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2023 Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to

Nursing 2023 Capstone Reflective Journal

Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to 2023 Assignment


Benchmark – Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal

Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Intraprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Population health concerns
  6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health policy
  8. Leadership and economic models
  9. Health disparities

Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting

Nursing 2023 Assignment: Journal Entry

Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting 2023 Assignment


Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes. 

Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum

To Prepare

  • Refer to the “Advanced Nursing Practice Competencies and Guidelines” found in the Week 1 Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced nursing practice nurses must possess in your specialty of interest.
  • Refer to your “Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form” you submitted in Week 1, and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek, and consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience. Reflect on your observations and experiences.

In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

  •  Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.
  • Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What resources did you have available?
  • What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
  • What new skills are you learning?
  • What would you do differently?
  • How are you managing patient flow and volume? 

Communicating and Feedback

  • Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
  • Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?
  • Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. 
  • this is the preceptor feedback 

 Works independently, yet humble and asks questions and shares recommendations for treatment options, such as medication management and titration and wrap around community service to minimize risk of re-admission.  

Major strengths of student:
Clinical Skills and Knowledge, Empathy, Dedication. Integral member of our multidisciplinary team. Develops strong therapeutic relationship with her patients.  

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 For this project you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner

Nursing 2023 Nursing Project

For this project you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner 2023 Assignment

 For this project, you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with a chronic condition. Your patient is not completely satisfied with the treatments you’ve tried and asks about a specific alternative therapy. Unfamiliar with these sorts of therapies, you decide to do some research before making recommendation. In this case, you get to decide what condition your patient has and which intervention he or she is interested in trying. Your objective is to determine whether or not you would recommend the regular treatment either alone or in combination with alternative treatment. The paper should not be more than 4 pages excluding the title page and references. APA format is required with a professional paper.   

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Differentiate between acute and chronic pain the different assessment tools that can be used depending

Nursing 2023 Discuss the Importance of Proper Pain Assessment

Differentiate between acute and chronic pain the different assessment tools that can be used depending 2023 Assignment


Differentiate between acute and chronic pain, the different assessment tools that can be used depending on the age of the patient, and management of pain. List 3 pain assessment tools used (Newborn, Toddler, Adult).

Your response should be at least 250 words. 

APA formatted paper (Title page, Introduction, Conclusion, Reference Page)

Reference should be within 5 years.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Topic 1 DQ 2 The most interesting aspect of the topic readings that I have never heard of before is

Nursing 2023 Analysis Of Disease And Healing

Topic 1 DQ 2 The most interesting aspect of the topic readings that I have never heard of before is 2023 Assignment

 Topic 1 DQ 2

The most interesting aspect of the topic readings that I have never heard of before, is metaethics which is the study of the nature of being right and wrong (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Instead of the basic foundation of what is right and wrong that is taught in elementary school, metaethics asks questions of right and wrong that are much deeper. Metaethics asks questions such as “does right and wrong even exist?” and “how can I know what is right and wrong”? (Grand Canyon University, 2018). A major controversy with metaethics is whether morality is objectively true (Grand Canyon University, 2018). The metaethicist is interested in understanding moral discourse as compared with other forms of speech and writing (Wilson, 2016).

My personal analysis of disease and healing within the readings is that the responsibility of a professional nurse is essential to support patients with the individual spiritual aid that they need throughout their healing process. It is important as a caregiver to provide cares with understanding and with non-judgmental attitude. The relationship between medicine and Christian ethics is ever present. Having a strong ethical foundation allows for the possibility of moral knowledge (Grand Canyon University, 2018)

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least references within five years.

