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2023 1 Select a bill that is currently in the State or Federal Legislature related to nursing or health care Give

Nursing 2023 Political action paper

1 Select a bill that is currently in the State or Federal Legislature related to nursing or health care Give 2023 Assignment

1. Select a bill that is currently in the State or Federal Legislature related to nursing or health care.  Give your reasons for selecting this bill including its importance to you personally and its significance to nursing and health care.

2. Describe the significance to nursing and health care.

3. Identify the bill by its title, number and sponsor(s).

4. Obtain a copy of the bill to study and to include with your report.  (New Jersey Bills may be obtained from NJ Legislative Services 1-800-792-8630 or www.njleg.state.nj.us, or through internet sites.)

5. Identify the party affiliation of the sponsor(s) of the bill.

6. Determine the position of nursing and/or other organizations regarding this bill.   (e.g., NJSNA, ANA, NANP, NAPNAP, AONE, New Jersey Medical Society)

7. Do a literature review on the issue(s) related to the bill.

8. State your position on the bill. 

9. Defend your position with your reasons.  Substantiate.

10. Appropriately cite your sources of information.  Approximately 10 references from authoritative sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles or government agency reports should be used to support your position on the bill.

11. Contact your legislative representative(s) regarding your position on this bill; e.g. by writing letters/emails*, making phone calls, participating in related social media, or meetings with the legislator or staff member in his/her local office.

12. Identify other political strategies you used to oppose/support bill.

13. Evaluate the effectiveness of your lobbying efforts and strategies.

14. Write appropriate letters/emails/responses of appreciation, if response received from legislator.

15. Include copies of the bill, your letters and responses with your paper.  They should be added to the end of the paper like an appendix.

16. Use APA style manual. 

17. The body of the paper (not including title page and reference) should be 6-9 pages in length, double-spaced and attached to the appropriate space in the Assignment section of Blackboard where they will be submitted to Safe Assignment to ensure that the work is original.

18. Please be sure to include a copy of the bill

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2023 Ego Integrity Presentation Based on what you have learned so far in this course

Nursing 2023 Ego Integrity Presentation

Ego Integrity Presentation Based on what you have learned so far in this course 2023 Assignment


Ego Integrity Presentation

Based  on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint  presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be  sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use  clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are  addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with  at least two (2) sources throughout your presentation. Make sure to  reference the citations using the APA writing style for the  presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow  best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color,  images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

  • Imagine  you are working as a charge nurse in an assisted living facility. Your  unit houses twenty older adults. The residents of this unit are  cognitively functional without evidence of cognitive decline. The  residents are elderly and do require varying degrees of physical  assistance with ADLs. Create a PowerPoint outlining: 
    • Strategies  to incorporate in the assisted living facility to promote ego integrity  for the residents for group and individual activities to incorporate.
      • Title Slide (1 slide)
      • Objective Slide (1 slide)
      • Strategies to Promote Ego Integrity  
        • Group Activities (2-3 slides)
        • Individual Activities (2-3 slides)
      • References (1 slide)

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 7-9 slides total

Structure: Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, and reference slide in APA format

Speaker Notes not required

References:  Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all  resources utilized to answer the questions.  A minimum of two (2)  scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Write a paper of 800 900 words examining your personal values and beliefs Include the following Describe your

Nursing 2023 Health policy values

Write a paper of 800 900 words examining your personal values and beliefs Include the following Describe your 2023 Assignment


Write a paper of 800-900 words examining your personal values and beliefs. Include the following:

  1. Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs.
  2. Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles, supported by your values.
  3. Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.
  4. Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 I need these questions answered in 150 words each with individual references UNIT 3 DQ1


I need these questions answered in 150 words each with individual references UNIT 3 DQ1 2023 Assignment

I need these questions answered in 150 words each with individual references



Differentiate between bias and confounding. Discuss the criteria necessary to establish a factor as a confounder and provide an example applying these criteria. What is one way to adjust for a confounding relationship in the study design or the analysis?


Explain the two major types of bias. Identify a peer-reviewed epidemiology article that discusses potential issues with bias as a limitation and discuss what could have been done to minimize the bias (exclude articles that combine multiple studies such as meta-analysis and systemic review articles). What are the implications of making inferences based on data with bias? Include a link to the article in your reference.


Read Chapters 14 and 15 in Gordis Epidemiology.

Read “Association or Causation: Evaluating Links Between ‘Environment and Disease,'” by Lucas and McMichael (2005), located on the World Health Organization website. URL: https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.lopes.idm.oclc.org/pmc/articles/PMC2626424/pdf/16283057.pdf

Read “Weak Associations in Epidemiology: Importance, Detection, and Interpretation,” by Doll, from Journal of Epidemiology (1996). URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jea1991/6/4sup/6_4sup_11/_pdf

Read “Causal Inference Based on Counterfactuals,” by Hofler (2005), located on the BioMed Central website. URL: https://bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2288-5-28

Read “Multicausality: Confounding,” by Schoenbach (2004), located on the Epidemilog.net website. URL: http://www.epidemiolog.net/evolving/Multicausality-Confounding.pdf

View “Sensitivity and Specificity – Explained in 3 Minutes,” by Martin (2014), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnJ3L-63Cf8

View “The Relationship Between Incidence and Prevalence,” by Patwari (2013), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jzZe3ORdd8

Use the “Creating a 2×2 Contingency Table” resource to assist with the completion of the Measuring Morbidity: Prevalence and Incidence assignment, as needed.



Based on the “Multicausality: Confounding – Assignment,” by Schoenbach, discuss two significant insights you learned about confounding. Use specific examples from the assignment to support your answer.


Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study. Based on a disease or health condition identified from the “2020 LHI Topics” on the Healthy People 2020 website, or an article from the GCU library, discuss a real example of a cohort study (include the link to the article in your post to the forum). Include the participants, exposures or treatment groups, timeframe, and outcomes that were measured. Why is a cohort study described as an “observational” study rather than an “experimental” study design?


Read Chapters 7-9 in Gordis Epidemiology.

View “Randomized Control Trials and Confounding,” by Martin (2013), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ybuE39BpQ8

Read “2020 LHI Topics,” located on the Healthy People 2020 website. URL: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/2020-LHI-Topics

Complete the “Multicausality: Confounding – Assignment,” by Schoenbach (2001), located on the Epidemilog.netwebsite. URL: http://www.epidemiolog.net/evolving/ConfoundingAssgt.pdf

Refer to the “Multicausality: Confounding – Assignment Solutions,” by Schoenbach (2001), located on the Epidemilog.netwebsite, to check your answers to the assignment. URL: http://www.epidemiolog.net/evolving/ConfoundingSolns.pdf

Read “Understanding Controlled Trials: Why Are Randomized Controlled Trials Important?” by Sibbald and Roland, from British Medical Journal (1998). URL:http://search.proquest.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/docview/1777585669/fulltextPDF/2BDCED02960C4E6APQ/1?accountid=7374



Describe the common characteristics and design of a case-control study. Discuss the three important features when it comes to selecting cases and controls, and identify a situation when one of these might be violated. Discuss the limitations of using questionnaires for determining exposure status and provide examples of alternative strategies for collecting this information in a case-control study.


Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of cross-sectional studies and examples of how they can be “descriptive” or “analytic” study designs. Discuss an example of a disease where survival could influence the association between a possible exposure and the disease when measured with a cross-sectional study. Do not discuss examples used in the textbook.


Read Chapter 10 in Gordis Epidemiology.

View “Cohort and Case Control Studies,” by Martin (2013), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3GHTYa-gZg

Read “Introduction to Study Designs – Cross-Sectional Studies,” located on the Health Knowledge website. URL: https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/e-learning/epidemiology/practitioners/introduction-study-design-css

Read “Cross-Sectional Studies,” from ERIC Notebook (2012), located on the Gillings School of Global Public Health -University of North Carolina website. URL: https://sph.unc.edu/files/2015/07/nciph_ERIC8.pdf

Read “Section 7: Analytic Epidemiology,” from Lesson 1 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) self-study course, Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice: An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2012), located on the CDC website. URL: https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson1/section7.html



Differentiate between association and causation using the causal guidelines. Discuss which of the guidelines you think is the most difficult to establish. Discuss the four types of causal relationships and use an example not listed in the textbook to describe each relationship.


Explain the difference between relative risk, attributable risk, and population attributable risk. Provide an example (not from the textbook) of how each type of risk is used in epidemiology. How would you propose using population attributable risk to advocate for a health policy or intervention relative to your health interest?


Review Chapter 14, and read Chapters 11-13 in Gordis Epidemiology.

Read “Causation in Epidemiology: Association and Causation,” located on the Health Knowledge website. URL: https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/e-learning/epidemiology/practitioners/causation-epidemiology-association-causation

Read “Section 5: Measures of Association,” from Lesson 3 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) self-study course, Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice: An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2012), located on the CDC website. URL: https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson3/section5.html

Use the “BRFSS Web Enabled Analysis Tool,” located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, to complete the topic assignment. URL: https://nccd.cdc.gov/weat/#/

Review “Multicausality: Confounding,” by Schoenbach (2004), located on the Epidemilog.net website. URL: http://www.epidemiolog.net/evolving/Multicausality-Confounding.pdf

View “How to Calculate Relative Risk,” by Shaneyfelt (2012), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk2uK14eHNs

View “How to Calculate an Odds Ratio,” by Shaneyfelt (2012), located on the YouTube website. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITi0SxmQTO8



Epidemiological methods are used in a variety of public health areas (including infectious disease, chronic disease, and social health) and settings (including the community, schools, and the workplace). Epidemiological methods are used to assess, describe, analyze, and make comparisons of populations to inform evidence-based practices, policies, and interventions. Propose a study based on the methods you have learned thus far designed to investigate an association within one of the public health areas listed (infectious disease, chronic disease, or social health) and the methods you would apply. Discuss and define the risk factor or exposure that is being assessed, the method of comparison that is used, and the setting or situation (community, school, workplace, etc.) your study would look to address. Consider the concepts of causal inference, measures of association, and study design.


Race is often used as a descriptor of disease burden and helps us to determine where health disparities exist in order to address them, which is important. It is helpful to differentiate between race as a descriptor and race as a risk factor. Think about institutional racism and its influence on health. Consider the factors related to race and ethnicity that might be influencing disease status more than the genetics of race when answering this discussion question.

Consider the following statement: “Race is not a risk factor and should not be used in public health data collection.” Discuss the ethical and public health implications of this statement. When might collecting data on race perpetuate institutional racism leading to health disparities and when is it necessary to improve public health? Provide support and examples for your answer. Consider ethical issues related to respect for persons, beneficence, and justice as described in “The Belmont Report.”


Read Chapters 17, 19, and 20 in Gordis Epidemiology.

Read “Health Inequalities Among British Civil Servants: The Whitehall II Study,” by Marmot and Smith, from The Lancet (1991). URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hch&AN=9107080526&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Read “The Role of Epidemiology in Disaster Response Policy Development,” by Thorpe et al., from Science Direct (2015). URL:http://www.sciencedirect.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S1047279714003184?_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_origin=gateway&_docanchor=&md5=b8429449ccfc9c30159a5f9aeaa92ffb

Read “Prescription Drug Abuse: From Epidemiology to Public Policy,” by McHugh, Nielsen, and Weiss, from Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2015). URL:http://www.sciencedirect.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S0740547214001871?_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_origin=gateway&_docanchor=&md5=b8429449ccfc9c30159a5f9aeaa92ffb&ccp=y

Read “The Role Epidemiology in Evidence-Based Policy Making: A Case Study of Tobacco Use in Youth,” by Aldrich et al., from Annals of Epidemiology (2015). URL:http://www.sciencedirect.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S1047279714001495?_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_origin=gateway&_docanchor=&md5=b8429449ccfc9c30159a5f9aeaa92ffb

Read “Epidemiology, Policy, and Racial/Ethnic Minority Health Disparities,” by Carter-Pokras et al., from Annals of Epidemiology (2012). URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3724931/

Read “Epidemiology and Public Policies,” by Barata, from Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (2013). URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1415-790X2013000100003&script=sci_arttext&tlng=en

Read “Ethical Issues in Epidemiologic Research and Public Health Practice,” by Coughlin, from Emerging Themes Epidemiology (2006). URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1594564/

Explore the “Viral Hepatitis Epidemiologic Profiles” map, located on the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) website, to assist with topic assignment.URL: https://www.astho.org/Viral-Hepatitis-Epi-Profiles/Map/

Use the “BRFSS Web Enabled Analysis Tool,” located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, to complete the topic assignment. URL: https://nccd.cdc.gov/weat/#/

Review the “Belmont Report,” by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (1979), located on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Office for Human Research Protections website. URL: https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/belmont-report/index.html

Explore the resources on “Health Data Tools and Statistics,” located on the PHPartners website. URL: https://phpartners.org/health_stats.html

Explore “Surveillance, Epidemiology and the End Results Program,” from the National Cancer Institute.URL: https://seer.cancer.gov/

Explore the STEPwise Approach to Surveillance (STEPS) page of the World Health Organization (WHO) website. URL: http://www.who.int/chp/steps/en/



One method to investigate gene-environment interactions is to study monozygotic twins. Identify an example of a twin study not listed in the textbook used to examine the gene-environment interaction of a specific disease or condition. Briefly summarize the gene-environment interaction investigated, the methods, and the results. What are other possible methods for studying gene-environment interactions as they relate to improving population health?


