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Term Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Term Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

NO PLAGIARISMMINIMUM  6 PAGES NOT INCLUDING REFERENCE PAGEAPA FORMATThe purpose of this assignment is to help you to begin to carefully observe the many processes that occur during a group session and to identify relevant skills that may be used to assist the group in moving forward toward its goals. You will be expected to recognize, identify, and assess fundamental group dynamics and how they might impact group process and development. Finally, you will suggest appropriate intervention skills, attending to issues of trauma and resiliency, which might help the group navigate through these potentially problematic processes. The subject of your analysis will be the group identified by your instructor. This assignment will account for 30% of the grade, based on the content in your paper.Briefly describe the group that will be the focus of your observationsDiscuss and evaluate the structural factors you think may have impacted the group and its development. (For example, how do you think such factors as temporal factors, meeting space and furniture, member selection processes, member differentials, and compositional balance, seating arrangement, leadership styles, etc. have influenced the group’s development? Did the group’s homogeneity or heterogeneity enrich or constrain the group coming together? How do you think individual members’ experiences of oppression, historical trauma, and privilege factor into the group’s interactions?)Identify and discuss any ethical issues that may or have arisen in the g Explain how you would handle these issues.  Reference the NASW Code of Ethics and the IASWG Standards of Group Practice.Using the guidelines presented in the class handouts, as well as material presented in your textbooks and other assigned readings, assess the group’s actions, interactions, behaviors, and process. The following list offers some suggestions to help you formulate your analysis discussion.Norms and ritualsExpressions of feelings/affectMembership dynamics… (subgroups? Insiders? outsiders?)Participation… (High/low participators? Which members talk primarily with whom? Have participation levels shift as the group continued?)Levels and styles of influence…. (Which members appear to have the most “clout?” Who have been ignored or dismissed? What leadership struggles have emerged? What forms of influence or power did not notice exhibited?)How was conflict handled?Member roles… (those who monopolized, remained silent/quiet/ served a scapegoating function; intellectualized, entertained, e)Developmental stages… (inclusion-orientation, uncertainty-exploration, e) and critically reflect on their leadership and diversity intervention skills.How did mutuality develop? (If it did not, what processes do you think prevented it?).Describe how the facilitator attempted to gain rapport and the extent that you observed affinity. How successful was the facilitator in engaging group members to fully participate in the group’s goals and expected outcomes? Provide a brief discussion and evaluation of specific group leadership skills you observed the various facilitators utilizing.Describe how your conceptualization of trauma helped you to understand interactions between members, as well as the facilitator’s response. What trauma-informed responding did you observe, or, how might the facilitator have acted in a more trauma-informed fashion?Imagine that the group will be meeting again next week, and when it does, you will be the facilitator. Concerning where the group’s current goals and with consideration to issues of oppression and historical trauma, what do you think might be the best intervention on your part to help the group’s development? Why? Describe a set of skills, activity, or creative use of programming that might help the group achieve this desired outcome.*Throughout your discussions in this assignment, integrate the group practice literature using the APA format that informed your understanding of group processes and your decisions about the group practice skills that you observed. Your writing  should demonstrate your engagement with assigned course readings for this course and other relevant literature.Video Name:  Group Microskills: Encountering DiversityHow to access Video1. Access weblinkhttps://search-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.barry.edu/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C17787412. Enter Passwordvita.lubinMarch1991!3. SelectBarry University


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Psychology 101 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology 101 | 2025 Custom Writing

One of the most famous psychological experiments of all time, was conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University. To read more of the details of this experiment, visit http://www.prisonexp.org. Take some time to watch the video on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment by clicking here. After reading about the experiment, exploring the website and watching the video, answer the following:1. Was it ethical to do the prison study in the way that Zimbardo conducted it?  Why or why not?  Explain your position substantively.2. What social psychological constructs did the study reveal? Would the same information have been learned if the study had been conducted differently? If yes, how might you adapt the study to address ethical concerns and still obtain results relevant to our understanding of behavior in social settings?3. How do the social psychology concepts of conformity and the power of the social situation that we are studying this week relate to what happened during the brief period of time that the prison study ran.  Where in the description of how the study unfolded did we see evidence of these concepts


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Reflections on Treatment Options | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Reflections on Treatment Options | 2025 Custom Writing

Prior to beginning work on this journal, please read Chapter 13 in History and Philosophy of Psychology. This journal invites you to engage in creative thinking regarding the future potential for non-evidence-based treatments. Research one of the non-evidence-based treatments from the Chung (2012) e-book, summarize views of this treatment within its historical context, and relate these views to at least one modern theoretical perspective on psychopathology. Devise a strategy for transforming the non-evidence-based treatment into an evidence-based treatment by integrating a specific psychological theory with new or existing research.There are no explicitly wrong or right answers for this journal entry. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provide a substantive and thoughtful supported by existing literature.Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Research Methods in Neuroscience | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Research Methods in Neuroscience | 2025 Custom Writing

Daurat, A., Ricarrere, M., & Tiberge, M. (2013). Decision making is affected in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Journal of Neuropsychology, 7(1), 139-144. doi:10.1111/j.17486653.2012.02039.xProvide:Brief overviewAn analysis of the research methodology usedIndependent and dependent variablesStudy designExplanation of the resultsStrengths and weaknesses of the studySuggestions for how to improve the research design or methodology


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**KIM WOODS** Week Five Homework Exercise | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

