2023 Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies Discuss

Nursing 2023 HR Management & Blockchain- Discussion

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies Discuss 2023 Assignment

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies!

Discuss the following questions: 1. What is Blockchain’s potential for application in the HR functions of recruitment and selection. 2. How might Blockchain technology impact job repositories. You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week’s reading assignments and external sources if you wish.

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Conclusion, References.

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2023 Report Issue Assignment 4 1 Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology This assignment supports the following lesson

Nursing 2023 respiratory

Report Issue Assignment 4 1 Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology This assignment supports the following lesson 2023 Assignment

Report Issue

Assignment 4.1: Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology

This assignment supports the following lesson objectives:

  • Identify the anatomical structures of the urinary system and their functions
  • Describe the composition of urine
  • Explain the physiology of the urinary system

Assignment Overview

This presentation assignment explores the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.


·       A five-slide PowerPoint presentation

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Create a PowerPoint presentation

Create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following topics:

o   Anatomy of the urinary system

o   Path of urine formation

o   Composition of urine

Conduct research as necessary and include images in your slides (cite your sources). Be concise. Put detailed notes in the notes section of each slide.

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2023 A 60 year old woman has just been diagnosed with osteoporosis She does not understand how this could

Nursing 2023 Fi 15

A 60 year old woman has just been diagnosed with osteoporosis She does not understand how this could 2023 Assignment

A 60-year-old woman has just been diagnosed with osteoporosis. She does not understand how this could be possible, as she has always been a milk drinker.

  1. As the nurse caring for her, explain the risk factors for developing osteoporosis.
  2. Explore patient-care technologies and how you would use these in educating her on this new diagnosis.
  3. Identify the type of pain this individual will most likely experience with a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Briefly include the pathophysiology in your rationale to this answer.

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Nursing 2023 Sleep/Wake Disorders





Three Questions I might ask the client

  1. Have you had any thoughts of suicide or causing harm to yourself or others in the past month? I am asking this question because if the client has major depressive disorder and the client is currently taking Paxil which can increase the risk for suicide in adults (Wiese, 2011).
  2. How would you describe your sleeping patterns? The client stated she was abused as a child, therefore I want to establish if she is having nightmares or trouble sleeping related to the memories and flashbacks. This question can also help me establish if the client may have a sleeping disorder as well.
  3. Do you have friends or close family members that you spend time with? Or friends that you go out with? Depression can have an impact on the client’s daily lifestyle which means she may not participate in her usual activities. The client may also withdraw from social activities and become uninterested in spending time with people.

Identify People in the client’s life I need to speak to

The client’s family history includes having family members with major depressive disorder (MDD) which means that her family members are the first people to interview to gain better insight about her behavior and patterns. The interviews can focus on past psychiatric history and if they are aware of anything she may have left out from her statements or medical history. I think it may be beneficial to interview the attending physician to see if he has something to add to her initial evaluation notes. The primary care physician can help if she has pre-existing conditions that may contribute to her current psychiatric symptoms. The client also mentioned attending psychotherapy sessions. I would want to interview the therapists to know if the patient is compliant with therapy goals and medication regimen during treatment. The purpose of the interviews it to develop an effective treatment plan for the client.

Diagnostic Tests and Physical Exams

The client has a history of substance abuse and has been attending support groups but it is still important to get a urine drug screen. The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels should be checked due to the thyroid gland being linked to having an influence on the brain with impacting the mood (Pilhatsch, Marxen, Winter, Smolka, & Bauer, 2011). The client should also receive a mental health examination considering we are trying to rule out different diagnosis and it is our first time with the client. The mental health examination will help establish a baseline like an annual physical.

Differential Diagnosis

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013) PTSD involves exposure and serious injury which client experienced abuse as a child. The client reported having nightmares and flashbacks. PTSD symptoms also exist with other conditions such as the client’s history of alcohol and substance abuse (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017). I feel that the client mostly identifies with this diagnosis.
  2. Major Depressive Disorder – The client’s PTSD and agitation are causing her to be depressed. Her depression is secondary and triggered by her nightmares. A persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that interferes with the client’s daily functioning.
  3. Substance Use Disorder – The client has used alcohol and other substances to cope with her PTSD symptoms. The use of alcohol and other substances is commonly seen with individual’s that experience PTSD symptoms as a coping mechanism. Half of the individuals seeking treatment for SUD have symptoms of PTSD (Berenz, 2012).