Using the CDC Wonder website, set the query criteria for pancreatic cancer for the United States as illustrated below. Compare the rates by race for Wisconsin and Colorado. Discuss possible biological, genetic, and environmental reasons for differences. What are potential social determinants that contribute to the disparity presented between the two states?

Use this query upon entering the CDC Wonder website:

Select “Cancer Statistics” under the Wonder Systems tab

Select “Cancer Incidence 1999 – 2013” and click “Data Request”

Organize table layout:

  1. Group      results by 1. States and 2. Race (leave the rest of the group options as      “None”)
  2. Measures      – click “Count” (default) and “Age Adjusted Rates”

Select location – select “States” and “The United States”

Select year and demographics

  1. Year      – 2014
  2. Sex      – All genders
  3. Age      groups – All ages
  4. Ethnicity      – All ethnicities
  5. Race      – All races

Select cancers of interest – select “Pancreas”

Other options – keep default settings


Read Chapter 16 in Gordis Epidemiology.

Read “Gene-Environment Interaction,” located on the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website. URL: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/science/gene-env/index.cfm

Read “Defeating the ZIP Code Health Paradigm: Data, Technology, and Collaboration Are Key,” by Graham, Ostrowski, and Sabina, from the Health Affairs Blog (2015), located on the Health Affairs website. URL: http://healthaffairs.org/blog/2015/08/06/defeating-the-zip-code-health-paradigm-data-technology-and-collaboration-are-key/

Explore the CDC Wonder page of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.URL: https://wonder.cdc.gov/

Review the Mapping Life Expectancy page of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website. URL: http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/articles-and-news/2015/09/city-maps.html

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful change proposal project implementation Consider

Nursing 2023 1-Please follow the instructions below

Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful change proposal project implementation Consider 2023 Assignment

 Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful change proposal project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such as the facility, unit or health care setting where the change process is situated, and your external stakeholders, like an individual or group outside the health care setting. Why is their support necessary to the success of your project, and how you will go about securing that support? 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 During this week s textbook reading we took a look at the dynamics of working in interprofessional teams Reflect back

Nursing 2023 Interprofessional Team

During this week s textbook reading we took a look at the dynamics of working in interprofessional teams Reflect back 2023 Assignment


  • During this week’s textbook reading, we took a look at the dynamics of working in interprofessional teams. Reflect back on your experiences working with interprofessional teams. Is there a particular situation in which you should have spoken up for your patient, but did not? Explain. What kept you from speaking up?
  •  1 page reference not older than 2015 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Based on the TED links you watched What is your opinion on sexualities Amy Adele Hasinoff looks

Nursing 2023 Gender and Sexuality week 3 Assign

Based on the TED links you watched What is your opinion on sexualities Amy Adele Hasinoff looks 2023 Assignment

 Based on the TED links you watched. What is your opinion on sexualities? Amy Adele Hasinoff looks at problematic responses to sexting in mass media, law and education, offering practical solutions for how individuals and tech companies can protect sensitive (potentially scandalous) digital files. What are your perspectives? You must be at least 500 words, use APA format, and site references. (Do not plagiarize). 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Hi I need a response for the 2 below soap notes Peer 1 Patient

Nursing 2023 Response

Hi I need a response for the 2 below soap notes Peer 1 Patient 2023 Assignment

Hi I need a response for the 2 below soap notes

Peer 1


Patient name: D, V  Age: 40  Gender: Female

Chief Complaint:” I have been without menses for 2 months”

HPI: Patient 40 years old female, Hispanic, comes to visit for gynecologic examination, complaining of amenorrhea for 2 months, reports irregular periods before.

Past Medical Hx:

 Essential (primary) hypertension I10

Obesity, unspecified E66.9

Hyperlipidemia E78.1 

Type 1 Diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema E10.319

Pap smear 

 Date: 11/17/2018; Notes: HPV negative but reactive cellular changes and/or repair are present, the predominance of coccobacilli consistent with a shift in vaginal flora is present 

 Date: 11/23/2016; Notes: Normal 

 Notes: Normal 2008 Negative for Cancer of the ovaries; Asthma; Cancer of the breast; Cancer of the lung; Diabetes; Heart failure, systolic; Heart disease (CAD); Cancer of the colon; Heart failure, diastolic.

Menstrual History 

Menstrual information 

 Notes: Irregular 

Pregnancy History 

Past pregnancy 

 Notes: G2 P2 A0 L2

Surgical History 

Cesarean section 

Social History 

Sexually active 

Sexually active 




Never smoked 

Negative for: Exercise; Past drug use; Alcohol use 

 Family Hx: 

Father: Diabetes mellitus

Mother: Hypertension,

Grandparents: Diabetes mellitus

Allergies: No Know Allergies

Current Medication:

 Lisinopril 10 mg tab PO daily.

Glargine 40 units at bedtime

Atorvastatin 80 mg tab PO at bedtime daily

Review of systems


Patient t Reports: Amenorrhea for 2 months, she denies chills and night sweats. She also denies weight loss and weight gain or fever.


Eyes: Denies swellings, itchiness, blurry vision, discharges. The patient wears glasses.

Head: Denies (pain, vertigo, tinnitus, hoarseness, dysphagia, cough, throat pain, hearing problems, trauma, lump).

Systemic symptoms: Denies (fever, chills). No recently weight loss.  

Neurological: Denies sleeping problems, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, weakness, gait change, dizziness, or headache.

Respiratory: Denies cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, cyanosis. 

Cardiovascular: Last EKG (atrial fibrillation). The patient denies chest pain, dizziness, SOB, weakness, fatigue, bilateral lower extremity swelling.

Gastrointestinal: Denies abdominal pain, distention, anorexia, diarrheas, nauseas, vomiting, flatulence.

Genitourinary: Pt Reports: Amenorrhea for 2 month, She denies increased urinary frequency, blood in the urine, and nocturia.

Endocrinology: Denies: Excessive appetite; Excessive sweating; Excessive thirst; Excessive urination; Heat/cold intolerance; Hair loss; Excess hair growth

Musculoskeletal: Denies arthralgia, myalgia, or pain to the movement of the joints or muscles cramp.

Integumentary: Denies discomfort and itching in her vagina, denies swollen.

