Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

Discussing Program Costs and Benefits | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussing Program Costs and Benefits | 2025 Custom Writing

This discussion will help you prepare your Unit 10 assignment. Your peers and instructor will provide feedback that will help you polish your plan.In the studies for this unit, you reviewed Step 5 in the Program Evaluation Guide. While your course project does not address program cost, any program for which you provide services will need to address these questions in order to survive and thrive in your community. After completing the multimedia piece, how would you make the case that the benefits of your program are worth the cost?Similarly, our Royse, Thyer, and Padgett textbook (Chapter 13) and the Sridharan and Nakaima (2011) article discuss how pragmatics and political pressures can come into play when evaluators report their findings. Which of these issues might you anticipate arising when presenting your hypothetical program evaluation? How would you plan to handle these constructively?


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State Credentialing Board Research | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

State Credentialing Board Research | 2025 Custom Writing

Directions: The purpose of this project is to help you become familiar with the credentialing and regulatory processes that will govern your practice as a counselor.In order to complete this project, you will need to select a state to use as the basis for your research. You should select either the state in which you currently reside or the state in which you plan to practice.Information regarding credentialing in the state you have selected can be gathered in one or more of the following ways. (These are options. You are not required to do both of these.)1. (Preferred) Reviewing the content of the state credentialing board website.2. Attending a public meeting of the state credentialing board and/or review public meeting notes onlineNote: Please do not contact the board to get this information as most likely they will not get back to you in time to complete this assignment. In addition, as you will be gathering information about credentialing, it is important you use paraphrasing as well as in-text citations to avoid plagiarism issues.State Credentialing Board Research ProjectUsing the information you gathered, write a 1,250-1,500-word scholarly paper on your state credentialing board. Include the following in your paper:1. Identifying information about the state board (name, location, etc.) **** Texas is the state**********2. The mission of the state board.3. The regulatory authority and scope (cite the statutes and rules that govern the board’s activities, describe the discipline(s) regulated by the board, and describe the scope of the board’s authority to regulate professional practice).4. The state board/committee structures through which the board performs its functions (committee names and responsibilities, frequency of meetings, topics included on board/committee agendas, and composition of board and committees).5. A summary of the licensure and certification requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.6. A description of the different tiered levels of licensure (such as LAC to LPC, LPC to LCPC, or counseling intern to LMHC) to establish eligibility for licensure.7. A description of the state’s legal complaint handling process and/or outcomes, descriptions of types of complaints, and observed patterns.8. At least three scholarly sources, one of which should be your state’s licensing board.Access the “State Credentialing Board Research Project Instructions.” Complete the project according to the assignment instructions.State board of TexasPlease follow the rubric


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answers to a given readings | 2025

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answers to a given readings | 2025 Custom Writing

i have four articles and six questions about them. i need answers to these questions in essay format. the articles and the requirements will be uploaded. the essay should be at least 6 pages. Plagiarism test should be provided.


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Presence in the Community | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Presence in the Community | 2025 Custom Writing

Presence in the CommunityLocate and analyze three (3) news articles describing community relations efforts by law enforcement. Then, write a three-page reflection paper in APA format describing how you would react to those efforts in your community. What personal factors may influence your decision? Please be sure to cite your sources.


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PSY6802 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Week 2 – Assignment 1: Personalize Meaningful Learning Experiences Highlighting Cognitive and Language Development | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY6802 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Week 2 – Assignment 1: Personalize Meaningful Learning Experiences Highlighting Cognitive and Language Development | 2025 Custom Writing

InstructionsFor this assignment, create a blog post that highlights cognitive and language development. In addition, focus on customizing meaningful learning experiences for different educational settings. For example, select a specific subject, then model meaningful learning experiences for an elementary class and then a high school class.In your blog entry, be sure to address the following:Provide insights from at least two classic theorists of cognitive development (i.e., Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky) on what they offer about how to assess and potentially foster children’s or adolescent’s cognitive growth.Explain the language capabilities you could expect in students at different grade levels.Discuss strategies to help bloggers accommodate diversity in their students’ cognitive and language development, while customizing meaningful learning experiences for different educational settings.In addition to creating your own blog, submit a copy of your blog along with the link to your blog, as with all other written assignments.Length of blog: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages. Support your blog with a minimum of three scholarly sources.Your blog must be effectively designed and must meet the following criteria:Locates a website that your professor can easily access. It is suggested that you use a free website such as http://www.wordpress.com/.Contains text that is readable (e.g., appropriate size of font, type of font, contrasts with background, contains sufficient white space).Includes information within the blog that supports the assignment.Ensures all the links are active and work.Contains at least one graphic.Contains the same template throughout with a consistent design.Your blog should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your submission should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.


