2023 Below is the scenario you will use to write your week 3 RUA

Nursing 2023 We Can Do It, But Dare We?

Below is the scenario you will use to write your week 3 RUA 2023 Assignment


Below is the scenario you will use to write your week 3  RUA paper We Can But Dare We? The purpose of this paper is to really examine how as healthcare providers, we look more and more to technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs. Sometimes, technology can be used in ways that have ethical, moral, and legal considerations too. You will be writing about the use of personal devices and social media and their use in healthcare.

Please review the assignment guidelines for details. 


You are working in a medical center during the COVID-19 pandemic and are experiencing several challenges.

Choose an ending to the scenario, and construct your paper based on those reflections specific to personal devices (smartphones, ipads etc.)  and social media and their use in healthcare. Link those reflections to one of the following outcomes:

1. A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media.

2. A medication error has harmed a client.

3. A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made.

4. A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data.

Please remember to adhere to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:

Title page; Running head; Page numbers;  Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages;  Includes at least three (3) references that are  from recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources; Cited in text appropriately; Included on an APA formatted reference page;  Scholarly writing reflects:  Accurate spelling;  Correct use of professional grammar;  Logical organization of thoughts. 

This is a “think outside the box” assignment in which there is not necessarily only one right answer. Still, you are required to find sources that support your opinions. Be sure to cite and reference them in your paper 

Please use the APA resources available to you on your Canvas. 

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2023 You will design a patient education tool that can be used by nurses for teaching patients

Nursing 2023 Patient Education Project Tool

You will design a patient education tool that can be used by nurses for teaching patients 2023 Assignment

You will design a patient education tool that can be used by nurses for teaching patients using computer applications. You will then present your tool to the class and explain the purpose, how you created it, reasoning for your choice of applications, and provide current evidence of the effectiveness of this patient education. This presentation is 5-10 minutes.

Assignment File(s)


NM 208 Patient Education Project ToolNM 208 Patient Education Project ToolCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Computer Applications20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh ProficiencyCreative, innovative, effective use of computer applications17.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High ProficiencyEffective use of computer applications14.0 to >10.0 ptsProficient PointsIneffective use of computer use of applications10.0 to >0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency/Non-ProficientLacking use of computer applications20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh ProficiencyExtremely well organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another and cleverly conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the project17.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High ProficiencyWell organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another and conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the project14.0 to >10.0 ptsProficient PointsSomewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently and transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the audience10.0 to >0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency/Non-ProficientChoppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow transitions of ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the audience20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Accuracy20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh Proficiency100 % of the facts are accurate17.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency99-90% of the facts are accurate14.0 to >10.0 ptsProficient Points89-80% of the facts are accurate10.0 to >0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency/Non-ProficientFewer than 80% of facts are accurate20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh ProficiencyWent above and beyond to research information; solicited material in addition to what was provided; brought in personal ideas and information to enhance project; and utilized variety of resources to make project effective17.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High ProficiencyDid a very good job of researching; utilized materials provided to their full potential; solicited adequate resources to enhance project; at time took the initiative to find information outside of school.14.0 to >10.0 ptsProficient PointsUsed the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consult any additional resources10.0 to >0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency/Non-ProficientDid not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topic20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh ProficiencyWas extremely clever and presented with originality; a unique approach that truly enhanced the project17.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High ProficiencyWas clever at times; thoughtfully and uniquely presented14.0 to >10.0 ptsProficient PointsAdded a few original touches to enhance the project but did not incorporate them throughout10.0 to >0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency/Non-ProficientLittle creative energy used during this project; was bland, predictable, and lacked “zip”20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0PreviousNext

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2023 Review the media Clinical Interview Intake Assessment Therapeutic Alliance in your

Nursing 2023 Psychotherapy With Individuals

Review the media Clinical Interview Intake Assessment Therapeutic Alliance in your 2023 Assignment


· Review the media Clinical Interview: Intake, Assessment,& Therapeutic Alliance in your Learning Resources.

· Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your practice in psychotherapy. Note: For guidance on nursing and counseling theories, refer to the Wheeler textbook in this week’s Learning Resources.

· Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

· Develop at least three goals and at least three objectives for the practicum experience in this course.

· Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 APA format 2 pages 3 references Discussion Topic 1 Creating Online Quizzes You will be

Nursing 2023 nursing teaching

APA format 2 pages 3 references Discussion Topic 1 Creating Online Quizzes You will be 2023 Assignment


APA format 2 pages 3 references

Discussion Topic 1: Creating Online Quizzes

You will be assigned to Discussion Topic Group 1 or 2 to post your initial assignment and will be posting your responses to your colleagues in the other Discussion Group. For example, students assigned to Discussion Topic 1 will be posting their initial assignment in the Discussion Topic Group 1 Forum and post their responses to their colleagues in the Discussion Topic Group 2 Forum.

