Tag Archive for: Nursing Assignment Help

2023 Discuss Topic 1 Risk Management covers my organization mental health facility This is a

Nursing 2023 Discuss Topic 1: Risk Management covers. (my organization; mental health facility).

Discuss Topic 1 Risk Management covers my organization mental health facility This is a 2023 Assignment


Discuss Topic 1: Risk Management covers. (my organization; mental health facility).

This is a discussion post, ABOUT 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.


Risk management covers many areas of an organization’s operations. Describe a minimum of two elements of risk management and 

(1) evaluate if those elements are present in your organization’s risk management program, or

(2) describe how these elements would be included in a risk management program of a typical health care organization. Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Evidence Based Integration Paper For this project you will take on the role

Nursing 2023 Evidence Based Integration Paper

Evidence Based Integration Paper For this project you will take on the role 2023 Assignment

Evidence Based Integration Paper 

For this project, you will take on the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with a chronic condition. Your patient is not completely satisfied with the treatments you’ve tried and asks about a specific alternative therapy. Unfamiliar with these sorts of therapies, you decide to do some research before making recommendation. In this case, you get to decide what condition your patient has and which intervention he or she is interested in trying. Your objective is to determine whether or not you would recommend the regular treatment either alone or in combination with alternative treatment. The paper should not be more than 4 pages excluding the title page and references. APA format is required with a professional paper.  

Nurses, of all levels of education, must be able to convey information in an articulate, 

succinct, and confident manner in a variety of clinical and academic settings. 

Discipline-specific writing promotes critical thinking, which develops the skills of 

analysis and organization. For this project, you will take on the role of a nurse 

practitioner treating a patient with a chronic condition.  Your patient is not completely 

satisfied with the treatments you’ve tried and asks about a specific alternative 

therapy.  Unfamiliar with these sorts of therapies, you decide to do some research 

before making a recommendation.  In this case, you get to decide what condition 

your patient has and which intervention he or she is interested in trying.  Your 

objective is to determine whether or not you would recommend the regular treatment 

either alone or in combination with alternative treatment.  The paper should not be 

more than four pages, excluding the title page and references. APA format is 

required with a professional paper, A paper that is judged by the faculty as very 

poorly written (such things as incomplete sentences, multiple subject/verb errors, 

unclear wording, multiple spelling errors, and/or combination of these errors) may be 

returned for revision with an automatic deduction of 25 points that cannot be 

redeemed.  Have someone proofread the paper after you have proofread—it can 

difficult to recognize your errors

Criteria Points  Grade  

1 Description of the Chronic condition (including pathophysiology and etiology).  

2 Definition of the specific treatment options, including EBP guidelines and first-line pharmacotherapy.  

3 Summary of the current research in specific alternative therapy.  This area should include specific research studies, the population description, size (n =) and the results   NEED EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE   

4 After reading the evidence.  What are some nonpharmacological treatment options that you would recommend?    

5 What did I learn doing this paper?    

6 On-time, APA format, correct grammar and spelling  

Reference :  

You can use MERCK manual for the clinical aspect  

All reference need to be not older than 2015 

American Psychological Association [APA]. (2010). Publication manual of the  

American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC:  

Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J., Porter, B., & Thomas, D. (2015). Primary care: Art  

and science of advanced practice nursing.  4th ed. FA.Davis. Philadelphia, PA.  

ISBN-13: 978-0803638013  

Fenstermacher, K., & Hudson, B. T. (2019). Practice guidelines for family nurse  

practitioners (5th  ed.). Elsevier. St Louis, Ms. ISBN-10: 0323290809  

Goroll, A. H., & Mulley, A. G. (2014). Primary care medicine: office evaluation and  

management of the adult patient. 7th ed. Wolters Kluwer Health: Philadelphia, PA.  