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Two Case Studies for Psychology: DUE in 2 HOURS. Lowest Bid Wins. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Two Case Studies for Psychology: DUE in 2 HOURS. Lowest Bid Wins. | 2025 Custom Writing

Two Case Studies for Psychology: DUE in 2 HOURS. Lowest Bid Wins.APA FORMAT


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My Theory of Human Nature Assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

My Theory of Human Nature Assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment 1: My Theory of Human NatureReflection Paper & Action PlanBackgroundLearning to be a scholarly practitioner is a key program component and intended candidate outcome. McClintock (2003) states scholarly practice is grounded in theory and research, includes experimental knowledge, and is driven by personal values, commitment, and ethical conduct. Scholar practitioners also reflect on and assess the impact of their work.The purpose of this paper is for you to take a journey into your life and analyze your early childhood experiences and success around creativity, your experiences today, and then apply what you have learned in the text as part of your creative journey. After that, you will build an Action Plan that will detail how you will incorporate what you have learned in this class to bring more creativity and innovation to your future work and life. This paper will require research, but it is not a research paper it is a reflection and action plan paper. This paper will analyze your childhood connection to creativity to your future plans with creativity. Remember this paper is BOTH A REFLECTION AND AN ACTION PLAN.Directionsssignment #1 Reflection & Action PlanLength: 5 – 7 pages, Double Spaced, Times New Roman, APA Headings, Title Page, References and APA citations. This is an example of an APA sample paper. Long quotes are not to be used in short papers of this nature, thus, all quotes should be from seven to twelve words and of course must use APA citations. This is a personal paper so the writing may use “me, my or I” however good writing uses pronouns very sparingly (less than ten pronouns in the whole paper – with careful writing this is possible). Do not use the third person (“the writer”).After reading assigned chapters in Isaksen compare and contrast what you thought about creativity and innovation before reading with what you learned in the text. Reflect on what you learned and create an Action Plan where you could more fully engage in creativity and innovation with the knowledge learned in the text. Use APA headings. The reflection portion of the paper is about four to five pages and the action plan is about two pages. Sources (must be current – one year) other than the textbook can include: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Wired Magazine (all can be found in the Brandman Library). Use the guide below for your paper.IntroductionThis is usually about two to three paragraphs long and gives the details of what will be covered in the paper and also gives some details of what the paper will cover. The introduction is engaging and not just some quote. The introduction directly correlates with the body of the paper. The introduction is written after you have written the Analysis section and Action Plan section below. Students who try to write the introduction first often lose points as they are not using the introduction to introduce their reflection and action plan paper.AnalysisThis normally has three parts and each part has a short five to seven-word quote from the text). Remember short papers do not have long quotations. The Analysis section must have APA second-level headings such as:What I grew up thinking about creativityThis is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Even though this is a reflection paper try to use “I” sparingly. With thought as you write fewer pronouns can be used. However, please do not write in the third person.What I learned about creativity that surprised meThis is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Under this heading you are to connect your early childhood experience with creativity with what you are studying in the textbook.What I learned about creativity and how it becomes an innovationThis is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Give examples of creative problem solving, understanding the challenge (or opportunity), generate ideas and people as creative problem-solving. In this section, you describe how you can now use creativity in problem-solving. Give examples.Action PlanRemember this is your action plan to become a more creative and innovation contributor to your personal and/or professional endeavors. This begins with three to four sentences that recap the Analysis section above and then give, specifics, using SMART goals to set a plan for action for you to bring more creativity and innovation to your future personal or professional endeavors. Be sure to apply creative problem-solving. Also apply the steps outlined in the text for an Action Plan. The writer must include in the document submitted (not an attachment or a separate document) a visual representation of their Action Plan. You can use any of the following to create your visual representation (the free versions will work). The visual representation should be no more than one page and no less than a quarter of a page.Mindmeister https://www.mindmeister.com/Lucidchart: http://lucidchart.comInfogram: https://infogram.com/app/#/libraryWisemapping: http://wisemapping.comReferencesUsing APA Reference page to cite the textbook and at least two other sources (nothing Wiki or from People Magazine or of that ilk). We prefer that you use business sources such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Wired Magazine, Fast Company, etc. (Many of these are available in the Brandman Library).


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Question title | 2025

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Question title | 2025 Custom Writing

What is the difference between a duck?The answer needs to be at least 3 pages long.


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Week 7: Discussion post | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Week 7: Discussion post | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 7: Feminist and Transpersonal Theories


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10 to 12 powerpoint, apa format, masters level | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

10 to 12 powerpoint, apa format, masters level | 2025 Custom Writing

You are a correctional administrator in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). You have over 20 years of experience in the BOP at various prisons. Your next assignment is going to be very difficult. You are being assigned to a federal prison that houses the worst-behaved federal inmates. This facility is known as a “SMU,” or Segregated Management Unit. All 1,100 prisoners have been placed at the SMU for serious infractions/offenses while at other prisons. The recidivism rate for the SMU inmates is twice as high when compared to all other federal prison inmates. In addition, SMU inmates commit a higher number of infractions while incarcerated, such as assaults on staff and other inmates. You have been asked by the SMU Warden to develop a multi-faceted, evidence-based approach to reducing recidivism and improving institutional behavior for the SMU inmates. Your plan should include three evidence-based practices. Several resources have been provided to assist you identifying the evidence-based practices.Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation using the Walden University presentation template. In addition, include audio narration that addresses the following:Introductory slide of your plan and goal(s) (1 slide)Overview and explanation of evidence-based approach #1 (3 slides)Overview and explanation of evidence-based approach #2 (3 slides)Overview and explanation of evidence-based approach #3 (3 slides)


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