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Discussion/response survey mathematics | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion/response survey mathematics | 2025 Custom Writing

please login in at https://campus.purdueglobal.edu/login:LeshaelaWilliamsDamarcio1030assignment:Linear equations allow us to use math to model the real world. Linear equations can be used to determine the sale price of a sweater on clearance, the cost of a taxi ride, how many yards of material you need to make a banner for the football team, or how many plants to buy to border a walkway. On the Unit 3 Discussion Board, we will use what we know about linear equations to prepare for a salary negotiation.Congratulations! You got the call. You are the newest sales rep for Vandelay Industries. You have an appointment with your manager next week to negotiate your pay package. Thanks to the Unit 3 Discussion Board, YOU are going to be prepared!Post 1For Pay Package One, you will be paid a weekly salary and a percentage of your sales. To determine your pay, use the equation, P = w + rs, where P is your pay, w is your weekly salary, r is the commission rate (written as a decimal) you earn on sales, and s is your sales for the week.Choose a weekly salary, w, between $200 and $500.Choose a commission rate, r, between 2% and 10%.Choose sales between $10,000 and $100,000.Calculate your pay for Pay Package One making sure to show the original equation and all steps to solve the equation. Review an example of a response for this Discussion.RESPONSE PATRICIA_W= 400R= 8% = 0.08S= 70,000P = W + RSP = 400 + 0.08(70,000)P = 400 + 5,600P = $6,000The Pay for Pay Package One is $6,000Post 2Help out one of your classmates by showing what will happen if a lower weekly salary, but a higher commission rate is used. Choose one of your classmate’s posts and adjust their figures as follows.Cut the weekly salary, w, in half.Add 4% to the commission rate, rKeep the sales, s, the same.Call this Pay Package Two. Repeat the calculation from your classmate’s post with the adjusted weekly salary and commission rate. Show the equation and all steps to solve the equation. Review an example of a response for this Discussion.RESPONSE BARBRA:w = 400r = 6%=0.06s = 20,000P= w + r, sP= 400 + 0.06 (20,000)P= 400 + 1,200P= 1,600The pay for Pay Package One is $1,600.00Thanks my friends,Post 3You are trying to decide which pay package is best. One way to compare the two packages is to see how much Vandelay Industries’ newest team member must sell for the pay from the two packages to be equal. Set the equations from Pay Package One and Pay Package Two equal to each other and solve for s, sales for the week. Show the equation and all work. In your opinion, which package would be the best deal for you? Why?Review an example of a response for this Discussion.RESPONSE DAILIA:Package One=Package Two500+0.08s=250+0.8s500=250+0.08s250=0.08sS=4,800In my opinion I would choose package one because the salary is higher.Discussion GuidelinesIn this unit’s Discussion, you will interact with your classmates on the course content. Remember, your goal for Discussion Assignments is to ensure that:Responses are on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion.Responses make frequent, informed references to unit material.Responses are clearly written.You submit two or more Discussion Board responses to classmates as described in the Discussion Question that are thoughtful and advance the Discussion.Keep in mind that when you post, you should include references to the textbook and any material found online. The class is all about sharing knowledge, so use Discussions as a way of creating a community resource for yourself and your classmates.PLEASE FOLLOW FULL DIRECTIONS FOR FULL PAYMENTS THANK YOU!!


