2023 Choose a topic below related to the role of gender in history You

Nursing 2023 Sexism Assignment

Choose a topic below related to the role of gender in history You 2023 Assignment

Choose a topic below related to the role of gender in history. You can choose particular women or divide the periods or tribes up to write this.

Answer ALLof the following questions in essay format. 2-3 pages. APA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only.

All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion. 

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2023 Hello to all of my classmates and professor My name is Brent Braswell After serving in the US Air Force


Hello to all of my classmates and professor My name is Brent Braswell After serving in the US Air Force 2023 Assignment


Hello to all of my classmates and professor.  My name is Brent Braswell.  After serving in the US Air Force for almost a decade, I decided to become a nurse.  I started as a LVN (LPN) and a year later I went back for my RN.  I tried hospital nursing and while the acute experience is very valuable, I simply was not happy.  I soon found myself trying other things such as hospice and even the county jail, yet I could still not find that happy place I was searching for.  Then I discovered geriatrics and there was the icing on my cake! I absolutely found my calling in long term care and rehabilitation.  After a short time working as a floor nurse I was asked to fill in for the director of nursing while they were out on a family emergency.  After that I was addicted and have been a director of nursing for skilled facilities ever since and I have no regrets.  It has been amazing and while many times my frustration with the system can grow, I always know in my heart that geriatrics is my passion.

Leadership Style

                My leadership style is hard for me as I vary from one to another depending on the situation.  Predominantly I would have to choose democratic leadership as my primary choice.  A democratic leader encourages participation and exchange of ideas from her/his team regarding the directions the team should take and what actions they should prioritize. When faced with a complex problem, she/he will elicit ideas from others, listen attentively and build consensus, but may put off making difficult decisions (Chapman, Johnson, & Kilner, 2016).


It is very important to me that I always include my staff in decision making. I am the boss, but that does not mean that I know everything or that I think of all possibilities.  Encouraging my staff to speak up and pass along their ideas brings about camaraderie and trust with each other. I also believe in autonomy. I have three assistants that are called unit managers. Until they were to give me a reason to micromanage their jobs, I simply will not. This allows me to show that I trust their judgment and knowledge.  The nurses who work the floor are full of ideas concerning the specific needs of their patients. I do not take care of these patients all day, so why on earth would I not ask their opinion when an issue arises? When there is a change in regulations it is my job to know and understand the details of that change and how it may impact daily routines. It is also my job to explain it to the staff so that they understand. At that point I will have already formed ideas of how to make it work, but I still call a meeting with my staff to teach the change and to share ideas of the best way to implement the change.

Chapman, A. L., Johnson, D., & Kilner, K. (2016). Leadership styles used by senior medical leaders: Patterns, influences and implications for leadership development. Leadership in Health Services; Bradford Vol. 27, Iss. 4, (2014): 283-298. , 8.

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2023 1 Compare and contrast definitions of health from a public health nursing perspective 2 Explain the difference between

Nursing 2023 Due September 6th

1 Compare and contrast definitions of health from a public health nursing perspective 2 Explain the difference between 2023 Assignment

1. Compare and contrast definitions of health from a public health nursing perspective.

2. Explain the difference between public/community health nursing practice and community-based nursing practice.

3. Discuss major contemporary issues facing community/public health nursing and trace the historical roots to the present.

4. Discuss and explain the steps to identified/diagnosed community health problems.

*** 600 words!!! 

As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board name “Week 1 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references is required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 What is a thyroid gland How much do people understand about it The organ is located at

Nursing 2023 Nursing assignment

What is a thyroid gland How much do people understand about it The organ is located at 2023 Assignment

 What is a thyroid gland? How much do people understand about it? The organ is located at the base of the neck, surrounding the trachea. This seemingly insignificant body part plays a vital role in maintaining optimal development and ensuring the balance of an organism’s central nervous system. In cases where it malfunctions, endocrine diseases may arise. This is reflected    in Erica* who is a sufferer of Grave’s disease. This essay will first examine the effects of Erica’s medical condition on her physical and psychological health, and on her lifestyle. Secondly, Erica’s personal perception of the disease and reaction to the diagnosis will be discussed. Next, environmental    triggers and any other predictors that may have an impact on aspects of the disease will be addressed. Finally, emphasis will be given to Erica’s expectations for the future. The author’s own predictions will also be included strategically throughout the essay. 

