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2023 Chosen topic Hand hygiene Options for Delivery Select one of the following options for

Nursing 2023 Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation

Chosen topic Hand hygiene Options for Delivery Select one of the following options for 2023 Assignment

Chosen topic: Hand hygiene

Options for Delivery 

Select one of the following options for delivery and prepare the   applicable presentation:

  1. PowerPoint presentation – no more than 30 minutes
  2. Pamphlet presentation – 1 to 2 pages
  3. Poster   presentation

Selection of Community Setting

These are considered appropriate community settings. Choose one of   the following:

  1. Public health clinic
  2. Community health center
  3. Long-term care facility
  4. Transitional care facility
  5. Home health center
  6. University/School health center
  7. Church community
  8. Adult/Child care center

General Requirements

While APA style is  required for the body of this assignment,   solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources   should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be   found in the APA Style Guide

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2023 There continues to be much debate over the structure of health care organizations Advocates of both public and private structures

Nursing 2023 Contrast of Health Care Structures

There continues to be much debate over the structure of health care organizations Advocates of both public and private structures 2023 Assignment

There continues to be much debate over the structure of health care organizations. Advocates of both public and private structures are quite vocal in attempting to persuade the general public to adopt their views. Proponents of public health care structures claim the public structure will make health care universally accessible while proponents of private structures assert that quality of care can only be achieved via a private structure. In this assignment, you will contrast public and private health care structures, analyze the current viability and future sustainability of each structure, and provide a rationale for which structure you believe is optimal.

General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to Chapters 2-4 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. These chapters contain essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. 

Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words in which you contrast public and private health care structures. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A contrast of public and private structures with regard to the population served, decision-making processes, financial practices, and ethical considerations relating to the quality of care and patient safety.
  2. An analysis of current viability and future sustainability of each structure.
  3. A rationale for selecting one structure as optimal.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The topic for research is Narcolepsy and Cataplexy This assignment will provide you with an

Nursing 2023 PPT research proposal

The topic for research is Narcolepsy and Cataplexy This assignment will provide you with an 2023 Assignment

The topic for research is Narcolepsy and Cataplexy 

This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to present your proposal. Final  proposal PPT assignment requires 10-15 slides to provide a synopsis of your proposal. The PPT needs to include your voice. You may do a voice over PPT presentation or use screen cast o matic for your presentation. 

Here is the link to the free version: https://screencast-o-matic.com/home

I can attach the proposal paper if need be otherwise just make slides on accreditation and what it would entail  to make a research proposal for Narcolepsy and Cataplexy 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Part 2 Objective information Fetal heart tones are 130 with minimal variability Vaginal

Nursing 2023 OB

Part 2 Objective information Fetal heart tones are 130 with minimal variability Vaginal 2023 Assignment

Part 2: Objective information:
 Fetal heart tones are 130, with minimal variability
 Vaginal exam is 4 cm/90%effaced/ -1 station
 She is complaining of pain – 8/10 on a numerical scale.
 An IV has been started with an 18 gauge catheter with 1 liter of Lactated Ringers at 150 ml per hr in left forearm.


How can you provide non pharmacological comfort to this patient?
 What are the pharmacological methods to use?
 Without prenatal records or history GBS is unknown. What must you provide?
 Contractions are 5 minutes apart and you receive an order to augment labor – what non pharmacological methods can you employ (or ask the MD to provide?)
 Pitocin is ordered, please include at what rate you will start Pitocin, and how often you titrate. What equipment is needed to hang and run Pitocin IV?

Part 1: 25 y/o presents to Labor and Delivery with complaints of uterine cramping and lower back pain. Denies any vaginal bleeding at this time. Has related history of a preterm birth at 32 weeks gestation with her last pregnancy. The baby is 3 years old now and has no developmental issues.
 Her current gestational age is 30 weeks.
 She is O+ and all other lab values are normal. No noted STI’s.

