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ETHICS | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

ETHICS | 2025 Custom Writing

Due: 9/11/2020, 10pm Central timeTopic: Issues in Professional Consultation and Supervision.Three double spaced APA formatted pages are required (not including your title page and reference pages).use textbook: The World of the Counselor by E. Neukrug (2016) 5th edition chapter 8 as well as the ACA Code of Ethics for this assignment.  No abstract is needed for this assignment but you must include an introductory paragraph and a summary paragraph.  Learning to write professionally involves parsimony, or using as few words to say what you want to say as possible.Assignment will be submitted through safe assign so therefore please be careful with citing.PLEASE BE SURE TO USE TEXTBOOKThe following are the things you must include in your paper:1.   Define the role of consultation in professional counseling.  Define the role of supervision in professional counseling.2.   Compare and contrast supervision and consultation – what are the differences as well as the similarities?3.   Choose 2 ethical issues in Consultation and 2 ethical issues in Supervision (in Neukrug textbook), and discuss each of them in the context of the relationship between counselor and consultant, and counselor and supervisor.   Try to see yourself in these relationships in the future.4.   How do you see technology influencing and impacting the supervision process and relationship?5.  What are your thoughts about what you have read regarding the legal liabilities in consultation and supervision?  What concerns does this information stir in you?


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u8a1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

u8a1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Intervention Support PlanThis assignment is the fourth component of your Assessment, Intervention Support, and Related Systems project. In Unit 6, you uncovered a wide range of scholarly works necessary for developing a strategic approach that entails multiple principles and tactics for changing behavior. In this project component, you will create an intervention support plan for the behavior change of the subjects in your case study. As stated in the course project description, if your chosen case study or real-life scenario has more than one behavior of interest, you must prioritize them for intervention.For this assignment, you will be assessed on your understanding of the following course competencies:Evaluate ABA assessment and interventions strategies to change socially significant behavior.Apply comprehensive skills required for consultation, implementation, management, and supervision.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.How to Organize Your PaperUse the following subheadings (formatted in APA style) to label the three main sections of your paper:Intervention Support Plan.Apply behavioral assessment methods for the consideration and selection of intervention outcomes and strategies for the target behavior in your case study. You will exercise your clinical writing skills to create a detailed behavior intervention plan including the following:Operational Definitions and Functions of Identified Target Behaviors. For this section, summarize all results of the assessment portion. Prioritize and define the behaviors to be targeted, and list the functions of each of those behaviors.Antecedent Procedures. Based on the results of the FBA, describe the antecedent procedures you recommend to prevent the behavior from occurring. Be sure to cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.Replacement Procedure. Based on the functions of behavior, describe the replacement behaviors you would like to address as well as your plan for how they would be taught and reinforced. Be sure to cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.Consequential Procedures. Based on the results of the FBA, describe how you would want others (therapist, teacher, or caregiver) to respond if the behavior occurs. Describe how to arrange the environment such that others will respond accordingly.Short-Term Goals. Describe behavioral goals for the client to be achieved with three months of service. Be sure to cite the research justifying these goals.Long-Term Goals. Describe the ultimate goals of the intervention. Describe the discharge criteria for the recommended ABA services. Be sure to cite the research justifying these goals.Generalization and Maintenance Procedures. Describe your recommended plan to generalize the skills learned in this treatment plan. Describe your recommended plan to withdraw any treatment components while maintaining low rates of challenging behavior. Be sure to cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.Monitoring Systems Support for Behavior.Present your design for effective performance monitoring and reinforcement systems for your chosen case study.Implementation of ABA Techniques.Discuss the research that supports your decision for the implementation of intervention strategies here. Reference the literature gathered in previous units to help you create an empirically valid intervention plan.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.Resources: At least 5–6 scholarly resources.Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.


