150 word response to only ONE of the following questions. Cite one the Social Work Code of Ethics standards to back your decision. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

150 word response to only ONE of the following questions. Cite one the Social Work Code of Ethics standards to back your decision. | 2025 Custom Writing

Respond to the following: Pick one of the ethical dilemmas below and say what you would do. Cite one the Code of Ethics standards to back your decision.A social worker who has just graduated from college and moved out on their own is having a hard time making ends meet because of student loans, rent car payment and now all their friends are getting married so there are dresses to be in the wedding (or tuxedos), bachelor/ette parties, showers, and gifts.  The social worker, who works in a psychiatric outpatient clinic for MICA and mental health issues, reverts to their job from college as a bartender. This job’s hour never interferes with the social work job and is really good for tips.  Several clients from the psychiatric clinic come into the bar and want to be served.  The social worker knows they shouldn’t be drinking, should he/she serve them? Is this an ok second job?*********** OR *************A social worker grew up in an African American Baptist community and is now working in a Hispanic Catholic community and finds the actions he observes as “wild and sometimes lazy”.  The social worker is consistently finding the same issues with every client in which they work.   You are the co-worker of the social worker, what if anything should you say?Submission InstructionsCompose a 150-word response to the discussion item. Your response must be supported by details and examples. Your original response must be completed no later than the second day of this module. Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two other students no later than the fourth day of this module.


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