2023 Details In a reflection of 450 600 words explain how you see yourself fitting

Nursing 2023 For Essays Guru – Reflection Paper

Details In a reflection of 450 600 words explain how you see yourself fitting 2023 Assignment


In a reflection of 450-600 words, explain how you see yourself fitting into the following IOM Future of Nursing recommendations:

  1. Recommendation 4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020.
  2. Recommendation 5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020.
  3. Recommendation 6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.

Identify your options in the job market based on your educational level.

  1. How will increasing your level of education affect how you compete in the current job market?
  2. How will increasing your level of education affect your role in the future of nursing?

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2023 1 Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet s subjective and objective data


1 Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet s subjective and objective data 2023 Assignment

1. Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data and discuss your reasoning for each.

Hay fever, food allergies and viral infection that presents as a cold with allergic symptoms would be the top three indications based off of the signs and symptoms being presented by Janet (Mayo Clinic, 2019b). Hay fever causes seasonal allergies along with a clear runny nose, post-nasal drip and irritated nares. Food allergies can cause eczema and allergic symptoms affecting the ear note and throat (Mayo Clinic, 2017). A viral infection such as the common cold can also exacerbate a runny nose, sneezing, post-nasal drainage and inflamed lymph nodes (Mayo Clinic, 2019a).

2. What additional history questions would be useful in your evaluation of Janet?

You can ask valid questions such like when did the symptoms begin? Have you been around anyone else who is sick? What makes the symptoms worse? Have you had a recent in change in environment or food? What makes the symptoms seem worse or better? Have you tried taking any medication and if so, what has worked/not worked? Does anyone in your family suffer from any allergies? Have you had seasonal/food allergies ever checked? 

3. Discuss the pathophysiological process of your primary diagnosis.

Janet is suffering from Hay fever during the changes in seasons during Spring and Fall which is when pollen counts are elevated. According to Mayo Clinic (2019) Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like signs and symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure. But unlike a cold, hay fever isn’t caused by a virus. Hay fever is caused by an allergic response to outdoor or indoor allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or tiny flecks of skin and saliva shed by cats, dogs, and other animals with fur or feathers (pet dander).

4. Differentiate the types of hypersensitivity mechanisms.

Type I hypersensitivity is also known as immediate or anaphylactic hypersensitivity. The reaction may involve skin (urticaria and eczema), eyes (conjunctivitis), nasopharynx (rhinorrhoea, rhinitis), bronchopulmonary tissues (asthma) and gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis). The reaction may cause a range of symptoms from minor inconvenience to death. The reaction usually takes 15 – 30 minutes from the time of exposure to the antigen, although sometimes it may have a delayed onset of 10-12 hours (Ghaffar, 2016).

Type II hypersensitivities are also known as cytotoxic hypersensitivities and may affect a variety of organs and tissues. The antigens are normally endogenous, although exogenous chemicals (haptens) which can attach to cell membranes and lead to type II hypersensitivity. Drug-induced hemolyticanemia, granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia are examples. The reaction time is minutes to hours. Type II hypersensitivity are primarily mediated by antibodies of the IgM or IgG classes and complement. Phagocytes and K cells may also play a role (Ghaffar, 2016).

Type III hypersensitivity is also known as immune complex hypersensitivity. The reaction may be general such as serum sickness or may involve individual organs including skin like systemic lupus erythematosus, an Arthur reaction, kidneys, lupus-nephritis, lungs-aspergillosis, blood vessels-polyarteritis, joints-rheumatoid arthritis, or other organs. This reaction may be the pathogenic mechanism of diseases caused by many microorganisms.

Type IV hypersensitivity is involved in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune and infectious diseases (tuberculosis, leprosy, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, etc.) and granulomas due to infections and foreign antigens. Another form of delayed hypersensitivity is contact dermatitis such as with poison ivy, and heavy metals (Ghaffar, 2016).

5. As per your analysis, what type of hypersensitivity reaction is Janet experiencing?

Allergic disorders (type I hypersensitivity) associated with asthma, hay fever, and drug reactions, as well as parasitic infections (particularly with metazoan parasites) are often cited as causes. Allergic reactions can present as the patient having and increased number in eosinophilia is an absolute increase (more than 450/μL) in the total numbers of circulating eosinophils (McCance&Huether, 2014).


