Type of paper Dissertation Chapter Abstract Topic The most effective leadership style when leading a health care 2023 Assignment
Type of paper:Dissertation Chapter – Abstract
- Topic:The most effective leadership style when leading a health care team and Is there any relationship between leadership style in healthcare settings and quality of care?
- Pages:6 pages / 1650 words
- Subject:Health & Medicine
- Type of services:Writing from scratch
- Paper Format:APA
Paper Instructions
I would like to write a paper on
The most effective leadership style when leading a health care team and Is there any relationship between leadership style in healthcare settings and quality of care?
Abstract and Thesis statement will be due by June 7.
You’ll produce a minimum of a 6-page research paper on a health care leadership challenge of your choosing. It will be presented in standard APA research paper formatting guidelines and include at least three properly formatted references. The title page and reference page are not included in the 6 page requirement.
Abstract and Thesis statement will be due by June 7.
For this initial part of the assignment, you will produce a thoughtful thesis statement on a topic of your choice. Remember that you will probably modify your thesis… your research and writing will help to guide your ideas. Follow the guidelines present below to further develop and present your thesis proposal, and the initial draft of your paper. All of these components should be present in the draft of your paper. However, for June 7, only the Abstract and Thesis Statement are required.
Be sure to have a clear identifiable thesis. You will want to take a strong position on your topic… “The Pros and Cons of X Leadership Style” is not a sufficient analysis. Instead, you should take a position on the merits of the leadership principle or practice implemented or illustrated by the topic you choose. Set out to either prove or disprove something.
Structure of a thesis proposal:
Your thesis proposal should have the following elements in this order.
Title page
Table of contents
Thesis statement
Preliminary results and discussion
Work plan including time table
Implications of research
List of references
You will be able to use a large amount of the material of the thesis proposal in your final paper. The format format of each of the elements discussed below.
Title page:
contains short, descriptive title of the proposed thesis project (should be fairly self-explanatory)
and author, institution, department, research mentor, mentor’s institution, and date of delivery
the abstract is a brief summary of your thesis proposal
its length should not exceed ~200 words
present a brief introduction to the issue
make the key statement of your thesis
give a summary of how you want to address the issue
include a possible implication of your work, if successfully completed
Table of contents:
list all headings and subheadings with page numbers
indent subheadings
this section sets the context for your proposed project and must capture the reader’s interest
explain the background of your study starting from a broad picture narrowing in on your research question
review what is known about your research topic as far as it is relevant to your thesis.
the introduction should be at a level that makes it easy to understand for readers with a general healthcare background, for example your classmates
Thesis statement:
in a couple of sentences, state your thesis
This section contains an overall description of your approach, materials, and procedures
what methods will be used?
how will data be collected and analyzed?
what materials will be used?
discuss how they fit in the framework of your thesis
Work plan including time table:
describe in detail what you plan to do until completion of your senior thesis project
list the stages of your project in a table format
indicate deadlines you have set for completing each stage of the project, including any work you have already completed
discuss any particular challenges that need to be overcome
Implications of Research
what new knowledge will the proposed project produce that we do not already know?
why is it worth knowing, what are the major implications?
List of references:
all references cited in the text must be listed; APA formatted
Abstract and Thesis statement will be due by June 7.