Two Pharmacologic Agents

Sertraline – The medication is indicated for use with major depression disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. The medication should be started at 25mg orally daily and then re-evaluated at the follow up appointment in 4 weeks. One of the side effects is weight gain so the client would need diet and exercise counseling as well.

Wellbutrin – This medication would be good to add as an augmenting agent to be taken in the morning daily. The extended release tablet can be started at 150mg. The client should be able to report a decrease in insomnia symptoms. The preferred combination treatment by some clinicians is to use Wellbutrin and Zoloft together to improve symptoms (Stahl, 2013).

Follow up checkpoints

I believe the client would have benefited from Sertraline and received a more positive outcome at the follow up visits. Sertraline combined with the Wellbutrin would have been more effective with treating the depressive symptoms and PTSD.  The follow up appointments revealed that the client’s appetite was curved and there were no problems with weight gain. The medication was also treating her depressive symptoms. The client should still be monitored for suicidal thoughts because she is always at risk for suicide while having depressive episodes and taking antidepressant medications.

Lesson Learned

Client safety is always the goal when prescribing medications for treatment. The PMHNP should fully understand that monotherapy may not be effective to treat the symptoms and to consider combination therapy for certain clients. The client has more than one disorder showing that polypharmacy may be indicated for more effective results in treatment. The treatment plan should be revisited at every follow up appointment and make the necessary changes as needed dependent on how the client is responding to the current treatment. The PMHNP will take into consideration how the client feels and any decisions she may have about her treatment.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Berenz, E. (2012). Treatment of co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 14(5), 469-477. doi: 10.1007/s11920-012-0300-0

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2017). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/learn-more/mental-health-conditions/posttraumatic-stress-disorder

Pilhatsch, M., Marxen, M., Winter, C., Smolka, M., & Bauer, M. (2011). Hypothyroidism and mood disorders: Integrating novel insights from brain imaging techiniques. Thyroid Research, 4(S3). Retrieved from https://thyroidresearchjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-6614-4-S1-S3

Stahl, S. (2013). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applicatons (4th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Wiese, B. (2011). Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly. BC Medical Journal, 53(47), 341-347. Retrieved from https://www.bcmj.org/articles/geriatric-depression-use-antidepressants-elderly

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2023 Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session Note

Nursing 2023 Nursing

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session Note 2023 Assignment


Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session.

Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:

Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.

Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.

Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.

Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

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2023 May 2012 Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on

Nursing 2023 Discussion: Diversity And Health Assessments

May 2012 Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on 2023 Assignment

May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African-American communities and cultures consider women who are overweight to be more beautiful and desirable than women at a healthier weight. As she put it, “Many black women are fat because we want to be” (Randall, 2012).


Randall’s statements sparked a great deal of controversy and debate; however, they emphasize an underlying reality in the healthcare field: different populations, cultures, and groups have diverse beliefs and practices that impact their health. Nurses and healthcare professionals should be aware of this reality and adapt their health assessment techniques and recommendations to accommodate diversity.

In this Discussion, you will consider different socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors that should be taken into considerations when building a health history for patients with diverse backgrounds. Your Instructor will assign a case study to you for this Discussion.

Case study:

EB is a 68-year-old black female who comes in for follow-up of hypertension. She has glaucoma and her vision has been worsening during the past few years. She lives alone and is prescribed four hypertension medications (Hydralazine 50 mg PO Q8H, Metoprolol  XL 200 mg PO Q12H, Lisinopril 40 mg PO daily, and HCTZ 25mg PO daily ). She brings in her medication bottles and she has some medication bottles from the previous year full of medications. She is missing one medication she had been prescribed and says she  may have forgotten it at home. Her BP in clinic today is 182/99 with HR of 84.

an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you were assigned. Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.