Pt Denies: Skin lump/mass; Mole changes; Performs monthly self-breast exam; Breast lump/mass; Breast pain; Nipple discharge; Stretch marks; Varicose veins; Phlebitis 

Neurological: Pt denies Headaches Pt Denies Numbness/tingling; Seizures; Tremors; Difficulty walking; Localized weakness Psychiatric. Pt Denies: Anxiety; Depression; Frequent crying; Nervousness; Hallucinations; Memory loss; Sleep problems; Suicidal thoughts 

Hematologic/Lymphatic Pt Denies: Easy bleeding or bruising; Anemia; Swollen glands Allergic/Immunologic 

Physical examination

Weight: 172 lbs     Temp 98.1 F BP: 132/86 Height 5’2” Pulse:82 Resp: 20

General: The patient is alert and oriented, able to provide accurate information, good eye contact during the interview, cooperative. The patient states a good understanding of the conversation. The patient seems slightly distressed

HEEET Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic, symmetric, no visible or palpable masses, depressions, or scaring. Good hair distribution, good hygiene. No bleeding, no papules, no vesicles. 

Neck: Trachea in the midline, No neck veins distention. No posterior cervical adenopathy. No carotid bruits and no goiter.

Ears: TMs (Pale, gray, translucent appearance, Cone of light and bony landmarks visible) & mobile, hearing intact. Ear canals clear without inflammation or redness.

Nose: Smell sense intact, No external or internal lesions observed. No exudate or secretion. No observed septum deviation.

Eyes: Visual acuity intact 20/20 with corrective glasses, Eyes symmetric, no blepharitis, no redness clear conjunctiva, no ocular discharge bilaterally. PERRLA

Throat: Gap reflex present, uvula in the midline, Good hygiene, No lesions in soft tissues, no gingival inflammation, no bleeding. Tonsils 2+

Respiratory: Chest symmetric, Tactile fremitus present. thoracic expansion symmetric. No wheezing or crackles sounds.

Breast: No overlying skin changes; No dimpling; No nipple retraction; No masses or lumps; Right breast no palpable masses or lumps; Left breast no palpable masses or lumps; No tenderness; No regional lymphadenopathy

 Additional comments: US-guided biopsy right breast, showing fibroadenoma, no malignancy was seen. Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound in 1 year are recommended (August 2021) 

Skin: Warm to touch, no hyperthermia, Inguinal intertrigo

Cardiovascular: HR regular. No murmur, no thrill, no rubs, No swollen leg. All pulse palpable, no sign of DVT or PAD.

 Abdomen: Flat, no tender no distended, No scar visible on inspections, soft on palpation. Liver palpable no splenomegaly, no masses, no pain with palpation. Bowel sound present in all quadrant. The patient denies Costovertebral angle tenderness.

Genitourinary: No erythema, masses, or lesions detected on the external genitalia. The vaginal mucosa is pink. No blood detected on the stool, which is brown. No inguinal adenopathy or adnexal masses noted. No rectovaginal masses detected. Vulva,Vagina,Cervix (Normal appearance); By TV sonogram (Uterus normal size/shape with normal ovaries) 

Lymphatic: No visible or palpable adenopathy.

Extremities: Full range of motion in 4 extremities, Pulses present and symmetric. No swelling, no deformities 

Neurological: All cranial nerves intact. No weakness, no vertigo, or dizziness. Adequate sensation in 4 extremities. Reflexes are +2 

Assessment and Plan


Amenorrhea, unspecified N91. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. Secondary amenorrhea occurs when you’ve had at least one menstrual period and you stop menstruating for three months or longer. Secondary amenorrhea is different from primary amenorrhea. It usually occurs if you haven’t had your first menstrual period by age 16.A variety of factors can contribute to this condition, including birth control use, certain medications that treat cancer, psychosis, or schizophrenia, hormone shots, medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, being overweight or underweight

Differential Diagnosis:

Hypothyroidism E03.9: Other clinical signs of thyroid disease are usually noted before amenorrhea presents. Mild hypothyroidism is more often associated with hypermenorrhea or oligomenorrhea than with amenorrhea. Treatment of hypothyroidism should restore menses, but this may take several months.

HYPERGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM E23.0: Ovarian failure can cause menopause or can occur prematurely. On average, menopause occurs at 50 years of age and is caused by ovarian follicle depletion. Premature ovarian failure is characterized by amenorrhea, hypoestrogenism, and increased gonadotropin levels occurring before 40 years of age and is not always irreversible (0.1 percent of women are affected by 30 years of age and one percent by 40 years of age). Approximately 50 percent of women with premature ovarian failure have intermittent ovarian functioning with a 5 to 10 percent chance of achieving natural conception

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) E 28.2: is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment along with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Further Testing:

 Pregnancy test. This will probably be the first test your doctor suggests, to rule out or confirm a possible pregnancy.

Thyroid function test. Measuring the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood can determine if your thyroid is working properly.

Ovary function test. Measuring the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in your blood can determine if your ovaries are working properly.

Prolactin test. Low levels of the hormone prolactin may be a sign of a pituitary gland tumor.

Transvaginal ultrasound.

Medication: Treatment depends on the underlying cause of your amenorrhea. In some cases, contraceptive pills or other hormone therapies can restart your menstrual cycles. Amenorrhea caused by thyroid or pituitary disorders may be treated with medications. If a tumor or structural blockage is causing the problem, surgery may be necessary.

Education: Some lifestyle factors such as too much exercise or too little food can cause amenorrhea, so strive for balance in work, recreation, and rest. Assess areas of stress and conflict in your life. If you cannot decrease stress on your own, ask for help from family, friends or your doctor.

Be aware of changes in your menstrual cycle and check with your doctor if you have concerns. Keep a record of when your periods occur. Note the date your period starts, how long it lasts and any troublesome symptoms you experience.

Return to office: The patient should return to the clinic immediately if the condition worsens and symptoms persist. Follow-up should be done in two weeks if the condition does not worsen.


DeCherney AH, et al. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology.11th ed. New York, N.Y.: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2013. http://www.accessmedicine.com/resourceTOC.aspx?resourceID=788. Accessed Jan. 21, 2014.

Klein DA, et al. Amenorrhea: An approach to diagnosis and management. American Family Physician. 2013;87:781.

Goldman L, et al. Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders Elsevier; 2012. http://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Jan. 20, 2014.


Patient Information:

Name: KG

Age: 23 y/o.

Gender: Female.

Race: Hispanic

Advanced Directives:  Full Code 

Source: Patient        

Past medical History

Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas: Obesity.

Family Medical History: Mother diagnosed with: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, 45 y/o, alive.

Father diagnosed with: Gout, 50 y/o, alive.

Allergies: None.

Surgery: None

Screening Hx/Immunizations Hx: TT, 2020. Flu: 2020, Pap smear 2020 (Negative)

Current Medications: 

-Tylenol 500 mg 1tab PO every 6 hours for mild pain/fever

Social history: Patient has high school degree, and she works at a mall for 5 years. She is single and she is sexually active and has history of unprotected vaginal sex with multiple partners. Actually, she lives with her son and her parents, he is 5 years old. The support is her family and denies any needs at this time. She has adequate shelter. She has a sedentary life. She doesn’t have healthy diet. She denies substance abuse, ETOH, tobacco, marijuana or illicit drug ingestion.


