2023 Find a root in the appendix of our textbook or in an online search of medical terms Then

Nursing 2023 Medical Terminology

Find a root in the appendix of our textbook or in an online search of medical terms Then 2023 Assignment


  1. Find a root in the appendix of our textbook or in an online search of medical terms. Then change the root into three other terms by adding different prefixes and/or suffixes. These must be “actual” words that are of accepted use in medical language.
  2. Deconstruct each of your three medical terms. Tell what each word part is (prefix, root, and/or suffix) and define each word part.
  3. Give the definitions for each new medical term.
  4. Then use each term correctly in a sentence IN A MANNER THAT MAKES THE MEANING OF THE TERM CLEAR FROM CONTEXT.
  5. Be sure to review the terms already posted on the discussion board for this assignment. Only use terms that have not been previously used. Also, do not use the examples given in the video or in these instructions for your post.
  6. After posting your idea, respond to two other posts by members of your Discussion Group in a substantive and meaningful manner. Be sure to address the person by name, restate their three terms, and explain how you think understanding these terms will be helpful to you in the future.
  7.  This is a graded activity. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.


The root is thyroid for this example.

1. Hyper-thyroid-ism: overactive or excessive production of thyroid hormones.

  • Prefix is hyper- : excessive or above
  • root is thyroid: thyroid gland
  • suffix -ism: condition
  • Sentence: Hyperthyroidism can accelerate your body’s metabolism, causing unintentional weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat.

2. Hypo-thyroid-ism: deficiency of thyroid hormone

  • Prefix: hypo– : deficient; below; under; less than normal
  • Root: thyroid: thyroid gland
  • Suffix: -ism: condition
  • Sentence: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) Major symptoms include fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, and unexplained weight gain.

3. Thyroid-itis: inflammation of the thyroid gland.

  • Root is thyroid: thyroid gland
  •  Suffix -itits: inflammation
  • Sentence: The most obvious symptom of subacute thyroiditis is pain in the neck caused by a swollen and inflamed thyroid gland.

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2023 Anne Kolsky 3 posts Re Topic 10 DQ 1 Professional Journal A

Nursing 2023 DQ10 1 RESPONSE

Anne Kolsky 3 posts Re Topic 10 DQ 1 Professional Journal A 2023 Assignment

Anne Kolsky    3 posts   Re: Topic 10 DQ 1  Professional Journal  A good journal to begin the quest to reach the capstone short term and long-term goals would be the Journal of Early Childhood Research by SAGE journals. It meets all the criteria for scholarly research and acceptance of research. It is an international peer-reviewed forum for childhood research that bridges across disciplines. It applies theory and research gleaned from empirical and theoretical research related to learning and development in the early childhood years. It is particularly helpful for policymakers and practitioners working in complementary and related fields (SAGE, 2019).  Conference  The Early Childhood Summit 2020 would be a fantastic conference to speak at. It is billed as the largest early childhood conference (at least in the State of Arizona). It would have been even more appealing if it was offered during a Minnesota winter. It is geared for professionals, stakeholders and supporters of early childhood education and health. It invites those in education, health professions, tribal representatives, business and community leaders, school administrators, university and college faculty, and state and local policymakers. Topics included impacts, health and development, language and literacy, empowering leaders, public awareness and engagement, strengthening families, teaching and learning toolboxes and tribal communities. All together there are more than 80 sessions to choose from and several exhibitors on deck. The line-up of main speakers is lacking a health care professional, so signing up to speak would be a terrific opportunity to develop collaborations, teach others about the need to partner, and implement services  First Things First. (2019). Early childhood summit 2020. Retrieved from https://summit.firstthingsfirst.org/    SAGE journals. (2019). Journal of early childhood research. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ecr

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2023 Patients are frequently uncomfortable discussing with healthcare professional s issues that involve the genitalia and rectum however

Nursing 2023 Lab Assignment: Assessing The Genitalia And Rectum

Patients are frequently uncomfortable discussing with healthcare professional s issues that involve the genitalia and rectum however 2023 Assignment


Patients are frequently uncomfortable discussing with healthcare professional’s issues that involve the genitalia and rectum; however, gathering an adequate history and properly conducting a physical exam are vital. Examining case studies of genital and rectal abnormalities can help prepare advanced practice nurses to accurately assess patients with problems in these areas.

In this Lab Assignment, you will analyze an Episodic note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients, as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.

To Prepare

  • Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study.
  • Based on the Episodic note case study:
    • Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study. Refer to Chapter 3 of the Sullivan resource to guide you as you complete your Lab Assignment.
    • Search the Walden library or the Internet for evidence-based resources to support your answers to the questions provided.
    • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.
    • Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
    • Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

The Lab Assignment

Using evidence-based resources from your search, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature.

  • Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  • Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  • Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
  • Would diagnostics be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
  • Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.


 Week 10: Special Examinations—Breast, Genital, Prostate, and Rectal GENITALIA ASSESSMENT 


• CC: “I have bumps on my bottom that I want to have checked out.” 

• HPI: AB, a 21-year-old WF college student reports to your clinic with external bumps on her genital area. She states the bumps are painless and feel rough. She states she is sexually active and has had more than one partner during the past year. Her initial sexual contact occurred at age 18. She reports no abnormal vaginal discharge. She is unsure how long the bumps have been there but noticed them about a week ago. Her last Pap smear exam was 3 years ago, and no dysplasia was found; the exam results were normal. She reports one sexually transmitted infection (chlamydia) about 2 years ago. She completed the treatment for chlamydia as prescribed.

 • PMH: Asthma • Medications: Symbicort 160/4.5mcg 

• Allergies: NKDA • FH: No hx of breast or cervical cancer, Father hx HTN, Mother hx HTN, GERD 

• Social: Denies tobacco use; occasional etoh, married, 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys)


• VS: Temp 98.6; BP 120/86; RR 16; P 92; HT 5’10”; WT 169lbs 

• Heart: RRR, no murmurs 

• Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical 

• Genital: Normal female hair pattern distribution; no masses or swelling. Urethral meatus intact without erythema or discharge. Perineum intact. Vaginal mucosa pink and moist with rugae present, pos for firm, round, small, painless ulcer noted on external labia 

• Abd: soft, normoactive bowel sounds, neg rebound, neg murphy’s, negMcBurney

• Diagnostics: HSV specimen obtained


• Chancre 

PLAN: This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses. 

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2023 Read Chapter 6 7 1 Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship the therapeutic relationship and the


Read Chapter 6 7 1 Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship the therapeutic relationship and the 2023 Assignment

Read Chapter 6 & 7

1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team.

2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions?

3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication.

4. There are many pitfalls to electronic communication. Identify a situation in which an electronic form of communication may result in a miscommunication. What other method of communication would have been more effective?

5. How have you seen ISBAR used during your clinical experiences?

6- Develop a hand-off report for yourself. Include items that you believe are pertinent for safe and effective nursing care. Refer to the information in the chapter for creating this report form. Using the information from the chapter, determine the effectiveness of the system currently in use on your unit for communicating shift-to-shift reports.

7-Dr. Roberts comes into the nurses’ station demanding, “Where are Mr. Adams’s lab reports? I ordered these stat, and they’re not here! Who’s responsible for this patient?” How would you, as the nurse, respond?

8-Explain the concept of accountability in delegation. What are the legal ramifications of accountability in delegation?

9. Dennie and Elias arrive in the unit for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. Both nurses completed orientation 4 weeks ago. They find that they will be the only two RNs on the floor that night. There is a census of 48 clients. The remaining staff consists of two NAPs/UAPs and one LPN. What are the responsibilities of the RN, NAP/UAP, and LPN? Can Dennie and Elias effectively delegate client care tasks and care safely for all 48 clients? Use the Delegation Tree to make your decisions.

10. Discuss the differences between direct delegation and indirect delegation.

1. You have to observe delegation procedures in your assigned unit:

A-What considerations does the RN take into account when delegating patient care?

2-You have to look at the unit census and prioritize the patient care:

A- Give the rationale foryour choices.

3.Answer the following questions during your clinical experiences:

a. What specific tasks did your patients require that you might have been able to delegate?

b. How effective was your nurse/preceptor in delegating tasks to others?

c. How did your nurse/preceptor ensure that the tasks were completed safely and appropriately?



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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 As an advanced practice nurse one can engage in activism in order to achieve desired policy changes at various

Nursing 2023 Health Care Policy

As an advanced practice nurse one can engage in activism in order to achieve desired policy changes at various 2023 Assignment

As an advanced practice nurse, one can engage in activism in order to achieve desired policy changes at various levels including their own organization.

Answer the following questions;

1. Should nurses be unionized and

2.  How does being unionized impact a workforce culture of safety?

3.  Include one MSN Essential in your discussion that relates to this topic.As an advanced practice nurse, one can engage in activism in order to achieve desired policy changes at various levels including their own organization.