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Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception (Required) Discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception (Required) Discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

ad the following sentence:”Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years.”Now that you have read the above sentence,count the number of “f’s” in the sentence.  What is your initial response, did you count 2 f’s?  3 f’s?  or more?  Did you have to count more than once to arrive at the correct answer? (the correct answer is 6)  This simple activity is a demonstration of how quickly the brain senses and perceives information – sometimes accurately, sometimes not so accurately.Comment on your experience with the sentence activity above – did you count the number of f’s correctly on the first try – or did you miss a few? :)Watch either  Sensation and Perception (27 min) or Inside-Out Interpretation of Perceptions (28 min).  What reflections/observations do you have from the Chapter 4 video in comparison with material found in the text (your response should reflect both your reading of the chapter material combined with the video content)?ASSIGNMENTFor True/False items, answer either T or F in the space provided. If the response is false, give a brief explanation (a sentence at the very least) that supports the false response. The explanation should be based on information from the course textbook. True/False items are 2 points each – false responses that are not followed by an explanation will receive zero credit.Chapter 6: True/False1. _____ Behaviorists study the differences between conscious and unconscious thought.2. _____ In Pavlov’s experiments, the conditioned response was very similar to the unconditioned response.3. _____ Both positive and negative reinforcement increase the probability of a behavior.4. _____ If you have received reinforcement only occasionally for some action, your response will extinguish faster than it will for someone who received reinforcement every time.5. _____ In operant conditioning, the procedure for extinction is simply to stop providing reinforcement.Chapter 7: True/False1. _____ Brain damage that impairs declarative memory will also impair procedural memory.2. _____ A sequential lineup, in which a witness makes a yes/no judgment on each suspect, one at a time, decreases the probability of falsely identifying an innocent person.3. _____ People tend to lose semantic memories more quickly and easily than they lose episodic memories.4. _____ Moderately strong emotion at the time of learning something enhances your probability of remembering it later.5. _____ If you want to remember something for as long as possible, and you plan to spend 10 hours studying, it is best to study the material for 10 hours all at once.Chapter 9: True/False1. _____ In most cases, fluid intelligence continues to increase throughout a person’s lifetime.2. _____ Research has demonstrated that it is important for educators to determine a child’s learning style and then educate some children visually and others verbally.3. _____ A five-year-old who has a Stanford-Binet IQ score of 116 is more intelligent than an eight-year-old who also scores 116.4. _____ Comparisons of monozygotic and dizygotic twins imply a genetic contribution to differences in IQ performance.5. _____ It is possible for a test to have high reliability and low validity.DISCUSSIONComment on your experience with the sentence activity above – did you count the number of f’s correctly on the first try – or did you miss a few? :)Watch either  Sensation and Perception (27 min) or Inside-Out Interpretation of Perceptions (28 min).  What reflections/observations do you have from the Chapter 4 video in comparison with material found in the text (your response should reflect both your reading of the chapter material combined with the video content)?Three additional videos associated with material from Chapter 4 are adjuncts to material from Chapter 4 and also encouraged.  Mirror Box Therapy 1: Mirror Box demonstration video (relates to phantom limb pain and pain perception), Mirror Therapy 2:  Mirror Therapy with Amputee,.Lastly, consider the following question:  “If you could have one enhanced sense, which one would it be?” What would be the advantages (serious or silly) of that enhancement?  Could you imagine a downside or disadvantage to it?  Explain.hree additional videos associated with material from Chapter 4 are adjuncts to material from Chapter 4 and also encouraged.  Mirror Box Therapy 1: Mirror Box demonstration video (relates to phantom limb pain and pain perception), Mirror Therapy 2:  Mirror Therapy with Amputee,.Lastly, consider the following question:  “If you could have one enhanced sense, which one would it be?” What would be the advantages (serious or silly) of that enhancement?  Could you imagine a downside or disadvantage to it?  Explain.You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


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Assignment: DoDEA, LEAs Education, and Support | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment: DoDEA, LEAs Education, and Support | 2025 Custom Writing