ISBN-13: 978-1451151497   

Kennedy-Malone, L., Fletcher, K. R. & Martin-Plank, L. (2014). Advanced Practice  

Nursing in the Care of Older Adults. F.A. Davis Company. Philadelphia, PA. ISBN 

13: 978-0803624917  

Rhoads, J., & Jensen, M. M. (Eds.). (2014). Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced  

Practice Nurse. Springer Publishing Company. New York, NY. ISBN-10:  


Other Resources  

1. Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (October 2017). Put prevention into practice. A  

step-by-step guide to delivering clinical preventive services: A systems approach. Available at  


2. Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group web site. Available at http://www.clinicalevidence.org  

3. Cochrane Library evidence-based web site. Available at http://www.cochrane.org/  

4. Fronske Web Portal Page. Available at http://www.myhq.com/public/f/l/flagstaff/ There is a  

wealth of access to various sites that can be found here, including evidence-based links and  

patient education links.  

5. University of California, San Diego: A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine At  


6. Journal of Family Practice POEMs web site. Available at  


7. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Available at 


8. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. Virtual Hospital. Available at https://uihc.org/health 


9. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Available at  


10. Nurse Org. https://nurse.org/resources/nurse-practitioner/#-what-is-a-nurse-practitioner 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 By the due date assigned submit the Informed Consent Letter to the Submissions Area please note that this


By the due date assigned submit the Informed Consent Letter to the Submissions Area please note that this 2023 Assignment

By the due date assigned, submit the Informed Consent Letter to the Submissions Area (please note that this is only an example and no data may be collected).

    Informed Consent Letter   

  • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Please provide at least a minimum of 100 words for each of


Please provide at least a minimum of 100 words for each of 2023 Assignment

Please provide at least a minimum of 100 words for each of the assignments on A and B

                                                                       UNIT 1


The Plucknette article suggests that there are considerable differences between being a leader and being a manager. Is it possible or desirable to be both? Chapter 2 of the Management textbook suggests that the four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Provide one challenge posed by serving as a leader and one challenge posed by serving as a manager in each of these functions?


What roles do leadership and innovation play within each of the four management functions? Provide an example of how to integrate leadership into at least two management functions.



1. Management

Read Chapters 1-2 and 15 in Management.


e-Library Resource

1. 4 Differences Between Managers and Leaders

Read “4 Differences Between Managers and Leaders,” from Plucknette, from Plant Engineering (2014).


                                                                       UNIT 2


Provide an example of a challenge you have experienced in the workplace leading a cross-functional team or as part of a cross-functional team. How was this challenge solved? Would you have approached the challenge differently? If so, how?


Organizations are increasingly transcending country boarders and physical space limitations. What are some effective strategies to motivate dispersed team members in a virtual setting? What are some emerging trends that deal with this challenge in your field? Provide an example.



1. Management

Read Chapters 14, 16, and 18.


e-Library 1. AlphabResource

Read “Alphabet Soup,” by Kotler, from Marketing Management (2006).


2. Big Data: Prospects and Challenges

Read “Big Data: Prospects and Challenges,” by Moorthy, from Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers (2015).


3. Change Management Dashboard: An Adaptive Approach to Lead a Change Program

Read “Change Management Dashboard: An Adaptive Approach to Lead a Change Program,” by Vaccarezza and Razzi, from People and Strategy(2014).


4. How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team

Read “How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team,” by Lepsinger and DeRosa, from Ivey Business Journal (2015).


5. Managing Virtual Team Work in IT Projects: Survey

Read “Managing Virtual Team Work in IT Projects: Survey,” by El-Sofany and Alwandani, from International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (2014).


6. The Digital Market-Sphere (DMS): Modeling Virtual Transactons and Transvectons

Read “The Digital Market-Sphere (DMS): Modeling Virtual Transactons and Transvectons,” by Carter and Parameswaran, from Marketing Management Journal (2012).


7. The Ins and Outs of Marketing in the Digital Age

Read “The Ins and Outs of Marketing in the 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Minimum of 300 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition APA format Inflammation is a process

Nursing 2023 NUR-631-D2Q2R1

Minimum of 300 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition APA format Inflammation is a process 2023 Assignment


Minimum of 300 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition APA format.

