Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

Working memory and ADHD | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Working memory and ADHD | 2025 Custom Writing

Summarize the recent developments in the area of working memory.Describe how working memory is hypothesized to affect people with ADHD.What has the research shown?What do you think is going on?Describe the merits of “working memory training” that is popping up to address deficits in working memory in people with ADHD. And finally, how does stimulant medication work for people with ADHD?


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Forensic Psychology and Profiling | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Forensic Psychology and Profiling | 2025 Custom Writing

Criminal personality profiling is a technique for identifying the major personality, behavioral, and demographic characteristics of offenders based on an analysis of their crimes.  Some argue it is an art and NOT a science.  Does criminal profiling benefit law enforcement? If so, how? If not, explain why it may not.  250 Words. At least one peer reviewed reference in APA format.Remember this is about criminal profiling and not focused specifically on racial profiling. Sometimes I see students confused the areas of research in the response. Racial profiling is based on stereotypical assumptions because of one’s race, color, ethnicity, etc. Criminal profiling, on the other hand, relies on actual behavior or on information about suspected activity by someone who meets the description of a specific individual.


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Reflection assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reflection assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

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how the cost of education affects the digital learning culture. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

how the cost of education affects the digital learning culture. | 2025 Custom Writing

Address how the cost of education affects the digital learning culture. Include your opinion on how to provide access to digital learning “almost anywhere” (Vander Ark, 2012, p. 77 of Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World).


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survey about the digital learning culture, including digital communication. In preparation for designing your survey, review Section 35 of Ch. 7, “Survey Research” of Research Methods in Psychology on the characteristics of an effective survey question. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

survey about the digital learning culture, including digital communication. In preparation for designing your survey, review Section 35 of Ch. 7, “Survey Research” of Research Methods in Psychology on the characteristics of an effective survey question. | 2025 Custom Writing

Create a free Kahoot account at getkahoot.com or a free Survey Monkey account at surveymonkey.com.Identify important factors in the digital learning culture, including expectations for communication.Prepare your survey by writing your questions and answers. You have the option of rearranging your questions and information under the edit questions button at the bottom of the screen forKahoot!, and under the builder option forSurveyMonkey.Consider the contributions digital natives and digital immigrants make to the digital culture. Substantiate your claim by incorporating credible, paraphrased materials.


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Reply to 8-1 AO | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply to 8-1 AO | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:Some disorders that are happen in later adulthood are memory disorders or mental capabilities slow down (Comer & Comer, 2021). The brain shows signs of aging like the person’s memory not being as it was when they were younger, this is normal. When a person hits a certain age, the body and the brain start to slow down, and they age and show signs of aging along the way. Some disorders would be Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some ways that society can help would to be to make it easier for them, creating cheat sheets to help them remember the simple tasks they could forget. Making them feel normal and comfortable with what they are going through, a lot of people go through it as well. By helping to show that we care about our elderly, they will feel the support and the appreciation that they should be feeling especially when going through hard times.


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Reply 7-1 BG | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-1 BG | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:As adults reach the late adulthood stage, disorders such as depression, anxiety, misuse of prescription medications, neurocognitive, and memory difficulties reach an increase (Comer & Comer, 2021). Depression in later adulthood is higher in older women and higher in adults who are living in nursing homes versus those that remain in their community. Later adulthood individuals are often taking more medication than younger adults. The combination of memory difficulties can lead to individuals misusing prescription medication. Alzheimer’s leads to neurocognitive disorders affecting women twice more than men. Normal aging is elements that occur naturally such as wrinkles, sagging of skin, and unable to perform activities in the same timely manner as younger adults. As a society, we can help our late adulthood population by being understanding, helping them as needed, surrounding them with activities and love, making sure they are receiving a well-balanced diet, and having health check-ups as needed.


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Assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

This is your second session with the Robertsons. Dan appears to be resistant to family counseling; he refuses to accept responsibility for his choices that have caused so many family problems. Dan states, “If I have a drug or alcohol problem, it’s because of them. She won’t clean the house and he’s failing school. I don’t have the problem. They do.” Dan leaves the session. Marie states, “He expects the house to be clean, but most days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. I just want to sleep.” Peter states, “He’s always nagging me about the Fs on my report card, but no one helps me with my homework so I don’t even try anymore.”In your report of the session, you will describe the following:How will you engage Marie and Peter even though Dan is not ready to participate?Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction.Identify the appropriate interventions for family recovery.


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Reply 7-1 JS | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reply 7-1 JS | 2025 Custom Writing

Reply to:As people age, the body tends to slow down physically and mentally. This varies for everyone, and each person has a different level of “normal” aging. Genetics and a person’s health habits can all play a role in a person’s age. Depression is a normal adult disorder that can develop, for example, people often experience major changes in life in late adulthood. People may retire and are not sure what to do all this time, their routines are often interrupted. However, disorders of cognition, which are rooted in memory and other mental abilities, are more common in later adulthood (Comer & Comer, 2021). These disorders include Delirium, Alzheimer’s Disease, and a handful of other neurocognitive disorders. These disorders differ from normal aging because they are more extreme than simply forgetting your keys or someone you met. For example, Delirium is a major disturbance in the attention and orientation of an environment (Comer & Comer, 2021). This means that individuals will often feel displaced or believe that they are somewhere else, some examples given in the text are someone may think it is morning time in the middle of the night or even believe to be at home when they are at a hospital. Another disorder under disorders of cognition is one most people are aware of, Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of neurocognitive disorders, which are disorders that impact an individual’s memory, attention, visual perception, planning, decision making, language, and social awareness (Comer & Comer, 2021). Someone who has Alzheimer’s is not impacted by one of these, but it is common to have multiple areas of decline when impacted by this disorder. Some of these effects may seem like normal aging, but as a society, it is important to be aware of symptoms and if we notice something not to brush it off as “just aging”. We should take time to educate ourselves and our loved ones as well as seek help and advice when we notice things. With people we care about it is often difficult to think they are suffering from these disorders.


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Discussion 3 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion 3 | 2025 Custom Writing

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