The federal government has assumed responsibility for educating children living on federal property since the 1800s by paying those children’s school tuition. The advent of the Korean War led to a significant increase in military housing. Military installations began building schools on federal properties in the southern states in the early 1950s.There are several reasons why military children began attending schools on military installations rather than the local public schools, also known as Local Education Activities (LEAs). One significant reason is related to desegregation. Desegregation in the U.S. Military occurred prior to desegregation in public education. To support its own desegregation policies and the type of community these policies fostered, the government established desegregated schools for the children of military personnel.In addition, state law prohibited the expenditure of tax revenues for the education of children living on federal property. The military decided to build its own schools for the children of military personnel rather than paying for these children to attend local public schools.At present, all stateside U.S. Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA) schools fall under the responsibility of the Department of Defense Title 10 under the direction of the Secretary of Defense. The overseas schools (or, DoDDS) fall under the responsibility of Title 20, Department of Education (DoDEA; School Boards for Department of Defense Domestic Schools Training Materials, 2012).Throughout the years, there have been many changes and shifts, as well as attempts to reintegrate children into LEAs. From time to time, the cost of supporting the schools is brought into question. In addition, whenever a military installation closes, its associated school, if any, closes too.Not all military children attend schools on military installations. Many receive quality educations at their LEAs. Regardless if a military child attends a school on a military installation or an LEA, it is important for helping professionals to know the types of education available to military children, to know how to support the needs of these students, and to know the laws that protect and support the social, emotional, and academic success of military children.For this paper, take into account what you have learned so far about military culture, review the two videos assigned this week, and conduct some additional research to deepen your understanding of the education of military children.Submit a 3- to 4-page paper in which you:Choose one family from the videos and briefly describe their circumstances as if they were an identified clientExplain how the DoDEA school system could be utilized to help the family you choseAnalyze how the scenarios discussed or circumstances may have been different in a civilian schoolExplain what social work strategies you would utilize with this familyExplain how military culture played a part in this scenarioBe specific in your answers and provide examples. Cite the resources and any additional resources you use. Be sure to follow APA guidelines in your research, writing, and citation.Blaisure, K. R., Saathoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2016). Serving military families (2nd ed.). New York: NY: Routledge.Chapter 4, “Children and Youth in Military Families” (pp. 73-97)Card, N. A., Bosch, L., Casper, D. M., Wiggs, C. B., Hawkins, S. A., Schlomer, G. L., & Borden, L. M. (2011). A meta-analytic review of internalizing, externalizing, and academic adjustment among children of deployed military service members. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(4), 508–520.Duchac, N.E., Minor, J.S., Spitzer, K & Frye, T. (2016). Applying the Military Success Model to school age children. Journal of Military and Government Counseling, 4(3), 211-219. Retrieved from http://acegonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/JMGC-Vol-4-Is-3.pdfEsposito-Smythers, C., Wolff, J., Lemmon, K. M., Bodzy, M., Swenson, R. R., & Spirito, A. (2011). Military youth and the deployment cycle: Emotional health consequences and recommendations for intervention. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(4), 497-507.Moore, K.D., Fairchild, A.J., Ng, Z.J., & Wooten, N.R. (2017). Evaluating behavioral health interventions for military-connected youth: A systematic review. Military Medicine, 182, 11-12.Wilson, E. (2010, September 21). DOD supports military children in public schools. American Forces Press Service. Retrieved from http://archive.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=60951U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity. (n.d.). About DoDEA: History. Retrieved from http://www.dodea.edu/aboutDoDEA/history.cfmU.S. Department of Defense Education Activity – DoDEA Americas. (n.d.). DDESS history. Retrieved from http://www.dodea.edu/Americas/aboutAm/amHistory.cfmDepartment of Defense Education Activity. (n.d.) All about DoDEA educational partnership. Retrieved from http://www.dodea.edu/Partnership/about.cfmU.S. Department of Defense Education Activity. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.dodea.eduRequired MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2013). Military children [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduNote:  The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.Betsy Flanigan describes her children’s school experiences. She also addresses how being raised in the home of a career military officer influenced her children.Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptLaureate Education (Producer). (2013). Military children and adolescents [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduNote:  The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.Michael and Kristin Wilkinson discuss the challenges of raising their children within the military culture.Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript


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Essay revision | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Essay revision | 2025 Custom Writing