Ghaffar, A. (2016, April 2). Hypersensitivity reactions. Retrieved from http://www.microbiologybook.org/ghaffar/hyper00.htm

Mayo Clinic. (2019, April 20). Common cold Symptoms and causes. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/symptoms-causes/syc-20351605

Mayo Clinic. (2017, May 2). Food allergy Symptoms and causes.Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20355095

Mayo Clinic. (2019, March 19). Hay fever symptoms and causes.Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hay-fever/symptoms-causes/syc-20373039

McCance, K., Huether, S. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, (7th Ed). Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri. [Vital Book File]. HASDOIHFOCINDLKCNBION

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2023 Pharmacology for Psychological Disorders How does an advanced practice nurse determine the best

Nursing 2023 Advanced Pharmacology

Pharmacology for Psychological Disorders How does an advanced practice nurse determine the best 2023 Assignment


Pharmacology for Psychological Disorders

How does an advanced practice nurse determine the best treatment option or pharmacotherapeutic to recommend for patients with psychological disorders?

Much like assessing or recommending pharmacotherapeutics for other conditions or disorders, as an advanced practice nurse, you may encounter a patient who presents with a psychological disorder. Understanding the guiding principles related to treating patients with psychological disorders as well as the effects of pharmacotherapeutics on a patient’s overall health and well-being is critical for the safe and effective delivery of care.

This week, you examine types of drugs prescribed to patients with psychological disorders. You also examine potential impacts of pharmacotherapeutics used to treat psychological disorders on a patient’s pathophysiology.

Required Reading

Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

· Chapter 26, “Antipsychotic Agents and Their Use in Schizophrenia” (pp. 203–213)

· Chapter 27, “Antidepressants” (pp. 214–226)

· Chapter 28, “Drugs for Bipolar Disorder” (pp. 228–233)

· Chapter 29, “Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs” (pp. 234–242)

· Chapter 30, “Management of Anxiety Disorders” (pp. 243–247)

· Chapter 31, “Central Nervous System Stimulants and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder” (pp. 248–254)

Discussion: Decision Making When Treating Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorders, such as depression, bipolar, and anxiety disorders can present several complications for patients of all ages. These disorders affect patients physically and emotionally, potentially impacting judgment, school and/or job performance, and relationships with family and friends. Since these disorders have many drastic effects on patients’ lives, it is important for advanced practice nurses to effectively manage patient care. With patient factors and medical history in mind, it is the advanced practice nurse’s responsibility to ensure the safe and effective diagnosis, treatment, and education of patients with psychological disorders.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

For this Discussion, you will select an interactive media piece to practice decision making when treating patients with psychological disorders. You will recommend the most effective pharmacotherapeutic to treat the psychological disorder presented and examine potential impacts of pharmacotherapeutics on a patient’s pathophysiology.

To Prepare

· Review this week’s interactive media pieces and select one to focus on for this Discussion.

· Reflect on the decision steps in the interactive media pieces, and consider the potential impacts from the administration of the associated pharmacotherapeutics on the patient’s pathophysiology.






Post a brief explanation of the psychological disorder presented and the decision steps you applied in completing the interactive media piece for the psychological disorder you selected. Then, explain how the administration of the associated pharmacotherapeutics you recommended may impact the patient’s pathophysiology. How might these potential impacts inform how you would suggest treatment plans for this patient? Be specific and provide examples.

Provide at least 3 citations in 7th edition APA Format

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2023 Nursing Theories An OverviewSource Link http currentnursing com nursing theory nursing theories overview html Prompt What is my experience with nursing theory

Nursing 2023 one page essay

Nursing Theories An OverviewSource Link http currentnursing com nursing theory nursing theories overview html Prompt What is my experience with nursing theory 2023 Assignment

 Nursing Theories: An OverviewSource Link: http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/nursing_theories_overview.html


What is my experience with nursing theory?  Have I ever seen nursing theory in practice?  How important do I think nursing theory is to nursing practice? What do I find most interesting about what I am learning about nursing theory? Is my mind and heart open to learning to see nursing from a different perspective?

Summary: The purpose of the Reflective Journal is to allow for analysis, synthesis and evaluation of nursing theory using guided questions. Reflection in Action has been referred to as a process that happens internally, privately or in isolation (Hill & Watson, 2011). Also, a useful definition of reflection has been referred to as the examination of an issue of concern, as a consequence of experience, creating clarity and meaning in terms of self, and which results in a change of perspective ( Boyd & Fales, 1983).