  1. Inflammation is a process that accompanies many different autoimmune disease processes. In addition, a diet that is high in sugars and processed foods can also cause inflammation. Discuss health risk factors related to dietary habits and inflammation.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Topic Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Advanced registered nurses work in highly collaborative environments and must collaborate with interdisciplinary teams

Nursing 2023 Introduction To Advanced Nursing Practice

Topic Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Advanced registered nurses work in highly collaborative environments and must collaborate with interdisciplinary teams 2023 Assignment

Topic: Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer

Advanced registered nurses work in highly collaborative environments and must collaborate with interdisciplinary teams in order to provide excellent patient care. Besides knowing the role and scope of one’s own practice, it is essential to understand the role and scope of other nurse specialties to ensure effective collaboration among nurses, the organization, and other professionals with whom advanced registered nurses regularly interact.

Use the “Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template” to differentiate how advanced registered nurse roles relate to and collaborate with different areas of nursing practice. Compare your future role with one of the following: nurse educator; nurse leader; family nurse practitioner; acute care nurse practitioner; graduate nurse with an emphasis/specialty in public health, health care administration, business, or informatics; clinical nurse specialist; doctor of nursing practice. Indicate in the appropriate columns on the template which roles you are comparing.

Make sure to compare the following areas of practice in your graphic organizer:

1. Ethics

2. Education

3. Leadership

4. Public Health

5. Health Care Administration

6. Informatics

7. Business/Finance

8. Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care)

Include any regulatory bodies or certification agencies that provide guidance or parameters on how these roles incorporate concepts into practice.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.


Read Chapters 11, 26, and 27 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.


Review Chapter 2 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care.

Explore the Advanced Practice Nurses page of the American Nurses Association (ANA) website.


Explore the Students page of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website.

Explore the American Nurses Association (ANA) website.


Explore the Nursing Overview links on the Explore Health Careers website.


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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Read chapter 1 and 2 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations once done answer the

Nursing 2023 Week 1

Read chapter 1 and 2 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations once done answer the 2023 Assignment

Read chapter 1 and 2 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations, once done answer the following questions;  

1.  In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references please define the following terms;      

 a.  Community health nursing       

b.  Community based nursing       

c.  Population focus care      

 d.  Public Health nursing  

2.  Discuss any relationship between Community health nursing and Public Health Nursing and mention and discuss any relationship between both terms. 

 3.  Discuss the concept of community assessment and why is the purpose of it and how  beneficial it is for the community health nurse.  

4.  Mention and discuss at least 2 community health frameworks/models.  Assignments must be presented in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attach the forum in the discussion board call “week 1 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references must be cited according to APA and  two replies to any of your peers posting sustained with the proper references are required.    A minimum of 500 words excluding the first and references page are required

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Week 5 Project Compilation Summarize in 3 4 pages this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4 In

Nursing 2023 P 5

Week 5 Project Compilation Summarize in 3 4 pages this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4 In 2023 Assignment


Week 5 Project


Summarize, in 3-4 pages, this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4.

In addition to the work you completed in the last four weeks, your assignment should also:

  • Include an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Implement the recommendations from the instructor.
  • Describe the role of nursing informatics.
  • Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Submission Details

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Name your document SU_NSG4029_W5_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Respond to all the questions and include the questions and answers in the Paper work

Nursing 2023 Chapters: 9 And 13 Lymphatic System; Chest And Lungs;

Respond to all the questions and include the questions and answers in the Paper work 2023 Assignment

 Respond to all the questions and include the questions and answers in the Paper work. APA style and 3 references.   this is the course book:Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination 8th 

  • W hat comprises the lymphatic system
  • Which set of lymph nodes is a common site of metastatic disease, and why?
  • Mrs. Kline, a postoperative patient who has just undergone a right modified mastectomy, is found to have edema of the right arm. What is the cause of the edema, and what teaching is necessary to help Mrs. Kline? 
  • Mr. Jackson is a 76-year-old nursing home patient who has persistent wound infections and upper respiratory infections. What is the cause of Mr. Jackson’s recurring infections? 
  • Describe the correct way to examine the lymphatic system
  • Define lymphedema
  • Provide the differential diagnosis of mumps versus cervical adenitis
  • What is elephantiasis?

