Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

discusion question week 4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

discusion question week 4 | 2025 Custom Writing

Post a description of the components of a theory and requirements of a “good” theory. Then, explain whether psychoanalytic theory meets the expectations of a “good” theory in understanding one of the following: play, creativity or attachment. Explain why you reached that conclusion.


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

FOR WIZARD KIM | 2025 Custom Writing

Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences, but kept within the bounds of a short-answer essay exam (i.e., 2-3 paragraphs). All your writing must be in your own words. Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from the course textbook or the Internet.  No copying is permitted in this course and doing so will result in zero points on the exam. Answers must be written in narrative, paragraph form.  Lists and/or sentence fragments also will not receive points.


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Assignment 1: Cognitive Distortion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 1: Cognitive Distortion | 2025 Custom Writing

Cognitive theories emphasize the impact of thoughts on emotions and behaviors. Albert Ellis’s rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) involves the identification of irrational thoughts, the subsequent emotions, and the resulting behaviors using the A-B-C model. Treatment extends this to the A-B-C-D-E model, as those thoughts are disputed and alternative, more rational effects are the results:Steps in the Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) ModelAActivating an eventBBelief about the eventCEmotional and behavioral consequences of the beliefDDispute or debate the beliefENew rational effects or beliefs and new emotions and new behaviorsAaron Beck’s cognitive therapy (CT) is designed to identify dysfunctional thoughts as well; in his theory, they are referred to as “cognitive distortions.”Types of Cognitive DistortionsAll-or-nothing thinking”Should” and “must” statementsOvergeneralizationLabeling and mislabelingMental filter and selective abstractionPersonalizationDisqualifying the positiveCatastrophizingJumping to conclusions and arbitrary inferencesMind readingMagnification or minimizationTunnel visionEmotional reasoningAdapted from “Labeling the Distortion” by Seligman and Reichenberg (2014).Tasks:In a minimum of 200 words, post your responses to the following:Read the case study of Aaron.The Case of Aaron Aaron is a highly intelligent, 11-year-old son of an unemotional, overly intellectual, divorced woman who works as a mathematician at one of the Los Angeles missile and space laboratories. His father lives in another part of the country and has no contact with him. Aaron is often left home in the care of a neighbor while his mother works late or travels to professional conferences. Although Aaron is pleasant in appearance, his behavior is extremely disruptive. He runs from game to game and toy to toy in the counselor’s office, never letting the counselor help him to enjoy any one activity. He actively avoids the counselor’s offers to play. He behaves aggressively in a haphazard, unpredictable way, crying for the counselor’s attention, but becoming angry and withdrawn when she gives him some warmth. He tends to criticize his mother, often describing her as hostile and rejecting. He also criticizes his previous counselors at the clinic regarding their treatment of him. He expresses dissatisfaction with the clinic’s toys, playrooms, and lack of electronic/video games. He blames his failure to be happy on his mother, his missing father, school, or his previous counselors. He often tells the counselor that his mother does not like him. According to Aaron, his school is also bad, his teachers do not understand him, and the other kids pick on him. He reports that no one really cares about him and that he has no friends. Vocally and physically aggressive at times, he might with equal suddenness become withdrawn and almost detached from reality. He will start a game, then destroy it if he suffers even one minor setback. He walks away from outdoor play with the counselor, then returns to beg her for candy. He runs away, hides, and tries to make the counselor look for him all over the clinic. Continually begging for ice cream or for money, he becomes detached when his requests are refused. If difficult topics come up in sessions, he stops suddenly and runs, screams, or talks gibberish.Based on the case study:Identify six of the cognitive distortions listed in the table above that apply to the case study of Aaron.Cite evidence from the case for each type you identified.For each type you identified, apply the A-B-C portion of Ellis’s theory and then create a D and an E.Now, address the following questions:Is the cognitive approach a good fit for Aaron? Why or why not?What type of client is best suited for cognitive therapy (CT)?Is it most suitable for particular cultures, ages, genders, or presenting problems? Why or why not?Support your rationale and analyses by using at least two resources from professional literature in your response. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu or .gov).Your discussion posts and all written assignments should reflect graduate-level writing skills and appropriate use of APA style, including in-text citations and references.


