Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

fun project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

fun project | 2025 Custom Writing

Read the instruction in the uploaded files below and please follow them completely.


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Practicing Policy Review | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Practicing Policy Review | 2025 Custom Writing

For your Social Change Project, due as your Final Assignment in Week 10, you will propose policy alternatives that address the social problem you selected for study in Week 2. Before you search for, select, and review policies that already exist for your social problem—and before you propose alternatives based on your findings—it will help to practice the skills of policy review so you can navigate the scope of a policy, narrow your focus, and identify critical areas that relate to your selected social problem.


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Perception of social class | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Perception of social class | 2025 Custom Writing

Explain the impact of a tri-racial system on societal perceptions of race and ethnicity. Provide specific examples.Separately analyze the impact of race, power, and wealth on people’s perceptions of social class. Provide specific examples for each.Explain which you believe has the greatest influence on people’s perceptions of social class and justify your response.


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done wk4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

done wk4 | 2025 Custom Writing

W4: Evolutionary Perspectives on CognitionOur behaviors are affected by many factors, including the way in which we receive and process information. The knowledge, awareness, and perceptual processes we have can all be influenced by both external and internal occurrences. Albert Ellis, in his discussion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, provides us with food for thought in understanding how our internal discussions, or self-talk, serve as a buffer in behavioral change at the emotional level. From an evolutionary perspective, behavior may develop from knowledge, awareness, perception, labeling, and retention, among other forces.share your thoughts on how the Theory of Evolution helps one develop and change over time.In addition, discuss how you identify changes you have seen in your development, noting the specific theory that is most closely related to your developmental changes.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Complete the Addiction Worksheet | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Complete the Addiction Worksheet | 2025 Custom Writing

***complete the worksheet*****While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines· Make sure you find clear definitions for each key term in the questions before you write your answer. You will lose points for showing an inaccurate understanding of the key terms.You should use the textbook / research articles to learn the meaning of the following terms:· Pharmacological Effect· Physiological Effect· Neurological Effect· Psychological Effect· Process Addictions· Substance Use Disorders· Rapport· History of Addictions Issues· Multidisciplinary TeamsAlso, be sure to complete the chart at the end with SPECIFIC Theories mentioned in the textbook. DO NOT simply list “Psychological theory” and “Biological Theory.”Also, make sure the theories / models you choose are actually what they are supposed to represent (i.e., psychological or biological).NOTE: You are given a list of models / theories to fill in the chart. Choose CORRECT models. NOT ALL OF THEM ARE CORRECT. They are in the list to make sure you completed your reading thoroughly.You need 3 Scholarly Resources not counting the textbook and websites for this assignment to award you full points as well.EVERY SINGLE QUESTION NEEDS SCHOLARLY SUPPORT


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PSY 2010 DB 1 AND2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY 2010 DB 1 AND2 | 2025 Custom Writing



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Discussion Psyc1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Psyc1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion Prompt 1Life Span PsychologyThe concept of “life span” development is relatively new. For many  years, “child” psychology was studied, but it was understood that by  the beginning of early adulthood most, if not all, of one’s important  development had occurred. In other words, the idea was that the  important changes that come with age were completed by the end of  adolescence. Why do you believe that psychologists now study the whole  life span? What impact does realizing that important developments occur  throughout our whole lives have on the field of psychology and our lives  in general? Next, describe the scientific methodology and typical research designs used in lifespan psychology  (refer to your text, ch 1). Which methodology and research design do  you think produces the best results in the study of lifespan  development? Why?Discussion Prompt 2 – See attached chart for this promptGeneration Labels and the Nature Nurture DebateCross-sectional developmental research  has discovered that various generations have been labeled by popular  culture to describe trends in behavior commonly seen among individuals  born to each generation. Study the chart below, and discuss whether or  not you agree with the labels given and the rationales provided. Explain  your answers.Next, given the knowledge you have  gained in this section about the influence of nature and nurture  (biological and contextual influences), are there other reasons besides  those listed in the chart that could influence general trends in  behavior across generations? Support your reasoning with information  from the text and other course materials.Each Prompt should be 150 words or more


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy | 2025 Custom Writing

Case Study Question from Chapter 11:“Emily was sick of her husband, Ralph, coming home at night and immediately starting to watch television. He expected her to serve him dinner- a meat and two veggies- and to be quiet so he could watch his shows” (Gladding, 2019, p. 255). One day Emily casually askes her husband if he would consider attending couple’s counseling. He reluctantly consents, as an act to please his wife. If you were this couple’s therapist, which techniques of Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Counseling would you consider and why?Chapter 11Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral family therapy do not focus on the affective domain. How does this limit the usefulness of the approach? How would you work with a client who focuses primarily in the affective domain?Chapter 12Discuss Carl Whitaker’s statement “experience, not education . . . changes families.” What evidence is there for the effectiveness of Whitaker’s approach? How would you determine when termination is indicated? How would you measure success?(Equivalent of 1 typed double-spaced page per question)


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Learning agreement new goals | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Learning agreement new goals | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment attached


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Movie analysis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Movie analysis | 2025 Custom Writing

Movie analysis assessmentlink to movie:https://digitalcampus-swankmp-net.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/lindenwood368031/play/84f5cd113514d7a7?referrer=detailsyou can also stream through this link:You can stream the film from LU Library reserves by clicking thisLINK


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com