post should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs Word totals for each

Nursing 2023 Week _3 Discussion.

Discussion post should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs Word totals for each 2023 Assignment

Discussion post should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs.  Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.  Whether you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience.  Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. APA 6th edition format for references as well as in-text citations is expected.


The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services released a comprehensive Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence–2008 Update


The goal of these recommendations is that clinicians strongly recommend the use of effective tobacco dependence counseling and medication treatments to their patients who use tobacco, and that health systems, insurers, and purchasers assist clinicians in making such effective treatments available.

After reading these recommendations answer the following questions.

1. what are the clinical interventions for patients unwilling to quit cigarette smoking?

2. According to the best practices what are the best strategies to help your clients quit smoking?

3. are there any specific smoking cessation recommendations for especial populations such as teenagers or the elderly?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.