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Assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

This is your second session with the Robertsons. Dan appears to be resistant to family counseling; he refuses to accept responsibility for his choices that have caused so many family problems. Dan states, “If I have a drug or alcohol problem, it’s because of them. She won’t clean the house and he’s failing school. I don’t have the problem. They do.” Dan leaves the session. Marie states, “He expects the house to be clean, but most days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. I just want to sleep.” Peter states, “He’s always nagging me about the Fs on my report card, but no one helps me with my homework so I don’t even try anymore.”In your report of the session, you will describe the following:How will you engage Marie and Peter even though Dan is not ready to participate?Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction.Identify the appropriate interventions for family recovery.


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Reply 7-1 JS | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-1 JS | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:As people age, the body tends to slow down physically and mentally. This varies for everyone, and each person has a different level of “normal” aging. Genetics and a person’s health habits can all play a role in a person’s age. Depression is a normal adult disorder that can develop, for example, people often experience major changes in life in late adulthood. People may retire and are not sure what to do all this time, their routines are often interrupted. However, disorders of cognition, which are rooted in memory and other mental abilities, are more common in later adulthood (Comer & Comer, 2021). These disorders include Delirium, Alzheimer’s Disease, and a handful of other neurocognitive disorders. These disorders differ from normal aging because they are more extreme than simply forgetting your keys or someone you met. For example, Delirium is a major disturbance in the attention and orientation of an environment (Comer & Comer, 2021). This means that individuals will often feel displaced or believe that they are somewhere else, some examples given in the text are someone may think it is morning time in the middle of the night or even believe to be at home when they are at a hospital. Another disorder under disorders of cognition is one most people are aware of, Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of neurocognitive disorders, which are disorders that impact an individual’s memory, attention, visual perception, planning, decision making, language, and social awareness (Comer & Comer, 2021). Someone who has Alzheimer’s is not impacted by one of these, but it is common to have multiple areas of decline when impacted by this disorder. Some of these effects may seem like normal aging, but as a society, it is important to be aware of symptoms and if we notice something not to brush it off as “just aging”. We should take time to educate ourselves and our loved ones as well as seek help and advice when we notice things. With people we care about it is often difficult to think they are suffering from these disorders.


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Discussion 3 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion 3 | 2025 Custom Writing

Please help with assignment


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Reply 7-1 BL | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-1 BL | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:The beginning of life is all about developing and expanding and getting older in many regards is the opposite as it begins to see the decline in certain things with aging people. As people get older, disorders like anxiety, depression, delirium, and psychotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s are more likely to form (Comer & Comer, 2021). This can be a result of older people having fewer social interactions and that is where the possibility of depression and anxiety form. Another thing more common in aging adults is memory loss which can range from mild to severe, which can then be an early sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s. in order to help the aging population is to take advantage of facilities that specialize in cognitive behavioral enhancement is beneficial to keep them active and socialize (Comer & Comer, 2021). Promoting healthy eating and exercising is also another way to help with an aging mind.


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I need help with discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

I need help with discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

Psych 1101Book Chapter Below:Ch. 13 Introduction – Psychology 2e | OpenStax


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Reply 7-2 JS | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-2 JS | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:Insanity is a legal term used in criminal cases, the use of this word in this context has been defined by legislators and not by clinicians (Comer & Comer, 2021). This is important because these could be different definitions and court systems look at different symptoms and signals. For example, the text states that individuals may have a mental disorder and not qualify for the “legal definition of insanity”. The court systems use various numbers of tests to see if an individual is insane. The court system says that individuals much be unable to know right from wrong, that is during the crime that occurred or during the trial. This individual needs to be able to prove that during the time of the crime they were influenced by a severe mental disorder. If someone is declared unstable during the time of the trial the court system will call in a mental health professional and the individual may even have to spend time in a mental institution until seen fit for release (Comer & Comer, 2021).


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cri4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

cri4 | 2025 Custom Writing

CompetencyThis deliverable will allow you to demonstrate your skill in identifying, analyzing and debunking fallacious arguments.InstructionsA friend has linked you to the following story on Facebook. The friend is convinced that the story is accurate and would like your opinion on it.Colour code: HOW COLORSTROLOGY CAN WORK FOR YOURead through the linked story and determine:Why the article is fallacious.Provide clear evidence why the article is fallacious.Use APA style for the abstract and include a properly-formatted reference for the article. Grammar and punctuation count.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Reply 7-2 SI | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-2 SI | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:The insanity defense is used as a plea in court cases when a defendant does not want to be held criminally responsible for the alleged act. In legal terms, if the defendant has had a lack of mental capacity or didn’t understand right from wrong, or was unable to conform their conduct to the requirements of the law, they may be found not guilty due to insanity (Meynen, 2021). The standard used by juries has changed with different eras seen in our society. This can be true when looking at current-day measures and those of the past.It is complex that the insanity defense criteria have changed throughout history. There has been much debate over whether it is justified for this to be used in court. The question of how to define insanity was always a challenge, and some cases were questionable. While some people thought there were legitimate reasons to prove why it should be used, others argued against it because they felt some mental illnesses were not trustworthy in a court case. This conflict shows us that differences in society are a part of our world and that people will always disagree on specific issues no matter what.The changing criteria for the insanity defense tell us that society’s attitudes toward mental illness have changed even more than our attitudes toward crime. A person who commits a violent offense today is more likely to be held accountable for their actions and less likely to be acquitted of insanity (VanDercar & Resnick 2018). Modern medicine allows us to view mental illness differently, and our prison system has evolved too.


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Affirmative action | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Affirmative action | 2025 Custom Writing

Post a brief summary of the article that you selected, including a description of the setting of the study, the study participants, and a short summary of the findings. Report on what the authors found in relation to the construct(s) studied (attitudes or beliefs or perceptions, etc.). Finally, analyze the impact the results of the study may have on affirmative action in higher education. the article must be a Psychology studies


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family and child | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

family and child | 2025 Custom Writing

Read Case Discussion- make a short summary about the caseFilled the handout based on case discussion


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