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Advanced Psychopathology – VIG 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Advanced Psychopathology – VIG 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Vignette Analysis IPlease keep your responses focused on what is presented in the  vignettes. Do not add information but use your creativity to support  what you see in the vignettes as written.  Avoid elaborations and  assumptions. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style,  and must be written at graduate-level English.Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text author. You  should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support the text information, but not replace the text.You are encouraged to use the DSM-5 Level 2 Assessment Measure(s) to formulate your diagnosis:http://www.psychiatry.org/practice/dsm/dsm5/online-assessment-measures#Level2All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that  may pertain to the vignettes below.  Legal and Ethical information  is in Chapter 16 of the course text. Cultural information is covered  throughout the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural  resources to enhance your work.Your assignment should be 3-4 pagesplusa title and reference page.Steven is a 28 year old male. His father was  African-American and his mother was Hispanic-American. Steven grew up in  East Los Angeles where gang activity was prominent. The oldest of 3  boys, Steven spent most of his childhood looking out for his 2 younger  brothers. Both parents were alcoholics and “disinterested in us kids”.   At age 19, Steven moved by himself to a major East Coast city where he  attended college and is doing well as an architect.  He is currently  married to a woman he met in college. The couple is expecting their  first child.Steven comes to therapy upon the suggestion of his  primary care physician due to chronic worry, anticipation of failure and  fear that he will not be able to financially care for his wife and new  baby, in spite of his lucrative and successful career. He also has  ruminative thoughts, that that he is a facade and that, “people will  find out who I really am.”Steven tells you that lately he has gotten dizzy when  driving on the highway and recently experienced the inability to breathe  when at the mall with his wife.  He also tells you that sometimes when  he closes his eyes, he sees his parents “beating each other up and can  hear them screaming.”  He also discloses that sometimes he wakes up at  night with clenched fists and feels like that scared little boy all over  again. Lately he has been unable to leave the house without making sure  the door is locked several times and avoids odd numbered streets on the  way to work.1. Formulate a Differential Diagnosis for Steven.  What comorbid  disorders might you see?  Support your ideas by discussing what you see  in the vignette utilizing your course readings thoroughly in your diagnostic formulation.  What information would you look for to confirm your diagnostic impression and why?2. Choose two (2) theoretical models to explain Steven’s clinical  presentation and suggested treatment modalities.  Support your ideas by  discussing the models directly and specifically to Steven.(Remember to consider culture, law and ethics when diagnosing and treating)Assignment Outcomes:Analyze the physical, cognitive, social and personality aspects of abnormal psychology and implications across the life spanExamine the major diagnostic domains and specific criteria associated with DSM-5 disorders.Evaluate legal and ethical issues in mental health treatmentDevelop an awareness of diversity and cross-cultural perspectives in abnormal psychology.Explore available treatment and interdisciplinary services for community members experiencing mental health disorders.Identify the barriers associated with seeking and receiving therapeutic services.


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psych m2a1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

psych m2a1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment 1: Discussion—Cultural Differences: Kayin’s CaseProfessionals must work with families to understand cultural and linguistic characteristics specific to each child. This is critical in determining whether a child’s experiences are typical of someone coming from a different background as opposed to a true disability. These issues can be complex as exceptionalities are seen across cultures as well.Review the following scenario:Kayin is an eight-year-old boy in the third grade. His teacher, Mr. Bledsoe, has been very concerned about his problems with reading. He also has difficulty socially, and seems withdrawn, with few, if any, friends. Kayin avoids eye contact with most people, but this is more pronounced with adults. He also becomes very frustrated at times, crying and ripping up his work.Kayin has been enrolled in the same school since kindergarten. However, Mr. Bledsoe knows that his family is originally from Nigeria and they return every summer to visit family. Although Kayin’s parents speak English fairly fluently, they have a pronounced African accent. Mr. Bledsoe remembers learning that it is an act of respect to avoid eye contact with adults in some cultures, but he cannot remember whether this is true of Nigerian culture.Mr. Bledsoe has been hesitant to raise the possibility of a disability because he does not know how much of Kayin’s struggles can be attributed to growing up in a bicultural and bilingual home or to Kayin’s own personality.Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research cultural differences related to children with exceptionalities. It may also be useful to consult CultureGrams in the online library for more information on cultures in Nigeria.Reflect on your readings and respond to the following:What steps should Mr. Bledsoe take to address Kayin’s challenges?What professionals might he include to help Kayin?What further information does Mr. Bledsoe and his colleagues need to best help Kayin? Where can he find this information?How should Mr. Bledsoe approach the issue of cultural differences with Kayin’s parents?What ethical dilemma(s) might Mr. Bledsoe face when considering the values, beliefs, and behaviors common in the culture of Kayin’s family within the context of the general American culture?Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

final paper SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

final paper SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY | 2025 Custom Writing