1. Group Beta Strep is missing from the labs – most often is obtained at 35 – 37 weeks gestation.
 2. Without this information it is often determined to treat the patient anyway – presumptively to protect a premature baby from the risk.
 3. What other information would you like to ask her?
 4. What nursing intervention will you provide?
 5. What screening tests are often obtained to help determine her risk for preterm labor.
 6. And if it is determined she is in preterm labor what medications may you want to use with a doctors order?
 7. Please also give dose, side effects and possible result of the medication.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 One way that the human services group can rehearse essential avoidance during

Nursing 2023 2 coments each one 150 words (CITATION AND REFERENCE)

One way that the human services group can rehearse essential avoidance during 2023 Assignment

One way that the human services group can rehearse essential avoidance during their strategic help Haiti after the calamity would be for the medicinal services group to consistently utilize appropriate hand cleanliness and gloves for all patient contact. In the video assets are rare and it was expressed that appropriate hand cleanliness, for example, cleanser and water were not promptly accessible however the hand some hand sanitizer. So the medicinal services group would should be proactive and utilize the hand sanitizer with alert and effectively. One of the primary objectives is to forestall the spread of illness, remembering for the social insurance suppliers in such a case that a human services supplier becomes ill there will be nobody to think about the patients.

A case of optional anticipation right now be to check for contamination on patients particularly those with open injuries and attempt and separate them to keep the spread of disease from patient to persistent. These patients would likewise should be begun on anti-infection treatment also to treat the contaminations.

For tertiary anticipation the social insurance suppliers would need to do twisted consideration on the patients so as to guarantee the patient’s are recuperating appropriately and successfully. As tertiary counteraction expects to mellow the effect of a progressing ailment or injury that has enduring impacts (Institute for Work and Health, 2015), guarantee that the injuries our breaks mend appropriately that way the patients can come back to their typical day by day lives as before the fiasco struck.

The stage that these three proposed mediations would fall under would be the “postimpact stage” in light of the fact that inevitable risk has just stopped. During the postimpact stage, salvage and crisis clinical consideration turns into the essential center (Falkner, 2018). This is the stage when we as human services experts will be treating the individuals that were influenced by the catastrophe and help stop the spread of diseases.

I would work with the world division association as this association is a Christian based association that gives fiasco help to all regions around the globe that are needing aid ventures. The world division reacts with life-sparing velocity when calamity strikes. They convey quick debacle alleviation and supplies and long haul recoup so individuals can revamp their lives (Worlddivision.org, n.d.).


Disaster Relief. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.worldvision.org/our- work/disasterrelief?campaign=119351222&campsrc=p&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7 PXypZi74wIVDL7ACh1r7QhpEAAYASAAEgJaWfD_BwE

Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.iwh.on.ca/what-researchers-mean-by/primary-secondary-and-tertiary-prevention

Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2020). Community & public health: The future of health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs427vn/community-and-public-health-the-future-of-health- care/v1.1/

 In the GCU videos “Diary of a Medical Mission Trip”, the medical mission team showed the difficulty times they had to provide efficient and effective medical care. They had many challenges caused by the lack of water and cleanliness. There was also lack of medical supplies, food, and medications. The medical mission team had to see more than 100 patients every day who were waiting outside, in addition to the inpatients (GCU, 2018)

     Primary prevention focus on preventing disaster-related deaths and injuries before they occur (APHA, 2020). In addition, illness prevention is an important aspect in this setting. Primarily the health care team must be immunized to prevent hepatitis, mumps, Rubella, pertussis before going to Haiti. Immunizations should also be given to the Haiti population. In addition, the Haiti population must be educated on washing their hands and practicing proper sanitation to prevent diseases. People also must be educated on how to evacuate safely and develop an evacuation plan with the family. In addition, it is essential to have an evacuation kit with necessary supplies (American Red Cross, 2020).

