Describe identity development as a professional counselor | 2025

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Describe identity development as a professional counselor | 2025 Custom Writing

Describe identity development as a professional counselor. 800 words


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Describe a Perfect Mentor in the counseling field | 2025

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Describe a Perfect Mentor in the counseling field | 2025 Custom Writing

Optional: This section includes any general mentorship in the counseling field.The artifacts for this section are selected by the student. For example, students could include a Bio of their mentor, a plan for mentorship, and a description of what the process looks like in receiving mentorship.Counselor Dispositions: Professional IdentityCACREP Standards: 2.F.1.m.1 page


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This section includes a written statement detailing how the student intends to engage in self-care. | 2025

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This section includes a written statement detailing how the student intends to engage in self-care. | 2025 Custom Writing

Please includeBodyMindspirityoga meditation1 page


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Interview a mother about infant feeding during the first six months (breastfeeding or formula feeding) | 2025

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Interview a mother about infant feeding during the first six months (breastfeeding or formula feeding) | 2025 Custom Writing

1.  Why she made the decision to breastfeed or formula feed?2.  What challenges [if any] has she faced in feeding her baby?3.  Has she received any criticism or unwanted advice from people about the feeding method she chose?4.  What are her feelings about breastfeeding or formula feeding?5.  How old are you now? How old were you when your child was born?6.  What was your life like just before you (or the mother of your child) became pregnant?7.  What did you think being a parent was going to be like? Were you right?8.  What is your life like now? How has it changed since you have become a parent?9.  How did your family and friends react to your having a baby?10.  How has your relationship with the (father/mother) of your child changed from before your baby was born?11.  What has been the best part of being a parent?12.  What has been the hardest part of being a parent?13.  What or who has been most helpful to you in your adjustment to parenthood? Why?Personal information and reflections of the interviewer1.  Who is the person you interviewed, and how do you know them? (You do not need to tell me their name, say, for example, “my cousin, high school friend, a neighbor, a family friend”, etc.)2.  What was most surprising to you about the person whom you interviewed?3.  Do you agree with this person’s current view of infant feeding & parenthood? Why or why not? Explain your answers.3 pages 12 font double space


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Final Project Milestone 3: Social Advocacy Proposal | 2025

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Final Project Milestone 3: Social Advocacy Proposal | 2025 Custom Writing

Writing a proposal that functions as a focus of change is a significant part of being a social worker and policy advocate. The proposal is your opportunity to use your advocacy skills to change and improve the lives of others by influencing decision makers.For this Assignment, you write a proposal for some form of social advocacy that will seek to change a social, organizational, or legislative policy. The proposal may also involve advocacy for the amelioration of a social problem. The purpose of this assignment is to thoughtfully and thoroughly plan how you will advocate for changing a social problem or policy that is of interest to you. The policy and advocacy practice can take whatever form you wish and can be on one or more of the following levels: agency, community, or state.


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How risk-taking behavior(s) are impacting the adolescent and his or her family | 2025

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How risk-taking behavior(s) are impacting the adolescent and his or her family | 2025 Custom Writing

A summary of the developmental crises your adolescent client is facing.Describe the risk-taking behavior(s) in which the adolescent is involved, and at least one protective factor that might be influencing his or her level of functioning.Explain the impact of these behaviors on the adolescent and his or her family.Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and 1–2 peer-reviewed articles from the past 5 years.


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I need the attached 15 discussion questions answered in about 150 words each. Also, use the attached PowerPoint presentation as your guide in answering the questions. This is a Qualitative Research Method.


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Very Important | 2025

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Very Important | 2025 Custom Writing

Attached Info and Table


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