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Case Study Design and Analysis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Case Study Design and Analysis | 2025 Custom Writing

Evaluating case studies is a common way to demonstrate concepts and terms used in courses. A usual assignment would ask you to read a case study and evaluate the situation based on what you learned from your course and text readings. However, for this assignment, each week you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in the week’s online lectures and textbook readings and create a fictional case study (do not relate this to actual individuals).You will use the following guidelines while writing your case study:Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in the case study such as their age, gender, occupation, education, relationships, and family history.The case story: You need to describe a scenario using third person in which an individual engages in behavior demonstrating issues related to self-esteem, self-efficacy, or locus of control.Analysis of the case: You need to utilize the information learned from the online lectures and text readings to analyze the case study. Be specific in your analysis using supporting evidence from outside sources when needed.Recommendations: You need to end the case study with your recommendations or suggestions you would have implemented in such a situation to assist in changing the behavior of the individual involved in the case study.Submission Details:Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


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Week 1 social psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Week 1 social psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

Developing a r esearch p roposal is a good way to experience the r esearch aspects of social psychology firsthand without conducting an actual r esearch study.In this a ssignment, you need to develop a r esearch p roposal.IntroductionLiterature ReviewMethodologyDiscussion and ConclusionReferencesEach week, you will concentrate on creating a section of the r esearch p roposal.  The Methodology section may be based on either of the two major r esearch designs, quantitative and qualitative. You will develop the f inal p roject as the course progresses by collating all the sections and incorporating them into a f inal p roposal due for submission in Week 10.********This Week*****************Work on the Introduction section of the r esearch p roposal. Include the following:Select a topic for your r esearch p roject.Explain why this topic is of interest to you (Be careful not to use first-person as this is a formal p aper).Explain the topic and describe the potential research areas in the topic.:


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research NO PLAGERISM | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

research NO PLAGERISM | 2025 Custom Writing

Dr. Carlos submitted a proposal to conduct an alcohol tolerance study with mice. He will have to inject mice with alcohol and then test them. Dr. Carlos has decided to euthanize the mice at the end of the study. He also wishes someone to volunteer the use of their pet for this research in return for some monetary compensation. Discuss:What ethical and safety issues might arise when conducting such a study? What do you think the institutional review board at Dr. Carlos’ university will be most concerned about? Explain at least three areas of concern and why the reviewers might be concerned about the stated issues.It is common for participants to be compensated for their participation in research. Do you think this influences their behaviors or responses? Use the University Online Library to investigate whether there is evidence regarding the influence of compensation on participants’ participation. Find two articles and submit summaries of each of them.Participants should be told they have a right to stop their participation in a study at any point in the study. Do you agree or disagree on whether this should be done or not? Why? Do you think they should still be able to receive the promised monetary compensation if they leave early?Using the  University Online Library, research two examples of historical situations in which participants were not told that they had the right to stop their participation at any point. Use at least three references for each.


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Discussion 9 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion 9 | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 9 Discussion88 unread replies.88 replies.Sisu is a concept from Finland that means you can beat the odds. Challenges may come your way, but you are not going to give up.In this interview (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/functioning-flourishing/201801/are-you-tougher-you-think (Links to an external site.)), Emilia Lahti offers five specific actions you can take to build up sisu so that you can endure and even thrive in moments of extreme stress.For this discussion, pick one of the five actions and describe how you will work to build your capacity to do this. How will cultivating this specific action help you?To receive full credit, remember to also write three posts in the discussion: one original and two responses to other students. Provide scholarly, cited responses where applicable. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the library or reputable source to support your posts.Example of a Great Post:In looking at the five actions presented by McQuaid (2018), I will focus on “adopting an action mindset” (para. 9). This step seems to best correspond with the course materials from our webtext this week. Most stress I deal with would be considered daily hassles. As Myers (2014) points out, even these everyday annoyances can be toxic. As an online student pursuing a degree in nursing, working, and raising a family, I do have daily hassles.For this assignment I want to talk about the process of stress appraisal as outlined by Myers (2014). In week 5 we had our signature assignment outline due (this was my stressful event). When I first read the ‘to do’ list for week 5, I felt a little anxious. Then I read the assignment directions. I will be honest, my first thought (appraisal) was “This is too much!” Or, as the model indicates, I saw it as a threat.I called out for my dog, Budget and took him for a run. In reading our webtext this week, page 9.7, this was a great way to reduce stress because it is exercise. Budget is a big dog and likes to run so it was definitely an aerobic activity.After a good run I came back to the class and read the announcement and email from our instructor and realized “I got this.” I went back to the assignment and read through it again and began to organize my thoughts. I moved from a negative/fearful reaction to an empowered one. I have always been interested in homelessness and psychodynamic theory. I quickly realized this assignment is a great way to address both these concepts and to have fun doing so. In this regard I was using an active mindset and I felt excited about the project! As the week progressed, I stayed focused, just like it the chart on page 9.2 shows.Adopting an active mindset and remembering the importance of how I appraise a situation (an assignment for example) can help me in both education and career. When I reevaluated the situation, and accepted it as a challenge and not a threat, I engaged in an active mindset. So the next time I read about an assignment I will focus on having a “challenged” not a “threat” appraisal. As we learn this week, the same situation can be perceived completely differently by another person. I will be the person who sees a new activity as a challenge, be that at work, with family, or school.McQuaid, M. (2018, January 10). Are you tougher than you think? An interview with Emilia Lathi. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/functioning-flourishing/201801/are-you-tougher-you-thinkMyers, D. (2014). Psychology (4th ed.). Soomo.