Answer the following questions;

1. Should nurses be unionized and

2.  How does being unionized impact a workforce culture of safety?

3.  Include one MSN Essential in your discussion that relates to this topic.

250-300 words. APA style. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Write a 3 page analysis that assesses your professional development needs as

Nursing 2023 Professional Development

Write a 3 page analysis that assesses your professional development needs as 2023 Assignment


Write a 3 page analysis that assesses your professional development needs as a nurse leader.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

For professional nurse-leaders, effective communication skills are essential for interprofessional teamwork and collaboration. Kelly and Tazbir (2014) emphasize the importance of this interaction:

Interprofessional teamwork and collaboration among staff nurses and other disciplines in the health care setting are so critical to optimizing patient care safety and outcomes that they are a priority for most health care administrators, directors, and managers (p. 140).

Successful leadership strategies are based on a leader’s strengths, the situation, the environment, and the stakeholders involved. Developing a plan for professional development is integral in developing leadership and management skills.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Integrate key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts into collaborative practice situations.
    • Differentiate between leadership and management.
    • Explain key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts that facilitate collaboration and support interprofessional teams.
    • Describe a personal leadership and communication style.
    • Identify skills or areas for future professional development.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
    • Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.


Use the Internet to research key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts, and take several self-assessment tests to identify your leadership style and understand how to adapt your style to various situations. Although most of the free online tests are informal measures of skills and attitudes, the results may provide helpful insight into your leadership style and strengths and weaknesses.


Deliverable: Develop a Professional Development Needs Assessment.


You have been promoted to Nurse Manager. As you transition into your new role, Human Resources (HR) requires you to participate in a leadership and management training workshop. The first day of the workshop involves a self-assessment of your leadership and communication style and an examination of key characteristics of an effective nursing leader, culminating in an assessment of your professional development needs. HR requires you to submit a Professional Development Needs Assessment so future training sessions are designed to meet those self-identified needs.

Use the following subheadings to organize your Professional Development Needs Assessment:

  • Leader and Manager: Differentiate between leadership and management.
    • What job tasks require a manager?
    • What situations require a leader?
  • Key Concepts: Explain key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts that facilitate collaboration and support interprofessional teams.
  • Explain how key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts facilitate collaboration with interprofessional teams.
  • Leadership Self-Assessment: Describe your personal leadership and communication style.
    • Explain the strengths of your style that make an effective leader.
  • Skill Development: Identify skills or areas for future professional development.
    • What training do you need to be a successful leader in your new position?

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: The plan should be 3 pages in content length, double-spaced.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Reply to my peers Peer 1 Telenursing and Telemedicine Telenursing and telemedicine will

Nursing 2023 Reply To My Peer

Reply to my peers Peer 1 Telenursing and Telemedicine Telenursing and telemedicine will 2023 Assignment

Reply to my peers

Peer 1

Telenursing and Telemedicine

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been asked by your manager to pilot a program aimed at improving transitions of care using the new telemedicine system recently implemented at your hospital. 

  • What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?

One of the ways that could help to ensure the success of the pilot program would be to offer mandatory skills fairs that include hands on participation and requires all team members to be checked off in particular areas of the telemedicine system education. There should be continued training throughout the process as well as resources available at all times to include super users of the telemedicine to assist with any technical issues that may cause frustration. Another important way to ensure success to be to allow any feedback from everybody participating, whether it be from a group discussion or personal surveys it allows everybody to participate and feel that they can include their own input and ideas. 

  • What barriers or challenges would you anticipate?

A major barrier or challenge that I would anticipate would be that everybody has their own opinions and that may arise during the program. Of course with any technology IT issues arise whether it be from technical difficulties due to poor internet connection or glitches in the system it happens but can cause some resistance when people are busy and don’t have time to deal with those type of difficulties. Some may just resist the use of telemedicine because they just simply don’t feel comfortable with the technology. Especially those who are older and set in their ways computer literacy is a challenge and that could pose a barrier to the program. Many believe there are some privacy concerns with telemedicine and some may be challenged to use the technology based on hipaa violations under their care.

Peer 2

Telenursing is defined as “the use of tele commuincations and information technology to provide nursing services in healthcare and enhance care whenever a physical distance exists between a patient and a nurse (McGonigle,2017), and telemedicine is defined as ” health service delivered by telecommunication ready tools, supervised or directed by a physician” (McGonigle,2017). Knowing the definition of both I would first start with education to both the patient and the physician. I would explain their roles in telehealth. I would then move on to discuss some of the beneits of telehealth to include; the ability to provide better healthcare access, proven and timely responce to patient need, and reduction of hospital visits. I would allow time for questions and concerns. I would provide a live demonstration . I would then initiate incentives for patient and physician groups for compliance and feedback. 