CC: “I had been with foul-smelling vaginal discharged, pain during urination and bleeding after having sex for the last 2 weeks without relief.”

HPI: This is a 23-yr. old Hispanic, female who goes to the clinic with c/o foul-smelling vaginal discharged, dysuria, dyspareunia and bleeding after coitus for the last 2 weeks without relief. Patient denied fever or previous vaginal malodorous. She is sexually active and reports multiple sexual partners, a history of negative result of Papanicolaou tests in the recent past, and recent unprotected vaginal intercourse. She claims poor pain relief with Tylenol 500 mg oral every 6 hours. Also, she denies history of sexually transmitted disease, douching and antibiotic use recently. She informs the vaginal discharge looks like creamy greenish and has foul-smelling odor. She mentions that she feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen which she rates a 3 out of 10. She refers mild distress related to painful sexual intercourse. Denies abdominal trauma, fatigue, vomit, nausea and diarrhea. She does not present any past medical history. She has not had similar symptoms in the past. The menarche was at 12 y/o, the LMP: 10/5/2020 for 6 days, regular cycle, plus the spots already described, G1T1P1A0L1.


General: She refers weight gain 10 pounds in the last month, denies fatigue, fever, malaise and decreased energy level. 

Skin: She denies healing problems, rashes, bruising, bleeding or skin discolorations, no changes in lesions. She has a mole (birthmark) in her left side of her neck. 

Eyes: She denies changes in her vision, diplopia, blurry vision, no redness or swelling, watering or discharge.

Ears: She denies hearing loss, ear pain, ringing in ears, discharge.

Nose/Mouth/Throat: She denies runny nose, epistaxis, hoarseness, dysphagia, sinus problems, or discharge, no dental disease, and no throat pain.

Breast: Refers to do SBE every month, denies lumps, bumps or changes.

Heme/Lymph/Endo: She denies bruising or bleeding, purpura, petechiae, prolonged or excessive bleeding, no blood transfusion and HIV Hx, night sweats, swollen glands, no increase thirst, increase hunger, cold or heat intolerance.

Cardiovascular: She denies palpitations, orthopnea, chest pain, and no edema.

Respiratory: She denies cough, wheezing, and dyspnea at this moment.

Gastrointestinal: She denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, eating disorders, ulcers, black tarry stools, and no abdominal pain. Denies colonoscopy.

Genitourinary/Gynecological: She complains of creamy greenish vaginal discharge accompanied with dyspareunia, and vulvar burning, especially when she urinates, sharp pain in the lower abdomen which she rates a 3 out of 10, 4 days ago. The menarche was at 12 y/o, the LMP: 10/5/2020 for 6 days, regular cycle, plus the spots already described, G1T1P0A0L1. Last Pap smear at 2020 was negative.

Musculoskeletal: She denies any limitation in movements in upper or lower extremities. No other joint pain, stiffness, swelling, or muscle plain.

Neurological: She denies seizures, transient paralysis, weakness, black out spells, and no syncope. She refers paresthesia in bilateral lower extremities.

Psychiatric: She denies any changes of behavior, depression, sleeping difficulties, suicidal ideation/attempts. She refers mild distress related to painful sexual intercourse.


Physical Exam:

GENERAL: Patient is obese, no acute distress, maintain adequate hygiene. Patient is alert and oriented and answers questions appropriately. She is very cooperative and maintain good eyes contact.

Vital signs:

Temperature: 97.5 F

RR: 18 x min

HR: 73 x min

O2Sat: 98 %; 

Blood Pressure: 130/75 mmhg

BMI: 32.9

Weight: 180 pounds. Height: 5.2”.

Pain scale: 3/10.

Skin: The skin is white, warm, dry, clean, pink, and intact. No noted rashes, no open wounds. Noted a mole 1/3 superior of left side of the back, light brown, irregular shape, flat, 7 inches, not painful, not itching, no changes in color.


Head: Normocephalic, no deformities and midline.  Hair is clean, thick, soft, and curly and well distributed on the head. Scalp is clean, dry, and without lesions. 

Eyes:  Symmetrical, pupils’ equal round and reactive to light and accommodation, red reflex noted and light reflected symmetrically bilaterally, visual field full by accommodation. No conjunctival or scleral injection. She wears corrective lenses.

Ears: TM is pearly gray and translucent, bony landmarks, and light reflex noted bilaterally. Canals patent. No lesion noted.

Nose: External nose is smooth and symmetrical, firm/stable structure noted, mucosa/turbinates deep pink, moist, glistening. No septal deviation.

Throat: Posterior pharyngeal wall is moist, glistening, non/reddened, without exudate, Tonsils are 1+, bilaterally.

Neck: Symmetric. Noted Full ROM, no cervical lymphadenopathy, no occipital nodes. No thyromegaly or nodules. 

Oral mucosa:  Pink and moist. Pharynx is non erythematous and without exudate. Teeth are in good repair.


Heart: Upon auscultation S1, S2 with regular rate and rhythm. No extra sounds, clicks, rubs nor murmurs. Capillary refill 2 seconds. Pulses 3+ throughout. No edema.


Chest: Symmetric. Lungs are clear bilaterally anterior/posterior, no wheezing, no rhonchi, no adventitious breath sounds.

Gastrointestinal: Abdomen flat, no deformities; BS active in all 4 quadrants, mild diffuse lower abdominal tenderness on deep palpation. No hepatosplenomegaly. 

Breast: No tender, no deformities, no lumps or mases noted.

Genitourinary: Bladder is non-distended; no CVA tenderness.

External genitalia reveal coarse pubic hair is well distribution; skin color is consistent with general pigmentation. Noted an erythematous area in the upper third of the vulva, near the urethra. Well estrogenized. A small speculum was inserted; vaginal walls are covered by purulent exudate and bleeding. Upon detaching them from the base, an erythematous area is left. Cervix is erythematous with punctate hemorrhages (strawberry-patch cervix), also friability noted and multiparous. Scant purulent and cloudy drainage present. On bimanual exam, cervix is firm, cervical motion tenderness is also present.  Uterus is normal size, minimally tender, antevert and positioned behind a slightly distended bladder. Rectovaginal exam reveals uterosacral nodularity and exquisite tenderness. Stool is soft, brown and heme-negative. Ovaries are nonpalpable.

Heme/Lymph/Endo: Upon palpation no lymphadenopathy and organomegaly noted.

Musculoskeletal: Symmetric, full ROM in all extremities. Extremities are warm without edema.

Neurological: Patient is A, A, OX 4. Speech clear, maintain good tone. Posture is erect. The balance is stable and the gait is rhythmical, flowing, effortless, with freely swinging legs and with an upright body posture. 

