2023 Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation Nurse practitioners can practice in many

Nursing 2023 Discussion # 3

Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation Nurse practitioners can practice in many 2023 Assignment

Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation 

Nurse practitioners can practice in many locations and can be a clinical practice as well as a consulting business, educational business. Read through the list and use it to develop your own business plan presentation. The presentation must have no more than 15 slides including the title and reference page and must have the following headings:

  1. Concept Statement: What are the benefits of your product or service? Presenting the practice idea, reason for selecting this area and summarizes the general plan.
  2. Marketing Plan: What is the target market and how will you penetrate it? Presents the need for the practice, who it will be marketed to and why that group. Present a sample of a marketing strategy (i.e. magazine, tv or radio ad)
  3. Development: How will you develop and produce the product or service? What are the risks of the venture and what can you do to reduce these risks?
  4. Finance & Accounting: What are the financial implications of the plan? What resources, including funding, are required to successfully create the business plan? Show how you will support the business (billing). Expenses, contracts, building space et.  
  5. Legal Considerations: Identify any legal considerations the business team might foresee. Collaboration, protocols, state regulations, local regulation, licenses, certifications needed the business.

Please see the file attached for complete information and requirements for this presentation.  

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