2023 Case Study 3 Kevin worked for 10 years at a uranium mine excavating uranium for a nearby nuclear power plant

Nursing 2023 For Essays Guru – Case Study: Cell Biology And Genetics

Case Study 3 Kevin worked for 10 years at a uranium mine excavating uranium for a nearby nuclear power plant 2023 Assignment

  Case Study 3

Kevin worked for 10 years at a uranium mine, excavating uranium for a nearby nuclear power plant. Now, 25 years later, he has small cell lung cancer. Kevin is anorexic and has lost a considerable amount of weight. His muscles are wasting, and he is weak. He tries to move around the house throughout the day but tires easily. It has been difficult for him to access care, and the treatment for his cancer is just starting.

1. With the ongoing exposure to the ionizing radiation, DNA damage occurred. Outline the three stages of carcinogenesis that occurred after his exposure to radiation.

2. Kevin is normally a fit and active man, and his wife often commented on how much food he used to eat after a day at mine. Why would there be muscle wasting and weight loss now? Explain your answer using your 

3. knowledge of the metabolic changes seen with cancer.

In some cancer patients, muscle weakness may result from the production of onconeural antigens. Describe the effects of these antigens. What form would this process likely take in Kevin’s situation?

Case Study Posting Requirements

1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.

2. Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.

3. All sources must be within five years.

4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.

4 pages not including title page and reference page.

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2023 1 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 This catastrophic earthquake took place

Nursing 2023 response

1 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 This catastrophic earthquake took place 2023 Assignment

1 postsRe: Topic 5 DQ 2

This catastrophic earthquake took place on January 12, 2010, in the country of Haiti. With a magnitude of 7.0. on the Richter scale, this earthquake took many lives. An international relief operation was initiated soon after the earthquake happened. The United States sent thousands of military troops to Haiti to provide resources, help with finding lost loved ones and friends and help sustain peace.

According to Green (2018), “Primary prevention in disaster management involves planning prior to the disaster.” Thinking of the situation that is taking place and planning how to overcome the obstacles to help treat and save people. For instance, access to surgical, medical and emergency equipment, plans set in place to handle burns, trauma or other issues that might occur. Access needs to also be available to medications like antibiotics and IV fluid. Additionally, Green (2018) adds that “Secondary prevention may occur when the onset of the disaster has occurred or within hours of its impact; this is when the response occurs during a disaster.” This could be priority immunizations, including mass vaccination campaigns for tetanus immunization as part of wound care. This happens in the second phase to insure that once people are not in danger, they do not get an infection from a secondary situation. Secondary situations to educate on would be wound care and proper dressing change Finally, Green (2018 ) describes the last stage as “Tertiary prevention occurs after the offending event has ceased and the focus is on recovery.” This stage is when the recovery process begins. The duration of the recovery phase varies and can focus on the mental health of persons involved in the tragedy. Spiritual guidance and prayer are highly recommended at this stage to help people cope with the disaster.

There are many organizations that manage a crisis to this magnitude. One organization that I would work with is FEMA. FEMA is trained to respond to crisis situations and has a protocol already in place to follow to ensure the safest and most effective rescue and treatment for the public. I would also work with the American Red Cross. This organization is also highly trained to deal with disaster situations and getting proper supplies to people in need. I would also work with community churches and faith-based organizations to help people spiritually and mentally.


Community and Public Health: The Future of Health Care. (2018). Retrieved from Grand Canyon University (Ed.): https://lc.

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2023 I need this project completed in 4 5 hours Description Reflect on the research articles you

Nursing 2023 Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice

I need this project completed in 4 5 hours Description Reflect on the research articles you 2023 Assignment

                                  I need this project completed in 4-5 hours


Reflect on the research articles you have reviewed to date that relate to your clinical question. Please refer to all the unit resources (e.g., readings, recordings, announcements, etc.) to facilitate this process. With these thoughts in mind, post your thoughts on the following:

  1. In the articles you have reviewed, what statistical tests are being used for data analysis?
  2. Are the statistical tests being used appropriately for the type of data being produced and the question being asked?
  3. Do the authors appropriately indicate implications of the data analysis, or do they overstretch?

In the articles that have I reviewed listed below, I need to know what statistical tests are being used for data analysis?