 What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting? What is your view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings? Explain. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 For this project you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with

Nursing 2023 Evidence Based Integration Paper

For this project you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with 2023 Assignment

 For this project, you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with a chronic condition. Your patient is not completely satisfied with the treatments you’ve tried and asks about a specific alternative therapy. Unfamiliar with these sorts of therapies, you decide to do some research before making recommendation. In this case, you get to decide what condition your patient has and which intervention he or she is interested in trying. Your objective is to determine whether or not you would recommend the regular treatment either alone or in combination with alternative treatment. The paper should not be more than 4 pages excluding the title page and references. APA format is required with a professional paper. Please less than 15 % of similaritty, this will pass thru system to check similarity.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Respond to your colleagues posts by sharing your thoughts on their specialty supporting their

Nursing 2023 Response#2

Respond to your colleagues posts by sharing your thoughts on their specialty supporting their 2023 Assignment

Respond to your colleagues’ posts by sharing your thoughts on their specialty, supporting their choice or offering suggestions if they have yet to choose. 

At least 2 references in each peer responses!


           Growing up, I played “nurse” with my pets, wrapping them in bandages while they patiently accepted their fate of being practice patients. This trend of care taking animals developed into having that same love of care taking for people. As long as I could remember, I knew I would be in a profession where I would dedicate my life to the wellbeing of humans and alleviation human suffering. In nursing school, I was torn between psych and pediatrics, and conveniently I was hired as a youth behavioral health nurse, combining my passions. Working as a nurse in psych has solidified my choice of nursing specialty in that I am focused on becoming a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).

2.6 million youth between 12 and 17 have had a major depressive episode, with 3.3 million receiving treatment for behavioral disturbances (Ramirez, 2016). This statistic only represents a fraction of individuals of all ages suffering from mental illness. I have first-hand seen on numerous occasions, patients having to reside in the emergency department waiting for a bed. I did not struggle with the decision to pursue the PMHNP path because seeing the lack of providers has been a motivating factor, as well as my passion for psych nursing. A significant concern for individuals with mental health diagnosis is accessing mental health care providers that have the skills and knowledge to primarily address mental health, including medication management and psychotherapy (Ramirez, 2016). This lack of adequate services is where PMHNP is poised to fill this gap for these individuals obtaining sufficient care as well as making a significant difference in behavioral health care delivery (Chapman, Phoenix, Hahn, & Strod, 2018, p. S243).

To support my efforts in becoming a PMHNP, the American Psychiatric Nurse’s Association promotes personal enrichment as a psychiatric nurse practitioner who, in turn, elevates the quality of care provided to individuals (American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2019a). Becoming a member involves paying a membership fee, but the membership includes networking, continuing education, and personal growth opportunities (American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2019b).

The decision to become a nurse was instinct, but the decision to pursue the specialty of PMHNP is motivated by the undue suffering I see as a psych nurse with individuals not receiving adequate services due to stigma and lack of providers.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 NO Plagiarism Apply Kant s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action For Gone Baby Gone movie judge Patrick s

Nursing 2023 ‘Ethic-Kant’s 3 Premises And Michael Sandel’s 3 (gone Baby Gone)(

NO Plagiarism Apply Kant s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action For Gone Baby Gone movie judge Patrick s 2023 Assignment

” NO Plagiarism” 

Apply Kant’s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action. For “Gone Baby Gone” movie  judge Patrick’s final decision Judging any other action in the movie is an automatic zero. 500 + words minimum in MLA/APA format.

*You must apply Kant’s 3 premises and Michael Sandel’s 3 contrasts 50% points for both


 In the case of ” Gone Baby Gone” the philosophical process you will follow in this paper should sound as something like this:

1. According to Kant’s first premise Patrick behaved moral because he returned the victim he was hired to find and without condition this is the “right” conduct for any detective in cases of kidnapping (the “First Maxim”). Here Kant speaks of doing the right prior to good.

2. On Kant’s second premise Patrick acted moral because he respected the dignity of Amanda and he treated her as an end in herself and not as means to an end like everyone else was doing in the film (the “Second Maxim”). Here Kant speaks of humans as special creatures and ends in themselves. Humans are ends, not means to an end. Los seres humanos son un fin, no un medio para un fin.