Psychiatric: She is alert and oriented X 4. She is dressed in a clean dress and coat. She maintains eye contact. Her speech is soft, and clear, answers questions appropriately.

Lab Tests

•           NAAT: It is positive for Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Still pending the result.

•           Urine culture and sensitivity: Still pending the result.

•           Wet mount examination of cervical discharge:  Sensitive indicator of cervical inflammation, in the absence of inflammatory vaginitis. Microscopy is only 50% sensitive for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis, whereas culture is the most sensitive test. Bacterial vaginosis may be diagnosed by presence of at least 3 of the 4 Amsel criteria: 1) adherent white vaginal discharge; 2) clue cells on microscopy (vaginal epithelial cells with distinctive stippled appearance as covered by bacteria); 3) vaginal pH >4.5; 4) “whiff test” (release of fishy odor following addition of 10% potassium hydroxide solution). Result shows>10 WBCs per high-power field of vaginal fluid (leukorrhea), trichomonads, clue cells, pH: 5, fishy amine odor with application of 10% KOH.

•           HIV test: Negative. 

•           Rapid tests (OSOM Trichomonas, AFFIRM VPIII): Fast and reliable point of care tests with sensitivity >83%, specificity >97%. Results available within 10 minutes for OSOM Trichomonas rapid test and in 45 minutes for AFFIRM VP III. Result is positive for Trichomonas vaginalis

•           Gram stain of cervical discharge: For diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Nugent score is used, which involves counting bacterial morphocytes. Possible result reveals Lactobacillus morphotype reduced or absent. Still pending the result.

•           Thayer-Martin agar cervical culture: For detection of N gonorrhoeae. Possible result reveals growth of pathogen. Still pending the result.

•           Pregnancy test: It is important to determine if patient is not pregnant to provide her the appropriate treatment, avoid the teratogenesis (Jameson et al., 2020). It was negative.

Special Tests: None

Primary Diagnosis

            A: The primary diagnosis for the patient is: Cervicitis (N72): Cervicitis is common and often asymptomatic, but if left undiagnosed or untreated can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to substantial long-term ill effects such as infertility and chronic pelvic pain. Implementing screening protocols for high-risk populations may reduce adverse outcomes from cervicitis. Screening for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) should be offered concomitantly. While Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis are the most commonly isolated organisms, in most cases no organism is identified. Clinical suspicion is generally sufficient to justify therapy, but of the diagnostic aids, nucleic acid amplification testing remains the most sensitive and specific tool for accurately diagnosing N gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis. If the presentation suggests cervicitis, and the patient is deemed at high risk for STI, patients are empirically treated with a regimen targeting STIs. There are some risk factors to develop the disease such as women of reproductive age (15 to 29 years old), prior history of STI, inconsistent condom uses and multiple sexual relationships (Jameson et al., 2020).

      In this patient, we can find some signs and symptoms such as: her c/o foul-smelling vaginal discharged, dysuria, dyspareunia and bleeding after coitus for the last 3 weeks without relief. Patient denied fever or previous vaginal malodorous. She is sexually active and reports multiple sexual partners, a history of negative result of Papanicolaou tests in the recent past, and recent unprotected vaginal intercourse. She claims poor pain relief with Tylenol 500 mg oral every 6 hours. Also, she denies history of sexually transmitted disease, douching and antibiotic use recently. She informs the vaginal discharge looks like creamy greenish and has foul-smelling odor. She mentions that she feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen which she rates a 3 out of 10. She refers mild distress related to painful sexual intercourse. Also, physical examination reveals vaginal walls are covered by purulent exudate and bleeding. Upon detaching them from the base, an erythematous area is left. Cervix is erythematous with punctate hemorrhages (strawberry-patch cervix), also friability noted and multiparous. Scant purulent and cloudy purulent and cloudy drainage present. 

            On bimanual exam, cervix is firm, cervical motion tenderness is also present.  The patient presents some risk factors to develop the disease such as women of reproductive age (15 to 29 years old), multiple sexual relationships and inconsistent condom uses.

Secondary Diagnosis:

  • Obesity (E66.9): Patient has BMI 32.9.
  • Melanocytic nevi of trunk (D22.5): Upon physical exam noted a mole 1/3 superior of left side of the back, light brown, irregular shape, flat, 7 inches, not painful, not itching, no changes in color.

Secondary Diagnosis:

  • Obesity (E66.9): Patient hasBMI32.9.
  • Melanocytic nevi of trunk (D22.5): Upon physical exam noted a mole 1/3 superior of left side of the back, light brown, irregular shape, flat, 7 inches, not painful, not itching, no changes in color.

Differential Diagnoses

  • Cervical dysplasia(N87.9):Patient may report a history of abnormal Pap smears. Pap smear reveals abnormal cervical cytology. Colposcopy shows acetowhite epithelium, abnormal vascular patterns (punctations, mosaicism), gross lesion. Cervical biopsy reveals cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (Rhoads et al.,2018).
  • Cervical cancer(C53.9):Patient may report a history of abnormal Pap smears. May present with heavy or irregular intermenstrual vaginal bleeding along with abnormal vaginal discharge. Pap smear reveals abnormal cervical cytology. Colposcopy shows abnormal vascularity, white change with acetic acid, or obvious exophytic lesions. Cervical biopsy reveals confirms diagnosis histologically and identifies subtype (Rhoads et al.,2018).
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (N73.9):Patient presents with abdominal pain and tenderness, pelvic pain and cervical tenderness, fever, nausea/anorexia. Clinical exam of cervical motion tenderness and abdominal tenderness, as well as sign of fever or leukocytosis, can be used to diagnose this condition. Patients with Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis, if left untreated, carry a 40% risk of developing PID. Transvaginal ultrasound shows classic signs are tubal wall thickness greater than 5 mm, incomplete septae within the tube, fluid in the cul-de-sac, and a cogwheel appearance on the cross-section of the tubal view; may also see tubo-ovarian abscess; may be normal (Rhoads et al.,2018).


  • It is recommended for nonpregnant women with confirmed trichomoniasis infection the treatment with metronidazole. Metronidazole and tinidazole are the only known effective drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis, with up to 95% success rates. Consider rescreening at 3 months (Jameson et al., 2020).


  • metronidazole: 500 mg orally twice daily for 7 days

Symptomatic treatment: 

  • ibuprofen: 400-600 mg orally every 4-6 hours when required, maximum 2400 mg/day, for mild pain/fever.


  • For external dysuria may also be alleviated by urinating with the genitals submerged in water.


•           NAAT

•           Urine culture and sensitivity

•           Wet mount examination of cervical discharge 

•           HIV test

•           Rapid tests (OSOM Trichomonas, AFFIRM VPIII

•           Gram stain of cervical discharge

•           Thayer-Martin agar cervical culture

•           Pregnancy test

Procedures performed: None

Education:  Patient was instructed to:

•           Promote the monogamy (or at least a reduction in the number of partners)

•           Encourage the use of male condoms may help prevent spread of infection.