· A key study for my PICOT project is titled “How Accurate are Self-Reports? An Analysis of Self-Reported Healthcare Utilization and Absence When Compared to Administrative Data” (Koerner & Zhang, 2017).  The authors evaluated the data using Pearson’s correlation and multivariate logistic regression models. 

·  Correlation is a statistical method used to assess a possible linear association between two continuous variables, while Pearson’s correlation coefficient is a test statistics measuring the statistical relationship, or association, between two continuous variables (Mahan, Clark, Anderson, Koller, & Gates, 2017).. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of the strength of the association between the two variables; it is the best method of measuring the association between variables of interest because it is based on the method of covariance, and covariance is a measure of the joint variability of two random variables (Koerner et al., 2017). If the data is normally distributed, in other words, bell-shaped, and symmetrical about the mean, tests such as the histogram, and normality tests may be used to evaluate if the distribution is normal (McCrum-Gardner, 2008). 

· Are the statistical tests being used appropriately for the type of data being produced and the question being asked?

· The majority of studies may be evaluated with the proper evaluation of over 100 statistical tests to choose from. Tests are chosen depending on the type of research questions being asked, the type of data being analyzed, and the number of data sets or groups being evaluated.

· The first question to be asked is what scale of measurement the data will be, nominal, ordinal, or interval. The study in question involves interval data. The second question is the reason for the analysis; as an example, paired groups or independent groups? 

· Yes, the statistical tests are appropriate for the type of data being produced, and for the type of questions being asked.

· Do the authors appropriately indicate implications of the data analysis, or do they overstretch? 

· Based on our readings and videos, I saw no evidence of data-stretching. For example, data was collected over two calendar years, a lengthy, non-selective inclusion period. A potential confounding factor was that all participants had to have been enrolled in the company health insurance program a minimum of 320 days as a condition of inclusion in the study. Another potential confounding factor was that only hourly employees were included in the two-year study. In addition, pregnant employees were excluded from the study, as these employees are atypical of the general employee population in that their healthcare utilization would be temporarily altered. These factors may have influenced the results, by excluding participants with different reporting habits. After recognizing these potential limitations, their findings mirrored multiple studies previously conducted. 

· The authors also noted potential improvements for future studies, including inclusion of a more diverse employee population, and examining why there exists a difference in self-reporting based on participant sex.


· Koerner, T. K., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Application of linear mixed-effects models in human neuroscience research: A comparison with pearson correlation in two auditory electrophysiology studies. Brain Sciences, 7(3), page 26. doi:http://dx.doi.org.prx-usa.lirn.net/10.3390/brainsci7030026

· Mahan, K.R., Clark, J.A., Anderson, K.D., Koller, N.J., & Gates, B. J. (2017). Development of a tool to identify problems related to medication adherence in home healthcare patients. Home Healthcare Now, 277-82. doi: 10.1097/nhh.0000000000000539

· McCrum-Gardner, E. (2008).  Which is the correct statistical test to use? British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 46 (2008) 38–41 

· Short, M., Goetzel, R., Pei, X., Tabrizi, M., Ozminkowski, R., Gibson, T., & … Wilson, M. (2009). How accurate are self-reports? Analysis of self-reported health care utilization and absence when compared with administrative data. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 51(7), 786-796. doi:10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181a86671


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Types of Statistical use

           There were six articles retrieved on my PICOT question, (3) were quantitative research, (1) is a mixed method, (2) qualitative research, and (1 )integrative review. The (3) quantitative research were critically appraised and used the following statistical analysis; central standard tendency (mean, median, mode), a probability value to test the significance of results, binomial regression, and binomial distribution, chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and measures of standard deviation. Lastly, a study about changing Intensive Care Unit (ICU) culture to reduce CAUTI the research study used statistical process control charts to see the process of improvement in the reduction of catheter-associated infection post-implementation (Maxwell, Murphy and McGettigan, 2018). 

