2023 Comment1 Intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an activity for personal satisfaction rather for some consequence a person who

Nursing 2023 comment

Comment1 Intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an activity for personal satisfaction rather for some consequence a person who 2023 Assignment


Intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an activity for personal satisfaction rather for some consequence, a person who is intrinsically motivated acts For the Fun of a challenge rather than external pressures or rewards (Ryan, 2000). Extrinsic motivation is when an activity is performed to gain a separable outcome, an extrinsically motivated person acts in hopes of gaining an outside reward (Ryan, 2000). Motivation for the extrinsic person would be such as pay raises, bonuses, and benefits. Intrinsically motivated people perform an activity because they simply like the activity or the challenge, an extrinsically motivated person performs an activity for its instrumental value whether it be receiving a reward or avoiding punishment.

Characteristics of a performance-driven team is a team who works together and because of that a greater outcome is achieved. Eggenberger, Sherman, Keller (2014) stated that in any setting, “high-performance work teams rarely occur naturally. They must be created and managed. To instill effective teamwork into health care, leaders need to recognize and emphasize its importance”. Having a strong team with strong communication skills is a key characteristic to have. Our team at work is amazing and we work really well together. We are always helping each other out even if we are busy and behind with charting.


Motivation is an essential part to everyday life, task completion and performance results. Two types of motivation to be discussed are intrinsic and extrinsic. “Intrinsic motivation is something internal, either primal (such as the need to eat) or learned (such as the knowledge of healthful eating). Extrinsic motivation is something external and may be both positive (such as rewards) or negative (such as punishment). Repeated exposure to extrinsic motivation may help create an intrinsic motivation. (Eggenberger, Sherman & Keller, 2014)

When dealing with intrinsic motivation and example that relates to me is that of knowledge of nursing skills. I placed a great deal of motivation into my everyday tasks as a nurse, from practicing proper infection control to medication management and administration. These tasks need to be completed and with precision at that. Extrinsic motivation is a little different, an example that pertains to be would be picking up overtime at work or covering shifts that need to be filled. Currently at my place of employment we are short staffed on our 11pm to 7am shift. My work is offering an incentive to those whom are willing to work of an additional $100 dollars per shift worked. This is a reward that motivated employees to pick up overtime and coverage. 

“In any setting, high-performance work teams rarely occur naturally. They must be created and managed. To instill effective teamwork into health care, leaders need to recognize and emphasize its importance. They play a key role in helping a team develop the ability to collaborate effectively, build relationships and trust, innovate, and achieve results at a consistently high level.” ( Repovich, 2013) Characteristic that are essential are communication skills, team work ethics and motivation.

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