Answers all parts of the Discussion question(s) with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.   Supported by at least three current, credible sources.  Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.


At least 3 references:

Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2019). Seidel’s guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

  • Chapter 1, “The History and Interviewing Process”  (Previously read in Week 1)

This chapter highlights history and interviewing processes. The authors explore a variety of communication techniques, professionalism, and functional assessment concepts when developing relationships with patients.

  • Chapter 2, “Cultural Competency”

This chapter highlights the importance of cultural awareness when conducting health assessments. The authors explore the impact of culture on health beliefs and practices.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Hi this is my research method that was redone but the professor said that it was done incorrectly

Nursing 2023 Discussion Resultss

Hi this is my research method that was redone but the professor said that it was done incorrectly 2023 Assignment

Hi, this is my research method, that was redone but the professor said that it was done incorrectly and this it is still meta-analysis which I’m guessing know she does not want

Here are something that I’ve added this time that can help you formulate the Research Method 

Click http://expertjournals.com/how-to-write-a-research-methodology-for-your-academic-article/ link to open resource.

and I also uploaded something as well 

Here’s an example of a student’s research method, the professor said it well done: 

Re: Using Cannabis As A Therapeutic Tool For Epilepsy

The data was collected using a meta-analysis methodology. The researcher summarized the results of several studies to come up with their report. The information was collected from several scientific studies and journals, synthesized and compiled. Preference was given to studies that used randomized trial method. Different studies were assessed with the main focus being on those that did experiments (lasting a month or more) and recorded results before the study and compared them with the results after the study. For this study, the case study approach was used in which the researcher collected data from past researchers and did an analysis of the secondary data. The researcher was keen to focus only on qualitative and quantitative data that was collected first hand from experiments and observations.

A meta-analysis method was preferred because it was both cost and time effective and provided deep insights on the topic of choice. During the collection of the data, a two-step approach was taken. First, the researcher identified credible sources of information relating to the topic from journals by filtering data using key words. The main key words of choice consisted of a combination of terms; “Epilepsy cure with cannabis” and “therapeutically cure of epilepsy with CBD.” After collecting studies that fitted into the key terms, the researcher then checked the year of publication with only recent studies qualifying (5 years). By reading the abstracts, relevant articles were chosen to be used as data for the study. The second approach entailed deriving data from the chosen sources, synthesizing and analyzing them to create new data. Particular emphasis was on the effects of CBD in the therapeutic cure of epilepsy by comparing the quantities and duration of CBD administration to the symptoms and effects in the patients after approximately two weeks.

 Discussion Forum: Research Methods

1. Formulate the Research Methods of your selected topic. Based on the chosen methods, please ensure that your incorporate all appropriate elements. 

2. Post your Research Methods.

3. Then, read the posts submitted by two other classmates and provide meaningful feedback for improvement.

This is mine :

Case Study: This is a qualitative research method that facilitates a close assessment of the data within a particular context. A researcher selects few individuals to be the study’s subject (Wilson, 2016). Further, this method helps the researcher to study and investigate opioid education for the youth as a contemporary real-life phenomenon. This exploration and investigation are done through an in-depth contextual analysis of a restricted events’ number relating to the subject of the study.

Phenomenology Method: This qualitative research method enables a researcher to emphasize and focus on studying individual youth’s lived experiences within the world of drugs. It will be easier to study the structure of different types of youth’s experiences ranging from emotion, perception, and imagination regarding the use of opioids. The method builds a complex account of semi-permanent awareness, spatial awareness, and awareness of a person’s experience (Qutoshi, 2018). A researcher can also describe the nature of experience just as he finds it in his experience. Thus, the method is based on a description of the lives of youths who abuse opioids as a surviving mechanism. An interpretation of the type of experience that links or closely connect with relevant features of the context in the study plays a crucial role in the research.


Under the case study method, a researcher can use documentation review as a tool for increasing validity (Wilson, 2016). Documents and data get analyzed to establish sensitive information regarding the subject of the study.

Within the phenomenology method, depth interviews are used as a tool where the respondents are less, and the research focuses on a particular issue or situation.


