Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

psych 315 8 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

psych 315 8 | 2025 Custom Writing

In a half page, discuss which aspect of Van der Kolk’s Chapter 13 you most identified with personally, and why.  Also, discuss how it could be helpful for someone in a PTSD crisis.Cite Van der Kolk using APA formatting.


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R-Studio work | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

R-Studio work | 2025 Custom Writing

Also provide the screenshot of R studio


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animals in research | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

animals in research | 2025 Custom Writing

The use of animals in research is controversial. Investigate this controversy using at least five resources from the Online Library. Do you think it is ethical to use animals in research? Explain your reasoning and support your answer with at least three sources from the Online Library (these sources must be different from the ones you already used in this assignment).Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Clinical Trials NO PLAGERISM | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Clinical Trials NO PLAGERISM | 2025 Custom Writing

Clinical Trials at National Institute of Mental HealthClick here ( NIMH » Clinical Trials – Information for Participants (nih.gov) to find four research studies in different topic areas in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website. For example, you might look at the studies being conducted on panic disorder and depression. Read about each study and create a table to organize the required summary information.For each study, you must state:Study titlePurpose of the studyStudy typeStudy designThree primary outcome measuresEstimated enrollment numberBrief description about the studyEligibility requirementsOne inclusion criterion and one exclusion criterionStudy locationOne principal investigatorAfter finding the required information, write a brief report on what you learned about the various types of studies being conducted at NIMH. Submit the report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document along with the information on the four studies.Submission Details:Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Psychology Studies NO PLAGERISM | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology Studies NO PLAGERISM | 2025 Custom Writing

Social Psychology StudiesUse the Internet to find five psychology studies being conducted at places in other parts of the world. Read the study information. For each of the five studies, provide the following:Name of the institution conducting the studyWhere the institution is locatedObjectives of the study and if there is any monetary compensation for participationCreate a report in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, including the answers to the following questions:Which studies were the most interesting? Why?Which study would you not want to participate in? Why?Submission Details:Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Causes, signs and treatments of anxiety RESEARCH | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Causes, signs and treatments of anxiety RESEARCH | 2025 Custom Writing

Week 1: Final Project: Selecting a Topic OPEN ATTACHMENTDeveloping a research proposal is a good way to experience research aspects firsthand without conducting an actual research study.In this assignment, you need to develop a research proposal. Your research proposal must be a 10–12-page document and include the following sections:


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Memory in Forensic Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Memory in Forensic Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

In this classmate response option, you will get to explore more specifically the research how tricky memory can be which is related to the psychology of law.  I would like for us to first overview of concept of false memories and some of the classic research on the concept: Video to watch. https://youtu.be/w2oh-Vrfzjc250 Words in APA Format.DISCUSSION RESPONSEFor the assignment you are first required to watch the following video (2 part video) on Ronald Cotton.  Ronald Cotton was exonerated in 1995, after spending over 10 years in prison for crimes he did not commit. His convictions were based largely on flawed eyewitness identification procedures used by police at the time. If you would like to read more about the sexual assault case before watching the videohttps://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dna/cotton/summary.htmlis a link.Below are the links to the videos:Testimony part 1: https://youtu.be/u-SBTRLoPuoTestimony part 2: https://youtu.be/I4V6aoYuDcgAfter reading the text material related to memory construction and watching the video about Ronald Cotton please address these questions:1. Discuss at least three errors that occurred in the investigation of Ronald Cotton investigation, related to eyewitness testimony and the topic of memory, which lead to his conviction? How did reinforcement play a role in her memory construction?2. Based on the video, what are some of the ways that investigators could reduce error related to memory and improve the reliability of eyewitness testimony?3. Please discuss either what you found most interesting about the story of Ronald Cotton or one study overviewed in the text related to memory construction (misinformation and imagination effects/Children’s eyewitness recall) that you found interesting?If you are interested in the topic of false memories, I wanted to share this podcast:The Night That Lasted A Lifetime (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-brain/id1028908750?i=1000483060535).  This week on Hidden Brain, we go back four decades to uncover the harm that arises when flawed ideas from psychology are used to determine that a teenager should spend the rest of his life behind bars.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Skills and Qualities Required of Educational Psychologists | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Skills and Qualities Required of Educational Psychologists | 2025 Custom Writing

What skills and personal qualities do educational psychologists need in order to be effective in their work?  Your should include a research-based response for both discussion of the skills AND the personal qualities.Here is a link to a detailed description of the work of a school psychologist:https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19-3034.00 (Links to an external site.)(this cannot be used as your research for the response, but it can be used to help you search for research articles based on the qualities, tasks, and abilities for success in this career).250 Words in APA FormatMust have at least one citation with accompanying reference following APA format


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

Dis 8 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Dis 8 | 2025 Custom Writing

Part one: Identify different historical definitions of, and causal explanations for sex workPart two: Apply a combination of social learning and anomie theories to sex workPart three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which various forms of sex work occurPart four: Explain the risks of violent exploitation associated with the various contexts of sex workThe posts will be graded according to the following criteria:Relevance: the ideas expressed indicate that the student has read and comprehended the assigned material.Clarity, coherence: the ideas are stated clearly and coherently.Critical thinking: there is evidence that the student has adequately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the assigned material.Poses a question for discussion: the posting articulates a question for discussion that pertains to the assigned material.Spelling, grammar: the posting must meet university-level standards of spelling and grammar.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com

PTSD | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PTSD | 2025 Custom Writing

Find an article about methods used to diagnose PTSD that talks about =4-5 references for your topic. The reference list needs to be in APA format. Thank you.comparative methods approach, looking at the literature in rates of diagnoses with the PCL, CAPS, etc.


Assignment Help OnlineLast Minute Nursing Assingment HelpNursing Assignment Helptimelynursingwriters.com