     Secondary prevention has the goal to mitigate the health consequences of a disaster by providing education about injury control during cleanup and recovery period (American Public health Association, 2020). This involves treatment and education about the wounds, infections and disaster related illness. Examples seen on the video “Diary of Mission Trip” from GCU (2018) include cleaning and changing dressing from the wounds; treating the patients with IV fluids and antibiotics for infections. In addition, the hospitals in Haiti were overcrowded with minor injury patients and others seriously ill. The innovative examples would be educating people about infection and its prevention; setting up small areas and tents to treat minor injury patients with trained medical staff. It is also necessary to organize and separate the medical supplies in a clean, non-sterile area. Providing care to the injured also address the emotional aspects of trauma.

      Tertiary prevention minimizes the effect of a disaster and disability among the already ill patients. It focuses on the long- term requirements and of individuals and community post disaster (APHA, 2020) Medical supplies, medications, diagnostic tools, physicians and medical staff will be needed in this setting. There is an extremely need of surgeons and operating rooms to treat patients with serious illness and injury. According to the video “Diary of a Medical Mission Trip” from GCU (2018), the hospital in Haiti had only two ORs with the anesthesia machine dropped down and one OR was shut down due to leaking. In addition, the new medical team had on ortho surgeon and no anesthetist. Based on this scenario, there is a need of more medical staff including surgeons and anesthetists to assist in saving people’s lives. Furthermore, long term treatment strategies including rehabilitation and families and individuals’ therapy is necessary to assist people to move from the previous capabilities to the highest level of function they can attain (Berman, Snyder & Frandsen, 2016). In order to facilitate the proposed interventions, I would associate the CDC because it has the function of administering a broad program related to surveillance of disease and behaviors that lead to disease and disability (Berman, Snyder & Frandsen, 2016). I would also associate the Red Cross, and other organizations including religious organizations.  


American Public Health Association (APHA) (2020). Disaster-Related Surveillance and Emergency Information Systems. Retrieved from https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/513259

American Red Cross (2020) Earthquake Safety. Retrieved from https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/earthquake.html

Berman, A. Snyder, S. & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier and Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: concepts, practice, and process. Hoboken: NJ, Pearson Education, Inc.

Grand Canyon University (2018) Diary of Medical Mission Trip. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs427v/diary-of-medical-mission-trip/v2.1/

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2023 DQ 1 Comment 1 An internal method for dissemination of my EBP project results would be scheduling a short meeting

Nursing 2023 Please Answer According The Comments. Thanks. Reference Between 2013-2018( 75 Words In Each). Thanks

DQ 1 Comment 1 An internal method for dissemination of my EBP project results would be scheduling a short meeting 2023 Assignment

DQ 1

Comment 1

An internal method for dissemination of my EBP project results would be scheduling a short meeting with nurse managers of the unit to discuss the findings through questionnaires and interviews. External may be to schedule meeting which includes the nurse managers and staffing personnel. The importance of including all these persons in one meeting would be to provide a connect with the data and information that is discussed daily with regard to staffing and the hiring of nurses to fill vacant positions. Providing visual displays of the research that provides a clear picture showing the impact of nurse turnover and the orientation process. This meeting would be a platform for discussion and information that involves staffing, hiring and retention of staff and the impact on the unit/facility. According to  the  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (2014),  all dissemination should have a purpose and promote the project development. This can be accomplished by raising awareness, informing and educating, engaging and involving, and promotion of the results.

Staffing levels and nurse retention is in the news daily and involving the community in discussions would offer clarification. Yes, the community is aware of the shortage, but do they know what avenues of change are taking place in the facility that hopefully will affect their healthcare now and in the future.

Strategies of communication for each group focuses on the delivery of information. Internal information transfer is effective through conversation and visual evidence. External needs to be concise and factful with a clear plan of implementation that is also visual. Time constraints for both groups is evident so many short meetings for the internal dissemination would benefit both staff and the managers/leaders of the nursing unit. The external group would also have time limitations so being concise and thorough with a limited time frame is a challenge.

