2023 As pressures and demands for more standardized business structures fluctuate in society health care administration leaders

Nursing 2023 WK 6 Discussion

As pressures and demands for more standardized business structures fluctuate in society health care administration leaders 2023 Assignment

As pressures and demands for more standardized business structures fluctuate in society, health care administration leaders may experience challenges in developing consistent methods for solving health care administration problems. Though consistency may be necessary for enacting change, within many areas and localities, consistency may not be an option. As a result, a leader must be able to use a systems thinking approach to evaluate the best method for leadership contingent upon the circumstance.

For this Discussion, select a current event related to health care administration and leadership not previously discussed in earlier weeks. With the event you selected, reflect on how you might apply Fiedler’s Contingency Model. Consider the actions and interactions between leaders and subordinates with the application of this model.

Post a brief description of the event you selected. Then, explain whether the leader’s interaction with his or her subordinates was task-motivated or relationship-motivated. Justify your answer based on Fiedler’s Contingency Model.

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