Subject …. and Topic√Chapter1: An Invitation to Social Psychology     √Chapter2: The Methods of Social Psychology√Chapter3: The Social Self     √Chapter5: Social Attribution: Explaining Behavior√Chapter4: Social Cognition: Thinking about People and Situations    √Chapter6: Emotion√Chapter7: Attitudes, Behavior, and Rationalization      √Chapter8: Persuasion√Chapter9: Social Influence   √Chapter11: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and DiscriminationChapter10: Relationships and AttractionChapter12: GroupsPaper: In 1,400 words or less, please describe an incident relevant to social psychology that you experienced or witnessed. Indicate the number of words at the top of the paper.After describing the incident you either witnessed or experienced, explain how four (4) of the course concepts you were exposed to (either in lecture or the book) have helped you better understand the social psychology of this incident. Make sure to clearly and thoroughly explain each concept before describing how it has helped your understanding of social psychology. Underline each concept. Cite yourexplanations of concepts using the format (Text, p.XX), or (Lecture, Date). Please do not attach a Title Page, Bibliography or Reference Page. This is unnecessary. Instead of quoting, paraphrase. For tips on 4 This syllabus will be modified as necessary. Changes will be announced in class. paraphrasing, you can do a search on Google.com to find a site such as[http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_paraphr.html]Your grade will be heavily based on the clarity and completeness of your concept explanations, as well as how persuasively you show that the concepts have helped you better understand the incident. It also will be based on following these directions (i.e. word count, number of underlined concepts, explaining an incident).


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M4D1 PYSCH | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

M4D1 PYSCH | 2025 Custom Writing

n this discussion, you are going to be asked to do a bit of critical thinking. Have you ever heard this expression? “Opposites attract.” What about this one? “ Birds of a feather flock together.” Both of these say something about what attracts one person to another and both are commonly used expressions. The problem is they are opposites.Suppose we wanted to know whether people tend to marry those who have interests and values that are different from their own (opposites) or whether they tend to marry those with similar interests and values (birds of a feather). How might we find out? As you create your discussion post, consider the following:What are the steps involved in conducting research?How do we determine what type of research is suitable for a particular problem?What type of research would be useful in this case?How would we go about doing it?Propose a simple research project that would allow you to answer the question: Which of the two statements in quotation marks above applies best to selection of marriage partners in the United States? Choose one of the research methods listed in Module 4 that you think would be the most useful and practical for exploring this question. Explain why this method would be appropriate. Describe in some detail the steps that you would take in setting up and carrying out this research.


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Processing | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Processing | 2025 Custom Writing

Write a 1,200- to 1,500-word paper in which you examine visual information processing. Address the following in your paper:Describe visual information processing. (Make sure to explain the structures and the specific processes.)Explain two conditions that impair visual information processing.Discuss current trends in the research of visual information processing and how they advance understanding of visual information processing.Include at least two scholarly peer-reviewed articles, in addition to the course text. APA format.


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Religion, Mind, and Society Critical Commentary | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Religion, Mind, and Society Critical Commentary | 2025 Custom Writing

religion/psychology/society  field1000-1200 wordsneed to developed from at least two files I uploadCSR RELATED CONTENT


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Social Media and Its Impact on Norms-PS4 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Social Media and Its Impact on Norms-PS4 | 2025 Custom Writing