The testing and assessment process is often a struggle for educators. For many, finding the balance between a seemingly “hard” or “easy” question takes much practice. Furthermore, the development of question formats and stems can be a difficult concept to master. To aid in quiz development, nurse educators can use models such as The 3Cs (illustrated below) to focus more on the content of their questions and less on the actual construction. Nurse educators can also use prompts and templates provided at quiz development websites to assist quiz design. These websites can also help instructors easily administer quizzes in the online environment.

The 3Cs Model of Test Item Writing:

  • Content, concepts, and criterion. Use the content of the lesson as well as overarching concepts and nursing criterion (like NCLEX and other formal assessments) as a blueprint for your questions. In addition, consider the ideas and teachable moments that have occurred in the classroom or during clinical rotations.
  • Clarity and complexity. Be sure that your question stems are clear, straightforward, and use simple language. In addition, write your questions at the application or analysis level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. This will prompt students to move beyond basic comprehension and memorization.
  • Critique. Always go back and examine the questions that you have created. This process should be completed both before and after examinations. As with all teaching strategies, evaluation and revision is imperative to ensure the effectiveness of instruction.

To prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on developing multiple-choice quiz questions. How might you use the 3Cs and other best practices to craft your own quiz questions?
  • Reflect on a Lesson Plan that you have created in this course. Which lesson might lend itself towards a pre- or post-quiz?
  • Select one Lesson Plan you will use as the focus of your online quiz. Then, craft three quiz questions that are closely linked to the learning objectives and learning need of the lesson.
  • Consider the challenges that you experienced in developing your quiz questions.
  • Browse the available websites that educators can use to create online quizzes. After reviewing the format and capabilities of various sites, select one to upload your three questions.
  • Be sure to copy the web address (URL link) that your colleagues will need to view your quiz.
  • Update your Lesson Plan with your three quiz questions and resave with the word “updated” at the end of the file name.
  • Consider any challenges that you may have experienced in using the platform that you chose and how you dealt with those challenges.

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2023 Explore United Ostomy Associations of America Inc website Post a response in regards to information

Nursing 2023 Module 08 Discussion – Clinical Judgment And Functional Ability Related To Elimination

Explore United Ostomy Associations of America Inc website Post a response in regards to information 2023 Assignment


Explore United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. website

Post a response in regards to information gained that can be used to develop or enhance clinical judgment in caring for clients with a urinary or bowel diversion and the impact of the client’s functional ability in managing care at home. Additionally, compare the functional ability of an actual young adult to your thoughts about having an ostomy.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Your response should be approximately 250 words in length and clearly address the prompt This means

Nursing 2023 for MADAM-PROFESSOR

Your response should be approximately 250 words in length and clearly address the prompt This means 2023 Assignment


Your response should be approximately 250 words in length and clearly address the prompt. This means it must be a thoughtful response within a paragraph format. Your responses should observe the conventions of standard American English grammar and syntax. You may wish to include specific quotes from the text to substantiate your responses. Should you quote or paraphrase the text within your posting, be sure to include citations using APA format.

“Choose three injuries and discuss their proposed interventions.”

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Leadership Action Plan PowerPoint Slideshow Guidelines Updated 1 20 Purpose The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to present the best

Nursing 2023 NR447-60175 Week 6 Assignment: Leadership Action Plan PowerPoint Slide Show

Leadership Action Plan PowerPoint Slideshow Guidelines Updated 1 20 Purpose The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to present the best 2023 Assignment

Leadership Action Plan

PowerPoint Slideshow Guidelines

Updated 1/20


The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to present the best plan of action, as a leader, assigned to make a change to a problem or issue in your place of work. If you are not presently working, use information from your prelicensure experience or previous healthcare experience. You will be using the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals to align with the problem or issue that you see in your workplace or most recent place of employment. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation and share how you will meet one of the goals in your place of work that will solve the problem or issue you have selected.

Course Outcomes

Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO2)

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)

CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO7)

CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (POs 2 and 3)

CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO8)

Due Dates

This assignment is to be submitted by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. MT, end of Week 6.


