2023 Parents are he mandatory reporters when it comes to combatting child abuse in Miami state Though there has been

Nursing 2023 comment

Parents are he mandatory reporters when it comes to combatting child abuse in Miami state Though there has been 2023 Assignment

Parents are he mandatory reporters when it comes to combatting child abuse in Miami state. Though there has been conflicting circumstances under which mandatory child reporter must file a report, the parent should be the reporter number one in any case involving child abuse. According to the statute, the reporter must have suspicion that the child is being abused before reporting such cases (Kenny, & Abreu, 2016).The following are the steps followed in making such reports;

  • Call the department of family and children’s service and report the abuse
  • Complete a State of Miami Suspected Child Abuse Report
  • Send the written report within 36 hours through either email or any other channel which is provided in the law.

            On August 13, 2017, Victoria Martens celebrated her 10th birthday. That same night, Victoria was incapacitated by alcohol, forcibly raped, choked, stabbed, dismembered, placed in a plastic bag in the living room and finally set on fire by her mother’s boyfriend and his cousin. Victoria’s mother did nothing to stop these monsters; instead, she watched and allowed this unspeakable violence to be inflicted upon her helpless daughter. According to the law, her mother was mandated to protect her daughter and report the case immediately to the relevant authority or to the police.



The State of Texas has a law that mandates anyone who thinks a child, a person 65 years or older, or any adult with disabilities is being abused, neglected or exploited must report it to the department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). The abuse report can be made by phone 1-800-252-5400 or online at Texas Abuse Hotline 24 hours, seven days a week or call 911 the Local Law enforcement.

A person who reports abuse in good faith is immune from civil or criminal liability. The DFPS keeps the name of the person making report confidential. Anyone who does not report suspected abuse could be held liable for a misdemeanor or felony.

In the State of Texas, nurses and doctors are mandated to report any suspected child or elderly abuse to the department of Family and Protective Services or the Local law enforcement agency. They also document all findings including physical findings in the patient’s chart. Both nurses and doctors are also expected to report the suspected abuse to their immediate supervisors like nurse managers or senior doctors respectively (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, n.d.).

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2023 Reflect on how EBP might impact or not impact the Quadruple Aim in healthcare Consider the impact that EBP

Nursing 2023 EBP and Quadruple Aim

Reflect on how EBP might impact or not impact the Quadruple Aim in healthcare Consider the impact that EBP 2023 Assignment

  • Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare. 
  • Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.  Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of: 
  • Patient experience
  • Population health
  • Costs 
  • Work life of healthcare providers

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2023 Select a topic connected to your field of study or professional field When considering topic choices select topics that

Nursing 2023 Health care crisis

Select a topic connected to your field of study or professional field When considering topic choices select topics that 2023 Assignment

Select a topic connected to your field of study or professional field. When considering topic choices, select topics that fall under the broad umbrella of your field of study. Consider the following examples: 

  • Health care: Current health crisis or controversial medical issue 
  • Security studies: Controversial criminal case, legislation issues, and so forth 
  • Business and management: Trending topics in the corporate world 
  • Computer science and IT: IT and security issues; Prospering or failing technology companies; Controversies related to technology 

Click here for additional information on topics and trending topics. 

Research your topic and provide links to information on that topic from the following locations (one link in each category is required): 

Click here for additional information on platforms such as Twitter, Wikis, and News outlets. 

Step 2:

Answer the following questions to compare and contrast the audience, purpose, and credibility of each of your three different sources: 

Analysis of Audience, Purpose, & Source Credibility: 

  • Who is the intended audience for each of the communications? 
    • Online news article:
    • Tweet:
    • Wiki entry:
  • What is the purpose of each of these communications? (to inform, to educate, to entertain, to persuade, etc.)? How effective do you think each communication was in accomplishing the writer’s purpose?
    • Online news article:
    • Tweet:
    • Wiki entry:
  • What is the credibility of each of these communications and why? Are any appropriate for use in an academic setting or professional setting? Why or why not? 
    • Online news article:
    • Tweet:
    • Wiki entry:

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2023 Comment 1 Knowing scientific management theory as defined as supervising by way of focusing on task accomplishments rather than

Nursing 2023 Please Do A Comment Base In This Answers. Write At Least 140 Words In Each Answer, Take Reference From (2013-2018) If Is Possible, Academic References Please Because The Teacher Check It Out One By One. SUSTANTIVE POST NEEDED

Comment 1 Knowing scientific management theory as defined as supervising by way of focusing on task accomplishments rather than 2023 Assignment

Comment 1

Knowing scientific management theory as defined as supervising by way of focusing on task accomplishments rather than interpersonal relationships (Huber 2014). Some routines in health care that seem to be inefficient in regards to scientific management are the overwhelming focus on tasks, the evaluations based on tasks accomplished, and the pressure to join committees to add more tasks to nurses’ duties. A lot of times nurses have trouble tending to the needs of their patients because they are so focused on getting the tasks done so as to not get in trouble. Many times tasks are added to the nurses’ workload making it hard to complete everything on time. This causes incidental overtime which is also greatly frowned upon. Finally, the committees are supposed to be a good thing, allowing nurses to participate in shared governance. The issue arises when the requirements for the committees capitalize on the time the nurse should be working or decompressing from the stress of daily work. Some examples of participative decision-making at the hospital that I work at are unit forums and shared governance council. The unit forums allow for nurses and aides in the unit to meet and discuss issues to resolve amongst themselves. Shared governance councils allow for nurses to meet with administration to discuss issues at the bedside that can only be fixed by administration.

