2023 comment1 The concept of a spiritual worldview incorporates religion and spiritually as well as many other philosophical or popular beliefs

Nursing 2023 Comment

comment1 The concept of a spiritual worldview incorporates religion and spiritually as well as many other philosophical or popular beliefs 2023 Assignment


The concept of a spiritual worldview incorporates religion and spiritually, as well as many other philosophical or popular beliefs and reference point that make assumptions about the larger context of human existence. To many people, their worldview is the most important thing in their lives with seceding role in directing behavior, guiding attitude to health, work and relationship; and strongly influencing how they regard themselves and others. As a professional nurse, I put aside my personal religious views and not to apply them to the patient’s life. In life, it is not a must to agree on either religious views, political or taste of music to come into terms.

Thinking about religion and spirituality, as dimensions of a person’s spiritual worldview helps us to be responsive to the complex and diverse ways in which people personalize their beliefs. This means we are less likely to make assumptions about their needs, wishes, and practices based on a generalized term on their admission paperwork (Park, Currier, Harris, & Slattery, 2017).Furthermore, understanding the patient’s worldview helps us to develop a better understanding the patient’s worldview helps us to develop a better understanding of the patient and their complex; assists in the collaborative dialogue that encourages patients to commit to treatment regimens and healthy-living practices; lets patients know that we are concerned with the whole person; lastly, helps us support spiritual patients to tap into resources that they contribute to improved coping and wellbeing. If I were in a position that I couldn’t make my own decision and the individual that I have designated as my health proxy was not present to make decisions on my behalf. 


When it comes to facilitating spiritual care with worldviews that are different from my own, my strengths are that I have discussed spirituality and religiosity with my patients in my initial assessment so I am already aware of any needs or desires they may have.  If they have a different perspective than mine, I discuss the specifics of what they expect if the situation arises where spirituality needs to be considered.  If I am unfamiliar with their desires, I research it at the earliest opportunity and then revisit it to be sure that we are on the same page.  Over the years, my patients have educated me more than any other source and that education of different spirituality, religions, and cultures is something I pack away in my tool box for use again.

My weakness, in regards to spiritual care, is that I want to do everything I can to save or preserve a life, and at times, patients do not agree, so I have to respect their wishes. 
It’s truly difficult to accept the desires of a Jehovah witness new mom who is hemorrhaging and refusing blood.  My belief is that God wants me to do everything I can to ensure survival of both mom and baby.  When a mother is clearly in danger of losing her life but stands firm in her decision to refuse blood, I struggle with holding my tongue and pray for a quick intervention.  I have seen this situation go both ways and I will never understand a person who chooses to accept death that easily when life is so easily maintained, however, I continue to respect that is a part of their belief system.


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