Appropriateness of the statistical test 

The purpose or hypothesis of the study is in the introduction of each literature. The research question aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAUTI bundle in the pediatric intensive care unit and adult intensive care unit. To provide patient safety, the use of an appropriate statistical tool in research is essential. According to McCrum-Gardner (2007), using the right scale of measurement will convey accurate results in research.  One research study use sample size is 390 (nominal) children ages from 1 month to 18 years old and admitted in the ICU for 48 hours that needed foley catheter insertion. The exclusions are positive urine culture and less than 48 hours of ICU admission. In addition, the Categorial variable is analyzed using X2 or Fisher exact test. The prevalence rate was calculated using the number of disease within the specified time over the population under risk x 100. The research study shows Foley catheter utilization was calculated by dividing the total number of device days by the total number of patient days (Sönmez Düzkaya, Bozkurt, Uysal, and Yakut,2016). Moreover, the three quantitative research use an appropriate tool and results show that daily CAUTI BUNDLE implementation and changing ICU culture regarding the standard practice showed a significant reduction of catheter-associated urinary tract infection in pediatric ICU and adult ICU.


           The implication of the research study indicates that prevention of CAUTI with the use of CAUTI bundle checklist and application of process improvement had a significant impact on the decreasing morbidity, mortality and healthcare cost. Also, the length of study allowed the researchers to see a significant, consistent change in the reduction of CAUTI.  


Maxwell,M.,Murphy, K., and McGettigan, M. (2018)Changing ICU culture to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Canadian Journal of Infection Control,33 (1) ,39-43 . Retrieved from https://ipac-                   canada.org/photos/custom/pdf/Marcia%20Maxwell_Spring2018.pdf

McCrum-Gardner, E. (2007). Which is the correct statistical test to use?British Journal of Oral and Maxiofacial Surgery, 46, 38-41. Retrieved from https://class.esa.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USA1/201830/MSN/IPE_7050/readings/McCrumGardner_Which_is the_correct_ statistical_test_to_use_pdf        

Sönmez Düzkaya, D., Bozkurt, G., Uysal, G., & Yakut, T. (2016). The effects of bundles  on catheter-associated urinary tract infections in the pediatric intensive care unit.Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal For Advanced Nursing Practice, 30(6),341-346. doi:10.1097/NUR.0000000000000246

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2023 Create a 15 minute oral presentation 4 pages that examines the moral and ethical issues related to triaging patients in

Nursing 2023 Dillemas and Ethical Decisions

Create a 15 minute oral presentation 4 pages that examines the moral and ethical issues related to triaging patients in 2023 Assignment


Create a 15-minute oral presentation 4 pages that examines the moral and ethical issues related to triaging patients in an emergency room.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain the effect of health care policies, legislation, and legal issues on health care delivery and patient outcomes.
    • Explain the health care policies that can affect emergency care.
    • Recommend evidence-based decision-making strategies nurses can use during triage.
  • Competency 3: Apply professional nursing ethical standards and principles to the decision-making process.
    • Describe the moral and ethical challenges nurses can face when following hospital policies and protocols.
    • Explain how health care disparities impact treatment decisions.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of nursing professionals.
    • Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    • Correctly format citations and references using APA style.


To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

  • How does a triage nurse decide which patient gets seen first?
  • How does health disparity affect the triage nurse’s decision making?
  • What ethical and moral issues does the triage nurse take into account when making a decision?
  • What are triage-level designations?


Your supervisor has asked you to do a 15-minute oral presentation at a staff meeting about a recent issue that occurred at another hospital in town. Following an industrial accident, two patients arrived at the emergency room of that hospital at the same time, presenting with very similar inhalation injuries. The hospital received a great deal of negative press due to how the patients were triaged in the ER. Your supervisor would like you to use the specifics of this case to review triage procedures and best practices at your facility. Here are the details:

  • One is a 32-year-old firefighter, Frank Jeffers, who is presenting with respiratory difficulties that he obtained while evacuating victims of an industrial accident. He is a married homeowner and father of two young boys. He has lived in the community all his life. He has full and comprehensive health insurance through his employer.
  • The other is Brent Damascus, a 58-year-old man. Brent is presenting with respiratory difficulties with the same intensity as Mr. Jeffers above. He is well known at the hospital emergency room, as he is a frequent visitor with various complaints, including asthma, headaches, and tremors. He is homeless, unemployed, and uninsured. He stays many nights at the YMCA and eats lunch at the soup kitchen. He has lived in the community for over 10 years and has been arrested several times for petty theft.


