Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

Msc dissertation help | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Msc dissertation help | 2025 Custom Writing

Hello,I am looking for someone to help me to finish my dissertation of MSc in psychology,The title is ; the effect on bilingualism in executive fonction and it’s is related to child.I have failed it 2 times already and I need someone to help me to garantie at least a pass as it as is my last chance!There is some feedback from the tutor to be helping.The dissertation is already done but it need some work..it is not an easy work so I really need someone who have the ability to help me.please let me know if you will be available to help me on this,Using that is in the uk format and there is some outsider data to work on it,Thanks a lot


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Design an educational brochure | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Design an educational brochure | 2025 Custom Writing

How to design an educational brochure


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WK 7-1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 7-1 | 2025 Custom Writing

What disorders are common in later adulthood, and how can you tell the difference between the symptoms of these disorders and “normal” aging? What can we do as a society to help individuals who suffer from disorders of aging?


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WK 7-2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 7-2 | 2025 Custom Writing

What do the changing criteria for the insanity defense tell us about different eras in our society?


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RESEARCH METHOD ASSIGNMENT! please read ALL instructions! | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

RESEARCH METHOD ASSIGNMENT! please read ALL instructions! | 2025 Custom Writing

Stimulus Materials – Experimental Paper – Summer 2013 – 10 PointsStudent Instructions:1). For your experimental study this summer, you are the researcher, and you will collect datafrom three participants (the participants must not have taken research methods in the Springsemester, 2013 or have taken research methods in the Fall semester, 2012). Each survey has threeparts. In Part I, they will provide demographic information. In Part II, they will solve anagrams(rearranging the letters in an old word to form a new word). In Part III, they will providefeedback regarding their perceptions of the anagram task.A). Your first task is to approach three different participants (not all at the same time!). Askthem if they are willing to participate in a short study for your psychology research methodsclass. Tell them the survey measures their ability to rearrange words in an anagram task, andthat they do not have to participate. They will receive no benefit from participating, but theywill help you earn points in your methods class. Get their informed consent verbally.B). Have them read the instructions for the study on the top of the first survey page. Answerany questions they may haveC). Have them complete Part One. For this portion of the survey, participants will providetheir demographic data. If they are uncomfortable giving some of this information, they donot have to provide it.D). Make sure they read the instructions at the bottom of the first page. It is important thatthey know that most participants complete the anagram task within 30 seconds. Let themknow that you will time them to see how long it takes them to solve the anagrams. Use awatch (or the stopwatch on your i-phone!) to measure their time in Part Two.E). The anagram task is in Part Two. One version of this task is very easy (It has the wordsLEMON, TAB, and CINERAMA, which can easily be rearranged to spell MELON, BAT,and AMERICAN. You will see the letter E at the bottom of the page, designating the easycondition). Another version of this task is moderately difficult (It has the letter M on thebottom of the page, and has the words LEMON, WHIRL, and CINERAMA. Both LEMONand CINERAMA can be rearranged, but WHIRL is impossible to rearrange). Finally, thehard version (denoted H) has the words WHIRL, ORANGE, and CINERAMA, and only thelast word can be rearranged. As you time participants, you may see those in the moderate andhard group having a hard time. Keep timing until they tell you they give up. For all threeconditions, write down how long it took them to complete the task on the bottom of the page.NOTE: This study has one independent variable (Task Difficulty) with three levels (easy,moderate, and hard). We may also look at gender as a second independent variable withtwo levels (male or female), which would make it a 3 X 2 design. Your dependentvariables are in Part Two is a). whether they complete the third word (CINERAMA)successfully, and b). their time to complete the task. Make sure to write down their time(in seconds).F). Finally, have them complete Part Three. Our remaining four dependent variables are inthis section (ease of the task personally, ease for others, frustration, and ideas about whetherit can be done in 30 seconds). Once they complete this part, debrief them on the study design.For this debriefing, tell them we are conducting a study on learned helplessness. Tell themthat the word CINERAMA appears on all versions of the survey, and can be turned intoAMERICAN, but that some people got words that cannot be rearranged (like WHIRL andORANGE). Most will probably find this experiment funny, but let them know that the studyin no way says anything about their intelligence level with regard to anagrams.Tell them your two hypotheses:First, we predict that people who are in the hard condition will be less likely to correctlyrearrange the word CINERAMA to spell AMERICAN. Those in the moderate groupshould be able to spell AMERICAN a little more frequently (but not always), whilealmost all of the people in the easy group should be able to spell AMERICAN. This isbecause those in the hard and moderate groups are impacted by learned helplessness –failure on previous words will make them give up on later words, even if those laterwords can be solved.Second, we predict that people in the hard condition will find the task hard personally,think most other people will find the task to be hard, will be most frustrated with the task,and will think almost no one will be able to complete it within 30 seconds. Those in theeasy condition should fall at the other extreme: find it easy personally, think others willfind it easy, will show little frustration, and will expect most people to complete the taskwithin 30 seconds. Those in the moderate group should fall between those two groups.2). Hold onto your surveys, as you will need them for your lab. You will enter data into SPSSand analyze it with your lab instructor. Each student is responsible for collecting data from threeparticipants (one participant for each level of Task Difficulty – easy, moderate, and hard).However, you will analyze data by combining your survey with the data from other students inyour lab, so your final sample will include roughly 144 participants.


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Done 5 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Done 5 | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 5 discussionFor this week’s discussion, complete these tasks:Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study.Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each.Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal study and explain why that developmental design is preferred.


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Foundations and Components of psychoanalysis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Foundations and Components of psychoanalysis | 2025 Custom Writing

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper discussing the foundations and components of psychoanalysis. Evaluate the contributions and criticisms of psychoanalytic models to the explanation of human behavior.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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Done 7 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Done 7 | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 7 discussionMany experts in research design return to the importance of interpreting the findings of a research project. Complete these tasks for this week’s discussion:Explain two reasons why this is an essential element in a high-quality research report.Then, discuss two benefits of examining and understanding the intrinsic meaning of the data.Lastly, explain three disadvantages of going too far beyond the scope of the data.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Assignment Instructions Assignment 3 (Week 6) Baby Boomers in Middle Adulthood The largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment Instructions Assignment 3 (Week 6) Baby Boomers in Middle Adulthood The largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment InstructionsAssignment 3 (Week 6)Baby Boomers in Middle AdulthoodThe largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing industries study this age cohort, and it has been increasing in visibility in primetime television, print ads, and in digital advertising, pop-ups, and internet solicitation.Find at least 4 images or video clips of advertising or other popular media that illustrate this point.  Use a caption for each piece of media to explain the advertisements mirror the specific physical and cognitive changes in development referred to in this Chapter 15.  Your captions should combine for a total of no fewer than 500 words.Use at least 2 resources (other than the images or clips) to support the claims you are making.  Cite these using APA formatting.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Need help with my Psychology homework | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Need help with my Psychology homework | 2025 Custom Writing

According to Erickson, the crisis of adolescence is one of identity versus role confusion, which propels an individual from the simplistic identity of childhood to a more integrated and complex view of him or herself. Reflect on your own experiences in developing a personal identity during adolescence.What thoughts, emotions, and behaviors do you remember as part of this period?Do you feel that “crisis” is an accurate description of this stage of development?Do you think identity formation ends in adolescence or is it an ongoing process?Adolescence is also a time when some individuals engage in risky behaviors such as: experimenting with alcohol  and drugs, texting while driving, having unprotected sex, etc.What do you see as the causes and consequences of risky behaviors?(Hint: use what you learned in the text to support your answer)How could we reduce the occurrence of these types of behaviors? BE SPECIFIC


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com