  1. Develop a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 8-15 slides. Include the following. Title slide, written speaker notes, and Reference slide. Do not use Voice Over recordings. All information needs to be written in slides and speaker notes. No information in comment section will be graded.
  2. You are required to complete the assignment using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.pptx” format. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at http://my.chamberlain.edu (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
  3. As the leader, you have identified a problem or issue related to one of the National Patient Safety Goals 2019 created by the Joint Commission that will lead to quality improvement. You will find the National Patient Safety Goals using this link: https://www.jointcommission.org/assets/1/6/2019_HAP_NPSGs_final2.pdf.  (Links to an external site.)Assess the problem or issue. State the problem/issue and identify three rationales (reasons) that the problem exists. References are used. Scholarly articles must be published within the last 5 years, peer-reviewed, from the Chamberlain library only and must provide the permalink
  4. Review the information provided in our library on how to search for journal articles (Links to an external site.).
  5. Review the information provided in the library on how to locate and copy a journal permalink (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)
  6. Assess the problem or issue. State the problem/issue and identify three rationales (reasons) that the problem exists. References are used.
  7. Determine the people who are involved in the issue and explain three reasons as to how their role will contribute to the problem or issue solution.
  8. Identify three solutions and discuss the purpose, cost and desired outcome.
  9. Pick one solution to share with the director and discuss why this solution was chosen over the others. Use a scholarly reference.
  10. Make an action plan to share the solution with the director and staff.
  11. Summarize issue, plan and desired outcome and purpose for quality improvement on slide.
  12. Reflect on your learning and value of doing the assignment.
  13. Include written speaker notes for all slides except title slide and reference slide.
  14. Submit your PowerPoint slideshow by 11:59 p.m. MT, Saturday, end of Week 6.

Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint Presentations

The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

  • Watch tutorial below.
  • Be creative.
  • Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
  • Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.
  • Review directions thoroughly.
  • Proofread prior to final submission.
  • Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
  • Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.

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2023 While the male and female reproductive systems are unique to each sex they share a common

Nursing 2023 Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

While the male and female reproductive systems are unique to each sex they share a common 2023 Assignment

While the male and female reproductive systems are unique to each sex, they share a common function—reproduction. Disorders of this system range from delayed development to structural and functional abnormalities. Since many reproductive disorders not only result in physiological consequences but also psychological consequences such as embarrassment, guilt, or profound disappointment, patients are often hesitant to seek treatment. Advanced practice nurses need to educate patients on disorders and help relieve associated stigmas. During patient evaluations, patients must feel comfortable answering questions so that you, as a key health care provider, will be able to diagnose and recommend treatment options. As you begin this Discussion, consider reproductive disorders that you would commonly see in the clinical setting.

To Prepare

  • Review Chapter 22 and Chapter 23 in the Hammer and McPhee text, as well as Chapter 33 and 34 in the Huether and McCance text.
  • Select two disorders of the male and/or female reproductive systems that interest you. Consider the similarities and differences between the disorders.
  • Select one of the following factors: genetics, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Think about how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis of and treatment for the reproductive disorders. 

By Day 3

Post a description of the two reproductive disorders you selected, including their similarities and differences. Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis of treatment for the reproductive disorders. 

4 references not more than 5 years

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 PowerPoint Presentation Directions 1 Review the case study 2 Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that

Nursing 2023 Case Study – Healthcare Data Standardization

PowerPoint Presentation Directions 1 Review the case study 2 Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that 2023 Assignment


PowerPoint Presentation


1. Review the case study.

2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· Your name on the title slide of the presentation

· Identification of two or more issues with existing system

· Identification of “work-a-round” solutions when using existing system

· Overview of standard language used only in nursing

· Overview of multidisciplinary standard language

· Set of five (5) open-ended survey questions for staff input on transitioning to the new system

· Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Answer the following questions in your recorded interview OR A WRITTEN STATEMENT IF YOU CHOOSE TO SUBMIT THE ASNWERS

Nursing 2023 Primary Care III

Answer the following questions in your recorded interview OR A WRITTEN STATEMENT IF YOU CHOOSE TO SUBMIT THE ASNWERS 2023 Assignment

Answer the following questions in your recorded interview OR A WRITTEN STATEMENT :





A. What is proper etiquette for a job interview?

B.  What’s “good behavior” in a behavioral job interview?

As a Nurse practitioner:

1.   Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Please describe plans for education and   career advancement in the near future


2.   What are your career aspirations?


3.   How do you handle stress in the healthcare setting? 


4.   What clinical skills do you possess that will be most beneficial to this   clinical practice? 


5.   What are your strengths and weaknesses?    


6.   Describe how you handled a difficult situation that has involved a patient,   physician or family member? 


7.   How do you get along with your staff at your current position?  


8.   Why should we hire you? 


9.   What salary are you seeking? 

Please answer each questions by separated and use at least 3 references and the APA format. Remember there are questions A and B and 9 questions after that

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.