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PSY 2010 DB 1 AND2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY 2010 DB 1 AND2 | 2025 Custom Writing



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Discussion Psyc1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Psyc1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion Prompt 1Life Span PsychologyThe concept of “life span” development is relatively new. For many  years, “child” psychology was studied, but it was understood that by  the beginning of early adulthood most, if not all, of one’s important  development had occurred. In other words, the idea was that the  important changes that come with age were completed by the end of  adolescence. Why do you believe that psychologists now study the whole  life span? What impact does realizing that important developments occur  throughout our whole lives have on the field of psychology and our lives  in general? Next, describe the scientific methodology and typical research designs used in lifespan psychology  (refer to your text, ch 1). Which methodology and research design do  you think produces the best results in the study of lifespan  development? Why?Discussion Prompt 2 – See attached chart for this promptGeneration Labels and the Nature Nurture DebateCross-sectional developmental research  has discovered that various generations have been labeled by popular  culture to describe trends in behavior commonly seen among individuals  born to each generation. Study the chart below, and discuss whether or  not you agree with the labels given and the rationales provided. Explain  your answers.Next, given the knowledge you have  gained in this section about the influence of nature and nurture  (biological and contextual influences), are there other reasons besides  those listed in the chart that could influence general trends in  behavior across generations? Support your reasoning with information  from the text and other course materials.Each Prompt should be 150 words or more


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Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy | 2025 Custom Writing

Case Study Question from Chapter 11:“Emily was sick of her husband, Ralph, coming home at night and immediately starting to watch television. He expected her to serve him dinner- a meat and two veggies- and to be quiet so he could watch his shows” (Gladding, 2019, p. 255). One day Emily casually askes her husband if he would consider attending couple’s counseling. He reluctantly consents, as an act to please his wife. If you were this couple’s therapist, which techniques of Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Counseling would you consider and why?Chapter 11Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral family therapy do not focus on the affective domain. How does this limit the usefulness of the approach? How would you work with a client who focuses primarily in the affective domain?Chapter 12Discuss Carl Whitaker’s statement “experience, not education . . . changes families.” What evidence is there for the effectiveness of Whitaker’s approach? How would you determine when termination is indicated? How would you measure success?(Equivalent of 1 typed double-spaced page per question)


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

FINAL PROJECT | 2025 Custom Writing

For your Final Project, you will write a 5-page paper focusing on a topic that falls within the Science and Spirituality spectrum. In your paper, you will provide an overview of the topic, analyze and compare the central arguments posed by the scientific community and those posed by the religious community, and then evaluate the ways in which those topics are either able to be reconciled or need to remain separate. As a resource for your project you may use contemporary articles in journals (see the Optional Resources on the Resources page) to gain individual insights from contemporary thinkers. Make sure to include a full bibliography in APA format at the end of your paper to cite all of the sources you’ve used.Weekly milestone documents located in the Resources section of each week will help you prepare for the Final Project. These documents do not need to be turned in and will not figure into your grade. They are simply tools that you can use as you work on your project, and are designed to help you:Select an issue that figures into the ongoing discussion between Science and Spirituality (Week 1)Locate several reliable sources that are relevant to the topic you have chosen (Week 2)Review the scientific and spiritual arguments surrounding the topic you have chosen (Week 3)Reflect on the similarities and differences between the arguments, and ask yourself if there is a way in which both could be valid without excluding one or the other (Week 4)Organize your thoughts into a cohesive paper that examines and analyzes the current debate surrounding your topic (Week 5)The assignment:Compose a 5-page paper research paper (not including the Title Page and Reference Page) in which you:Identify a topic relevant to the academic field of science and spirituality.Pose an argument (claim) regarding the topic and support that claim with documented evidence.Provide a brief overview of select arguments of both scientists and spiritual thinkers related to that topic.Analyze the validity of selected arguments and determine whether the arguments could be reconciled.Include a Title Page (including a title expressing the thesis/claim) and References.Cite all sources, in proper APA format, used in your research.


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Research- Methodology, Design, And Methods | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Research- Methodology, Design, And Methods | 2025 Custom Writing

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with one’s philosophical worldview and the methodological approach the researcher chooses. In this case, you are using a quantitative methodology. Quantitative research designs can be experimental and non-experimental. You will be using a non-experimental design that can include descriptive statistics, correlational or causal-comparative research methods.Research methods refer to specific procedures selected based on the chosen design. This is where you will provide detail on how you collected and analyzed your data. For quantitative methodologies, research methods can be quite detailed and require that attention be paid to recruitment,


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Milestone 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Milestone 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

This paper is going to be on the parasympathetic nervous system and touchThe lovers touchtouch through cuddlingtouch through massageWhat happen s when the parasympathetic nervous system gets activated? What benefits  do we get ?Please follow the instructions and the rubric that is attached…


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group project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

group project | 2025 Custom Writing

General Guidance for Completing the AssignmentGeneral guidance for completing this assignment is contained in a document that can be access with this linkUDL Group Assignment Instructions v2.docx. Remember that this is general guidance. On Wednesday, October 21, detailed guidance for completing this assignment will be added to the bottom of this page.To learn about UDL, to include the UDL matrix that is central to this assignment, refer to the lesson titled, “Supporting Student Success,” and that is contained in the Week 1 module. When you access that lesson scroll down to the subheading, “Universal Design for Learning.”Group Assignment With Individual TasksThis is a group assignment that includes a group component and an individual component.As a group, you will  develop an explanation of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework that represents information from the professional literature and websites, but that is presented in your own words. Your group explanation should be clear enough for someone unfamiliar with UDL to understand.Individually, each group member will select a UDL Principle and Guideline, and then identify one or more peer reviewed articles from the professional literature that describes a strategy that is aligned to that UDL Principle/Guideline. Each individual will discuss this strategy within a section of the paper the group submits to fulfill the requirements of this assignment.A group leader will submit only one  UDL assignment document for the group that includes all members’ contributions.