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Nursing 2023 Discussion: Influencing Social Change





Statistics show that “approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S., or 43.8 million people, experiences mental illness in a given year” (National, 2018a, p. 1).  The adolescent population, ages 13-18, accounts for “21.4% of mental health illness cases” (National, 2018, p. 1) which doesn’t include the “estimated 13% of children ages 8-15” (National, 2018a, p. 1) also suffering with mental illness in any given year.  In the U.S. of the “20.2 million adults living with substance abuse, 10.2 million of them have a co-occurring mental illness (National, 2018a, p. 1) and the price tag for treating mental health illnesses costs “America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year” (National, 2018a, p. 1).  These statistics demonstrate a very big problem accompanied by very few solutions.  Advocating better care for our mental health patient population will also target the homeless and substance abuse populations as well.  Proper care can help give these people a second chance at life to live independently, secure employment, and to be productive citizens within their communities.

            There are several ways to help advocate better care for those suffering with mental illness including, “joining or starting a local support chapter, becoming a local advocate, volunteer, or becoming an ambassador” (Depression, 2018, p. 1).  Being involved can “make a real difference, not only in your own life, but in the lives of others” (Depression, 2018, p. 1).  A lot of patients that suffer with mental illness aren’t being heard or acknowledged for the treatment they desperately need, so it’s up to the general population to join and support this type of patient care and to show that mental health care is just as important as physical health care. 

            Advocating for those suffering with mental illness “improves the individuals’ understanding of their situation, enables their views to be heard, ensures that they have the opportunity to be partners in their care and increases their autonomy” (Varghese, 2015, p. 1).  Advocating also “promotes the rights of those who suffer discrimination because of their age, disability, sexuality, gender or culture, and it can ensure the quality of the care system” (Varghese, 2015, p. 1).

            The only way that change can occur is to make the issue aware, give it a face for people to see.  The stigma on mental illness needs to come to an end.  When a patient breaks their arm, they can go the hospital without judgement and get proper medical treatment and within a few weeks their arm will heal and be useful again.  However, when a patient suffers from a mental or psychotic break, they go to hospital and are judged from the beginning and then drugged until they act in a way that society will accept them.  A large population of mental health patients are diagnosed with illnesses they were born with or due to trauma they inherited them throughout life.  Instead of offering proper treatment and acceptance, healthcare providers are easily frustrated and judgmental because they either don’t care or don’t understand.

            Ways to help promote change and encourage education is by asking your local governor to make a proclamation, take action on advocacy issues, ask businesses and landmarks to light up green to raise awareness, address culture barriers, speak with teens, hand out ribbons and education, host an event, volunteer, implement a free community outreach program, become a program trainer, or help run a support group (National, 2018b, p. 1).  The end goal needs to be better and reliable care for our mental health patient population and to educate enough to end the stigma, so those suffering will no longer feel the need to hide and be scared of what others will think.

-Crystal Browne

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.  (2018).  Advocate for mental health.  Retrieved from:  https://secure2.convio.net/dabsa/site/SPageServer/PageServer?pagename=help_advocate_mental_health.

National Alliance on Mental Illness.  (2018a).  Mental health by the numbers.  Retrieved from:  https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-By-the-Numbers

National Alliance on Mental Illness.  (2018b).  Become a leader in the mental health movement.  Retrieved from:  https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/What-Can-I-Do-/Become-a-Leader-in-the-Mental-Health-Movement.