Please review attached essay on the biological basis of Bell’s palsy.here is the original assignment requirements please ensure it meets them please.The purpose of this assignment is to complete a paper that will:Identify the biological basis of a disease or disorder of the nervous system (This could be at the level of neurotransmitters, hormones, cells, brain structures or another aspect of the nervous system.)Summarize current research to better understand the role of the nervous system in the disease/disorderThe final paper should showcase your best work in synthesizing and applying information about the biological basis of behavior, as well as your writing skills. An example paper from a UMGC student is available to provide a strong example of this assignment (see the attachment below).Please complete the following this week:After re-reading your research summaries and feedback, write an introduction to your final paper that will introduce your reader to research the topic, and preview the types of research summaries you will include. You may also want to use additional sources to cite important statistics about the disease/disorder or describe important symptoms or treatments that may be relevant.Revise your research summaries by re-reading to correct any confusing sections, typos, mistakes or omissions. Integrate any feedback you received. Add transition sentences to guide your reader through the summaries.Write a conclusion that summarize the main points of your paper. Then, interpret the research you read as a whole. Possible things to consider in your conclusion: What main themes emerged? What differences/discrepancies/controversies emerged? What gaps still exist in the research (what is still unknown about the biological basis)? What new discoveries have been made?After you have completed your paper, write an abstract. The abstract should be a mini-preview of the upcoming paper. A basic format for an abstract could include a sentence (or two) introducing the topic, a sentence summarizing the kinds of research the reader will encounter in your paper, and a sentence (or two) about the conclusion of the paper. (You’ll want to have your paper fairly complete before writing your abstract. Once the paper is complete or close to complete, it will be a lot easier to pull out these key pieces of information and assemble the abstract.)Use APA format for your writing. This assignment should be approximately 6 pages long (not including a cover page and references page) in APA format (12 point font, double-spaced, 1″ margins). Additional information about APA format is available HERE. An MSWord document that is pre-formatted to APA format is available for you to use (see the attachment below).  Please use this template to help ensure that most elements of APA format will be already included in your assignment, making it a lot easier to produce a high-quality, professionally formatted assignment. 🙂


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Discussion answer: | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion answer: | 2025 Custom Writing

Is the Measure of Consistency a State of Mind?In your unit readings from the Psychological Testing and Assessment text, you read about three sources of error variance that occur in testing and assessment. These include test construction, test administration, and test scoring and interpretation. Additionally, other sources of error may be suspect. You were also introduced to reliability coefficients, which provide information about these sources of error variance on a test (see Table 5-4).The following reliability coefficients were obtained from studies on a new test, THING, purporting to measure a new construct (that is, Something). Alternate forms of the test were also developed and examined in subsequent studies published in the peer-reviewed journals. The alternate test forms were titled THING 1 and THING 2. (Remember to refer back to your Psychological Testing and Assessment text for information about using and interpreting a coefficient of reliability.)Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82Test-retest reliability coefficient = .50In your post:Describe what these scores mean.Interpret these results individually in terms of the information they provide on sources of error variance.Synthesize all of these interpretations into a final evaluation about this test’s utility or usefulness.Explain whether these data are acceptable.Explain under what conditions they may not be acceptable and under what conditions, if any, they may be appropriate.(Discussion Guidelines)Discussion question instructions will be presented for each question as it is posted. Your discussion answers must be thorough and expansive. Be sure to answer every question substantially using excellent integrative material from course readings and research. Usually a good answer to a set of discussion questions is about 1-2 pages (three to four substantial paragraphs for a total of 500 words…..NOTincluding the questions or references; only your answer). It is HIGHLY encouraged to conduct a word count before submitting your discussion answer. One or two short paragraphs or one or two sentences per paragraphwill notmeet the rigor requirements for this class.Discussion question instructions will be presented for each question as it is posted. Your discussion answers must be thorough and expansive. Be sure to answer every question substantially using excellent integrative material from course readings and research. Usually a good answer to a set of discussion questions is about 1-2 pages (three to four substantial paragraphs for a total of 500 words…..NOTincluding the questions or references; only your answer). It is HIGHLY encouraged to conduct a word count before submitting your discussion answer. One or two short paragraphs or one or two sentences per paragraphwill notmeet the rigor requirements for this class.Support all work (even reflections and article reviews) with excellent integration of material. This class places a heavy emphasis on how well learners use resources to supplement and support their work. The answers to discussion questions are not to be opinion papers, but professionally presented research/course material-based work. Therefore, to be eligible for top grading of your work, each unit discussion answer requires AT LEAST TWO resources/references (one of whichmustbe from the required Cohen, Swerdlik, & Sturman text book) listed at the end of the work. In addition, you must have SEVERAL (three or more) citations in your work that are associated with your references. Each answer to every question must have resource support


