2023 122 000 Providence Health Plan Members Impacted by Dominion National Data Breach Go to the

Nursing 2023 Discussion Board Protecting Patient information

122 000 Providence Health Plan Members Impacted by Dominion National Data Breach Go to the 2023 Assignment

122,000 Providence Health Plan Members Impacted by Dominion National Data Breach

Go to the HIPAA Journal website (Links to an external site.).

In your initial post summarize and include the following information:

  • healthcare organization and location
  • type of service(s) provided by the organization
  • type of breach
  • time period over which breach occurred
  • number of and type of clients impacted
  • recommendation actions to resolve the case including any fines or penalties.
  • in conclusion, formulate an opinion on a risk management activity that could have been implemented to prevent the breach.

Provide a thoughtful and complete initial post that is two to three paragraphs (minimum of 400 words),

 1 . Use APA format and cite sources, as necessary. 

2. Student’s must use a minimum of 3 scholarly references – scholarly references can include peer-reviewed articles, textbooks, journals, and scholarly news articles. No YouTube videos.

No plagiarism

Textbook Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration 

Edition #:8

Author: J. Stuart Showalter, JD

Year: 2017

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