Comment 2

An important part in delivering “high-quality patient care is nursing implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP); institutional leadership, such as nurse managers (NMs), plays an integral role in the implementation of EBP on nursing units” (Kueny, Shever, Lehan, & Titler, 2015, p.1). Thus, one internal method would be meeting with the NM of the unit to discuss my research findings regarding the implementation of acuity based tools specific for the unit to adjust staffing appropriately to improve patient outcomes, improve quality of care and decrease nurse burnout. Addressing the importance of measuring acuity, provide different tools that measure acuity and how to implement the use of these tools with proper education and directions. NMs are an important part of driving change, they can lead EBP projects, provide resources and educational activities to promote change and schedule workshops to assist nurses with the changes.  According to Kueny et. al (2015), “NMs have the potential to remove some of the autonomy in decision making for EBP recommendations” (p. 37). NM’s can help with culture of expectations, empowering their nurses to implement EBP to improve patient outcomes and improve nurse burnout.

An external method would be contacting a professional nursing organization, such as the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA). Contacting the APNA via the internet would provide me with feedback on the next steps I need to take. Becoming a member of APNA or joining a committee, would allow me to take action addressing the importance of using acuity based tools in measuring safe staffing levels to improve patient outcomes and improve quality care. There is a lack of studies or research regarding staffing inpatient geriatric psychiatric units. The APNA (2015), encourages nurse researchers to study both populations, in order to establish specific nurse-to-patient ratios for inpatient psychiatric units and to foster the development of innovative, effective, recovery-oriented and safe-staffing models. Thus, it would be beneficial to address these populations, providing evidence that implementation of acuity based tools for safe staffing levels has improved patient outcomes.

Strategies for communication would be different for internal methods versus external methods. Internal methods require a more personal approach, addressing the problem, reviewing evidence for solutions to the problem with the NM, outlining the project, asking for feedback, projected costs involved to implement EBP, time constraints, and required nursing education on implementing acuity based tools for the unit. Promoting nursing feedback and shared governance in the decision making process and areas that need to be addressed in regards to safe staffing and equitable nurse workloads. External methods require a less formal approach, writing to APNA, would require addressing the problem, providing a solution with evidence based research, evaluating nursing practice, quality of care, improving nurse’s mental health, minimizing nurse burnout, reducing health care cost, and improving patient outcomes.

DQ 2

Comment 1

An important challenge to any evidence-based practice project evaluation is whether it was effective. I came across an article discussing the use of a premortem plan to identify outcomes and their success. In the healthcare arena we have all heard of postmortems where we discuss what happens after a sentinel event or adverse patient outcome. A premortem addresses the anticipated failures of the project before implementation. By doing this we can develop strategies that would aid in successful implementation according to Ginex (2018).

Since my project relates to staff retention and turnover on the night shift, seeing staff be successful using mentor/mentee programs after the original orientation period would offer proof the program change is working. Evaluating the cost of orientation and the cost of loosing qualified staff due to inadequate or ineffective orientation would also provide positive feedback and data. Follow up interviews with staff who have left or changed shifts would offer information related to differences in shift orientations. Also, the number of staff participating in mentor/mentee program would show the level of acceptance and commitment to the project change.

Comment 2

One way that I would evaluate whether my project made a difference in practice would be to implement some of my findings, such as talking with the DON and supervisor of my facility about scheduling equal nurse-to-patient ratios. I currently work on a sub-acute unit of my facility and there are about 6 patients that have pressure ulcers and all of them are at risk for pressure ulcer development. I have worked at the facility for a year and some pressure ulcers have developed while those residents were in the facility. All of the resident require total care and to ensure that they are changed and turned in a timely manner, there must be an appropriate staff-to-patient ratio. This means that each nurse should not have more than 7 patients because, they also only have on CNA. Each CNA has up to 14 patients, so they heavily rely on the assistance of the nurses. If the nurses feel overworked, then it shows in their patient care and the residents are at more risk for pressure ulcer development. According to Hartmann, Mills, Pimentel, Palmer, Allen, Zhao, and Snow (2018), positive interactions between the staff and patients contributes to better quality care and better patient outcomes.