Qutoshi, S. B. (2018). Phenomenology: A philosophy and method of inquiry. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 5(1), 215-222.

Wilson, V. (2016). Research Methods: Design, Methods, Case Study… oh my!. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11(1 (S)), 39-40.

What the professor said: You have again incorrectly formulated it. Your method is meta-analysis! Check the in-class practice and replicate that on your study.

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2023 CO4 Investigate safeguards and decision making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe

Nursing 2023 Your Patient Has a Personal Health Record . . . Now What?

CO4 Investigate safeguards and decision making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe 2023 Assignment

  • CO4 Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4)
  • CO5 Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. (PO 5)

Case Study: A 65-year-old woman was just been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was informed of this diagnosis in her primary care physician’s office. She leaves her physician’s office and goes home to review all of her tests and lab results with her family. She goes home and logs into her PHR. She is only able to pull up a portion of her test results. She calls her physician’s office with concern. The office staff discussed that she had gone to receive part of her lab work at a lab not connected to the organization, part was completed at the emergency room, and part was completed in the lab that is part of the doctor’s office organization.

The above scenario might be a scenario that you have commonly worked with in clinical practice. For many reasons, patients often receive healthcare from multiple organizations that might have different systems.

As you review this scenario, reflect and answer these questions for this discussion.

  • What are the pros and cons of the situation in the case study?
  • What safeguards are included in patient portals and PHRs to help patients and healthcare professionals ensure safety?
  • Do you agree or disagree with this process?
  • What are challenges for patients that do not have access to all of the EHRs? Remember, only portions of the EHRs are typically included in the PHRs.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Chapter 24 Putting it All Together Examining the patient Give examples of blockers and facilitators to communication Outline the steps

Nursing 2023 Physical Assessment

Chapter 24 Putting it All Together Examining the patient Give examples of blockers and facilitators to communication Outline the steps 2023 Assignment

 Chapter: 24.Putting it All Together   Examining the patient

  1. Give examples of blockers and facilitators to communication.
  2. Outline the steps involved in building rapport before performing an examination.
  3. List cultural considerations when taking a history and performing a physical examination.
  4. Differentiate between the human and the scientific understanding of illness.

Name three observations that a human can make better than a machine.

  1. Discuss the phrase “Deal with the total person.”
  2. Discuss comfort and privacy issues related to positioning during the examination.
  3. Review ways to maintain privacy during the examination process.
  4. Discuss methods to reduce anxiety in persons of various ages during the examination process.

  You overhear another student complaining about how frustrated she was during her first practice examination of an infant. “He was sleeping when it was time to begin the examination,” she explains. “I woke him up so I could get started, but then he started crying. He finally quit crying, but by then I’d already lost a lot of time.” What critique can you offer for the scenario? What advice do you have for this student examiner? 

When does the process of inspection begin with the patient? 

The physical examination of an older patient should include mental status evaluation with particular attention to which three areas?

For children who are small enough, where should they be examined?

The child’s ability at any age to react socially offers clues to which two types of well-being?

What does observing a child playing on the floor afford us?

KM is a 46-year-old male patient who presents for a routine physical examination. He presents today without complaints. He wants to be sure that he is on the right track to maintain his health because he is in his fourth decade of life.

1- What components of the exam would be completed with the patient seated and the back exposed?

2- You are preparing to complete a rectal examination. What are the possible positions for this examination?

3- Describe the components of the rectal examination.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Think about an issue at your current place of practice What is that issue and how would

Nursing 2023 Nursing Theory 2 part dsicussion

Think about an issue at your current place of practice What is that issue and how would 2023 Assignment

Think about an issue at your current place of practice. What is that issue and how would you submit a research proposal?

Part Two:

Identify a policy/procedure at your workplace that you would like to improve through evidence-based research or discuss one that has been improved because of evidence based research.

I work in the miami area in the state of florida. My hospital at the moment has a huge shortage of everything, There’s no even gloves in the room. There a huge protocol to get the correct ppe and a lot nurse have contracted the COVID-19 including myself. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.