JS is a 17-year-old adolescent who presents to the office with complaints of fatigue and overall body aches. He states that several of his classmates have been home sick as well. His past medical history is negative for medical illness, but he had myringotomy tubes placed when he was 5 years old. The patient lives with his mother, stepfather, and two siblings.

What is the most common cause of his diagnosis?

During the history, what positive findings will be in the HPI?

On physical examination of JS, what positive assessment results would you expect to find?

Name the primary muscles of respiration.

What is a normal rate of respiration per minute in an adult?

Prepare a teaching pamphlet on the effects of smoking on the chest and lungs.

Define the following terms and discuss when the examiner might see these conditions:

  1. Dyspnea
  2. Orthopnea
  3. Apnea
  4. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
  5. Platypnea
  6. Tachypnea
  7. Bradypnea
  8. Hyperpnea
  9. Kussmaul breathing
  10. Hypopnea
  11. Periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes)
  12. Air trapping
  13. Biot respiration
  14. Ataxia
  15. Retractions

what they would expect to find when assessing children or adolescents with the assigned condition.

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Epiglottis
  • Croup
  • Tracheomalacia
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Respiratory distress syndrome

Differentiate between a pneumothorax and a hemothorax.

List risk factors associated with respiratory disability.

HG is a 62-year-old man with a significant history of COPD and emphysema. He has a positive PMH of frequent episodes of pneumonia. His social history includes cigarette smoking for 45 years. Identify your findings on HG and the emphysema.

What is the primary etiology of the emphysema?

What are the expected findings on inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation?

What are the subjective and objective findings in HG’s presentation?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 This is a Collaborative Learning Community CLC assignment It is important to promote the professional role of the nurse to

Nursing 2023 alberto week5/3

This is a Collaborative Learning Community CLC assignment It is important to promote the professional role of the nurse to 2023 Assignment

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.  It is important to promote the professional role of the nurse to provide health promotion and disease preventive care. Collaborating with other health care professionals and consumer groups in the community in redesigning health care can help meet the goals for Healthy People 2020.  Refer to http://www.healthypeople.gov/ to open the Healthy People 2020 home page. 1.Select the “Topics & Objectives” tab to access the 2020 Topics & Objectives – Objectives A-Z page. 2.Select one of the Healthy People “Topic Areas” for improving health. 3.Submit the proposed area to the instructor for approval. No group may work on the same focus area as another group.  Develop a PowerPoint presentation (15-20 slides) with accompanying speaker’s notes and citations.  For help designing PowerPoint slides, refer to the “Create Your First Presentation” PowerPoint tutorial, located on the Microsoft website:  https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-your-first-presentation-ac88d138-a7a0-402c-b5a5-812641e59c8e?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US  In the presentation, address the following: 1.State the objective of the presentation. 2.State the Healthy People 2020 focus area your group has selected and the rationale for selection of the specific focus area. 3.Explain how the focus area relates to the individual, the family, and the community, as well as to all age groups throughout the life span. 4.Identify ways to enhance or optimize health in the selected focus area using evidence-based research. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles must be utilized. 5.Address the health disparity among different segments of the population for the selected focus area. 6.Provide a brief description of at least two community resources and at least two website resources for professionals and clients. 7.Provide a brief profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus area.  APA style is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

#eduessaylab #assignmenthelp #nursingstudents #lawstudents #termpaperbuddy #savvyessaywriters #onlineprowriters #essaywriters4life #exclusivewritings #writinghub.net #collegerpapertutors #www.legalessaywriters.com # legalessaywriters  #nursingsavvywriters #nursingassignmenthelp #professionalessaybuddy.com #professionalessaybuddy #timelynursingwriters

We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.