Varghese, J.  (2015).  Advocacy in mental health:  offering a voice to the voiceless.  Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry.  Retrieved from:  http://www.indjsp.org/article.asp?issn=0971-9962;year=2015;volume=31;issue=1;spage=4;epage=8;aulast=Varghese.



There are many views on mental health. Some cultures view mental health issues as a sign of familial conflict. Or as a sign to receive divine intervention or forgiveness. While other cultures have a more negative view such as demonic possession or a supernatural phenomenon (Choudhry et al., 2016). In America about one in four adults are diagnosed with some type mental health disorder (CDC, 2014). This can be from substance abuse, anxiety disorders or mood disorders. The commonality of mental health is an issue that will be faced in practice as well as the negative or unknown view of the public on mental health. This is were becoming an advocate and educator are important to make change for patients dealing with mental health issues.

Education and Mental Health

One of the foundational duties of being a nurse practitioner is to educate. This includes not only the patient, but the public. By educating the public on the facts of mental health is a start. Another beneficial strategy is educating the public on the signs and symptoms of mental health. For example, a mother may notice her once vibrant and social teenager is now distant and tearful. The mother may believe her child is “going through a phase”, when the teen is suffering from depression with suicidal ideation. Or when an individual has a stressful job and uses alcohol to help him “relax”.

Becoming a Social Change Agent for Mental Health

Education of the public can be done in many ways. Handing out pamphlets is a helpful approach, but this approach is limited. Venturing to different places, such as schools, offices and churches and speaking with individuals about mental health are ways to reach a wide variety of people. By having local mental health awareness sessions where people from all different walks of life come to learn about the facts of mental health is an initiative that allows people to ask question about mental health issues. This also allows for discriminatory or perceptions of mental health disorders to be addressed. Through education, the stigma associated with mental health can be changed.



Centers for Disease Control. (2012). Attitudes Towards Mental Illness. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/hrqol/Mental_Health_Reports/pdf/BRFSS_Full%20Report.pdf

Choudhry, F. R., Mani, V., Ming, L. C., & Khan, T. M. (2016). Beliefs and perception about mental health issues: a meta-synthesis. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment12, 2807-2818. doi:10.2147/NDT.S111543

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2023 Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be

Nursing 2023 Drug Use & Abuse

Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be 2023 Assignment


Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

 follow the instruction blow. there are attachments of example and sources of information. the example is very clear. Also, base on the outline that is attached finish the essay.


Point-Counterpoint Essay Assignment – 

Use the outline you wrote last week to write your final essay this week.


Drug issues are seldom black or white, right or wrong. Some of the most hotly debated questions of our day concern the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs. These issues deserve a good deal of critical thought. 

Use the outline you created last week (see separate instruction document for the outline) to construct a 3-5 page point/counterpoint (persuasive) essay using the arguments and sources you already researched. In the essay, you will present opposing points of view on the issue you already chose from the approved list. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail. 


Essay Structure


A good essay will include the following:

· A title that clearly states the issue as a question. Take your title from the list of approved topics and just copy what it says there word for word. 

· An interesting introductory paragraph that clearly introduces both sides of the argument and draws the reader in. It does not contain your opinion (do not say “I think, I believe, in my opinion”).

· The first section contains 3 strong arguments FOR the issue (the point). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source. 

· The second section contains 3 strong arguments AGAINST the issue (counterpoint). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source.

· A closing paragraph in which you summarize both sides of the issue and then state your opinion on the issue.

Writing Style and Format

· Write clearly and concisely. Use as few words as possible to make your arguments. Make your essay easy to read by eliminating extra unnecessary words, phrases and sentences. Get straight to the point. 

· Do not try to sound formal. Write as if you were talking – very simply and easily.

· You are encouraged to submit your essay to the National University Writing Center for their expert guidance BEFORE you submit your final essay. You can learn a lot from a half hour session with them and it will improve your grade.