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Human Growth and Development Homework | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Human Growth and Development Homework | 2025 Custom Writing

Stress and Quality of LifeNormative and non-normative events help us understand how change and stress may impact our quality of life. Using the South University Library, locate 2 scholarly journal articles written in the last 5-6 years on how change and/or stress can impact a person’s life. Look especially for how sudden, unanticipated (non-normative events) events can impact a person’s quality of life.· Write a summary.· Describe the main points of the article and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings.Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic and should be original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.


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can you complete this assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

can you complete this assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper analyzing the humanistic approaches to personality. Your paper should cover the following areas:Compare person-centered theory with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation.Outline the main components of person-centered theory that contribute to personality development.Identify which theory you relate to most, and explain why.Include an introduction and conclusion in your paper.Format your paper according to APA guidelines.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment


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Comprehensive Career Program Redo | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Comprehensive Career Program Redo | 2025 Custom Writing

I need this by 1am tonight thanks.For this discussion, provide an outline for a comprehensive career program which includes program planning, organizational needs, implementation, administrative needs, and criteria for evaluation.For example, if you are currently, or will be, a professional school counselor, describe how you would set up your comprehensive program. If you are a mental health counselor, imagine that you have several clients in need of this service so you are setting up a program to meet their needs. For any context, be sure to include the materials needed. This post needs to be supported with at least 2 references.This assignmnet is a discussion question assignment, that you are required to write a discussion post for  the above topic and requiresyou to write a response to the two peer;s postings that I have provided below.Please follow all requirements in the instructionsResponse GuidelinesRespond to two of your peers, sharing what you learned about creating comprehensive career programs. Share any useful resources you found with your peers . Your response needs to be supported with at least one reference.1ST PEER’S POSTINGComprehensive Career ProgramAs an in-home health counselor there are a plethora of client needs that must be addressed including rehabilitation into the workplace and career planning. Because the clientele can be any age or multiple members within a family unit the program plan must be versatile as well as developmental in order to meet the needs of different age range and diverse clients.  The program overall will involve needs, interest and personality based assessments, skills overview, and, education and assistance for career-decision making.Program PlanningThe counselors will need to plan the program by developing a curriculum with the goal of achieving identity in the areas of self, social and functionality. (McKinnon & Jones, 1975) Achieving this goal involves administering various assessments, utilizing career education techniques, knowledge and advocacy of different, appropriate, career paths. Due to the wide age range of clients it is essential that the counselor have knowledge of the lifespan and the coinciding developmental stages in order to utilize age appropriate career counseling strategy. (Zunker, 2016) Program will feature:-Personality Assessment (MBTI)-Needs Assessment-Interest Assessment (O*NET)-Vocational/employment History-Educational history-Goal Setting- Career/Education Options Exploration-Action Plan-Personal Counseling to facilitate development of Identity- Vocational/ Educational PlacementOrganizational NeedsSince the program is home-based, in addition to needing competent counselors, they must have a valid drivers license, and, a safe and reliable vehicle in order to travel to client homes as well as occasionally transport clients for therapeutic reasons. Additionally, the counselors will need to obtain consent in order to consult with educators of student clients.ImplementationMcKinnon & Jones (1975) suggest beginning with a needs-based assessment to assess client vocational needs such as interest designation or educational deficits. It is also suggested that the counselor have a collaborative effort with the educators of any youth clients. The program will be implemented with the goal of career education. McKinnon & Jones (1975) define career education broadly as assisting an individual in the total process of becoming. Furthermore McKinnon & Jones (1975) outline career education with 5 themes; solving problems, understanding self and others, understanding the world, obtaining skills and experience, and, achieving identity (self, social and functional).Once the client needs are assessed the counselors will also administer personality (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and interest based assessments (O*NET) in order to gather a holistic client picture. If the client’s are students then this will be the time for counselors to consult with the coinciding educators in order to gather information about client strengths and deficits. (McKinnon & Jones, 1975) For adult clients, this will be the time to gather vocational history and, past work experience, in order evaluate strengths and deficits. Once the information is collected, the counselor will explore career options and develop goals with the client in effort to promote career education and develop a comprehensive identity (self, social and functional).Administrative NeedsThe program needs at least 8-10 home health counselors that are familiar and eligible to administer and score assessments. These assessments also needs to have the ability to be performed and scored in a home setting as many of the in home therapy clients are homebound. The counselors also need to have a knowledge base and advocate for home-based careers and/or education such as online options as some clients may be permanently homebound.Criteria For EvaluationThe main criteria for evaluation will be in both client survey and job placement statistics. Client’s whom are able to successfully enroll in an educational setting, a vocational training setting or a work setting/career will be tallied and measured against the client pool in order to gauge success.McKinnon, B. E., & Jones, G. B. (1975). Field Testing a Comprehensive Career Guidance Program, K-12. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 53(9), 663.Neely, T. Y. (2009). Assessing Diversity Initiatives: The ARL Leadership and Career Development Program. Journal Of Library Administration, 49(8), 811-835.Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781305087286.2nd Peer PostLoading Collection Page…POPULATION: All students (secondary school-aged youth in grades 9-12)PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The mental health counselor is assigned to a number of the district’s high schools. The counselor is working on self- and peer-empowerment groups for youth that occur throughout the school year as an open door forum with an agenda to accommodate individuals as they come along. Part of the curriculum focuses on the basics of career development including educational planning and job development skills.During this section of the curriculum, the counselor both demonstrates and assists the clients with what is appropriate interview attire; applications and resumes; budget planning; andSome of the other goals for the curriculum include bringing in successful graduates from the local high schools who are interested in speaking to the youth about their life choices and decisions while being products of the school and/or neighborhood. These conversations will include the sway each person had about positive decision-making skills, substance-related concerns; connecting sexual awareness to their life trajectories, and even creating mentors within the school that also reach out to the students’ families in the community. This will assist individuals in becoming accountable for each other while promoting overall self-awareness for the students.NEEDS: Faculty participation to become mentors (8-10); a space/room to accommodate the meetings (typically given by the school); community mentors; possible donations from a clothing store; and community partners willing to employee youth from the school after a vetting process.EVALUATION: Design a tool that will follow youth through their high school process and even afterwards. While in their 9-10 grade years, every three months evaluation; 11-12 grade years, 6 month evaluations; and post-secondary, annual basis. Special interest will be paid towards students in special populations including students who are considered minorities in the educational setting (e.g., if a school is predominately Hispanic, how do White children fair; non-heterosexual identifying students; ESL students; etc.)


