Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion: Applying Differential Diagnosis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Applying Differential Diagnosis | 2025 Custom Writing

Read the case provided by your instructor for this week’s Discussion and identify relevant symptoms and factors. You may want to make a simple list of the symptoms and facts of the case to help you focus on patterns.Read the Morrison (2014) selection. Focus on Figure 1.1, “The Roadmap for Diagnosis,” to guide your decision making.


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Stanford Prison Experiment assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Stanford Prison Experiment assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIUlBrvqyyoPlease watch the original documentary “Quiet Rage” done in the 70s.  After you watch the film, you will submit your responses to 5 questions.  Fun fact:  Dr. Zimbardo has come to speak on the campus of PCC more than once and people always stay around to take pictures and ask questions!  He’s a psychology rock star!DirectionsPlease retype the questions when you are ready to submit your answers.  Please note that to get full points on these questions, you are to give thoughtful responses.  Answers less than 5 sentences will not earn full credit. Refer to terms learned in your readings where necessary.Referring to your textbook terms, what could have prevented “good guards” from objecting or overruling the orders from tough or bad guards?If you were a prisoner, would you have been able to endure the experience? What would you have done differently than those subjects did? If you were imprisoned in a “real” prison for five years or more, could you take it?Referring to your textbook terms, what factors might make the prisoners attribute brutality by the guards  to their character, rather than to the situation the guards were in?What police procedures are used during arrests, and how do these procedures lead people to feel confused, fearful, and dehumanized?Knowing what this research says about the power of prison situations to have a corrosive effect on human nature, what recommendations would you make about changing the correctional system in the US?


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Assignment 4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 4 | 2025 Custom Writing

Your score on the questionnaire or results, if applicable. If your selected questionnaire doesn’t provide a score, then say so in your discussion and discuss the questionnaire.Your opinion regarding your score or results based on the feedback in the questionnaire AND on what you learned about that topic in the related chapter. Discuss your results fully and why you think you got the score you got. What does your score say about your performance in that area?What have you learned in the chapters and module that might change the way you think or act in the future? How will you apply this knowledge in your life?Word count150-200


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week 7- capella | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

week 7- capella | 2025 Custom Writing

three to five content-p age p aper that describes a real-world problem from the chosen scenario with support from theory and r esearch.Use one of the following scenarios and supporting resources Prepare: Choose Your Scenario activity as the basis for this a ssignment:Scenario 1: Mars Mission.Scenario 2: Office Decor.Scenario 3: Youth Sports.Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign.Use in- text c itations in the p aper and create title and r eference p ages.Use the following headings to organize your p aper:Title page:Follow the template instructions.Overview:Apply a foundational psychological theory to address the problem in the selected scenario.Summarize the identified problem in the selected scenario.Foundational Theory:Describe the theory or theories that apply to your scenario.R esearch Method and Findings:Apply findings from s cholarly r esearch to the problem in your scenario.Describe the r esearch methods outlined in your scholarly r esearch a rticles.Mental Health and Well-Being:Speculate how the problem could impact mental health and well-being through behavior changes.


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Discussion Peer Review | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Peer Review | 2025 Custom Writing

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medical ethics | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

medical ethics | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion Board (5 points): Let’s expand our general understanding of recent events around abortion. (Regardless of how one may feel about it, this is an important issue and it is not an issue going away anytime soon.) Go online and learn about recent legislative moves with respect to abortion access. Society attempts to address different aspects of abortion in a variety of ways – constantly proposing new laws. What are some of the policies/laws being advocated for or opposed today? One topic is fine. For example, you might read up on “Personhood Amendments,” “Texas Abortion Ban” or the “Mexico City Policy.” Whatever piece you read, try to identify charitable/serious ethical arguments on both sides of that issue. (Who supports this move and why? Who opposes it and what is their argument? Summarize the debate on both sides as you understand it from the reading.) Share this information with the class, cite your sources, and share your personal opinion in a thoughtful and respectful way. We can discuss deeply held values without inflammatory language and this topic is a great opportunity to practice this skill.  Your original post is due Thursday, March 24th and your response to a classmate is due Sunday, March 27th. Remember your word count for each post and the importance/possibility of pop-assessments for the discussion board. (See instructions in our Syllabus.)


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Activity outline | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Activity outline | 2025 Custom Writing

File attached


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week 7 410 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

week 7 410 | 2025 Custom Writing

Write and submit your own example of a meaning reflection.Submit your example using helper/client dialogue.  Focus specifically on the helpers reflection.  Write a few sentences of client dialogue, followed by a helper reflection.  Try to choose a more complex meaning.  Remember, concise, surface level reflection of facts is a paraphrase.   A meaning reflection instead focuses much deeper.  These are themes or ideas that the client may not even recognize clearly themselves.  Fears, motivations, attitudes, beliefs, patterns of behaviors, etc. are all food for meaning reflections.Avoid providing unnecessary dialogue that isn’t directly linked to the reflection.


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Psychology of health | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology of health | 2025 Custom Writing

How important do you think it is to understand the physiology of stress?


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4-1 Discussion: Advocacy and Social Transformation | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

4-1 Discussion: Advocacy and Social Transformation | 2025 Custom Writing

In this module, you explore the concept of advocacy as it relates to behavior change and social transformation. As humans, we have an innate tendency toward avoiding challenge and maintaining the status quo. However, change requires us to defy that tendency and take action. As you explore the advocacy priorities that impact society and culture, you become aware of how the smallest changes in your attitudes and actions can affect the greatest changes in the world around you.First, title your post “Advocacy and Social Transformation.”For your initial post, you will define and reflect on the factors that influence advocacy orientations and social transformation. Your post should address the following:In your own words, define advocacy and describe its relevance to social change agency.What aspects of your personality or lived experience inspire the advocate in you?Describe why you believe resilience and coping skills are critical to the success of an advocate.Describe one simple way that you could advocate for a social cause in your workplace, group, or community that would not require significant time, energy, or resources.Describe how advocacy and social transformation connect to one of the following programmatic themes:Self-careSocial justiceEmotional intelligenceCareer connectionsEthics


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com