CompetencyAssess the development of societal standards in relation to social media and how this can alter social norms in everyday life.InstructionsThe prevalence of social media has had a huge impact on society in the area of how we tend to relate to each other and on what is considered to be normal in general. Taking a look at the ways in which social media changes attitudes and “norms” makes for an interesting study, and one that is applicable to understanding how society is slowly changing over time.For this assignment, you will first conduct your own research on the effects of social media on societal norms (Part 1), then you will examine what has been found through previous research conducted by others (Part 2).Part 1:Compare and contrast the attitudes of two cohorts of people; one that consists of five people that rarely use social media and one cohort of five people that uses social media 2 or more hours a day.Create a list of five people that you know that use social media at least 2 or more hours per day. This group of people will make up your first cohort. Then create a list of five people that you know that either do not use social media or use it very rarely. Take into account age when creating the cohorts, and try to keep the ages as similar as possible between the cohorts. Keeping a certain level of consistency in the two cohorts will help to negate the potential effects of generational differences. Provide a brief description of each of the ten people you are going to interview divided into their respective cohorts.In other words, list the five people in the social media at least 2 or more hours a day, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them. Then provide a list of the five people that rarely or never use social media, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them.Interview the participants to learn the similarities and differences between the two cohorts as it relates to attitudes, lifestyles, and relationships. Write a two-page paper comparing and contrasting what you learned about the two cohorts. Be sure to relate your findings to cultivation theory and socialization theory in the paper.Part 2:Now you will compare your research with research findings through previous research conducted by others. Look up at least 3 articles that relate to the topic of social media and its impact on society. You are not limited to articles that are strictly written on the specific topic of social media and norms. Articles that are covering social media and society are available from a wide number of angles. After studying these articles, write a two-page paper on what you learned on the topic of social media and its potential impact on societal attitudes, customs, and norms.


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assignment criminal justice | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

assignment criminal justice | 2025 Custom Writing

Matching exercises give you an opportunity to practice definitions and develop logical and critical thinking skills. By using such techniques as inversion, diversion, and the process of elimination, you are able to greatly increase the probability of answering questions correctly. This is an important skill to have, as it is commonly found on nearly all standardized tests and increases critical thinking.Unit 7 Practice ActivityComplete the Unit 7 Assignment: How does Search and Seizure relate to the B.I.G. case?The ability to think critically is a key skill for success in the criminal justice field. It means not taking what you heard or read at face value, but using your critical thinking faculties to weigh up the evidence, and consider the implications and conclusions of the situation.Resource: Chapter 10: “Pretrial Activities and the Criminal Trial.”Review the details of the B.I.G. Case.Compile the facts and witness information for this case.Decide which witnesses could support the prosecution’s case and which witnesses would support the defense’s case. How does Search and Seizure relate to the B.I.G. case?Review the following resources:Sullivan, R. (2005). The unsolved mystery of the notorious B.I.G. Rolling Stone 989, 124. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsggo&AN=edsgcl.143044543&site=eds-liveConnecting the Dots: Frontline. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/lapd/connect/noflash.htmlDuke, A. (2011, Apr). FBI reveals documents in Biggie Smalls death probe. CNN.com. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/04/08/biggie.smalls.files/Christopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace Part 1 of 3: FBI Records: The Vault. Retrieved from https://vault.fbi.gov/Christopher%20%28Biggie%20Smalls%29%20Wallace%20/christopher-biggie-smalls-wallace-part-1-of-3/viewChristopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace Part 2 of 3: FBI Records: The Vault. Retrieved from https://vault.fbi.gov/Christopher%20%28Biggie%20Smalls%29%20Wallace%20/christopher-biggie-smalls-wallace-part-3-of-3/viewChristopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace Part 3 of 3: FBI Records: The Vault. Retrieved from https://vault.fbi.gov/Christopher%20%28Biggie%20Smalls%29%20Wallace%20/christopher-biggie-smalls-wallace-part-2-of-3/viewWrite a 350–700 word essay describing the trial process. Include the following in your essay:A description of the trial processExamples of opening and closing statementsThe types of questions asked on direct examinationHighlight important points for cross-examinationDirections for Submitting Your AssignmentSave your Assignment in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit7_Assignment).Submit your Assignment to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 7.


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If you were trying to help another student improve his study skills, what ideas from this chapter would you suggest? | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

If you were trying to help another student improve his study skills, what ideas from this chapter would you suggest? | 2025 Custom Writing

If you were trying to help another student improve his study skills, what ideas from this chapter would you suggest?After reading the memory chapter and going through the powerpoint please submit the assigned writing here in the assignment area. Remember writing assignments should be about a 1/2 page in length single spaced or whole page if doubled spaced.


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