**KIM WOODS** Week Five Homework Exercise | 2025 Custom Writing

Complete the Week Five Homework Exercise assignment.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Paychlogy Expert – Question Package 3 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Paychlogy Expert – Question Package 3 | 2025 Custom Writing

Please see attachment. Due 09/09/2017.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Psy2022_W4_DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psy2022_W4_DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

Life does not always go as planned, and as a person ages into adult and middle adulthood those unexpected life changes can be significantly disruptive. As our readings described, there are unexpected changes (non-normative life events) that influence our lives, but there are also the more silent changes that occur over time. These changes are cumulative and are based on our lifestyle.Using sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, research some information on the leading causes of death related to lifestyle choices. Explain some of the factors that may influence choices regarding lifestyle. Also, research some ways in which individuals can improve their lifestyle, especially during adulthood.Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Perceptions and Judgement | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Perceptions and Judgement | 2025 Custom Writing

For this Forum discussion, watch the brief videoThe Ugly Truth about Beautyat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XiwOGFg3wAAfter watching the video, ponder this: Social psychologists have found that our perceptions and judgments are subject to a variety of biases and other distorting influences. To what advantage is the deliberate development of the perception of flawless beauty in our society? What disadvantage? Using the attitude heuristic of the Halo Effect,  how would your general impressions differ by seeing only the image of the woman at the beginning of the video with the same woman if you saw her image only at the end of the video?   In other words, just by viewing the two images, describe the personality characteristic (your general impression) of each one separately: woman A and woman B.Supplement the video with ascholarly article  about “The Halo Effect” or “The Horns Effect” that you find interesting.  Be sure to cite your sources, and remember that direct quotes and references do not count toward the minimum word count.APA Format. 400 word minimum.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Psychology Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Locate at least two articles through the Capella Library databases and other electronic resources about the controversy surrounding intelligence and race. Choose one article that supports the racial difference position and one that opposes it.After carefully reading the article you chose in u03s2, prepare a 3–5 page paper about the controversy that began when Arthur Jensen published an article about racial differences in intelligence. Present both sides of the argument, then analyze which side has the stronger position.Discussion #1.Imagine you are going to give a factual, non-partisan presentation on intelligence testing to parents of middle school–age children. Address the following areas:· What intelligence tests measure.· How IQ tests measure intelligence.· A historical perspective on IQ tests.· Whether intelligence tests are culturally biased.


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Vignette | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Vignette | 2025 Custom Writing

VignetteRead(B) Chapter 4 Confidentiality, Privilege and Privacy pp. 159-213 and HIPAA, pp. 543-545.(F) Chapter 7 Standards on Privacy and Confidentiality pp. 190-203; and review Preface pp. xxi-xxxvi.VignettePlease read the vignette below and respond to it via the assignment submission link by Day Six. You MUST apply an appropriate ethical decision making model from Bersoff or apply another ethical decision making model which you may prefer (e.g., Canadian Psychological Association; NASP, etc.). Use the steps of the decision making model to discuss your decision making process.Tell Tale VignetteMaria is a 32 year old, Latina. Her child, Rosalinda, age 6, was referred to counseling after having been exposed to domestic violence (Maria reports having been the victim) in the home.Maria is separated from Rosalinda’s father who is the alleged perpetrator in the domestic violence.When Maria brought Rosalinda to her first evaluation session (symptoms included: nightmares, regression, easily moved to tears, clingy with Maria), Maria read and signed an informed consent form while in the waiting room. The form was fairly standard issue, citing all the usual exceptions to confidentiality. The psychology intern properly introduced herself to Maria and briefly went over the informed consent. Maria expressed understanding of and agreement with the evaluation and treatment for her daughter.Maria was the principal informant during the assessment, and the psychology intern documented in her notes that Maria reported she had started to date again. She noted that Rosalinda’s symptoms had gotten worse (for example, she is upset when left with the family babysitter).Please address the following questions:Can Rosalinda’s Dad have access to the child’s record?What about the reference to Maria starting to date – should this be documented in the record? Should Rosalinda’s father have access to this information?Explain your reasoning, referring to the appropriate rules and citing ethical guidelines (these may include the practice act, rules of board, etc.).ConfidentialityPurposeA hallmark of psychological practice is the privacy and confidentiality that psychologists must observe to protect the well-being of their clients. This session will focus on the intricacies of maintaining confidentiality and when it is required by law to be disclosed.Objectives1. Define confidentiality and its limitations and exceptions.2. Examine situations where there may be a duty to warn or protect third parties.3. Introduction to HIPAAIn most situations the law recognizes the psychologist(therapist)/patient relationship. There are exceptions. All states now have rules for reporting child abuse, most have rules for reporting elder abuse. The “Duty to Warn” (from Tarasoff) is often written into the practice act or rules of state psychology licensing boards but not in all jurisdictions. Indeed, there is no duty to warn in some jurisdictions. This is complicated, because if you follow the law a person could be harmed due to your lack of action. While there is no affirmative (must do) requirement to intervene in threat to others, you can assume that you will be found negligent if your patient is actively suicidal and you do nothing.Privilege relates to the legal protection from being forced to break the expectation of confidentiality. Parents are the holder of privilege for minor children but many jurisdictions allow exceptions for some types of confidences.Remember, like the attorney or priest, the confidentiality between psychologist and client is “sacred.” It is protected by law and tradition. However, unfortunately, some state laws increasingly infringe on that indispensable element. Thus, psychologists face increasing conflict among their professional ethics, their concern for clients, and their legal obligations.


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