I would also talk with the wound care nurse, DON, and supervisor to provide in-services to teach the staff how to implement the wound care orders properly. The wound care nurse only works from 0800-1630 and although he tries to change the dressings every day, the orders also include changing the dressing PRN if they become soiled. Many of the wounds are located on the sacrum region. All of the residents are incontinent of bowel and bladder and require total care. Orders constantly change depending on the status of the wound and there have been times when the dressing gets soiled and requires changing. I often work the even shift and there are times where I do not see the wound care nurse. I and my coworkers that work the evening and night shift have needed to change the dressing based on the order in the MAR. there have been times in which the directions of the order were unclear and/or we did not have the correct supplies. The wound care nurse only works during the week, so if we do run out of supplies, we do not have access to the storage unit that has them or the facility has run out. When there is a change in an order, it would be very helpful if the wound care nurse holds in-services to show the nurses how to perform the dressing change and make sure that at least half of the nurses from the evening and night shift know how to change it as well, so they can help their co-workers if needed. Knowing how to properly change the dressings improves wound healing and prevent worsening of the wound.

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2023 Write a 2 4 page report on the concepts processes and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment

Nursing 2023 Community Health Assessment

Write a 2 4 page report on the concepts processes and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment 2023 Assignment

Write a 2–4-page report on the concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment, how to find the data, and how to validate the data. Explain the factors that can affect the health of a community, along with how to obtain that information.

Understanding community and state health care issues and concerns, the local resources available, and accessibility of those resources can inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes.  

Questions to Consider 


To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

  • What types of techniques and activities should be included in a community health assessment?
  • How can these techniques and activities help determine both assets and gaps in health care services in a community?

Assessment Instructions :


Imagine you work for an organization that has decided to open a satellite facility in an underserved community. Your organization asks you to move to the new location and assist with some of the preliminary work. Part of this work is to determine the health care needs of the community. How will you do this? What information will you need to know? Where will you find the information?


Search the Capella library or the Internet for peer-reviewed journal articles on how to conduct a community health assessment. You will need at least 3 resources to use in this assessment.


Develop a plan for a community health assessment in which you complete the following:

  • Describe the type of data needed to make an informed community health assessment.
  • Explain how the data will help determine the health care needs of the community.
  • Describe your strategy for obtaining the necessary data.
  • Explain the factors that impact the health and wellness of a community. (Hint: This is a very broad list. Think outside the box on this one!)
  • Explain how you will obtain information on these factors for your specific community.
  • Explain how you will determine if the data and information you obtain is valid and reliable.
  • Format this assessment as a report that you would submit to a director or other organizational leader. You are still required to follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Ensure your assessment is 2–4 pages in length.
  • Use double-spaced, 12-pt., Times New Roman font. (Recommended)

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 When a patient presents to a primary care provider with a complaint of chest pain there are a number

Nursing 2023 chest pain: Advance Physical assessment

When a patient presents to a primary care provider with a complaint of chest pain there are a number 2023 Assignment

When a patient presents to a primary care provider with a complaint of chest pain, there are a number of possibilities that must be considered. Discuss the first three steps you would complete in assessing a patient with this complaint. Then, discuss at least two differential diagnoses for a patient with chest pain. How would the treatment and intervention course differ for each diagnosis?

Your initial posting should be 200 to 300 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Explain the differences between blood as well as blood forming organs and certain

Nursing 2023 HELP NEED DONE BY 11 am on 12-8-2018 central time

Explain the differences between blood as well as blood forming organs and certain 2023 Assignment


Explain the differences between blood, as well as blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism. Which ones (blood forming organisms, parasites, or diseases) stand out to you, and why?

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Benchmark Assignment Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection This assignment requires you to interview one person and

Nursing 2023 Spiritual Assessment

Benchmark Assignment Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection This assignment requires you to interview one person and 2023 Assignment

 Benchmark Assignment – Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection

This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience.

Part I: Interview

Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview.

Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.

Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.

The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined.

Part II: Analysis

Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response:

  1. What went well?
  2. Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
  3. How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient?
  4. Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples.

Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following competencies:

CONHCP Program Competencies for the RN-BSN:

5.2: Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.

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