Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
data analyze NO PLAGERISM | 2025 Custom Writing
troop and Native LanguageUse an independent t-test to analyze data from a fictitious study. This study compares the ability of native English speakers and native Spanish speakers to state the font color of words that are color names. Although some of the participants are nonnative English speakers, all participants are considered fluent in English at the time of the study. The tricky aspect of this task is that the words will be printed in colors that are incongruent to the color names. The independent variable is the native language, and the dependent variable is the time it takes to state the color of font for all the words. It is hypothesized the native English speakers will take longer to state the colors compared with the nonnative speakers.The data from the hypothetical study is given below. The explanations for the variable names used in the table are participant number (PID), time for native English speaker to read color words (NECW), age of participants in years (Age), and time for Spanish speaker to read color words (SSCW).
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