       As with anything new their will be barriers and challenges. The biggest anticipated barrier would be access to internet or smartphone to conduct the virtual program. The next barrier would be cost to facility to start program up. The third barrier would be getting patients to trust how well virtual care would benefit them. The greatest challenge would be physician not physically next to patient so misdiagnosis and treatment pose a ris

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Kimberly Morris 1 posts Re Topic 9 DQ 2 One potential

Nursing 2023 DQ2 RESPONSE

Kimberly Morris 1 posts Re Topic 9 DQ 2 One potential 2023 Assignment

Kimberly Morris    1 posts   Re: Topic 9 DQ 2  One potential barrier that may prevent my evidence-based practice proposal from continuing its enthusiasm is the fact that the community in which I will be presenting may lose interest in the topic of lead. Because this topic has been brought to the forefront due to a recent crisis, once the initial public health hazard has been taken care of, the community may go back to being ignorant or not caring about the topic. One way in which I can battle this is to stress the fact that elevated blood lead levels are not an acute problem for the general public but instead they are a chronic problem. While the initial threat of elevated blood lead levels in children due to the public water change in Flint has passed, there are still may ways in which children can obtain lead. Pointing this out and stressing this in my education will hopefully allow me to continue an active interest within the community.  Another barrier I can see would be a one-size-fits-all approach to my chosen topic. Evidence-based practice changes are scientific based and often people take a strict adherence to the guidelines set forth within these proposals (Surface, 2009). These guidelines may not always fit with the audience you are working with and should be a revolving set of guidelines based on research and evidence. Just like my topic – 25 years ago obtaining elevated blood lead levels from imported toys and food items was not a big problem but in today’s global economy it has become an area of concern.  Reference  Surface, D. (2009). Understanding evidence-based practice in behavioral health. Social Work Today, Vol. 9.  No. 4. P. 22. Retrieved from https://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/072009p22.shtml

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The purpose of this assignment is to gain real world insight into how risk management programs operate within health

Nursing 2023 Organizational Risk Management Interview

The purpose of this assignment is to gain real world insight into how risk management programs operate within health 2023 Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to gain real-world insight into how risk management programs operate within health care organizations.

Select a local health care organization where you can conduct an interview with an employee who is involved in risk management processes. This organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multi‐provider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how their organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below.

In your interview, address the following:

  1. Risk management strategies used in the organization’s risk control program, along with specific examples.
  2. How the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional, legal, and ethical issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability.
  3. Policies the facility has implemented that address how to manage emergency triage in high‐risk areas of health care service delivery (e.g., narcotics inventories, declared pregnancy policies, blood-borne disease sector, etc.).
  4. Challenges the organization faces in managing and controlling high-risk health care (e.g., infectious diseases, nuclear medicine, abortion, class 4 narcotics/opioids, etc.).
  5. Strategies the facility utilizes to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program.

After conducting the interview, compose a 750‐1,000 word summary analysis of the interview that includes the questions above, in conjunction with the interviewee’s responses. In addition, include the following elements in your response:

  1. An assessment of the organization’s risk management program, including how it attends to high-risk health care and legal concerns.
  2. Action steps you would take to improve one area of the organization’s risk management program, along with your rationale for doing so.

Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed

Nursing 2023 Title
Begin this paragraph with your introduction. The introduction should briefly talk about
the purpose for a Community Health Assessments. Introduce your selected Sentinel
City community.
Using your eight social determinants of health (subsy

Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed 2023 Assignment

Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed. When that happens, it assumes a new importance. When you think of the people that are important in your life, these are most likely people you trust. We live in a time when we are frequently reminded that trust has to be earned and then reevaluated. Think of some of the public figures that had been trusted and then lost that trust. As you work on this assignment, start developing your trust meter, the instrument that guides you when evaluating trustworthiness. 

 Objectives • Analyze the evolving professional nursing roles of leader/manager within a dynamic health care team • Design unique strategies to promote adaptation to the professional nursing roles. • Utilize the critical thinking process in problem solving and decision making. 

Directions Before completing this assignment, read the first section (pages 1- 26) of Covey’s The Speed of Trust. In this assignment, you will write a short (1-2 pages), opinion paper. The paper is to be based on your own experiences and opinions. You should critically reflect on your personal experiences and apply what you have learned in the module to your current practice. Justify and explain your responses with examples and thorough explanations. Consider your current or past place of employment, and discuss the following: a. The level of excellence at this institution is (select high or low); possibly because of the high/low level of trust the employees have of the administration. This level of trust of administration is illustrated by: b. The level of excellence at this institution is (select high or low); possibly because of the high/low level of trust the administration has of the employees. This level of trust of the employees is illustrated by…..

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.