Boyd, E. M., & Fales, A. W. (1983). Reflective learning: Key to learning from experience, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23(2), 99-117.

Hill, M. & Watson, J. (2011). Creating a Caring Science Curriculum. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

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2023 Submit an evidence based practice paper about cultural competency in mental health nursing An evidence based

Nursing 2023 Cultural Considerations in Mental Health Nursing

Submit an evidence based practice paper about cultural competency in mental health nursing An evidence based 2023 Assignment

Submit an evidence-based practice paper about cultural competency in mental health nursing. An evidence-based practice paper allows you to explore best practice and help improve client outcomes on a psychiatric unit. Your paper should describe how you, as a nurse, will include – or have included – cultural awareness in a client diagnosed with a mental illness. The person you describe could be someone in your clinical setting, someone you have worked with in the past, or a theoretical client.

Remember that culture can also include gender equality, sexual orientation, and other cultures besides race and religion – including cultures unique to one particular family. Your paper should be at least 3 pages (double-spaced, not including the title or reference pages) in APA Format and include:

  • Assessment: Discuss what you would assess in regard to a client’s culture. For example, are there specific dietary requirements? Are schedule changes necessary to avoid conflicts with religious practices? Who is the spokesperson for the family? What would you assess?
  • Diagnosis: List any mental health nursing diagnoses this person has or may be at risk for. Include at least one cultural diagnosis.
  • Planning: What planning needs to be done to ensure the cultural and emotional safety of the client?
  • Implementation: What are interventions that would ensure the safety of your client in regard to culture? Include at least two interventions. For example, if your client has religious beliefs that affect the ability to take medications, what interventions would you create to ensure the client’s safety? What can you do to make sure the client’s cultural needs are met?
  • Evaluation: How will you evaluate whether your implementation was effective? Make sure the parameters are objective and measurable.
  • In your summary, discuss whether any completed interventions were successful. What could be done differently in the future? If the interventions have not yet been carried out, you might discuss some institutional changes that could be made to ensure cultural safety for all clients in that setting.
  • Your paper should utilize proper APA guidelines and include at least three scholarly sources to support your paper. A scholarly source is a source that has been peer reviewed and has appropriate authors that are credentialed.

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2023 Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States United Healthcare Vanguard Banner

Nursing 2023 Health Organization Evaluation

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States United Healthcare Vanguard Banner 2023 Assignment


Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

  1. Describe the health care organization or network.
  2. Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
  3. Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
  4. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
  5. Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

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2023 The U S Department of Health Human Services released a comprehensive Clinical Practice Guideline

Nursing 2023 Nursing Discussion

The U S Department of Health Human Services released a comprehensive Clinical Practice Guideline 2023 Assignment

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services released a comprehensive Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence–2008 Update


The goal of these recommendations is that clinicians strongly recommend the use of effective tobacco dependence counseling and medication treatments to their patients who use tobacco, and that health systems, insurers, and purchasers assist clinicians in making such effective treatments available.

After reading these recommendations answer the following questions.

1. what are the clinical interventions for patients unwilling to quit cigarette smoking?

2. According to the best practices what are the best strategies to help your clients quit smoking?

3. are there any specific smoking cessation recommendations for especial populations such as teenagers or the elderly?

APA 6th edition format for references as well as in-text citations is expected.

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2023 The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years Today there is a

Nursing 2023 Herbal Supplements

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years Today there is a 2023 Assignment


The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. Because they are not subject to scrutiny by the FDA or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements is controversial.

Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives. These products contain only purified ingredients and, unlike herbal supplements, are closely regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts. Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways. Please address the followings:

1.     Discuss advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements, including adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, and specific laboratory issues that may arise from using these products.

2.     Discuss the position of the FDA and other governmental agencies on over the counter herbal supplements. Support your post with at least 2 evidenced-based guidelines published within the last 5 years.

 APA 6th edition format. 

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2023 Write a 3 4 page response to an employment questionnaire requiring a self evaluation

Nursing 2023 Self-Assessment Of Leadership, Collaboration, And Ethics

Write a 3 4 page response to an employment questionnaire requiring a self evaluation 2023 Assignment


Write a 3–4 page response to an employment questionnaire requiring a self-evaluation of your leadership and ethical experiences.