Comment 2

The scientific management theory states that humans are motivated by money, and there should be a separation between managers and workers. The expected result is a dramatic increase in productivity of the workers and profits for the organization. Some of the routines in the health care setting that are inefficient is nurse-to-patient ratio and staff retention. I feel the nurse-to-patient ratios are unsafe as it overloads the nurse and nursing assistants in carrying for high acuity patients with a higher prevalence of medical errors and oversight. When staffing is is done according to census instead of census it creates an unsafe environment for the patients and the staff. Without adequate staffing, patient care is inadequate and the patients suffer. Which in turns causes patient surveys to report negative feedback giving the hospital low numbers.Staff retention is important to ensure there is adequate staff to meet the demands of an aging population with numerous chronic illnesses. When facilities ignore the concerns of staff or do not provide attempt to implement change that benefits the staff and the patients, morale falls and staff leave. When nurses feel their safety and license are in jeopardy, they will seek out a better work environment they feel safe in. The facility I work for currently does annual retention surveys that allow its employees to voice any concerns and share what they feel the facility is doing well or could improve on. The nurses are asked various questions in regards to the leaders and managers they work directly under and whether their needs are being addressed. The facility offers committees that focus on allowing staff to have voice. Some include unit base council for each unit of the facility, committee for staffing concerns and safety committees that focus on sentinel events. 

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2023 View the following TedMed Talk and answer the following questions Why Do Our Brains Get

Nursing 2023 one page essay due tomorrow by 4 pm eastern time

View the following TedMed Talk and answer the following questions Why Do Our Brains Get 2023 Assignment


View the following TedMed Talk and answer the following questions.

Why Do Our Brains Get Addicted – Neuroscientist Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the NIH, applies a lens of addiction to the obesity epidemic.


1. Discuss the concept Volkow notes of addiction as a moral failure.

2. Relate this concept to EACH of the following:  the patient, the nurse, the therapist, and the family.

Must be in APA and must include at least 2 nursing journal articles plus the attached video as reference 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act CANRA pursuant to Penal Codes 11164 through 11174 3 is a body of California

Nursing 2023 Please reply to this comment with no less than 250 words

The Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act CANRA pursuant to Penal Codes 11164 through 11174 3 is a body of California 2023 Assignment


The Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) pursuant to Penal Codes 11164 through 11174.3 is a body of California laws designed to protect children from suffering harm. Under this law, all individuals are required to report any suspected child abuse. Child abuse or neglect can be assessed by a physical injury or a bruise, sexual exploitation, negligent and mal treatment, willful harming and cruel, inhuman behavior with children are considered as child abuse.

To report a child abuse, one does not require to have an absolute proof of the abuse, rather any suspected signs and symptoms which can be seen in a child can be reported to law enforcement. The warning signs of an abuse could be inappropriate behavior of children, no love or attachment towards parents or care giver, inappropriate or extreme behavior. One does not have to disclose their identity to report abuse.

“An appropriate law enforcement agency may be one of the following:

  • A Police or Sheriff’s Department (not including a school district police department or school security department).
  • A County Probation Department, if designated by the county to receive child abuse reports.
  • A County Welfare Department/County Child Protective Services.”

Professionals who are considered as mandated reporters are: school teachers, administrators, medical professional, day care facility employees, social workers etc.

Case Scenario: During home health visits to see an 80-y old bed ridden patient, a 5 year old grand daughter found performing minor household chores with inappropriate clothing and bruises on arms and slight redness on face. Step mother of the 5-year-old often seems very rude to the girl. Girl appeared dehydrated, unhygienic with same clothes on during each home health visits.




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2023 Due 7 17 8p mEST PLEASE READ 500 words not including min 3 references HIV

Nursing 2023 500 words Public Health Discussion (Formative Evaluation in Program Planning) H.I.V PREVENTION

Due 7 17 8p mEST PLEASE READ 500 words not including min 3 references HIV 2023 Assignment

Due 7/17 8p.mEST  PLEASE READ

500  words not including min 3 references



Program evaluation is a specialized applied research approach that may employ quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research designs. Most people tend to think of evaluation as happening after a program is already in place. Formative evaluation, which occurs before or during program implementation, is a vital part of the planning that precedes designing programs and interventions. Why does formative evaluation play an important part in designing research? Also, who else besides the researchers themselves needs to be involved in formative evaluation, why, and at what point?

For this week’s Discussion, review the Learning Resources. Consider the purposes of formative evaluation in program planning. Then consider the stakeholders whose input would be of value in the formative evaluation and at what point their involvement should begin.