3. The conclusion is that a detective act morally when he reports a kidnapping to the police and this behavior should establish a universal law governing all detectives in cases of kidnapping (the “Third Maxim”). Here Kant asks us to test the universality of our action. Will it be OK if everyone does what I am about to do?

  (You will apply Kant’s 3 premises and Sandel’s 3 contrasts to what the detective does at the very end of the film which is call the police and report the kidnapping. It should not be difficult but you must see the videos first and see what Kant moral philosophy is all about)

Kant’s Categorical Imperative

Nature of the concept

The concept of the categorical imperative is a syllogism

1.The first premise is that a person acts morally if his or her conduct would, without condition, be the “right” conduct for any person in similar circumstances (the “First Maxim”).

2.The second premise is that conduct is “right” if it treats others as ends in themselves and not as means to an end (the “Second Maxim”).

3.The conclusion is that a person acts morally when he or she acts as if his or her conduct was establishing a universal law governing others in similar circumstances (the “Third Maxim”).

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link http www countyhealthrankings org and select a county and a state

Nursing 2023 Health Care Policy

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link http www countyhealthrankings org and select a county and a state 2023 Assignment

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/ , and select a county and a state (this may be the county/state in which you reside, attend school, or plan to live and work). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions in a few short sentences as part of your discussion.


  1. Select one area in need of improvement and list the general statistics pertaining to the specific problem.
  2. How does the creation of the community health center program help to address this public health problem and what can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?

Please answer each question by separate and answer these question attend at the county/state that i live ok thanks.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Introduction Many Americans are still confronting medical bills that are large enough to threaten

Nursing 2023 Why are so many people uninsured and underinsured

Introduction Many Americans are still confronting medical bills that are large enough to threaten 2023 Assignment



Many Americans are still confronting medical bills that are large enough to threaten their family financial health, up to and including personal bankruptcy. While more people have health insurance under the ACA, some people still lack coverage or have significant gaps in coverage for a variety of reasons. Some expenses are related to the high cost of treatments for certain diseases and conditions. Other expenses are related to the “routine” costs associated with insurance premiums and cost sharing for covered benefits.

Initial Post

Using 500 to 750 words, complete the following:

  • Analyze the major current contributors to insurance coverage gaps (no coverage and gaps in coverage).

Grading Rubric


Discussion Rubric

Discussion Rubric – 100 PointsCriteriaExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsNeeds ImprovementInadequatePointsFrequency of ContributionInitial post with two peer replies posted on two separate days.

25 pointsInitial post with two peer replies posted on the same day.

22 pointsInitial post with one peer reply.

19 pointsOnly initial post submitted or only replied to peers.

17 points25Initial PostInitial post to is on time and of the correct length (500–750 words).

All components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Course content synthesis is applied with at least two scholarly references included.

25 pointsInitial post is on time and of the correct length (500–750 words).

Most components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Synthesis is present but weak.

One to two references are included.

22 pointsInitial post is one day late.

Does not meet the correct length (500–750 words).

Some components of the initial post requirements are addressed.


One to two references are included.

19 pointsInitial post is more than one day late.

Initial post much fewer than 500-750 words.

Few components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Lacks course content synthesis.

One or no scholarly references are included.

17 points25Peer RepliesOn time.

There was substantial evidence and synthesis of course content utilizing course topics and the introduction of questions and new information.

25 pointsOn time.

There was some evidence and synthesis of course content utilizing course topics and the introduction of questions or new information.

22 pointsReplies were at least one day late and/or:

There was either some synthesis of course content or the introduction of questions or new information.

19 pointsReplies were two or more days late and/or:

There was little or no evidence of course content utilizing course topics or the introduction of questions or new information.

17 points25Writing Mechanics and APA FormatFew to no writing mechanics or APA errors.

25 pointsFew to several writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

22 pointsSeveral to moderate writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

19 pointsMany writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

17 points25Total points100 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.