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Personality Disorders | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Personality Disorders | 2025 Custom Writing

NPSP shows the spectrum of normalcy for the 14 personality traits identified within that book. The traits: Leisurely, Self Sacrificing, Aggressive, Serious correspond with which PDs (on that page)?These PDs are no longer recognized by the DSM. Do some digging. See if you can find any information on them on the internet (cite your source), the older version of the DSMs had a few of these listed in the index so maybe try there. When you find that information use it the same way you did in the previous discussions to compare the personality traits to the actual disorders. Discuss where normalcy stops and pathologies begin. Do any of these PDs sound similar to the ones we are studying? Also do you think these PDs should be resurrected, why or why not?


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essay paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

essay paper | 2025 Custom Writing

In this exercise, you will identify the different personality traits and research methods by working with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Objectives: •Describe humanistic theories of personality and self-esteem, trait theories including the five-factor model of personality, and social-cognitive theories of personality. •Explain how psychologists apply observations, interviews, rating scales, inventory tests, and projective tests to provide insight into personality.  Instructions:  Step 1: Research. •Search the Internet for a “free Myers-Briggs personality trait test.” Complete and score the Myers-Briggs test. One good option can be found here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.   Step 2: Compare the test results with your view of your dominant personality traits. •What is the Myers-Briggs type indicator? What is its relationship to Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types? •Do you think the test is accurate? •Do you see yourself as different from what the test results say? If so, how?  Step 3: Write a summary. •Write a 3-5 page summary of the results of the personality test and discuss whether or not you agree with them. Discuss the connection between the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Carl Jung.


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Term Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Term Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

NO PLAGIARISMMINIMUM  6 PAGES NOT INCLUDING REFERENCE PAGEAPA FORMATThe purpose of this assignment is to help you to begin to carefully observe the many processes that occur during a group session and to identify relevant skills that may be used to assist the group in moving forward toward its goals. You will be expected to recognize, identify, and assess fundamental group dynamics and how they might impact group process and development. Finally, you will suggest appropriate intervention skills, attending to issues of trauma and resiliency, which might help the group navigate through these potentially problematic processes. The subject of your analysis will be the group identified by your instructor. This assignment will account for 30% of the grade, based on the content in your paper.Briefly describe the group that will be the focus of your observationsDiscuss and evaluate the structural factors you think may have impacted the group and its development. (For example, how do you think such factors as temporal factors, meeting space and furniture, member selection processes, member differentials, and compositional balance, seating arrangement, leadership styles, etc. have influenced the group’s development? Did the group’s homogeneity or heterogeneity enrich or constrain the group coming together? How do you think individual members’ experiences of oppression, historical trauma, and privilege factor into the group’s interactions?)Identify and discuss any ethical issues that may or have arisen in the g Explain how you would handle these issues.  Reference the NASW Code of Ethics and the IASWG Standards of Group Practice.Using the guidelines presented in the class handouts, as well as material presented in your textbooks and other assigned readings, assess the group’s actions, interactions, behaviors, and process. The following list offers some suggestions to help you formulate your analysis discussion.Norms and ritualsExpressions of feelings/affectMembership dynamics… (subgroups? Insiders? outsiders?)Participation… (High/low participators? Which members talk primarily with whom? Have participation levels shift as the group continued?)Levels and styles of influence…. (Which members appear to have the most “clout?” Who have been ignored or dismissed? What leadership struggles have emerged? What forms of influence or power did not notice exhibited?)How was conflict handled?Member roles… (those who monopolized, remained silent/quiet/ served a scapegoating function; intellectualized, entertained, e)Developmental stages… (inclusion-orientation, uncertainty-exploration, e) and critically reflect on their leadership and diversity intervention skills.How did mutuality develop? (If it did not, what processes do you think prevented it?).Describe how the facilitator attempted to gain rapport and the extent that you observed affinity. How successful was the facilitator in engaging group members to fully participate in the group’s goals and expected outcomes? Provide a brief discussion and evaluation of specific group leadership skills you observed the various facilitators utilizing.Describe how your conceptualization of trauma helped you to understand interactions between members, as well as the facilitator’s response. What trauma-informed responding did you observe, or, how might the facilitator have acted in a more trauma-informed fashion?Imagine that the group will be meeting again next week, and when it does, you will be the facilitator. Concerning where the group’s current goals and with consideration to issues of oppression and historical trauma, what do you think might be the best intervention on your part to help the group’s development? Why? Describe a set of skills, activity, or creative use of programming that might help the group achieve this desired outcome.*Throughout your discussions in this assignment, integrate the group practice literature using the APA format that informed your understanding of group processes and your decisions about the group practice skills that you observed. Your writing  should demonstrate your engagement with assigned course readings for this course and other relevant literature.Video Name:  Group Microskills: Encountering DiversityHow to access Video1. Access weblinkhttps://search-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.barry.edu/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C17787412. Enter Passwordvita.lubinMarch1991!3. SelectBarry University


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