2023 1 Review the Sample Size Topic Material Assume you want to do a project that compares the survey results before

Nursing 2023 sample size

1 Review the Sample Size Topic Material Assume you want to do a project that compares the survey results before 2023 Assignment

1. Review the “Sample Size” Topic Material. Assume you want to do a project that compares the survey results before an intervention to those after an intervention in the same sample (the same people will take both surveys). You plan to use a paired t-test to analyze your results. Identify and select a tool of your choice to conduct the sample size calculation. Perform a sample size calculation to determine how large your sample should be. Justify your sample size calculation with citations. Discuss how your sample size may affect the validity of your project. (reference) 60-80 words

2. Describe the process of a retrospective chart review. How are these data collected? How would you access the data? What is the validity and reliability of these data? What steps would you need to take to ensure these data were accurately pulled from the database? (reference ) 50 -80 words

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