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psy assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

psy assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

Criterion-related validity: Create a hypothetical test based around the topic of Suicide Risk and identify 3 characteristics of appropriate, relevant and measureable criteria. Identify a criterion for which predictor scores could be compared. You are to design a criterion related validity study with identifying the specific 3 characteristics and identify if they are concurrent or predictive validity evidence and explain with specific details.For example, if the test was a Career Interest Test it would be based around criterion of Likes/Dislikes, Abilities/Skills, and Experience as the criterion and then go on from there to focus on whether concurrent or predictive, scoring and explanation. (this is an example only)Create your response into a word document using APA format with a minimum of 500-750-word count. (It might be easier to insert the criterion into a table format with the explanation in paragraph format below the inserted table however, your choice as to how to create your Suicide Risk Study). Include in text citations which will connect to the factual points from your sources, and include the reference citations at the end of the document.For the Assignment, some tips:· Start with researching symptoms or “things to look for” with Suicide Risk to figure out the three (3) characteristics you would be measuring in your assessment· They want to know how you will show Criterion Related Validity with the assessment you create.  The easiest way to do that is by finding an already established suicide risk assessment that has been proven valid and comparing the scores between the two assessments. You can search for one in the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) and scroll through to read the review of it.  Review of validity will sometimes have its own paragraph, but you should also get that information from the “summary” at the end of the review.  It will state whether the test has good validity and reliability.  It will also state if it doesn’t.  You want to find a test that has proven validity. The idea here is if someone who is at high risk of suicide takes the suicide risk assessment you create AND ALSO takes thealready establishedsuicide risk assessment, they should score high on both.  If someone who is not suicidal takes your assessment and the already established assessment, they should score low on both.  This will show that there is criterion related validity.  You will know that there is an issue with your validity if someone who is at high risk of suicide takes your assessment and scores low, but scores high in the established assessment.  Same thing for someone not at risk – if they score high on your assessment and low on the established assessment, again, we know somethings wrong with your assessment’s validity.


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Qualitative Research Critique | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Qualitative Research Critique | 2025 Custom Writing

Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment. (PROVIDED IN ATTACHMENTS)Farmer, J. R., Mackinnon, S. P., & Crowie, M (2017). Perfectionism and life narratives: A qualitative study. SAGE Open, 7(3), 1-14. Doi:10.1177/2158244017721733After reading the posted study, use the Qualitative Research Critique Template to compose and organize your assignment.In your paper,Summarize the research question, methods, and findings of the assigned qualitative study.Evaluate the appropriateness of the research methods and analytical approaches used in the study. Support the position with evidence cited from the textbook and at least one other scholarly source about the research design or method.Analyze ethical issues pertaining to how the study was carried out.Critique the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study.Recommend a research question and methods for a follow-up study on the topic.Utilize the provided template with section headings.The Qualitative Research Critique paperMust be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) using the template provided and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) The template is a Word document that is pre-formatted in APA style. If unable to use the pre-formatted template, see the following instructions for formatting.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedAssignmentQualitative Research Critique ChecklistFind the following article for this assignment: Farmer, J. R., Mackinnon, S. P., & Crowie, M (2017). Perfectionism and life narratives: A qualitative study. SAGE Open, 7(3), 1-14. Doi:10.1177/2158244017721733Download the Qualitative Research Critique TemplateSummarize the research questions, methods and analytical approaches used in the study.Evaluate the appropriateness of the research methods and analytical approaches in the study. Make sure to support your position with evidence from the readings.Analyze the ethical issues (treatment of subjects and approval).Critique strengths, weaknesses and limitations of study.Recommend future research questions and methods for a future study.Paper includes a title page and reference page with at least three references.


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Essentials of psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Essentials of psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

In this lesson, you must write an essay on the topic of conditioning, memory, or motivation and emotion. 4.1 Write an essay about conditioning, memory, or motivation and emotion SSC130: Essay READING ASSIGNMENT Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information: Your name Your student ID number The exam number Your email address Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. 2019 Page 1 Course Version: 2 To submit your graded project, follow these steps: Log in to your student portal. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on. Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page. Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam. Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school! Objective To successfully complete this course, you must write a research essay based on information found in your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman, and three outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below and write an essay of six complete paragraphs for or against the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and convince the reader why your opinion is correct. Topics 1. Media Violence: Does media violence cause violent behavior? 2. Eyewitness Testimony: Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law? 3. The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic? Note: You’re to select only one topic for your paper. Process Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. 2019 Page 2 Course Version: 2 Your essay must include the following:


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Discussion Board | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Board | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion Board Instructions: The Discussion Board Forum thread must be 350–450 words. There must be at least 3 citations in current APA format for the thread with references.Reference Books: Jackson, S. L. (2016). Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN: 9781305257795.Knight, A., & Tetrault, D. (2017). Research and program evaluation key concepts: A study guide. Kona Publishing & Media Group. ISBN: 9781945628245.Discussion Board Video Link: https://youtu.be/1oB6zNcLIH0


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