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Agricultural to Industrial to Idea Economy Education table, Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World (Vander Ark, 2012). | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Agricultural to Industrial to Idea Economy Education table, Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World (Vander Ark, 2012). | 2025 Custom Writing

Select one of the factors listed and explain how digital experiences changed learning.


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Discussion week 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion week 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Need help with assignment


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Psycology Human Growth & Development | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psycology Human Growth & Development | 2025 Custom Writing

Looking for a movie that will discuss Psychology Human Growth & Development and to complete this assignment


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Week 1 Discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Week 1 Discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

Social psychology has a unique definition as a social science but gets some of its characteristics from other disciplines of psychology such as personality and cognitive, as well as science of sociology. Kurt Lewin is one of the founders of social psychology who posed a theory on action research. According to his theory, “action research utilizes active collaboration as part of its process to understand group and organizational dynamics in a social context. It is used to effectively promote change.” Lewin believed social research should be used as a vehicle for change.Explain how social psychology is considered a science? In what ways is social psychology similar or different from other disciplines of psychology and sociology?Describe some of Lewin’s accomplishments regarding the promotion of social change during his lifetime. Explain Lewin’s impact on social psychology as a science and on the society.Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers, and provide an analysis of each peer’s postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

3.2 discussion Pt. 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

3.2 discussion Pt. 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

When I think of “drug-related” violence, I think of crimes committed to obtain drugs.  We see in  the movies and on television children stealing items to sell for drugs, drug riddled addicts killing to get their next high or a gang war but not specific to drug trafficking and distribution.  The lack of accurate coverage in our mass media on the true center of drug-related violence is disheartening.  According to McQuail, “the study of mass media is based on the notion that the media has a significant effect on its audience” (Camarillo, Omar, 2021).After reading the assigned chapters in the Chasing the Scream I was dumbfounded on my prior ignorance.  It turned out 7.5 percent of the killings took place after a person took drugs and their behavior seemed to change.  Some 2 percent were the result of addict trying to steal to feed their habit and it going wrong.  And more than three quarters- the vast majority-were like Chino’s attacks.  They weren’t caused by drugs, any more than AL Capone’s killings were caused by alcohol.  They were, Goldstein showed, caused by prohibition (Hari, 2015, p.66).  I believe if people were more aware of the actual statistics of drug-related violence they would be more open to changing the downcast stereotype of all addicts.  I assume many people, as myself, have not witnessed or been a part of drug-related violence and take for granted the information we are receiving from mass media on the topic.  If it were more widely publicized correctly that 75 percent of all drug-related violence was within the trafficking and distribution sector, it would most likely lessen the brutal stereotypes placed on all drug abusers.ReferencesCamarillo, Omar (2021) Who are Deemed the “Worthy” and “Unworthy” Victims of Mexico’s Drug-Related Violence?,  Journal of Borderlands Studies, 36(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2018.1471732Hari, J. (2015).  Chasing the scream: The first and last days of the war on drugs. Bloomsbury.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com