Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion Board | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Board | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion Board Instructions: The Discussion Board Forum thread must be 350–450 words. There must be at least 3 citations in current APA format for the thread with references.Reference Books: Jackson, S. L. (2016). Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN: 9781305257795.Knight, A., & Tetrault, D. (2017). Research and program evaluation key concepts: A study guide. Kona Publishing & Media Group. ISBN: 9781945628245.Discussion Board Video Link: https://youtu.be/1oB6zNcLIH0


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Research Paper (Gender Roles) | 2025

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Research Paper (Gender Roles) | 2025 Custom Writing

Final Project: Research ProposalIn Weeks 1 through 9, you have created all the sections to be included in the research proposal. This week, you will collate all these sections and create the final draft. For this assignment take the opportunity to review all the feedback your instructor provided throughout the course on the various project assignments. Use that feedback to revise and improve your project for this final draft.Make sure your research proposal adheres to the following structure:Title pageAbstract (see APA guide for format)IntroductionLiterature ReviewMethodologyDiscussion and ConclusionReferencesIn addition, each section should include the following information:Abstract: An abstract is a summary of the paper. Review the abstracts of the articles used in your literature review for and example of a detailed abstract.Introduction: This section has been already created in Week 8.Literature Review: This section was created in Weeks 6 and should have been integrated into your introduction in Week 8. The literature review is not a copy of that material. Rather, it is a synthesis of the material you found into a cohesive review of the literature on your chosen topic. Make sure to include all the articles that you used in Weeks 2–5 for your literature review.Methodology: This section has been already created in Week 7.Discussion and Conclusion: This section has been already created in Week 9.References: In this section, you should include all articles you collected for the literature review. In addition, take care to put all the references in APA format.


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Psychologyy | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychologyy | 2025 Custom Writing

Interpretation of OddsDiscuss the use of odds in logistic regression. Using some very simple numbers, make up a simple numerical example and explain how odds and probabilities were calculated. How are odds different from an odds ratio?


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Exegetical Research Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Exegetical Research Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

EXEGESIS RESEARCH PAPER INSTRUCTIONSUsing Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics by Kaiser and Silva as a reference guide, you will write an Exegesis Research Paper submitted in 3 parts. You will choose between 3 biblical passages listed below on which to write the paper.Passage Options:•           Ephesians 4:7–16


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CRM Project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

CRM Project | 2025 Custom Writing

Research an agency that employed a CRM program in a similar or different way than was identified in the aviation article from Week 2. (This can be your current employer, any organization you are familiar with, or an organization you research as an outsider.) The article is linked in the week 2 paper assignment description.  It defined CRM as “using all available sources — information, equipment and people — to achieve efficient operations.” You are no longer talking about aviation in this assignment, but can use any type of industry (see examples in article). You also do not need to choose an organization that specifically calls their process CRM: just describe their process of using “available sources — information, equipment and people — to achieve efficient operations.”Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you provide evidence of how this CRM program was implemented. Include the following in your response:Distinguish between various team concepts as they relate to performance in this organization.Explain the difference between leaders and managers, as well as the influence and power they may have on the success of this organization.Evaluate at least two theories of leadership and the role that leaders utilizing these theories play in this organization.Analyze the general effects on the organization that may result from their management processes, referencing the concepts of organizational development and various organizational theories


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Identifying Variables | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Identifying Variables | 2025 Custom Writing

In a study investigating the effects of humor on memory, Schmidt showed participants a list of sentences, half of which were humorous and half were non-humorous. Schmidt found that participants consistently recalled more of the humorous sentences than the non-humorous sentences, demonstrating that the use of humor increased participants’ recall of sentences.In an essay (500 words), address the following items:Identify the independent variable for this study.Describe the scale of measurement used for the independent variable.Describe the scale of measurement used for the dependent variable.Provide an example of a simple study using Schmidt as a model. State the purpose of the research (Schmidt’s purpose was to examine the effects of humor on memory), the research question (Schmidt’s research question was: What are the effects of humor on memory?), the independent variable, and the dependent variable for your study.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Cultural diversity | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural diversity | 2025 Custom Writing

Cultural DiversityProfessionals in all areas from business to counseling commonly anticipate possible cultural differences with clients. At the same time, they inevitably encounter cultural differences with clients as well as with other professionals or with the views of organizations in which they work. These differences can compromise the services that clients receive unless effectively resolved.For this discussion question, provide at least two examples from within your profession of situations in which the policies of real or fictitious organizations seem contrary to the best interests of a client due to cultural differences.


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ABS 300-2.3.3 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

ABS 300-2.3.3 | 2025 Custom Writing

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required textbook chapters and articles for this week. Select two tests about which to write your review. The first test must be selected from List A and the second test must be selected from List B.  Your choice of tests include the following:List A (Select one test from this list.)Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV)Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V)Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence- Fourth Edition (WPPSI – IV)List B (Select one test from this list.)Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III)Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II)Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3)Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (STEP)Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT- III)Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of AchievementWoodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of Cognitive AbilitiesCreate a PowerPoint presentation with 10-12 slides (not including the title and reference slides) entitled Review of [Insert the name of the tests reviewed]. Your presentation must provide at least one slide for each of the required topics and include appropriate citations of your referenced sources. Separate reference slides, which follow APA formatting guidelines for a References page, must be included at the end of the presentation. You must create your own template and organize your presentation in the sequence provided. Do not use a font smaller than 18 pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make sure to appropriately cite any images, tables, figures, or information from the test publisher’s website used.  The notes section of each slide must include the text for oral comments you would make while presenting the materials to a live audience.References must be cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) For assistance with creating a visually engaging and readable presentation, you may review Garr Reynolds’s tips for creating presentations. (Links to an external site.)The presentation must cover each of the following topics in the order presented below. Two tests may be discussed on the same slide using the side-by-side comparison format.Required topics to be addressed for each test:Name of the test, author or authors, publisher and publication dateQualifications of the test userCommon professional uses of the testExplain what the test is purported to measure along with any reliability and validity evidence that supports the author’s or publisher’s claims.Describe the appropriate applications of the test in terms of the population(s) on which the test is validated (including age ranges) and any information regarding populations for which the test’s use is not recommended.Subtest names and brief descriptionsAdministration and scoring proceduresCost and administration timeYour critique of the instrument, including an evaluation of the test’s strengths and weaknesses as a measure of the theoretical constructs of intelligence and/or achievementEvaluate reviewers’ comments from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article published in the last 10 years that provides an appraisal of basic measurement issues related to the tests you selected.The presentationMust consist of 10 to 12 slides (not including title and reference slides) that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Must include a separate title slide with the following:Title of presentationStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use the assigned chapters in the course text and a minimum of 1 peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include separate reference slides formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Risk Assessment Video And Discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Risk Assessment Video And Discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

Questions:1.  What does Dr. Joan Petersiliar say about the “peril” of risk assessment?  In other words, what is the “peril” of risk assessment in the Dr. Petersiliar’s opinion.2.  What are the benefit’s of using actuarial risk assessments according to Dr. Petersiliar?3.  Why did California better fund risk assessment tools over (instead of) treatment programs?4.  How have computers helped in the use of risk assessments?


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