2023 Assignment Your EBP Demographics Tool As part of continuing your work on

Nursing 2023 Advanced Nursing Research (Demographic tool for EBP project)

Assignment Your EBP Demographics Tool As part of continuing your work on 2023 Assignment

Assignment: Your EBP Demographics Tool

As part of continuing your work on your EBP proposal, you create a demographics tool that you use to capture data on participants who will be part of your EBP project. Here is a Demographics Questionnaire (Word) example of a demographics tool section. (see attachment). Keep in mind that you should include only information that is important to include in data analysis and write-up. Asking extraneous questions is burdensome for participants; thus, your demographics questions need to be meaningful, relevant, and as brief as possible.

Assignment Instructions

Using a Word document, create a demographics tool that has a minimum of eight questions but a maximum of 20 questions.

Note: This assignment is in reference to the EBP project you worked for me a few weeks ago regarding Mental Health. I live in Miami, Florida.

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