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Vignette | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Vignette | 2025 Custom Writing

VignetteRead(B) Chapter 4 Confidentiality, Privilege and Privacy pp. 159-213 and HIPAA, pp. 543-545.(F) Chapter 7 Standards on Privacy and Confidentiality pp. 190-203; and review Preface pp. xxi-xxxvi.VignettePlease read the vignette below and respond to it via the assignment submission link by Day Six. You MUST apply an appropriate ethical decision making model from Bersoff or apply another ethical decision making model which you may prefer (e.g., Canadian Psychological Association; NASP, etc.). Use the steps of the decision making model to discuss your decision making process.Tell Tale VignetteMaria is a 32 year old, Latina. Her child, Rosalinda, age 6, was referred to counseling after having been exposed to domestic violence (Maria reports having been the victim) in the home.Maria is separated from Rosalinda’s father who is the alleged perpetrator in the domestic violence.When Maria brought Rosalinda to her first evaluation session (symptoms included: nightmares, regression, easily moved to tears, clingy with Maria), Maria read and signed an informed consent form while in the waiting room. The form was fairly standard issue, citing all the usual exceptions to confidentiality. The psychology intern properly introduced herself to Maria and briefly went over the informed consent. Maria expressed understanding of and agreement with the evaluation and treatment for her daughter.Maria was the principal informant during the assessment, and the psychology intern documented in her notes that Maria reported she had started to date again. She noted that Rosalinda’s symptoms had gotten worse (for example, she is upset when left with the family babysitter).Please address the following questions:Can Rosalinda’s Dad have access to the child’s record?What about the reference to Maria starting to date – should this be documented in the record? Should Rosalinda’s father have access to this information?Explain your reasoning, referring to the appropriate rules and citing ethical guidelines (these may include the practice act, rules of board, etc.).ConfidentialityPurposeA hallmark of psychological practice is the privacy and confidentiality that psychologists must observe to protect the well-being of their clients. This session will focus on the intricacies of maintaining confidentiality and when it is required by law to be disclosed.Objectives1. Define confidentiality and its limitations and exceptions.2. Examine situations where there may be a duty to warn or protect third parties.3. Introduction to HIPAAIn most situations the law recognizes the psychologist(therapist)/patient relationship. There are exceptions. All states now have rules for reporting child abuse, most have rules for reporting elder abuse. The “Duty to Warn” (from Tarasoff) is often written into the practice act or rules of state psychology licensing boards but not in all jurisdictions. Indeed, there is no duty to warn in some jurisdictions. This is complicated, because if you follow the law a person could be harmed due to your lack of action. While there is no affirmative (must do) requirement to intervene in threat to others, you can assume that you will be found negligent if your patient is actively suicidal and you do nothing.Privilege relates to the legal protection from being forced to break the expectation of confidentiality. Parents are the holder of privilege for minor children but many jurisdictions allow exceptions for some types of confidences.Remember, like the attorney or priest, the confidentiality between psychologist and client is “sacred.” It is protected by law and tradition. However, unfortunately, some state laws increasingly infringe on that indispensable element. Thus, psychologists face increasing conflict among their professional ethics, their concern for clients, and their legal obligations.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Industrial/Organizational Psychology Worksheet | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Industrial/Organizational Psychology Worksheet | 2025 Custom Writing

Due Wednesday 11/3/2015 at am.Must be APA even though it is a worksheet.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

COUN5223-Intro to Clinincal Mental Health | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

COUN5223-Intro to Clinincal Mental Health | 2025 Custom Writing

Advocacy for Diverse ClienteleResourcesAdvocacy for Diverse Clientele Scoring Guide.iGuide: ePortfolio.APA Style and Formatting.Unit 4 Assignment TemplateFor your first project assignment, identify a culturally diverse population within your community. This population will serve as the basis for your course project. Then draft a 3-4 page paper that includes:A brief description of your target population.Advocacy processes for policies, programs, and services that are equitable and responsive to the unique needs of your target population and that address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for this target population.How local, state, or national public policies may have impacted the delivery or accessibility of these services to your target population.A description of three individual, couple, family, group, or community strategies appropriate for working with and advocating for your specific culturally diverse population within your community.At least three community resources (internet links with brief explanations are acceptable) currently available to assist the members of your target community and an explanation as to how you can promote client understanding of and access to these resources.Reference materials from your studies and additional academic research from the Capella Library that support the approaches, strategies, and techniques you have described.Note: An assignment template has been created to assist you in developing your assignment. Click on the link in Resources to access the template.Assignment RequirementsNumber of pages: The paper should be between 3-4 pages in length.Written communication: Communicate your thoughts in a manner that conveys the overall goals of the assignment and is consistent with APA standards for style and professionalism.References: The paper must include a reference list. Include a minimum of 2 references from professional literature.Format: You must use proper APA style in listing your references. Refer to the APA Style and Formatting module in Capella’s Online Writing Center on iGuide or the APA Style Manual 6th edition for more information. Write your paper using Microsoft Word.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Please help I am stuck | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Please help I am stuck | 2025 Custom Writing

Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in APA format describing the five major structures of the brain and each structure’s function(s) in the human body. Be sure to include the following brain structures:MyelencephalonMetencephalonMesencephalonDeincephalonTelencephalonI have half of it done but now I am stuckI am attaching the part I have done as well as the reading material we use for class


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Should Animal Research in Psychology Be Eliminated? (No) | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Should Animal Research in Psychology Be Eliminated? (No) | 2025 Custom Writing

I want to to write two papers about (Animal Research in Psychology Should Not Be Eliminated)I uplouded a picture for you to see the Questionand you must use the artical provieded in the file after the answer (NO)


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

4 questions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

4 questions | 2025 Custom Writing

8. Describe the basic laboratory procedure for establishing superstitious behavior. Explain why it is usually difficult to specify in advance what superstitious behavior will result.11. That teacher has a student, who gives up at the first sign of difficulty.  How can the teacher increase the child’s persistence?12. How might you use what you know about reinforcement schedules to study the effects of air temperature on behavior?13. Why is the study of reinforcement schedules important? When and how often a behavior in enforced can have a huge impact on the strength and the rate of the response.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

New class 2.1 &2.2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

New class 2.1 &2.2 | 2025 Custom Writing

New class 2.1 &2.2


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Heuristics are a mental shortcut in the problem solving and decision-making processes. While heuristics can speed up the decision-making process,… | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Heuristics are a mental shortcut in the problem solving and decision-making processes. While heuristics can speed up the decision-making process,… | 2025 Custom Writing

Heuristics are a mental shortcut in the problem solving and decision-making processes. While heuristics can speed up the decision-making process, they can produce errors. Availability, anchoring, and representative heuristics are three types of heuristics in this module.1. Explain availability heuristic, anchoring heuristic, and representative heuristic (in your own words)2. Give an example of a problem that you face in everyday life that lends itself to the use of heuristics. Explain how you solved the problem through the use of one of the heuristic mentioned in example one. (BE SPECIFIC so I can evaluate your understanding of heuristics).3. Of the three types of heuristics we discussed in this module, which type have you used most frequently – or which do you think you will use most in the future? Why?


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Licensed Professional Final Paper/5 star ratings only need to apply… | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Licensed Professional Final Paper/5 star ratings only need to apply… | 2025 Custom Writing

Due Sunday by 10:00 PM (No exceptions) Please be ontime Im begging its my final paper for class and there will be no exceptions for being late. Dont do it if you cant commit to deadline. Ty.This is my final paper for this class. It is a long paper. It is about my chosen profession of Licensed Professional Counselor and how it relates to Psychology. It incorporates all my assignments (which I will include). Into a big page paper 13-17 pages. Which includes specific guidelines format, grammar, etc. and instructions on doing this paper. It includes title, abstract, body and references.  It is mostly done although you need to add some research and writing skills to this. Basically fix all the errors from all assignments that I completed (See attached) into the final paper that the professor wants. Please I am begging this is vital to me and this class. Do exceptional work including grammar, citing, references, etc…I will enclose instructions for final paper from professor. Read and follow to a tee please…I will enclose all my papers that I did that need to be included into the paper of course with everything fixed as stated by the professor.Any Questions feel free to ask.. Thank You…


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Assignment 1: Stress and Coping | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 1: Stress and Coping | 2025 Custom Writing

There are many different types of stress and various impacts that stressful situations can have on all areas of our health. Review these possible stress-provoking situations.Sally is a hardworking young professional who was applauded for her work performance and given more responsibility. After a few months there is a rapid decline in her productivity and she is seen withdrawing from work. Sally’s new manager constantly criticizes her for her lack of productivity, which makes her performance worse, and causes her more worry.Nancy is ready to leave the house for work and spills coffee on her clean work clothes. Then, she finds that her car will not start. When she tries to call for help, she realizes her cell phone is disconnected because she did not pay the bill. She starts to cry.Bob found out that one of his best friends just died. The funeral will be held next week.Tom is called at work and told that he needs to pick up his teenage son from school. This is the second time this year that his son has been sent home for fighting. Tom’s boss is not happy that he requests to leave work early.Tracy, a single mother, finds she doesn’t have enough money left to buy food for her children before her next paycheck in two weeks. This is the third time this year she has struggled to put food on the table.Choose one situation to evaluate and answer the following questions:Does this represent chronic or acute stress?What type of response might the body and brain be experiencing to manage the stressor?What would be the goal for coping with this stress? (eliminate, reduce, tolerate)What type of coping strategy should be implemented—emotion-focused coping or problem-directed coping? How would the individual employ this approach? In other words, using this type of coping strategy, what could he or she do to cope with the stressor? Give 2 examples.Write 2 “coping self-statements” the individual might make in response to this stressor. You will find some examples of coping self-statements in your textbook.What are some of the potential long-term impacts on this individual’s health if he or she does not find a way to cope with this stressor?Please be sure you address each question, using terms and concepts from your text. A good initial discussion response should be at least 150–250 words in length.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com