Search the Internet for scholarly and professional peer-reviewed articles on best practices in triage nursing. You will need at least three articles to use as support for your work on this assessment.


Create a 15-minute presentation 4 pages that examines the moral and ethical issues that occurred when triaging these two patients and the best practices for managing this in the future.

Divide your draft into a number of talking points that you can summarize neatly. Keep in mind that an oral presentation requires slightly different language than an essay. The aim is to communicate your message so keep sentences simple and focus on the key points you want to deliver. Address the following in your presentation:

  • Explain the health care policies and protocols that are in place that direct triage care in an emergency situation.
  • Explain how health care disparities impact treatment decisions.
  • Identify the health care policies that are in place that direct care for uninsured individuals. Is there a difference in how these individuals are triaged?
  • Describe the moral and ethical challenges nurses can face when following hospital policies and protocols. Is there a conflict when a severely injured person is also uninsured?
  • Recommend evidence-based strategies that should be applied for managing the care of uninsured and indigent population.

Additional Requirements

Your presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • References: Include a reference section with a minimum of three references; a majority of these should be peer-reviewed sources. All resources should have been published within the last 5 years.
  • APA format: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: 4 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding title page and reference page. Use Microsoft Word to complete the assessment.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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2023 One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract

Nursing 2023 Nursing Formatics

One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract 2023 Assignment

One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

Select a health issue of interest to you.

Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue.

Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.

Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.

Include a cover page.

Include an introduction that provides:

An explanation of your issue and why you selected it

A description of the audience you are addressing

In the handout itself:

Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.

Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).

Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

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2023 Based on your specialty role option i e Nurse Practitioner Nurse Educator Nurse Informaticist Nurse Administrator identify a potential problem topic

Nursing 2023 DQ WEEK1

Based on your specialty role option i e Nurse Practitioner Nurse Educator Nurse Informaticist Nurse Administrator identify a potential problem topic 2023 Assignment

Based on your specialty role option (i.e., Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator, Nurse Informaticist, Nurse Administrator), identify a potential problem (topic) that you would like to investigate through nursing research. Begin by reading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) position statement on nursing research (Nursing Research).

Next explore South’s Online Library and conduct a search to locate a minimum of three nursing research articles that have addressed the problem you have identified. The literature may not be older than 5 years. After reading the literature respond to the following:

  1. Note your role specialization and briefly describe the problem you are interested in researching and why this is of interest to you.
  2. Discuss your library search strategies and briefly summarize the literature you reviewed. Focus your discussion on the “problem” and how the literature you identified provides evidence of the existence of the problem.
  3. Include in your discussion a potential innovation that you might consider as a solution to the problem identified.
  4. Include citations/references in APA style format, using citations where appropriate.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 NEEDED BY 11 21 2017 View the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act video http lc gcumedia com zwebassets courseMaterialPages nur508 healthcare reform video series v1 1 php This

Nursing 2023 Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act

NEEDED BY 11 21 2017 View the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act video http lc gcumedia com zwebassets courseMaterialPages nur508 healthcare reform video series v1 1 php This 2023 Assignment

NEEDED BY 11/21/2017     

View the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” video:       (http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nur508_healthcare-reform-video-series-v1.1.php)       

This video was developed just as the 

(commonly referred to as ACA) was due to be implemented. Now that the ACA is operational, contrast the information from the video with actual outcomes and provide your assessment of whether or not the stated goals of the ACA are being met for direct patient care. Support your position using sources inclusive of peer-reviewed literature as well as governmental statistics (state or national) or other nonpartisan resources.     

– use 2 apa references  – answer gquestions straight to the point


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The benchmark assesses the following competencies 1 4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice

Nursing 2023 Policy Brief

The benchmark assesses the following competencies 1 4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice 2023 Assignment


The benchmark assesses the following competencies:

1.4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.

Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.

Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:

  1. Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.
  2. Create a problem statement.
  3. Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.
  4. Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.

Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Discussion Developing a Balanced Scorecard How does a group gauge whether the strategic changes they implement

Nursing 2023 NURS 6241: STRATEGIC PLANNING IN HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS – Discussion 8 (Grading Rubic And Media Attached)

Discussion Developing a Balanced Scorecard How does a group gauge whether the strategic changes they implement 2023 Assignment

Discussion: Developing a Balanced Scorecard


How does a group gauge whether the strategic changes they implement are creating sound business results?