 Post an explanation of the role of formative evaluation in program planning and implementation. What are the benefits and challenges related to formative evaluation? Explain which stakeholders would be involved in participating in the formative evaluation, and at what point (i.e., what is the influence of timing on involving stakeholders?). Provide a rationale for your post. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The role of the community health nurse is to increase public awareness and compliance in health

Nursing 2023 2 coments each one 150 words (CITATION AND REFERENCE)

The role of the community health nurse is to increase public awareness and compliance in health 2023 Assignment

The role of the community health nurse is to increase public awareness and compliance in health promotion within the community (Green, 2018). The role of the community health nurse not only includes taking care of the sick within the community, but also being politically involved in healthcare reform policies that may affect the community and being an advocate for the members of the community that the nurse serves (Kulbok, Thatcher, Park, & Meszaros, 2012). Furthermore, the role of the community health nurse can be specialized for certain stakeholders. For example, the school nurse is a specialized type of community health nurse in which the community stakeholders are the school, parents, and students. The school nurse’s role would be to work with the school and the parents to promote a healthy environment both at the school and at home. The broad scope of the role of the community health nurse involved not only promoting individual and family health needs, but community health needs (Green, 2018). The community health nurse works with the community stakeholders to promote overall community wellness throughout the neighborhood and surrounding areas (Green, 2018). It is important to appraise community resources as part of a community assessment in order to execute a fully-developed plan of care when community health issues arise. Resources such as nonprofits and spiritual organizations be valuable assets and partners with the community health nurse (Green, 2018). Partnerships such as these serve not only for platforms of reform and support in the community (Green, 2018). For example, nonprofit resources such as a soup kitchen, can help to level the health disparities that are often present in diverse communities or communities with a lower socio-economic population (Green, 2018).


Green, S. (2018). Populations as clients. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.). Community and Public Health: The Future of Healthcare. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs427vn/community-and-public-health-the-future-of-health-care/v1.1/#/chapter/1

Kulbok, P.A., Thatcher, E., Park, E., Meszaros, P.S. (2012). Evolving public health nursing roles: Focus on community participatory health promotion and prevention. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 17(2). Doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No02Man01

A healthy community can be described as one in which local groups from all parts of the community work together to prevent disease and make healthy living options accessible. It also helps to reduce health gaps caused by differences in income, education, race and ethnicity, location and other factors can affect health (CDC, 2015). The community nurse plays a significant part in promoting, preventing, and maintaining the health of the community by using her skills, knowledge and expertise, and experience in the delivery of care in public settings. Care within the community is focused on disease prevention and health promotion through education, screenings and vaccinations to prevent communicable diseases.

The stakeholders play an integral part in promoting the health of a community through the implementation of policies and availability of necessary resources. Stakeholders assist in community health promotion by reducing health gaps caused by differences in income, education and race, and encourages equality. They often make contributions in the form of cash, providing goods and services, events, spiritual and psychological support. The development and success of any community is determined/measured by the health of its members; hence it is important for all stakeholders to play their part (GCU, 2018) in making the dream a reality.

Appraising the community resources during the community assessment is very important as these meet the needs of the people. If there is a lack of resources in the community, then there will be a problem because the needs of the people won’t be met effectively. For example, a church in a community helps in meeting the spiritual needs of the members by providing counselling and emotional support, prayer and worship service.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015). A healthy community is a prepared community. Retrieved from https://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2015/09/a-healthy-community-is-a-prepared-community/

Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Community & public health: The future of health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs427vn/community-and-public-health-the-future-of-health-care/v1.1/

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2023 Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and

Nursing 2023 Injury Prevention

Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and 2023 Assignment

 Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

The examples are all attached, please just follow the instruction.


Walkability Checklist Essay 

Sample Paper: 

IP Walkability Sample Assignment.pdf Click for more options

1. Choose 1 of the checklist:

· https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/walkingchecklist.pdf Click for more options

· https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/circulatesd/pages/240/attachments/original/1492546803/WalkabilityRevamp_CS6_Final_2016.pdf?1492546803 Click for more options

2. Follow the instruction on the checklist you chose.

3. Write a 1-2 pages (excluding title page) paper identifying the following information:

· Must include a title page

· Which checklist did you use?

· What location or address did you use the checklist?

· Based on your checklist, how walkable is your community?

· What can be done to improve your community’s walkability score?

· What agency can you reach out to to propose these recommendations?

· Include a picture of your street or the area of concern that requires improvement.

· References

· APA Guidelines


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2023 Teaching is a collaborative discipline Exposure to other faculty s experiences and strategies

Nursing 2023 Mentor 2

Teaching is a collaborative discipline Exposure to other faculty s experiences and strategies 2023 Assignment

Teaching is a collaborative discipline. Exposure to other faculty’s experiences and strategies helps us to refine our own practice. What unique skills and expertise do you possess that can help you effectively mentor your colleagues? What areas of your own performance as a nurse educator do you hope to improve through being mentored by colleagues? In 400-500. 2-3 references.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.