An understanding of one’s own approaches to leadership, motivation, collaboration and ethical situations is important to the evolution of an effective leader. An introspective lens can help emerging leaders better understand and hone these important skills.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply qualities, skills and practices used by effective healthcare leaders.
    • Analyze one’s own leadership qualities and actions relative to a specific experience.
  • Competency 2: Apply practices that facilitate effective interprofessional collaboration.
    • Analyzes one’s own leadership and motivational techniques used to foster collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Competency 3: Apply ethical codes and diversity best practices in health care organizations. 
    • Analyze actions taken in response to an ethical dilemma, using an ethical code. 
  • Competency 4: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.
    • Conveys clear meaning in active voice, with minimal issues in grammar, usage, word choice, spelling, or mechanical errors. 




Download and review the Western Medical Enterprises Questionnaire found in the Resources. Use it to complete this assessment.


Read Ethical decision-making in a caring environment: The four principles and LEADS if you chose this reference to complete your assignment. See the Western Medical Enterprises Questionnaire for details.


Imagine that over the past few months you have participated in several organizational projects and met many new people.  The opportunities to collaborate and demonstrate your emerging skills as a leader prompted you to think about applying for a new position.  After exploring online job postings, you prepared a resume and submitted the application to Western Medical Enterprises. A few days later you received the following email:

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in employment at Western Medical Enterprises. We have received your application packet. The next step for all potential employees is to provide a narrative response to the questions in the attached document. Please return your completed document to me by replying to this e-mail. 
Once we receive your responses, we will review them and notify you of the next steps.
Good luck! 
Thomas Hardy
Human Resources Recruiter
Western Medical Enterprises


Respond to the scenario by completing the Western Medical Enterprises Questionnaire found in the Resources.

Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be evaluated.


1-  Analyze one’s own leadership qualities and actions relative to a specific experience. 

Passing Grade:  Analyzes one’s own leadership qualities and actions relative to a specific experience, against an accepted leadership model. 

2-  Analyze one’s own leadership and motivational techniques used to foster collaboration among stakeholders. 

Passing Grade:  Analyzes one’s own leadership and motivational techniques used to foster collaboration among stakeholders, comparing them to one or more proven techniques. 

3-  Analyze actions taken in response to an ethical dilemma, using an ethical code. 

Passing Grade:  Analyzes actions taken in response to an ethical dilemma in great detail that references specific elements of the code to help assess actions taken. 

4-  Convey clear meaning in active voice, with minimal issues in grammar, usage, word choice, spelling, or mechanical errors. 

Passing Grade:  Produces complex and concise text that conveys clear meaning, with strong grammar, usage, word choice, spelling, and mechanical decisions. Enhances flow and meaning of text by using strong active voice throughout. 

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2023 Case Study I A 45 year old female presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain

Nursing 2023 case study 1

Case Study I A 45 year old female presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain 2023 Assignment

Case Study I A 45-year-old female presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain and “just not feeling good”.  Regarding her back, she states that her back pain is a chronic condition that she has suffered with for about the last 10 years. She has not suffered any specific injury to her back. She denies weakness of the lower extremities, denies bowel or bladder changes or dysfunction, denies radiation of pain to the lower extremities and no numbness or tingling of the lower extremities. She describes the pain as a constant dull ache and tightness across the low back. She states she started a workout program about 3 weeks, and she is working out with a friend that is a body builder. She states her friend suggested taking Creatine to help build muscle and Coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant so she started those medications at the same time she began working out. She states she also takes Kava Kava for her anxiety and garlic to help lower her blood pressure. Past medication history includes: Type II diabetes since age 27, High blood pressure, Recurrent DVT’s Her other medications include: Glyburide 3 mg daily with breakfast, Lisinopril 20 mg daily and Coumadin 6 mg daily 1. What are your findings following reviewing this medication list? Explain concerns in detail. 2. Is there additional information you would obtain? If so, please discuss rationale. 3. What are your recommendations for managing this patient’s medications? 4. What are the components for educating the patient? 5. If your plan is to prescribe a medication/s, create a prescription and discuss, what are the important components necessary on the packaging or on the label? Please answer each question concisely. You do not need to write a long paragraph to prove your points. You need to provide a cover page and 1 reference page. Support answers with peer reviewed journals. Articles cannot be older than 5 years. Remember all paragraphs need to be cited properly, and the paper must be written in APA 6th format. A minimum of 3 references are required for this case study.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.