2023 Assignment Select your site for the community educational project Complete and submit the signed not typed Community Health Educational

Nursing 2023 Assignment

Assignment Select your site for the community educational project Complete and submit the signed not typed Community Health Educational 2023 Assignment



  1. Select your site for the community educational project.
  2. Complete and submit the signed (not typed) Community Health Educational Project Permission Form. (if this cannot be completed in the first week, please speak directly with your professor about options). No typed signatures are permitted- the person in charge at the venue you choose to use for your presentation will need to sign the form. 
  3. Practice Hours: each module has a minimum required practice hours related to your work on the main education project. Practice hours relate to time spent on project work (Discussion Board work does not apply). Document your hours for Module 1 in Project Concert. Access Project Concert. You should have an estimated 2 – 3 hours for this module. Minimum required hours must be entered into Project Concert for Module 1. Some states/entities require hour logs for certification or employment. It is the student’s professional responsibility to ensure all hours are entered correctly in order to meet these requirements. Please see the Project Concert directions document in the Learning Materials on how to enter hours.

Please submit your site selection in an APA formatted essay of 250 to 300 words in length.  In this course, in every module assignment or discussion,  due to the nature of the assignments, you are permitted to use first person, such as I, We, Me, Us, etc. The essay should explain why you selected the site and when and where your educational presentation will take place. Please submit the essay and the permission form into the dropbox- these may be submitted in two files in the dropbox. Remember that all essay assignments are to be in strict APA format with the required title page (See the APA sample paper attached to your welcome to class email for details), an intro paragraph to tell the reader the purpose of the paper, your discussion of your assignments, a conclusion paragraph to sum up the paper, and references listed for each source that is sited with in the text of the paper.  This course does not utilize an Abstract or an annotated bibliography. 

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