· Check your work. Use spell check and then carefully proofread your essay at least once to catch spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Read your essay out loud to catch any missing words, extra words and awkward-sounding sentences. Show your essay to someone else to see if they understand what you are trying to say. Take pride in your work and strive to be mistake-free.

· Do NOT use any quotations. Instead, paraphrase (write in your own words) the ideas or information and cite the source. 

· Type in Times New Roman, Size 12 font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around.


Use at least 4 total sources for your arguments. Each of the 2 arguments for and the 2 arguments against against must have at least one source.

At least 2 of the sources must support your point (for). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks

At least 2 of the sources must support your counterpoint argument (against). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks.

Information from the course textbook is allowed, but does not count as one of your four required sources above. Other additional sources are allowed, but they also do not count toward your four required sources. Sources must be recent (published within the past 5-10 years). 

You can use the National University Library database to search for sources.

URL: http://library.nu.edu

Contact the Library – [email protected] or (858) 541-7900

1-866-NU ACCESS x 7900 (toll free)

This class also has a special NU library page that was created to help you do research http://nu.libguides.com/coh318 

***To find the pro and con of substance abuse issues, click on:

Ø Public Health Advocacy

Ø Federal

Ø CQ Press Library (SAGE)

Ø CQ Researcher Plus Archive

Ø Browse Topics

Ø Health

Ø Substance Abuse

Select one of the titles

Click Pro/Con on the left side to view the arguments for and against.

Use APA 6th edition format for your References list. 

NOTE: If you are new to APA, you can use an online citation builder such as http://www.citationmachine.net/apa to ensure your references are in the correct format. 

APA Resources

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/06/ 1-page instruction on Reference List format

· http://nu.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=8766101 2-page handout on APA

· www.apastyle.com

· http://apastylecentral.apa.org.nuls.idm.oclc.org/learn/browse/QG-29

· http://library.nu.edu/assets/resources/pageResources/APA.pdf 

· http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ReferenceTools/citations.html

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2023 Reflect on the current roles of advanced practice nurses in healthcare as the care providers at

Nursing 2023 nursing

Reflect on the current roles of advanced practice nurses in healthcare as the care providers at 2023 Assignment


Reflect on the current roles of advanced practice nurses in healthcare as the care providers at the front line of disease management and health promotion in primary care and many other specialty settings. What do you think are some effective tactics for APN strategic positioning regarding pay equality? Should APNs position themselves as lower-cost providers who provide better care or push for comparable worth, same service and same pay?

Below is an article that provides great practical information that highlights how provider productivity is calculated in the clinical setting, which is important to know as future nurse practitioners.

Calculating Your Worth: Understanding Productivity and Value- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4093517/

 all discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.  

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Throughout the course you will be asked to participate in the discussion forums each

Nursing 2023 Please I need substantial answers. 100 words in each. Reference between 2013 – 2018. Thanks

Throughout the course you will be asked to participate in the discussion forums each 2023 Assignment

Throughout the course, you will be asked to participate in the discussion forums each week. You’ll notice that each week there is a DQ1 and a DQ2. You will need to respond to DQ1 by Wednesday of each week and DQ2 by Friday of each week. For these, I am looking for a substantive post, which is at least 2 good paragraphs. There is no minimum word count. Make sure that the first post in the thread is your response to the main DQ. Make sure you answer all components of the DQ.


You will also need to have at least 4 replies to your classmates which (including the main responses to DQ1 and DQ2) would give you a total of at least 6 posts per week for the discussion forum. Your replies should be at least a short paragraph and should add new information or insight to the topic. You should post on three separate days during the week! Sometimes I post extra questions to liven up the discussion and you can reply to these which will also count towards your participation.  


The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to HealthyPeople.gov, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 comment1 Nutritional management should be key component of therapy and imperative to wound healing As

Nursing 2023 comment

comment1 Nutritional management should be key component of therapy and imperative to wound healing As 2023 Assignment


Nutritional management should be key component of therapy and imperative to wound healing. As a diabetic patient, control of glycemic index is very important with proper nutrition and adequate calorie intake to promote wound healing. Also, since she lives alone,has  been in bed for 3 days and complained of not having any help with meal preparation. Nutritional intake could be critically imbalanced in her case and strategies for weigth reduction.