•           Educate about the importance of completing the treatment and side effects of medication.

•           Encourage follow up diagnostic test to obtain an accurate and effective treatment.

•           Abstain from sex until the symptoms completely heal. 

•           Advised her sexual partners to go to a clinic for evaluation as there are high chances that they are infected too. 

•           Observe hygiene and sanitation to ensure that the symptoms such as irritation and swelling improve.

•           Advised for external dysuria may also be alleviated by urinating with the genitals submerged in water. 

•           Encourage that if these symptoms do not improve in the next week of treatment, for her to come back to the clinic for more evaluation. 

•           Avoid use of fabric softeners, harsh soap, nylon or synthetic underwear.

•           Encourage the importance to maintain hand hygiene, diet habits and lifestyle modification such as increase physical activity. 

•           Educate about cervical cancer screening should begin approximately 3 years after a woman begins having vaginal inter- course, but no later than 21 years of age. Screening should be done every year with conventional Pap tests or every 2 years using liquid-based Pap tests (Burns et al., 2017). 

Referrals: None

Follow-up:  Pt is advised to follow-up in 7 days.  If symptoms persist or worsen call or make an appt.  Questions were answered to patient’s satisfaction.

Peer 2



Name: Mrs. M.E.

Age: 47-year-old

Race: Hispanic.

Insurance: Medicaid.

Advance directives: yes, since 04/25/2020.

Subjective Data:

CHIEF COMPLAIN: “I have been having hot flashes for the past few months”.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mrs. ME is 47 y/o female, Hispanic, she states in our office today because she has been having hot flashes for the past few months. Patient reports experiencing two or three hot flashes per day. Mrs. ME also reports she is awakened from sleep, soaked by night sweats. Her symptoms began seven months ago, and over that time, they have worsened to the point where have become very bothersome. She is worried because she cannot remember the date of her las period; but she’s sure she does not see her period several months ago. Patient denies headache, fever, change in appetite or weight.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Denies past medical history



HOME MEDICATIONS: Centrum Women PO Daily Vitamin C (500mg) PO Daily ALLERGIES: NKA VACINATIONS: Immunizations are up to date

PREVIOUS SCREENING TEST RESULT: Normal pap smear in March 2017

Normal Mammography in July 2016

FAMILY HISTORY: Mother: Alive, Rheumatoid arthritis Father: Alive, Hypertension, Obesity

SOCIAL HISTORY: Home/Environment: Live with her husband. Nutrition/ Health: Normal weight Violence or abuse in the home: No Marital Status: Married Sexual Status: Active

SOCHX: Denies alcohol or drug use. Smoker. Uber driver. Sedentary life.


CONSTITUTIONAL SYMPTOMS: Patient reports experiencing two or three hot flashes per day. Mrs. ME also reports she is awakened from sleep, soaked by night sweats. Denies headache, fatigue, fever or chills. Denies weight gain or weight loss.

HEENT: Head: Denies head injury or change in LOC. Denies diplopia or blurred vision. Denies red eyes or itching. Denies nasal congestion or sneezing. Denies ears pain, fullness, itching, and loss of hearing or drainage. Throat: Denies sore throat, loss of tastes or difficulty swallowing. Denies hoarseness or bleeding gums. Neck: Denies pain, lesion, bruits or masses.

BREAST: No pain, no lump, no nipple discharge.

RESPIRATORY: Denies cough, chest pain or shortness of breath. CARDIOVASCULAR: Denies chest pain, palpitations, dizziness or fatigue

GI: Denies diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills or abdominal pain.

GU: Patient cannot remember the date of her las period. Had first period at age 10. Denies dysuria, polyuria, burning, frequency, offensive odor of urine, incomplete bladder emptying, or back/flank pain.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies falls. Denies ambulating, squatting or bending down pain, Denies joint pain. Denies noticing lengthening of the extremity.

NEUROLOGICAL: Denies changes in LOC. Denies memory loss or imbalance. Denies history of tremors or seizures.

PSYCHIATRIC: No history of depression or anxiety.

ENDOCRINE: No reports of sweating, cold or heat intolerance.

HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No enlarged nodes. No history of splenectomy.


T: 98.9◦F HR: 75 (Peripheral) RR: 17 BP: 120/70 SpO2: 98% HT: 5.4’ WT: 135 lb BMI: 22.75 (Normal weight)


Well-nourished, normal habitus. Gait is normal, posture is normal.

HEENT: Head normocephalic without evidence of masses, trauma, depressions or scaring.

Eyes: Visual acuity intact, normal conjunctiva, EOM intact, PERRLA. Fundoscopic exam: Normal optic discs and vessels, no exudate or hemorrhage. Ear canal without redness or irritation, TMs clear, pearly, bony landmarks visible. No discharge, no pain noted. Nose: No external lesions, appearance of nose normal without mucous, nares patent, septum normal. Mouth: Mucous membranes moist, no mucosal lesions. Teeth/Gums: No obvious caries or periodontal disease. No gingival inflammation, Pharynx: Mucosa moist, no mucosal lesion. 4 ulcers or masses present.

Neck: Supple, negative for lesion, bruits, masses or adenopathy. No thyromegaly. No JVD distention. BREAST: Normal size for female, normal shape, symmetrical, no dimpling, denies tenderness. RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation, without crackles, wheezes or rhonchi.

CARDIOVASCULAR: No cardiomegaly. S1 and S2 RRR without any skips, rubs, gallops or murmurs. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen: Shape is flat, no tenderness, symmetrical, bowel sounds present x 4 quadrants, no masses, no hernias, no organomegaly. Abdomen soft, nontender to light and deep palpation x 4 quadrants. BACK: Normal, no scoliosis, no abnormal kyphosis.

FEMALE GENITALIA: Vulva: Bartholin glands normal. No atrophy or lesions noted. Urethral meatus normal, without discharge or irritation. Vagina: Mucosa pink and moist. Small amount of thin, clear non-odorous discharge noted. No evidence of prolapse. Cervix: pink, nonfriable without lesion or mass. Adnexa: Mobile, no palpable uterine or ovarian enlargement. Lymph: No inguinal lymphadenopathy.

ANUS AND RECTUM: No hemorrhoids or fissure noted.

MUSCULOSKLETAL: Normal gait and station. Extremities: No amputations or deformities, cyanosis, peripheral pulses intact. Right forearm, anterior side: solid, soft tissue swelling, with erythema, warm and pain to palpation. No open skin wounds with any type of drainage.