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Psych assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psych assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

concerns Seligman and Maier’s (1967) Learned Helplessness study. Again, it helps to read these original studies when possible, so we can form our own judgments. http://psych.hanover.edu/classes/learning/papers/seligman%20maier%201967.pdfYour assignment:   Please read over the studie and select one to analyze.You will need to first review APA’s  Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.  You can find the link and other very useful information in the Psychology Learning Tools under Course Content.  Go to the First Module (Intro to PSYC @ UMUC, and click on Ethical Guidelines and Considerations).  You will find ethical considerations to current events and historical studies and understand more fully the reason why we need the ethical principles.Next, in your analysis, give a succinct statement on the background of the study and then tell us which of the General Principles and/ or which Ethical Standard was violated, and explain why.  Do you think that the study you choose would be approved by an IRB today?  Why do you think the study was allowed or tolerated at the time?


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A summary of the eight steps in the ethical decision-making model proposed by Bush et al. (2006). A critical analysis of the ethical decision-making model (i.e., analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the model in ethical decision making). | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

A summary of the eight steps in the ethical decision-making model proposed by Bush et al. (2006). A critical analysis of the ethical decision-making model (i.e., analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the model in ethical decision making). | 2025 Custom Writing

A summary of the eight steps in the ethical decision-making model proposed by Bush et al. (2006).A critical analysis of the ethical decision-making model (i.e., analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the model in ethical decision making). I’m


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Research barriers to sexual abuse treatment and the impact these barriers may have in the future for the victims of sexual abuse who are being treated. Address the following in your short paper: What are future implications if an individual is not treated | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Research barriers to sexual abuse treatment and the impact these barriers may have in the future for the victims of sexual abuse who are being treated. Address the following in your short paper: What are future implications if an individual is not treated | 2025 Custom Writing

Research barriers to sexual abuse treatment and the impact these barriers may have in the future for the victims of sexual abuse who are being treated. Address the following in your short paper:What are future implications if an individual is not treated properly?What ethical issues may occur during treatment that a forensic psychologist would have to report?How do ethical concerns impact the psychologist’s relationship with the individual client?What are your state’s laws regarding statute of limitations on reporting sexual abuse?For additional details, please refer to the Module Eight Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.


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