The effective use of a balanced scorecard can facilitate alignment between strategic initiatives and day-to-day operations. The balanced scorecard may serve as a valuable tool for monitoring progress and assessing the outcomes of a strategic plan and provide a practical means of communication.


In this Discussion, you examine the use of a balanced scorecard to measure performance related to finances, customer/client satisfaction, internal processes, and learning and growth.


To prepare:


Review the information in the Learning Resources, including this week’s media presentation, focusing on the development of performance metrics for a strategic plan. See Figure 8-6: Design your Balanced Scorecard in the Sare and Ogilvie course text.

With your Course Project in mind, think about how you would develop a balanced scorecard to measure performance, including the processes you would use to gather appropriate data.

Consider how the use of a balanced scorecard reflects the importance of being able to evaluate progress, assess the impact of planned change on performance, and determine if the costs are justified in terms of the outcomes.


Post an explanation of your plan for creating a balanced scorecard as part of your Course Project, including the processes you would use to gather data to measure performance. Explain how the use of this balanced scorecard would enable you to evaluate progress, assess the impact of your proposed change, and determine if the costs are justified in terms of the outcomes.


Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. (I will send the peer responses on the handshake private message)


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by offering suggestions for further developing their balanced scorecards. Ask questions to peer responses at the end of every response. Cite your responses.


Required Readings


Sare, M. V., & Ogilvie, L. (2010). Strategic planning for nurses: Change management in health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Chapter 8, “Overview of Strategic Planning Theories: Strategic Planning Architecture” (pp. 147–166)

 Fields, S. A., & Cohen, D. (2011). Performance enhancement using a balanced scorecard in a patient-centered medical home. Family Medicine, 43(10), 735–739.

Copyright 2011 by Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Reprinted by permission of Society of Teachers of Family Medicine via the Copyright Clearance Center.


The authors discuss using a balanced scorecard for quality improvement in patient-centered medical homes.

 Groene, O., Brandt, E., Schmidt, W., & Moeller, J. (Aug 2009). The balanced scorecard of acute settings: Development process, definition of 20 strategic objectives and implementation.International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(4), 259–271.

Copyright 2009 by Oxford University Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.


In this article, the authors discuss the use of a balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic planning in hospitals. The article includes an example of a strategy map, timeline, and balanced scorecard.

 Jeffs, L., Merkley, J., Richardson, S., Eli, J., & McAllister, M. (2011). Using a nursing balanced scorecard approach to measure and optimize nursing performance. Nursing Leadership, 24(1), 47–58.

Copyright 2011 by Longwoods Publishing Corporation. Reprinted by permission of Longwoods Publishing Corporation via the Copyright Clearance Center.

 Kollberg, B., & Elg, M. (2011). The practice of the balanced scorecard in health care services.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60(5), 427–445.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The authors look at the use of a balanced scorecard for health care performance management in Sweden.

Lupi, S., Verzola, A., Carandina, G., Salani, M., Antonioli, P., & Gregorio, P. (2011). Multidimensional evaluation of performance with experimental application of balanced scorecard: A two year experience. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 9(1), 7.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article examines the application of a balanced scorecard within a unit in a hospital to compare performance results and goal achievement.

 Balanced Scorecard Institute. (2013). Balanced scorecard basics. Retrieved fromhttp://www.balancedscorecard.org/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx


View the information on this website to learn about balanced scorecards.

 Mountain State Group. (n.d.) Balanced scorecards for small rural hospitals: Concept overview and implementation guidance. Retrieved March 13, 2013, fromhttp://www.ruralcenter.org/sites/default/files/Final%20BSC%20Manual%2010.18F.pdf

 The Scarborough Hospital. (2013). Balanced scorecard. Retrieved fromhttp://tsh.to/pages/Balanced-Score-Card


This website provides an example of a balanced scorecard.

 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (2013). Balanced scorecard. Retrieved fromhttp://sunnybrook.ca/scorecard/index.asp#sr


This website provides an example of a balanced scorecard.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). The balanced scorecard approach [Video file]. Retrieved from the https://class.waldenu.edu


Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.


Dr. Carol Huston discusses the elements and use of a balanced scorecard as a strategic planning evaluation tool.

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