INTERGUMENTARY: Skin: Warm and dry, good turgor, no yellowish appearance, rash, unusual bruising or prominent lesions. Hair: Normal texture and distribution. Nails: Normal color, no deformities. NEUROLOGIC: Sensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities; CN 2-12 normal. Sensation to pain, touch and proprioception normal. DTRs normal in upper and lower extremities. Not pathologic reflexes.

PSYCHIATRIC: Oriented X3, intact recent and remote memory, normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC/ INMUNOLOGIC: No lymphadenopathy, no bruising


Diagnosis: Menopausal and female climacteric states (ICD 10 N95.1). Common signs and symptoms include irregular menstrual periods, decreased fertility, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, low libido, increased abdominal fat, thinning hair, and loss of breast fullness. (Jane, Davis, 2014). Patient reports experiencing two or three hot flashes per day. Mrs. ME also reports she is awakened from sleep, soaked by night sweats.

Differential Diagnosis :

Hyperthyroidism (ICD 10 E28.39). Hyperthyroidism is characterized by irregular menses, sweating (although different from typical hot flashes), and mood changes are all potential clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. (Jane, Davis, 2014). Patient reports experiencing two or three hot flashes per day. Mrs. ME also reports she is awakened from sleep, soaked by night sweats.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (ICD 10 E28.2) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is characterized by infrequent periods or not peiods at all, difficulty getting pregnant (because of irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate) sweating or oily skin, hirsutism, acne, scalp hair loss, weight 6 gain and infertility (Jane, Davis, 2014). Patient reports experiencing two or three hot flashes per day.

Mrs. ME also reports she is awakened from sleep, soaked by night sweats.


– Pap Smear. Screening procedure for cervical cancer. (Jane, Davis, 2014).

-Mammography. Screening procedure for breast cancer. (Jane, Davis, 2014).

-Hormone tests to study hormonal function. (Jane, Davis, 2014).

– Luteinizing Hormone

-Follicle Stimulating Hormone – Estradiol – Progesterone – Prolactin

-Free T3

– Free T4


– Total Testosterone

– Free Testosterone


– Androstenedione

Pharmacological treatment. 

Black cohosh root also seems to have some effects like the female hormone, estrogen. In some parts of the body, black cohosh might increase the effects of estrogen. (Liu, Reape, Hait, 2012).

Black cohosh (540 mg) 540 mg PO daily

Non-Pharmacologic treatment: – Avoid smoking – Avoid caffeine – Avoid spicy and sweet foods – Avoid tight clothing – Avoid heat and reducing the temperature in a room – Avoid stress – Avoid exercising in warm temperatures


You have diagnosed with menopause and female climacteric; it is defined as the time in a woman’s life, usually between age 45 and 55 years, when the ovaries stop producing eggs (ovulating) and menstrual periods end. Menopause is complete when it has been 12 months since your last menstrual period. Hot flashes and night sweats are the most common symptom of menopause. Hot flashes typically begin as a sudden feeling of heat in the upper chest and face; the hot feeling then spreads throughout the body and lasts for two to four minutes. Some women sweat during the hot flash and then feel chills and shiver when the hot flash ends. Hot flashes are more common at night then during the day. When they occur during sleep, they are called “night sweats.” Night sweats may cause you to sweat through your clothes and wake you from sleep because you are hot or cold. You have been taken Black cohosh, because it can reduce some symptoms of menopause; you need to do lab test to confirm diagnosis and finally you will began taken estrogen because it is the most effective treatment for hot flashes. While there have been concerns in the past about the safety of hormone therapy, for most healthy women who are 8 seeking help with symptoms of menopause, it is safe, minimal risk, and effective. It should be started before the age of 60 years and is generally given for up to five years. (Liu, Reape, Hait, 2012).

REFERRALS: No referrals.

FOLLOW UP: Follow up at clinic in two weeks. Call office if your symptoms are worse.

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2023 Discussion Question Please begin by responding to the following questions Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used

Nursing 2023 Week 7

Discussion Question Please begin by responding to the following questions Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used 2023 Assignment

Discussion Question

Please begin by responding to the following questions.

Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument. Include a brief discussion of data collection procedures that will be presented in your proposal.

Provide constructive, supportive feedback to your classmates’ posts.

Do 1 page.

#eduessaylab #assignmenthelp #nursingstudents #lawstudents #termpaperbuddy #savvyessaywriters #onlineprowriters #essaywriters4life #exclusivewritings #writinghub.net #collegerpapertutors #www.legalessaywriters.com # legalessaywriters  #nursingsavvywriters #nursingassignmenthelp #professionalessaybuddy.com #professionalessaybuddy #timelynursingwriters

We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 please watch the video of Copland s Hoe Down using the provided link and write a musical

Nursing 2023 Classical Music Essay

please watch the video of Copland s Hoe Down using the provided link and write a musical 2023 Assignment


please watch the video of Copland’s Hoe Down using the provided link and write a musical description of the piece in approximately 400 words using the Materials of Music in your textbook as a guide. Below are several questions that I would like you to answer briefly. Of course, you can expand upon these questions as needed and, while I don’t expect you to know all of the answers, I do expect you to make educated guesses and, most importantly, write in your own words.

Please write in full sentences and write more creatively than just providing simple answers. Begin the essay with an introductory sentence or paragraph and finish with a concluding sentence or paragraph.

Submit your essay using the Assignment link below.


  • Would you say the opening melody of this song uses conjunct or disjunct motion? Is this opening melody the only melody in the piece? If not, is it repeated anywhere else in the piece?


  • Tap your foot to the basic pulse of the piece – although the pulse stays mostly the same throughout the piece, it is particularly clear at about 45 seconds into the piece in the bass line of the piano. Does this pulse seem to be based on a duple rhythmic pattern (patterns of 2 or 4) or a triple rhythmic pattern (patterns of 3)? You may find this difficult but give it your best shot. There is also a lot of syncopation in this piece. For example, from about 2:00-2:05 when the trumpet has a solo moment, can you hear what instrument(s) clearly plays off the beat? Can you find other examples of syncopation?


  • Would you classify the overall harmonies of the piece as consonant or dissonant? Can you explain why?


  • Do you think the texture of the song is monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic, or some combination of the three? Using the descriptions in your textbook, explain your choice.


  • Using the dynamics listed on p. 31 of your textbook, how would you describe the dynamics of the piece? Does the piece maintain one dynamic or does it change?


  • Is the form of the piece clear? There are several small sections to this piece, but is there an overall sense of structure? How are the terms repetition, contrast, and variation apparent in the piece? (see p. 26 in your textbook) For example, how do you hear these three terms used in the first 2:00 of the piece?


  • What type of ensemble is used for the performance? What instruments stand out to you as most prominent?

History (this will require a tiny amount of research – please acknowledge your sources and please use something other than wikipedia).

  • When did Copland live? What were his birth and death years?
  • During which musical period did he live?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.