2023 Activity 4 Economics A community assessment begins with a basic windshield survey where

Nursing 2023 Economics

Activity 4 Economics A community assessment begins with a basic windshield survey where 2023 Assignment


Activity 4


A community assessment begins with a basic windshield survey where each community subsystem is explored.  Explore how economics may influence health and develop economic prevention strategies in relation to community health levels of prevention. 

Click on the Enter Sentinel City® and continue your virtual experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City®.  Since this is your second tour, feel free to choose any bus speed and/or get off the bus at any time to walk around.  As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically focused on the subsystem: economics, note sign that indicate if the city is “thriving” or “surviving”.  Meet with Mayor Hill to discuss the subsystem: economics.  Compile your observations and any demographic information addressing each item listed in the first column of the rubric.  You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column as you complete this activity. 

Reading and Resources

Harkness & DeMarco (2016) Read Chapters 18 & 19

Visit Scorecard: The Pollution Information Site

Visit CDC Minority Health: Other At Risk Populations

Additional Instructions:

  1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  2. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Option



  • 1 to 2-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

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