With thick yellowish drainage and elevated WBC, wound is probably infected, would need antibiotic regimen to combat infection, NSAIDS to reduce fever and decrease swelling and pain.

Physician to assess extent of tissue damage and make recommendations for wound care. Wound care team/ PT to be involved in wound treatment and care. Would possibly need wound debridement and wound vacuum assisted closure.    

2.Identify the muscle groups likely to be affected by Ms. G’s condition by referring to “ARC: Anatomy Resource Center.”

Likely muscle groups affected include: the gastrocnemius(back calf muscle), extensor and flexor digitorum longus, anterior tibialis muscle, extensor hallucis longus of the ankle and fibularis longus. (ARC Media). 

3.What is the significance of the subjective and objective data provided with regard to follow-up diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care? Provide rationale for your answer.

Objective data gathered indicate a non-healing wound that is infected going by the lab results. also, yellowish wound drainage, elevated temperature and swelling to leg. As a diabetic patient this is an indication of lack of good glycemic control. Rationale is, elevated blood sugar levels prevent nutrients and oxygen from energizing the cells that fights infection and promote wound healing, prevents the immune system from functioning efficiently and increases inflammation in the body which slows down wound healing. (Dening, 2017). So going forward, blood glucose level monitoring and control is very crucial and weight reduction.

subjective data which is what the patient tell us indicate inability for Ms.G. to care for self and deficient calorie intake, as evidenced by complaint of lying in bed for 3 days, living alone and no one to help with meal preparation. Adequate nutrition is very essential to wound healing. Going forward, provision of balanced nutrition will be needed especially, high protein intake for collagen formation to promote wound closure. (Russell, 2001). It is noted that exudate loss results in protein deficit and need to be replaced. (Russell, 2001). She will need the services of OT and social workers to help with nutritional management and provision. Also, home health assistance with meal preparation and ADLS or meals on wheels services. Need to be properly educated on diet, exercise and blood glucose monitoring / therapeutic treatment of elevated blood sugar and care of lower extremities to prevent injuries.


the patient has an acute systemic infection and a draining wound with a Staphylococcus aureus. According to the CDC, Staphylococcus aureus is among the bacteria that cause necrotizing fasciitis which is inflammation of the fascia [tissue under the skin that surrounds muscle, nerves, and fat] (CDC, 2018).  As I mentioned in my post, patient education about managing blood glucose level and weight is vital to healing and preventing recurrent infections.  Many patients I take care of are admitted with cellulitis and many also have diabetes. I noticed that the lack of access to primary care and sufficient funds is one of the reasons patients are not able to manage their diabetes. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Now it s time to turn in your 6 to 8 page semester project Remember your project should include the following

Nursing 2023 Mental Health

Now it s time to turn in your 6 to 8 page semester project Remember your project should include the following 2023 Assignment

Now, it’s time to turn in your 6 to 8-page semester project. Remember your project should include the following:

  • A Mental Health Concern – and the Patient or Community – for your project.
  • A brief history of the patient including diagnoses and medications – or a brief description of the community issue.
  • Any substance abuse, addiction or violence issues surrounding this mental health problem. Describe the attempted interventions that have been made for your patient or community, and identify what has been successful and what has not. Submit a rough draft of the information gathered so far.
  • Describe your thoughts regarding your patient’s or community’s mental health issue. Are there any cognitive concerns? Think about interventions that may be helpful. Include sources for evidence-based practice.
  • List appropriate nursing interventions for your chosen patient or community. How will you evaluate effectiveness? Include an evaluation tool or rubric.
  • Complete your Semester Project by identifying mental health resources that can be used for your chosen patient or community. Finish with an educational tool for your patient or community.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.